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Archive through July 1, 2000

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Fred the mine is part of it and the other part is for a pipeline Bulgaria through Kosovo to Albania and to Europe.They wanted to cut Russia out of the picture but I am glad it will not happen now same asthe one from Ajerbaijan to Turkey.I am so glad Yeltsin is gone and Putin is in.Keep looking in Emperor's New Clothes and you will find all answers.

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Kosovo Killing Fields?
By John Pilger

There is as yet no evidence that genocide took place in Kosovo. But that fact is nigh impossible to find in the press.

New Statesman 15th November 1999

Kosovo is today's slow news. Slow news is news that is ignored or minimised. It is a highly effective, though generally unrecognised, form of censorship in democracies. The expulsion and terrorising of 240,000 Serbs and other minorities from Kosovo since Nato took charge is of little media interest. The Society for Endangered People says 90,000 Gypsies have been forced to flee an ethnic-cleansing campaign conducted on a grand scale by the Kosovo Liberation Army. But who cares about Gypsies, let alone the demonised Serbs?

Even slower news is the justification for this continuing violence, indeed for the Nato bombing that left several thousand civilians dead and maimed, both Serbs and Kosovars, and devastated the environment and economic life of the region. Nato embarked on this epic destruction, the then defence secretary George Robertson said last March, to "prevent a humanitarian catastrophe" and stop "a regime which is intent on genocide". The G-word was repeated many times. Bill Clinton referred to "deliberate, systematic efforts at . . . genocide".

The British press took their cue. "FLIGHT FROM GENOCIDE," said a Daily Mail headline over a picture of Kosovar children in a lorry. Both the Sun and Mirror referred to "echoes of the Holocaust". Figures were supplied. The US defence secretary, William Cohen, said: "We've now seen about 100,000 military-aged men missing . . . They may have been murdered." Geoffrey Hoon, then Foreign Office minister, put the Albanian dead at 10,000, adding that "the final toll may be much worse". A widely quoted US Information Agency factsheet claimed: "The number of unaccounted-for ethnic Albanian men ranges from a low of 225,000 . . . to over 400,000." Cherie Blair told the Sun she was "horrified about the rape camps".

In recent weeks, disquieting questions have been raised about this propaganda blitzkrieg. It seems that, although no place on earth has been as scrutinised by forensic investigators, not to mention 2,700 media people, no evidence of mass murder on the scale used to justify the bombing has yet been found. The head of the Spanish forensic team attached to the International Criminal Tribunal, Emilio Perez Pujol, says that as few as 2,500 were killed. In an interview with El Pais, he said: "I called my people together and said, 'We're finished here.' I informed my government and told them the real situation. We had found a total of 187 bodies." He complained angrily that he and colleagues had become part of "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines, because we did not find one - not one - mass grave".

The FBI has found 200 bodies in 30 sites. The village of Ljubenic was believed to hold a mass grave of 350 bodies. Seven bodies were found. So far, 20 forensic teams operating in Kosovo have found 670 bodies. Perhaps the most significant disclosure, confirmed by the International Criminal Tribunal on 11 October, was that the Trepca lead and zinc mines contained no bodies. Trepca was central to the drama of the investigation: the corpses of 700 murdered Albanians were presumed hidden there. On 7 July, the Mirror reported that a former mine-worker, Hakif Isufi, had seen dozens of trucks pull into the mine on the night of 4 June and heavy bundles unloaded. He said he could not make out what the bundles were. The Mirror was in no doubt: "What Hakif saw was one of the most despicable acts of Slobodan Milosevic's war - the mass dumping of executed corpses in a desperate bid to hide the evidence. War-crimes investigators fear that up to 1,000 bodies were incinerated in the Auschwitz-style furnaces of the mine with its sprawling maze of deep shafts and tunnels."

All this was false.

This is not to say that evidence supporting a figure close to 10,000 may not yet materialise; fewer than half of the 400 "crime scenes" have been examined. But a pattern of truth versus propaganda is emerging. The numbers of dead so far confirmed suggest that the Nato bombing provoked a wave of random brutality, murders and expulsions, a far cry from systematic extermination: genocide. Other atrocities of particular media interest, such as the "rape camps" that so horrified Cherie Blair, are turning out to be fiction. Dr Richard Munz, the doctor at the huge Stenkovac refugee camp told Die Welt: "The majority of media people I talked to came here and looked for a story . . . which they had already . . . the entire time we were here, we had no cases of rape. And we are responsible for 60,000 people." He stressed that this did not mean that rape did not happen, but it was not the tabloid version. The same is true of the Milosevic regime. No one can doubt its cruelty and atrocities, but comparisons with the Third Reich are ridiculous.

These facts and the questions they raise have not been judged newsworthy. A data-base search reveals hardly a word in the news pages of the serious mainstream national papers, with the exception of the Sunday Times. The Guardian has published only a piece by their columnist Francis Wheen, critical of the author of an article on the Kosovo figures in the Spectator on 30 October. BBC News, to my knowledge, has remained silent on the subject.

This is understandable. With honourable exceptions, propagandists, not reporters, attended much of the Kosovo tragedy. Indeed, some journalists have been open in admitting that they, not Tony Blair's press secretary, deserve the credit for putting the government's case. The forbidden question was put last week by a troubled Andrew Alexander in his column in the Mail. "Could it turn out to be," he asked, "that we killed more innocent civilians than the Serbs did?"

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Igor, I left above a link to Fred. Have You seen it?

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The Serbian side was then required to agree to the 'Agreement' without changing it, or face NATO attack on Yugoslavia. If the Serbian government had signed the 'Agreement' the agreement would have had no status in international law, since treaties signed under threat of aggression have no force in international law. But the Serbian authorities, probably wisely, did not have any confidence in their ability to rely upon international law, so they refused to sign.

Most people assume that the Serbian government refused to sign, because the 'Agreement' would lead to the independence of Kosovo. The 'Agreement' did involve a de facto NATO Protectorate (not, by the way, a democratic entity. The Chief of the Implementation Force could dictate to the Kosovo government on any aspect of policy he considered relevant to NATO (ie US) concerns.)

But the real sticking point for the Serbian government seems to have been the threat that the 'Agreement' posed to the rest of Yugoslavia. The NATO compliance force would have complete control of Kosovo deploying there whatever types of forces it wished: ' NATO will establish and deploy a force (hereinafter KFOR) which may be composed of ground, air, and maritime units from NATO and non-NATO nations, operating under the authority and subject to the direction and the political control of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) through the NATO chain of command. The Parties agree to facilitate the deployment and operations of this force.' Thus, if the US wished to use Kosovo as a base for the invasion and occupation of the rest of Yugoslavia it could do so

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Yes thank you Delenn very informative.Just posted excerpt from it

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I like it too.

Nevertheless, Gonzo this air-only war has succeeded militarily (The serbian army is out).
And at one stage, it was prety doubtfull.

"just check out some sites, find out what happend prior to the conflict. "
And if I find something oposite to your certainties, what should I do?

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Another excerpt about appendix B

This was threat enough. But the so-called 'Appendix B' added to the document at Rambouillet itself and kept secret until it was leaked and eventually published in the French press, insisted that NATO forces could move at will across the whole of Yugoslavia. Thus: 'NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, manoeuvre, billet, and utilisation of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations.' NATO could also alter the infrastructure of Yugoslavia at will: 'NATO may.... have need to make improvements or modifications to certain infrastructures in the FRY, such as roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, and utility systems.' It could thus move around investigating all Yugoslav infrastructures with a view to destroying them (in an attack) later. And the Yugoslav authorities 'shall provide, free of cost, such public facilities as NATO shall require.' The Yugoslav authorities 'shall, upon simple request, grant all telecommunications services, including broadcast services, needed for the Operation, as determined by NATO. This shall include the right to utilise such means and services as required to assure full ability to of cost.' 'NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rails, and ports without payment of fees, duties, dues, tolls, or charges occasioned by mere use.' The Yugoslav authorities must not merely tolerate this: they must facilitate it:' The authorities in the FRY shall facilitate, on a priority basis and with all appropriate means, all movement of personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, or supplies, through or in the airspace, ports, airports, or roads used. No charges may be assessed against NATO for air navigation, landing, or takeoff of aircraft, whether government-owned or chartered. Similarly, no duties, dues, tolls or charges may be assessed against NATO ships, whether government-owned or chartered, for the mere entry and exit of ports

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Oh, I dunno Fred, just use your common sence, I guess. How about that..

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I don't fully agree with:
Taking over the Trepca mines: Plans and Propaganda
by Diana Johnstone (2-28-00) [emperors-clothes]

I read the "International Crisis Group
Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth
26 November 1999 "
first and and her comment after. Too bad, I don't agree with her interpretation.
I can tell you why if you want.

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I am in the process of putting together a collection of dog food and used toilet paper to send to Igor and the other Russian beggars living of the Canadian welfare system. Maybe the generous Israeli public will airlift several aircraft full of food for Russia. Maybe this way you people won't swamp the holy land.

I know that you are a pee stained coward Igor, who would never reveal his address, but the Sephardic are a generous people - any address will do. Don't worry you will get the dog food and toilet paper. Your father will be happy as he wolfs down good quality dog food.

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You pretend Nato went on bombing because they didn't sign the Rambouillet agreement.
They never signed it. So why did they stop bombing?
In reality, it's true, Nato didn't want them to sign because this would have meant immediate stop to the bombing. And, as they didn't trust Milosevic, they didn't want to give him a delay that would allow him to consolidate his military and infrastructures.

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Bernstain has returned from his world record setting marathon.He got butt slammed by 2139 black faggots and is now confortably resting at the MT Zion hospital in Hollywood California.He is not conducting any interviews right now due to the fact that he is on his stomach because during the record feat his anal cavity was ripped open and he is recovering from surgery.His video will be coming out shortly and he asked me to be his agent to get him appearances on the JERRY SPRINGER show.He will be doing a segment on guys who dropped their girlfriends for their father because in his family incest is best.

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I think Marie is probably fighting everyone, is there any discussion topic that isn't covered with her cut n' paste campaign?

Hi all!

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HI KIM :Yes but some of those guys on there are complete idiots.They contribute nothing and just goad people with their ignorant comments especially A P.He is another one who wants to teach me a lesson,and then we got ALL AM there too doing the same thing.I wonder if they ever stop to think that some of those people have family over there and the issue is very close to their heart.

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HI IGOR, L"MENEXE, DIMI, FREDDIE and the rest of you guys: Had to go out of town for a couple of days. Trust all is well with you; see some good dialog here. Also, see the infamous postings of the Exhaulted BARNSCHWEINE and BACON, LTD have remained as interesting and creative as ever.

Igor, did Barnschweine break Bacon's record for you know what? HE HE HE.

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