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Archive through July 1, 2000

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>>>By Hairy Mary ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 07:05 am:

I do indeed read all. >>>>

That's what I thought. I feel that sometimes your sense of humor is getting you in trouble by painting you in a different light, as if you are not interested in serious matters. But I think, after a hard day's of work, you want to have some fun, and the humor is one way of achieving it. I guess you have many other ways of having fun, but it's better if I don't indulge on that.

What is your expectations or plans in the long run? Is the dump truck real, or your way of having fun (just like your two teeth)?

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ms. mary:

i felt the 'cottage industry' remark on sat. was
the cause of your being very upset and resisting
the urge to 'go after...{blank}'
if it wasnt, then fine w/moi

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By Turk ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 05:39 am:
>>>The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: "the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God." In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Yet, notwithstanding this difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system. >>>

>Surely the above explanation is contrary to >logic.

You are trying to judge God by human intellect. God cannot be known from human reasoning, but only from His revelation of Himself to man, which is what He did in the Person of Jesus Christ.

>1. there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son,
>and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being
>truly distinct one from another.

>2. the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all
>alike are uncreated and omnipotent.

>3. the Father is God, the Son is God, and the
>Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three
>Gods but one God.

>Why is the central doctrine of Christianity so

It is not unlogical Turk. It is very logical. Your mind just cannot grasp it. Even the most devout Christian Saints with their limited human intellects can only partially grasp this central mystery of the Faith. One cannot fully grasp the mystery of the Holy Trinity until he die and go to Heaven and see God as He really is.

>Assume I made a statement like that:

>1. there are Three Fruits, the Banana, the
>Apple, and the Peach, these Three Fruits being
>truly distinct one from another.

Bad analogy Turk. A better analogy is an Armenian who gives birth to an Armenian, or even a Turk who gives birth to a Turk. The Turk does not give birth to an Armenian and the Armenian does not give birth to a Turk. Take yourself Turk. What are you alone? You do not know. But if you know your father, then you know what it means to be a Turk and you know what you are. Yet, even if you know your father and he knows his son (you), you do not know what it is like to be in his position knowing you and he does not know what it is like to be in your position knowing him, and therefore the knowledge of Turkish identity is lacking in perfection. Thus, for a complete self-sufficient knowledge of Turkish identity to exist, there must be some way for the Turkish father to know how the turkish son perceives him, and for the Turkish son to know how the Turkish father perceives him, as if the Turkish father could actually be the Turkish son (while also at the same time remaining the father), and the Turkish son could actually be the Turkish father (without ceasing to be the son). The answer is that there must be a third person distinct from the father and the son who is generated by the mutual knowledge of the Turkish father and the Turkish son of each other, and this third person in the relationship between the Turkish father and the Turkish son would be the Turkish spirit.

In like manner, there is God the Father, who gives birth to God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the knowledge of and infinite love for the Son by the Father and the Father by the Son generates the Holy Spirit of God.

This is the best I can do to explain it. If you still cannot accept it Turk, then you should just take it on faith by the miracles performed by Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, and by the Saints of the Catholic Church as recorded in history.

>2. the Fruits are co-eternal and co-equal: all
>alike are uncreated and omnipotent.

You cannot place God on the level of fruits. God created man in His own image, which is why the Turkish father and Turkish son explanation worked.

>3. the Banana is Fruit, the Apple is Fruit, and
>the Peach is Fruit, and yet there are not three
>Fruits but one Fruit.

no no no.

>the people would chase me away for being stupid,
>and yet are you telling me that this is the
>central doctrine of your religion? It looks very
>shaky foundation to me.

Your mind is indeed incredibly dull.
Lift your mind above higher things than fruits.
God made Adam out of the dust of the earth (making him into at least the level of an animal), and then breathed His own Spirit into him giving him life (and knowledge, though not perfect, of God). When Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin (eating the forbidden fruit), God cursed them and withdrew His Spirit from them (their bodies were temples of the Holy Spirit up to that time), after which their minds grew dark and they began to die. That is why people grow old and die, because death is the punishment for man's disobedience to God. All men, then, are born destined to eternal damnation in Hell, but God, not wanting the death of man whom He created, sent His only Son Jesus Christ to offer Himself up as a Sacrifice and propitiation for the sins of humanity against God. Why did Christ die on the Cross? Because only Christ, Who is Perfect God, was an acceptable Sacrifice, an unblemished Sacrifice, and the only Sacrifice that God the Father would accept - the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. God the Father was not appeased by the sacrifice of bulls, rams, and lambs offered up by the Israelites, but He commanded those sacrifices as a precursor to teach the His people the notions and necessity of sacrifice in order to prepare them for the Perfect and final Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.

>ps. Is this the knife you were talking about?

The knife I was refering to is the infamous Turkish treachery.

By Turk ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:02 am:
>Let us now look from a different angle:

>1. the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all
>alike are uncreated and omnipotent.

>2. the Son is begotten of the Father by an
>eternal generation, and the Holy Spirit proceeds
>by an eternal procession from the Father and the

>So your central doctrine is telling us the Son
>is begotten of the Father, and the Holly Spirit
>emanates from the Father and the Son.


>How can somebody state two things are equal and
>without a beginning (co-eternal), if the second
>proceeded from the first before it?

The Saints of the Church spend their lives meditating on this great mystery. You must understand, that the dimension of time is a property of our physical universe, but God is not constrained by time, which is why he knows everything that was and everything that is and evderything that will be. In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, however, God condescends to our level and redeems our time into His eternal memory. That is why Christ said to His Apostles "Do this into my memory" when He offered the first Mass the day before He was put to death on the Cross.

If you start to think about these things Turk, you can lift yourself up to God and out of the cage of your Mohammedan blindness.

>As well, each single element has its own
>peculiar characteristics which can not be
>attributed to the others.

The priest prays (in Latin)in the Mass: "It is fitting indeed and just, right and helpful to salvation, for us always and everywhere to give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Everlasting God, Who with Thy Only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, one Lord; not in the unity of a single person, but in the trinity of a single nature. For that which we believe on Thy revelation concerning Thy glory, that same we believe of Thy Son, that same of the Holy Spirit, without difference or discrimination. So that in confessing the true ands everlasting Godhead, we shall adore distinction in persons, oneness in being, and equality in Majesty. This the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim and Seraphim do praise; day by day they cease not to cry out as with one voice, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are filled with Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. + Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest."

>Would you accept Holly Spirit be placed at fore,
>with the Son to follow, and the Father followed
>these. That is the Son is begotten of the Holly
>Spirit, and the Father emanates from the Holly
>Spirit and the Son.

That is not the case. The Father begets the Son, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father AND the Son.

>So how they can be at all equal?

You need to abandon your worldly way of thinking and accept the thoughts of God into your mind.

If the Son was not equal to the Father, and the Holy Spirit was not equal to the Father and the Son, then how could the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be One God? And yet, the Father has glorified the Son after His Ascension into Heaven on the fortieth day after His Resurrection from the dead. For the human nature of Christ had never been to Heaven, but with His Ressurection it was glorified and with His Ascension it was raised into Heaven the first fruits of Salvation for humanity.

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No my dear I wasn't upset. I'm experiencing withdrawel systems. Hope he dosen't come back for with the help of HIGH LORD HASHISH's good sh!t I'm getting over it.

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Hopefully, my plans in the long run call for a me to buy a brand new bulldozer with trailer to hook up to my dump truck. I have more than 2 teeth, almost 3 front teeth to be exact; I have a glass eye and wooden leg and a hairlip which is hidden by my goatie, I bench press 410lbs and I go dancing in my work boots. How's about taking me to a fancy resturant and introducing me to your family "Big Boy?"

ps: Maybe the truth will be known someday, HE HE HE. Must be off for a hearing, BYE for now. Have a great day everyone and be safe.

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>>>By Hairy Mary ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 08:01 am:

Hopefully, my plans in the long run call for a me to buy a brand new bulldozer with trailer to hook up to my dump truck. I have more than 2 teeth, almost 3 front teeth to be exact; I have a glass eye and wooden leg and a hairlip which is hidden by my goatie, I bench press 410lbs and I go dancing in my work boots. How's about taking me to a fancy resturant and introducing me to your family "Big Boy?" >>>

I am sory but you are not my type, as far as described above. I prefer woman with full set of teeth, both eyes, both legs, and no beard. I don't mind if she does aerobics, but no to bench press.

Could the truth be that you are a MAN? (I always assumed you are, since no woman will call herself hairy).

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Sorry guys, I obviously gave the silly sod the impression I could give a f@ck

Olive branch indeed!!!

Oh well, I guess he felt important for a while.

Suffering fools is what we do here isn't it L'menexe?

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At least 36 people have been killed in a series of bomb attacks across Chechnya.
In the most serious incident, 25 people died with more than 80 wounded after an explosion in the town of Argun about 15km (nine miles) east of the capital Grozny.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry said the bomb was in a lorry parked outside a dormitory housing Russian special forces. The explosion happened at about 2000 local time (1600 GMT) on Sunday the ministry said.

Chechen rebels said it was a suicide attack - describing it as one in a series of five bombings carried out in the past 24 hours.

It was the highest toll yet in a series of bombings and ambushes that Chechen rebels have unleashed on Russian troops and pro-Moscow Chechen officials over the past month.

Our correspondent says Russian President Vladimir Putin has met military commanders to discuss the worsening situation.

Moscow officials are due to fly to the scene, and a ministry helicopter has taken rescue workers to Argun from the neighbouring republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

More attacks

Chechen rebel spokesman Movladi Udugov said: "Chechen suicide bombers in four towns - Urus-Martan, Gudermes, Argun and Noyber - killed many Russians last night,"

The rebels have launched a series of bombings, including suicide attacks, targeting Russian checkpoints and offices in Chechnya.

The Russian military said on Sunday a suicide driver blew up his truck near a police station in the town of Gudermes, Chechnya's second largest city.

The head of the Russian military administration in the breakaway republic, General Ivan Babichev, confirmed there was also an attack in Urus-Martan, but did not give casualty figures.

"A driver with a truck full of explosives blew himself up near the military administration of Urus-Martan. Rebels nearby then opened fire on the building, but the attack was repelled," Mr Babichev said.

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By Turk ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:42 am:
>I'm vicious and brutal? Ha ha. People will treat
>me like a clown if I go out and yell I'm
>vicious, I am brutal, I am Turk! Ha, Ha, so

ROFL. They may treat you like a clown, but it would be an honest admission comming from you. And then you could admit the Genocide and then there could be reconciliation between the Turks and the Armenians (and a good start for reconciliation with Catholics and Russians as well).

Congratulations Turk. Ya actually made me laugh hard.

>You are one unique individual. As I said before
>I only feel pity for you, regardless of what you

Turk, as Jesus Christ said to the women of Jerusalem as he was forced to carry the Cross on the Via Dolorosa, save the pity for yourself and your people.

>For your information, some of the Armenians I
>met was during an Armenian festival, where
>Armenian schools were displaying Armenian Folk
>dances, and they were singing Armenian songs (in

>You have no idea about Turkey and Turks. You are
>a brain-washed, hate-mongering person. I hope
>you are not beyond help.

You are wrong Turk. I even did my best to save an 18-year-old fanatic Mohammedan Azeri soldier POW from getting beaten up by a few of the Armenian soldiers in my batalion. After they buried him alive and bragged about it I chewed their asses out at the top of my lungs and told those particular guys they were hooligans and murderers no different from the Turks. There were repercussions of my actions, like getting snide remarks and jeers from some quarters in the city. I was encouraged however, by many Armenians who disagreed with the killing of that Turk and approved of my defense of his life. I only regret that I wasn't there to prevent a few thugs in uniform masquerading as soldiers from taking him away to his fate. I never expected that would happen.

Another time I also came to the defense of a handful of Azeri POWs who had been conscripted by Elchibey to fight a war they didn't believe in. I exhorted the guards to treat the prisoners with compassion, even if they didn't deserve it. Needless to say, some of the guards didn't appreciate my advice. I also noticed an Armenian incarcerated on charges of murdering a Turkish prisoner. I found out a few weeks later that the same accused Armenian was convicted and executed for the murder. So you see Turk? The Armenians stand for justice and will not tolerate crimes being committed by their own people, while the Turks apporove of atrocities committed by other Turks against the Armenians.

I was asked by one Armenian soldier what I would do if I captured a Turkish girl, and I answered I would turn her over to the commander. The guy responded "Wrong! You give her to me and I rape her." I responded by saying "no, I turn her ober to the commander." He then put the question to me what would I do if I capture a Turkish child and I said I would turn him over to the commander, and he replied: "Wrong! You turn it over to me and I cut its throat" And I responded "No, I turn it over to the commander." I then told him that God would punish him. The next day he advanced to the front from our mountain base in an abandoned Kurdish village. The day after that he returned on foot and came upon me as I was standing guard at the camp. He had a deep shrapnel pit-wound just below his collarbone and he was bleeding somewhat, but still walking under his own power. As he passed to the right of me we caught each other's eyes and no words were necessary, for we could each see and we both knew. He was not a bad man, but he had been embittered and enraged by all the atrocities that he had witnessed committed by the Turks against the Armenian women and children in Karabakh. I had asked him before that if the Armenians become vicious murderers and rapists like the Turks, then what would be the point of fighting the war for independence? If there were no difference between Armenians and Turks, then why not just be part of Azerbaijan and avoid the hostilities and losses of war?

No Turk, it is you who doesn't have a clue. It is you who are the hate-mongerer and enemy of truth and a prisoner of brain-washing.

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How's the transformation coming along?
Tell me please?


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Antonio interesting links and thanks for clalification.Turk I am living next to the big bad bully.

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By Antonio ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 09:00 am:

Perhaps you are not a bad person afterall.

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>>>By Mask ( - on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 11:09 am:
Turk, no one that deep in fantasies can be bad. If you care, you can get lots of tingling stories from the "trench" men, especially from those who never was in trenches and when no war is going on. >>>

You could be absolutely right, however in fairness I have to give benefit of doubt to Antonio. Regardless, his life is quite sad. At the end of the day, its not up to me to judge people, although I am guilty of doing just that sometimes. We all will be judged one day by the creator, who created us with a purpose.

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Igor like most Russians is nothing but a drug pushing, money laundering bandit.

This cowardly Russian animal refused to tell me his address. He soiled his cheap made in china/Russia pants instead!

Igor, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED - DO NOT TRIFLE WITH THE CHOSEN ONES. The Sephardic have long memories. Never forget you dumb animal, if it were not for generousity of the mighty state of Israel, most Russians would be starving by now. You may have to sell a few more of your Russian women.

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