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Archive through June 21, 2000

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Igor you are contradicting yourself. I thought you said there wasn't any wind on the moon. So how could it be blowing. Oh wait a minute come to think of it I read a declassified CIA document about the whole situation. It stated the facts
about the giant fan they took to the moon. It was at a cost of 4 billion dollars. This was to make the US citizen believe that they had actually landed on the moon to cover up the money they funnled from NASA's Apollo budget. They actually took the money and built a giant computer in the center of the earth to monitor all political activity in the Balkan states. This was so they would know just exactly when to launch a strategic against the capitol of Belgrade (little did they know it would be some years later)in order to start their slow and tedious drive to take over the oil fields in the caucusus.

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OOOPS sorry Igor that was strategic "bombing raid". You figure it out!

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Oh ya, how do you know there are not any wind gusts on the moon, have you been there?

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Scientific data you clown.You are the smart one explain it.

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The idea was proposed by an American scientist I might add before you start spewing some conspiricy theory.

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I did not contradict myself you did.I never said they were on the moon.They might have landed somewhere but not the moon as there is no wind there.Check it out

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Well let me explain it to you son. Wind on the moon is dependent on gravitational weight. Every object in the universe with mass attracts every other object with mass. The amount of attraction depends on the size of the masses and how far apart they are. For everyday-sized objects, this gravitational pull is vanishingly small, but the pull between a very large object, like the Earth, and another object. Such as the earth and the moon , the earths gravitational pull on the moon causes extremely unstable air masses on the moons surface, this is what the scientists had in mind when they took the flag to the moon. But the gravitational pull was down that day so they used the fan the CIA had strapped to the side of the lunar lander.

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Actually the Apollo rockets were designed and built by a german scientist. Read about it. Enlighten yourself little third world country man...

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Million dollar question, who was that scientist and what rockets was he designing before the Apollo missions?

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His name was Shicklegrubber and he was designing the Rrockets Red Glare first.

Long travel day today, but back home. What gives with the price of petrol it's rising faster than the morning sun. Think I might start using some of that nuclear waste that I have been storing in my kitchen closet.

Just thought of it. Could that be the reason for all this hair of mine?

Now, now, IGOR AND BETTERTHAN lets maintain a constructive dialog and difference of opinion without name calling. If it continues, you'll both be grounded for the rest of the week without TV or computer.

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Sorry mom, I'm glad your home. I missed you so... I guess I can't play well with the other kids.

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Come on you guys, come out and play! I'm lonely... I know it's late where ever your from but sk you parents if you can join in the fun!

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Ok, I guess you have all gone for the night. I guess I have to play with myself. Igor if you would like we can continue our educational conversation tomorrow I'd be more than happy to accomodate you! Any way good night all and I guess I'll have to just sit here and amuse myself...

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By betterthanyou ( - on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 04:27 pm:
So it's ok for serbs to kill women and children because they may have a different religion? But yet an atrocity to hold these murderers without charges? Your a real dumbass...

As Mr. Igor has explained and presented more reams of evidence than can be reasonably demanded, the Serbs have not killed any women or children, but only heroin and sex-slave-trafficking, KLA terrorist pimps. It is the KLA and the US and the British who are obviously the murderers.

Your insulting words towards me, when you do not even know me and I have not uttered any insult to you (to say nothing of your defense of US and British and KLA murderers and your defamatory condemnation of the innocent Serbs who have done you no wrong) and the very name you have chosen for yourself (beterthanyou) is an indication of a high probability that you may be a hostile egomaniac with a tendency to rashly, presumptiously, and falsly judge others. The vitriol which you spew at those who disagree with your opinion would suggest that you are an individual of extreme hate and intolerance.

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Right on,some people just like to overlook the facts because it does not suit their argument.As far as proof it does not seem that they have any.

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