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Archive through June 2, 2000

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Igor, first off it was Kent State not Ohio State where the four students were killed. It was on May 4th 1970, not in the 60s and 70s. It was such a rare thing which is why the anaversery of it still makes national news and of course why CSN&Y wrote a song about the event. You make it sound like the government senbt troops in to kill students. First off the troops were national guardsmen sent to the campus on orders by Gov. Jim Rhodes. There was never a order given to shoot. Considering all the campus protests threw out the country during the Vietnam war (in which people protested the government) showed free speech was and is alive and well. Plus the air traffic controllers who were fired under regan did sign contracts with no-strike clauses. Now as far as if a TV station called for the over throw of the government , I say hey let it stay on the air. Hell you have conservative talk show hosts on the radio every day for the past couple years calling for Clinton to be removed from office. (Rush Limbaugh is the #1 rated radio talk show in the USA and has called for just that +still on the air). "Labor unions being barred from marching a while back." Are you talking about auto workers in the 30s? Look at Seattle labor unions did march, arrests only happened after people illigally blocked streets and tried to keep other people from passing. You are going to need to come up with better examples.

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What happened between 4pm on friday the 15th and 10am on saturday the 16th????????????

No bodies at 4pm- bodies for yugoslav invited press on saturday morning.


PS: The same question over and over :" but why would the yugoslav troops invite a Western Newsteam along, if they were "planning" a masacre (Actually two local Serb journalists at 10am on Friday)- Why indeed.

Its a mystery, but it can be interpreted in a number of ways.

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Criminals will be caught

The two officials died when their car ran over a landmine apparently set by Chechen rebels just outside Grozny.

The mayor of Grozny, Supyan Makhchayev, was injured in the attack - the first in which high-ranking Russian officials have been killed in Chechnya since hostilities in the breakaway republic resumed last October.

Musa Dzhamalkhanov, a spokesman for Russia's temporary administration in Chechnya, described the killings as a tragedy.

"We have a good idea who did this and the criminals will by all means be caught and punished," he said.


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Bad news for the rebels: for the upcoming few months the Russian-Georgian border will be completely locked in and secured. What could that mean for the mujaheds? I'll tell you - that means no more pins and paper cutting devices for the rebelious assassins of Russian generals. Woof, looks like Putin and the generals will survive after all! Allahu Akbar!

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Criminals will be caught and punished

It should be rather criminals will be brought to justice -War criminal Putin and his backers around the globe.

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Who wants bet that there will be terrorist acts (i.e. bombings, killings of local Chechen militia men) happening in Grozny any time soon?

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"""It should be rather criminals will be brought to justice -War criminal Putin and his backers around the globe."""


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Are you sure? The idea of Allam in a leather catsuit.........Well the mind simply refuses to entertain such a thought.


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Wait, I'm coming

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Pardon me, Fred???????????????

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Someone pass Fred the tissues.

On that note (!!??!$%^£*)...
Good night Goys!!!


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By Hairy Mary ( - on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 08:00 pm:
May I also add that same labor unions in France and Italy have been controlled by the Communist Party for some years

...And in Belgium! Some are openly Leninists and still now protest with USSR flag and the three idol faces!

Fred, are you sure?
I wasn't aware that Iraq joined Nato two years ago!! - When Hell freezes over, I think.

Not two years ago. IN 95 years when nato will expend so much eastward that it will embrace the whole world.
The article is dated of may 29 2099.
Yugoslavia's socialist party use the cloning of president (Milosevic) to avoid elections that could bring a democratic government to power.

I plan to put pieces of granit between ceramic pavements. The effect is that all pavements will look (I hope) natural.
But if I could afford, I would do like you. I like natural things.
I also plan to do the the kitchen counters the same.
"Ten to twenty protesters are really nothing to worry about,"

Do you mean these one who protested against the big size of your house on DMS? (lol)
When the next elections are to be held in Serbia?

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My Comrades', I will Put my 1 , er...2 good leg, up the Anus cavity, of Russkie Bastages!!!People all the time asking me...why do they call you meat??The answer is Simple.., i have Endowment,. of Stallion, and Endurance of, er.., Domesticated Pitbull Dawg..this is true..., we will CRUSH UGLY RUSSKIE SOLDIER, AND WALK UPON THEIR ASHES, UNTO THE LAST ONE OF THE UN-CLEAN ARE GONE....

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U.S. Regime Operates Global Child Rape, Sex-Slavery, Prostitution, and Pornography Ring.

By Noreen Gosch:

I was a working mom, doing my job, going to my children's ballgames, baking cookies and enjoying family life until Sept. 5, 1982, when my world was blown apart. My youngest son Johnny, 12, was kidnapped while delivering the Sunday Des Moines Register newspapers.

I found myself doing police work while the police sat back and declared him a runaway. It took me four months of effort to change this classification to "Involuntary Missing/ Stranger Kidnapped."

I discovered that I had to become the coordinator for a worldwide investigation. I founded the Johnny Gosch Foundation on Nov. 12, 1982, Johnny's birthday. I soon discovered it was necessary to hire a private investigator, which took all the money in my savings and the cash value in all my life insurance policies in
order to pay the investigator. Since employing investigators long-term required raising large sums of money, I began selling World's Finest Chocolate Bars, gave speaking engagements and any type of fundraiser known to man.

Private Investigator Dennis Whalen was recommended to me because he had solved a case of a missing child in Carter Lake, Iowa. He located Todd Bequette, who had been kidnapped and held for almost two years by a man who repeatedly sexually abused him.

After spending many hours investigating and interviewing people, Whalen contacted me and had learned of a slave auction in Houston, Texas. He asked "Would you give $50,000 to buy your son back, if he goes across the auction block?" I said "yes"; that was all I could borrow. Unfortunately, Johnny was not on this auction.
Whalen was discovered and forbidden from attending other auctions.

It became clear that neither the local police nor the FBI was interested in pursuing any form of investigation. Three weeks after my son's kidnapping, a small article appeared in the Des Moines Register, indicating an attempted abduction of two young children in a small town just outside of Des Moines. The man arrested was from Omaha, Neb., and was connected to a pornography ring.

I took the newspaper clipping to the police chief, Orval Cooney, asking him to investigate this and call the police chief in 0maha, Neb., Robert Wadman. Our police chief refused, saying, "I don't have a feel for this so I am not going to do anything." I then went to the FBI office and was told that "they did not intend to enter my son's case, because the police chief told them be didn't need their help." In desperation, I called a press conference and raised "holy hell" in the releasing of the information that neither the police nor FBI would investigate my son's kidnapping.

Within four days of my press conference, I received my first of many death threats. A male voice on the phone said, "Stop making waves or you will die." What I did not realize at the time was that I was knocking on the door of what became the Franklin Cover-Up conspiracy investigated by the Nebraska Legislature. John DeCamp, a long-time Nebraska State Senator detailed it in a book The Franklin Cover-Up on "child abuse, Satanism and murder which went far beyond the confines of Nebraska to Washington,D.C., and dozens of major cities around the U.S." DeCamp confirmed in his book that children were regularly sold at slave auctions around the country. Father Bruce Ritter of Covenant House in New York City for homeless children, also stated that regular slave auctions were held in this country. DeCamp, attorney for Paul Bonacci, uncovered connections to the kidnappings of Johnny Gosch, Eugene Martin and Jacob Wetterling.

In the book's forward, DeCamp asks his friend and advisor William Colby, former head of the CIA, "What do Ronald Reagan; President George Bush; former CIA Director William E. Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey; billionaire and second richest man in America Warren Buffett; and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?"

"I give up," Colby said. "What could that group have in common?"

"Three things," DeCamp replied. "The three things are me (John DeCamp), a case called Franklin and a man named Larry King."

Larry King was the president of the Franklin Credit Union and an extremely influential black leader of the Republican Party in Nebraska. This modest credit union in Omaha laundered $41 million in Iran Contra money and also $5 million from the infamous North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), the pedophile group now given semi-official status by the United Nations.

King was known for his lavish parties on Embassy Row in Washington D.C., described by Rusty Nelson, King's personal photographer, with punch bowls generously filled with "white powder" and their choice of children to entertain them. King regularly sent boys from Nebraska's Boys Town to members of Congress and White House staffers for their pleasure. In secret, Colby had been hired in 1991 by Nebraska's Legislature committee to look into the single engine plane crash, which killed private investigator Cary Caradori and his son. Colby was to state that too many important people in the government and too many important agencies in the government were involved in this conspiracy.

"It cost you, John, a great deal, but it has not yet cost you your life," Colby said. "I suggest to you that you walk away from this and let history take its course."

DeCamp corrected the above statement in the revised edition by saying Colby actually advised him to get the book in print as quickly as possible to negate the reason for having him killed. Colby himself died under mysterious circumstances, which DeCamp suggests was an assassination.

From being a working mother, I was suddenly immersed in the world of James Bond.

Within six months a young man named Paul Bishop contacted me. He came to Des Moines, identified himself as CIA and told me an international kidnapping/pornography ring kidnapped Johnny. He told me my son was still alive and being sexually used in pornography, prostitution and perversion. He stated, "They wanted my help." I asked "How can 1 help you? What does the CIA want with me?" He replied, "We need one stable parent in this situation to act, when directed to speak out to the public as to what happened to your son."

I doubted who he was. To convince me, he produced a complete dossier of my entire family, including those who have died. He told me his code name was "Firefox" and I was given a phone number to contact him. I learned the number was at Langley Air Fome Base, CIA Headquarters. Ironically, it seems that the CIA itself was part of the international kidnapping and pornography ring.

Eventually, Paul Bishop vanished without a trace. Suddenly, the phone number was no good. It was to be years before the CIA was revealed as part of the problem. What happened to Paul Bishop, we have never been able to find out. Paul used to call me "Mom." He was in his early 20s and I wonder now if he wasn't one of those "lost" children.

Subsequently, he arranged for me to be in Washington D.C., to testify before Senator Spector's Hearing on Organized Crime and its Relationship to Kidnapping. Paul sat beside me as I testified to my knowledge of the slave auctions in the U.S. There were books made available by the FBI showing children in a Sears Roebuck-type catalog offering children for sale. This hearing took place August 1984.

The question that must be asked is that with this information in the hands of the FBI and the Senate clearly indicating that an organization capable of not only photographing children around the U.S. but offering them for sale and kidnapping to order is still unknown to the majority of Americans. I and others have made attempts to obtain copies of this catalog. There has never been a single reply to any request to produce this document.

Senator Spector asked Paul Bishop his relationship to the case and to me and did he know this to be true. Paul indicated he was an investigator and that every word of my testimony was accurate.

At no time did Paul ever identify himself as CIA during the hearing and afterward during interviews with the Washington Press Core. He withdrew from the view of the cameras. All attempts on my part to obtain the photos from the hearing were unsuccessful.

As a mother, as a woman, I have met many very kind people who felt compassion for my son and were willing to help but none in a position of authority or responsibility. In the law enforcement circles I became known as "the bitch" or "the nut" who would not let this case die. Yet this "nut" appeared on 49 network TV shows and raised more than $1 million to help others.

I developed a program called "In Defense of Children" and went on the speaking circuit to try and prevent other abductions. I wrote the Johnny Gosch Bill, which became law in Iowa on July 1, 1984, demanding police departments to investigate a child's disappearance immediately instead of waiting 72 hours as they had in my son's case. This law was adopted by Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota and other states and is known as the Johnny Gosch Law.

In the course of the past 17-and-a-half years, I have met with many individuals who have tried to help in this case. None have been more highly placed than the former head of the California Division of the FBI, Ted Gunderson. He retired in 1979 and has since specialized in missing, kidnapped, sexually and Satanically abused children.

Gunderson became involved in the Franklin investigation at the behest of Senator Loran Schmit who directed the Nebraska Senate investigation. Gunderson investigated the McMartin Day Care Center in California on abuses of children and concluded that over 800 children were abused. The McMartin investigation led him to pursue every high-profile case involving missing or abused children.

In the Nebraska investigation, he determined that over 80 children were involved in a prostitution ring from Nebraska, which operated throughout the U.S. with special attention to Washington D.C., and the needs of the movers and shakers of that town.

It seems that no matter how high the law enforcement investigator is, the pedophiles have more clout. How many children have disappeared over the last 30 years?

Gunderson stated that according to Readers Digest, as many as 100,000 children per year disappear; however, 20 years of effort on his part to get the FBI to keep track of missing persons has been unsuccessful.

"They can tell you how many cars were stolen in the U.S. right down to their make and model but have no record of missing persons," he said.

Ted is an important part of a network of individuals like John DeCamp and myself who are attempting to expose the intricate U.S. goverrunent entangled web of child kidnapping, and child sexual abuse tied to important government officials at state and federal levels.

Accusations by DeCamp and others against former Governor Bob Kerrey, now a U.S. Senator, indicate that he is deeply involved in the cover-up that silenced the Franklin investigation. No less than 18 people disappeared or were murdered before the Nebraska Legis- lature summarily shut down the investigation which pointed unerringly toward many members of U.S. Congress and the White House.

According to DeCamp, Paul Bonacci, a victim of long-term child abuse, was sent to Washington, D.C., no less than six or seven times to have sex with Congressman Barney Frank. Whether you are a president dallying with an intem or a congressman with a penchant for having sex with little boys, you are still considered a "good ole boy in the political circle."

John DeCamp's investigation inclicated Bonacci's involvement in the kidnapping of Johnny and Satanic human sacrifice rituals and snuff films which took him around the world. Yet there is no record that he ever left the country. The explanation leads back to the military whose airplanes can fly overseas without passports or passing through customs.

The victims are not only the children of this country who are being abused in record numbers, but the parents and grandparents who are struggling to understand why so few offenders are being brought to justice, and why those convicted are so quickly released back to society to repeat their crimes. Statistics have shown that chronic offenders often molest 275 children in their lifetime. Of those molested chdren, some will become molesters themselves. This is why sexual abuse of children is totally out of control in America today.

No better example of an abuse victim persecuted exists than Alisha Jahn Owen. Sexually abused at age 12 by Omaha Chief of Police Robert Wadman, she gave birth to his child but quickly grew too old for his tastes. Alisha, along with Bonacci and other children, were transported to parties in Washington, D.C., Las Yegas and Hollywood.

At the age of 16, she was dismissed as too old. Convicted of signing $600 worth of bad cheeks, she was sentenced to three years in a Nebraska Women's prison. While there, she talked to a member of the Franklin Investigative Committee of the Legislature at the request of the warden and the psychiatrist. She told them of her liaison with Robert Wadman, Chief of Police of Omaha, Neb., and other prominent officials at the state and federal level.

When word leaked out, powerful political forces had her placed in solitary confinement where she remamed for two years of her three-year sentence. She spent the longest tune in solitary confinement than any murder or rapist in the Nebraska Penal system. Upon completing her sentence, she was put on trial for nine counts of perjury. Despite the fact that she passed a lie detector test indicating she was telling the truth, she was con- victed on all nine counts of perjury and is now serving a 15-year sentence.

Despite the efforts of John DeCamp and other lawyers, family and friends have been unable to free her. DeCamp spoke of renewed attempts to overturn her sentence but did not hold out much hope. He indicated they (the powers that be), did not want to open another can of worms.

So a young girl who had her childhood taken away by important and influential pedophiles will spend her middle years behind bars while her child grows up without her.

It is highly unusual for a first time offender to receive three years in a prison. But Alisha remains a symbol to all of those abused children in Nebraska and elsewhere across the country and world who would dare inform on their influential abusers. Is it any wonder that Johnny and others are afraid to come forward to tell their stories?

After a succession of appearances on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CBS Morning News, Charles Kuralt Sunday Morning, Phil Donahue, Inside Edition and 48 Hours, I was able to share my story about my son and alert the public to the ever-present and ever-growing danger of child kidnapping. I received a phone call from Karen Burnes, a producer with ABC's 20/20, in July of 1984, asking to present Johnny's story.

This was the beginning of a long relationship with not only Karen Burnes but also with ABC's 20/20. The show depicted the horrific effort I had to make to cope with the loss of my son which required me to become a public speaker, fundraiser, detective and "thorn in the side of police, FBI and political bureaucrats." It seems the only way to get anything done on Johnny's case was to shout long and loud on any forum I could find from the stage of a church or school, newspaper, magazines to a radio or TV studio. To this day, I work two or more jobs to cover the expenses connected with this investigation.

A friendship developed between Karen Bumes and myself. 20/20 did several updates of Johnny's story through the years as there were new developments. Before I knew it, 15 years had passed and when Inside Edition contacted me wanting to do the "15-year anniversary story," I agreed.

Following information from a reliable source, I announced my son was still alive and presented a computer-enhanced photo of my son at age 27. Following the program, I received a call from Karen at 20/20. She saw the Inside Edition show and asked me to come to New York to discuss doing another update on Johnny.

I flew to New York to meet with Karen. During our lunch meeting I decided to trust her with the secret that Johnny came home in the middle of the night on March 18,1997. I was awakened by a knock at the door, made my way to the door, looked out the security hole and I knew it was my son when I saw his eyes, but I asked anyway, "Who is there?" He replied, "Mom, it is me, Johnny." I opened the door and hugged him.

He told me he could only stay a short time and asked for my help. He told me that he was taken by Col. Michael Aquino, then an officer in the military reputedly in charge of mind war for the U.S. government, a project developed by the Nazis in the death camps during World War II and brought to the United States by Operation Paperclip.

Aquino has claimed to be the son of a Nazi SS officer. Aquino is responsible for the founding of the Church of Set, which is recognized by the military as a Satanic religion.

In 1977, Congress became aware of the UK-Ultra Mind Program which they had supposedly put a stop to, but Johnny was kidnapped in 1982 as part of the same program.

Karen became excited with this news. We rushed to her office and spent the next three days researching names of people involved and scheduled dates for filming of the show. She filmed a riveting four-hour interview with Paul Bonacci, who shared every detail of Johnny's kidnapping, as well as his own abuse and the finite details of how this powerful organization operates, which seems to be comprised of Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA, NAMBLA and various Satanic organizations with Nazi connections.

An hour-long special was to be broadcast. This was the fourth and final story of exactly what had happened to Johnny and perhaps millions of other children who have disappeared off the streets of America in the last 30 years.

In the process of her investigation, Karen Burnes uncovered 45 other victims of the same abuse, some of whom knew my son and were with him on many occasions. These individuals all shared their story on film.

Karen and the film crew all had to sign a "hold harmless clause' absolving ABC of any liability if any of them were to be killed in the process of telling this story. Never before had any producer and crew been forced to sign such an agreement. The Johnny Gosch Story was scheduled for airing in April of 1998, but was postponed four different times.

Now Karen Bumes is apparently ill and I have not been able to reach her. Ira Rosen, Senior Producer of 20/20, declared my story could not he aired. I received several very strident phone calls from Frank Snepp who identified himself as retired from the CIA. Snepp had been called in to investigate and evaluate the story. He claimed the story had no validity unless my son was turned over to Congressional protection. These same congressmen have been accused by abuse victims of being their owners and handlers, under circumstances that have re-established slavery in this country on the part of the ruling elite.

Rosen released me from any obligation and suggested I could take my story elsewhere. They would release none of the information and film compiled by Karen Bumes over the past two years. I have gone on now to do two talk shows, Leeza Gibbons and Sally Jesse Raphael, which aired in January 2000. But none of these shows carry the clout of 20/20 or 60 Minutes.

An hour special on either one of these shows might have resulted in Congressional Hearings or aroused enough public anger so that we the people might stop the abuse and experimentation with the world's children. If the children are the future, do we want them maimed and crippled by what the current generation is doing to them?

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HM, you clearly provoked Antonio, see what you are getting us into?

Antonio-the-warrior-of-all-causes, you are an estranged man(woman?). Do you really believe everything you post, or you just do it to annoy people?

If you really believe in them, your world must be very dark, and gloomy.

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