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Archive through June 22, 2000

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>>>P.S. I was thinking about changing my board name..

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BARON VON Golden = AllAustralia = Great Orator and Minister of Propaganda for collapsed Coalition ???? YES or NO

Speaking of which, where's Ultra Russian National (name must be in red)? Seems he fled Coalition abruptly. Is he now under contract to Gusinsky?

In addition, did the Serbs, others in Yugoslavia or Mickey Mouse Chechen Freedom Fighters kidnap KIMMIE BABES and are holding her for ransom? Not to worry, if that is the case, I'll be most happy to pay it in full to get her back with us.

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Received a ransom note from Chechnya today. Seems the HOMO Parlor that Queen ALLAM opened in Grozny to caterer to the delights of those stinky Mickey Mouse Freedom Fighters was being over used. Field Commanders, ya right, of the militia was concerned that their rag tag, goat smelling, forces were more concerned with lining up in the streets for the pleasures provided at the parlor than in fighting. Therefore, QUEEN ALLAM and his 4 key service providers ie., BACON, ABFOOLA, BERNSTEIN and LASER were abducted.

I promised to pay them 4 times the amount demanded plus 750 cases of vaseline, 4000 enema bags, 1 bar of soap and a years supply of Preperation H with conditions. They must promise to keep these 5 faggots, they can shoot them, hang them or what ever else they please. But don't send them back to us.

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NATO's Home Free
by George Szamuely
New York Press

Carla del Ponte, chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), announced the other day that she would not be opening an investigation into NATO. "I am very satisfied," she explained, "that there was no deliberate targeting of civilians or unlawful military targets by NATO." This was hardly shocking news. Back in December she had already reassured an anxious Clinton administration that "NATO is not under investigation." The tribunal is what it has always been: an obedient creature of the United States. In clear violation of Article 32 of its statute it gets funding from the U.S. government. Prosecuting NATO would thus have brought about its swift demise.

Yet NATO's violations of international law were so blatant and outrageous that fat Carla had to make at least a show of "investigating." Her report exonerating Clinton, Blair, Schroder and the rest of last year's band of heroes is so laughably implausible that only the dim bulbs of the Wall Street Journal editorial page could find comfort in it. Take cluster bombs, resorted to with some frequency by NATO. "There is no specific treaty provision which prohibits or restricts the use of cluster bombs," del Ponte's report announces cheerfully. Well, yes. But the tribunal has not always taken this view, at least not when it came to the Serbs. In 1995, the tribunal indicted Milan Martic, president of the now-defunct Serb Republic of Krajina, charging him with "violating the laws and customs of war" for ordering a missile attack on Zagreb. What made it a war crime was that the missiles were fitted with cluster bomb warheads. According to the indictment, a missile can be "fitted with different warheads to accomplish distinct tasks: either to destroy military targets or to kill people. When the [missile] is fitted with a ‘cluster bomb' is an anti-personnel weapon designed only to kill people." Martic was a war criminal because he launched an "unlawful attack against the civilian population and individual citizens." So how is he different from NATO? Ah, Martic's missile "landed in an area with no military objectives nearby... [It] was not designed to hit military targets but to terrorize the civilians of Zagreb. There is no indication cluster bombs were used in such a fashion by NATO." Really?

Here is how U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Short explained NATO strategy last May to The Washington Post: "If you wake up in the morning and you have no power to your house and no gas to your stove and the bridge you take to work is down and will be lying in the Danube for the next 20 years, I think you begin to ask, ‘Hey, Slobo, what's this all about? How much more of this do we have to withstand?''' Sounds like terrorizing civilians to me. NATO's strategy was directed at civilians and at nothing else. Hospitals, buses, retirement homes, schools, markets, town centers, apartment buildings, refugee convoys all went up in smoke. Yugoslavia's military, however, remained intact.

Yet del Ponte, her voice resonant with insincerity, insists that NATO only went after legitimate military targets. Take the bombing of the Grdelica railroad bridge, which led to the destruction of a passenger train and the death of at least 12 people. Nothing wrong with that, she cries. The bridge was being used as a resupply route by Serb forces in Kosovo. The pilot simply did not see the passenger train coming. "Realizing the bridge was still intact, the controller picked a second aim point on the bridge at the opposite end from where the train had come and launched the second bomb." So the pilot knew that he had hit a passenger train, yet he came back to dump a second bomb on the dead and injured. Carla del Ponte has no problems with that. Nor is she concerned that the attack was carried out in broad daylight when "collateral damage"–NATO's beloved phrase–was likely to be at its highest. Del Ponte is evidently unaware of Articles 51(4) and (5) of the 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Convention I. These prohibit indiscriminate attacks. Such attacks would include "(a)…bombardment by any methods...which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives [and] (b) an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life." As for that brave pilot, who completed his mission, he was clearly in violation of Article 57 (2b) of Protocol I: "An attack shall be cancelled or suspended if it becomes apparent that the objective is not a military one or is...expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life."

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I'm begining to get concerned. Couldn't help but notice that as of late you've been posting throughout the late night your time. I REALIZE THAT IN THE SUMMER THE SUN SETS MUCH LATER IN THE NORTHERN HEMISHERE, BUT HAVE YOU BECOME NOCTURNAL?

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Hi Mary how are you today? No I am not nocturnal.First of all the time here is 1 hour behind the posted time.And secondly there are not so many places to go out to.It is not like Toronto,it is very quiet here at night so I stay home more.Tommorow I will be going to T.O for some action.Actually after indulging in some weapon grade BC bomber b.. it peps me up and then I get on the computer.

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Many stories here on human rights violations and criminal activities under Natto auspices

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Vuk In Trouble
Following the latest attempt on his life, Vuk Draskovic has never found himself so politically isolated.

By Zeljko Cvijanovic in Belgrade (BCR No. 150, 20-June-00)

The Serbian opposition's contempt for Vuk Draskovic is such that many of it members believe he staged last week's assassination attempt to bolster his flagging reputation.

Publicly, the opposition parties have condemned the Budva shooting, in which Draskovic was slightly injured, blaming it on Slobodan Milosevic's secret police.

But, off the record, some suspect that he hatched the plot to increase his popularity and diffuse tensions within his party, the Serbian Renewal Movement, SPO.

Draskovic's unpredictability has long frustrated his supporters and other opposition activists, but it appears to have got worse since he survived an apparent assassination attempt last October - a suspicious car accident in which his wife's brother and three bodyguards were killed.

Draskovic's capriciousness provoked howls of derision earlier this month when he backtracked on a pledge to mount a united stand with other opposition parties at local and federal elections.

His explanation was that he believed that Milosevic was bound to rig the ballots - and that anyone who took part would in fact legitimise the polls. But the international community and some members of his own party suspect that he had made a pact with Milosevic to preserve corrupt SPO authorities in several major Serbian towns and cities.

Two days before the assassination attempt in Budva, Draskovic sought to refute those accusing him of making deals with the regime by sensationally proposing to the main board of the SPO that party officials resign their posts in the municipalities in question. The move backfired. His proposal was rejected out-of-hand.

The SPO leader's actions have also set him on a collision course with some in his party who believe he is trying to neuter its stand against the regime. They also resent his quarrelling with other opposition parties with whom they believe they can co-operate.

Opposition leaders are increasingly reluctant to work with him. Their dislike of Draskovic has been growing ever since last October's alleged assassination attempt.

Following the incident, they were insulted by his decision not to personally participate in meetings aimed at formulating a joint opposition electoral campaign. He provoked further anger when he failed to show up for a key opposition rally in Milosevic's home town of Pozarevac in May.

Many suspect that his recent erratic behaviour is a symptom of deteriorating psychological problems, brought about by his close scrapes with death. On the day of the Pozeravac rally, he repeatedly phoned his representatives there with contradictory orders.

Irritated by his indecisiveness, one member of his party quipped to psychology professor and leader of the Social Democratic Union, Zarko Korac, "Professor, take the phone, I think this is a case for you."

Draskovic is said to be so fearful of assassination that he rarely leaves his holiday home in Budva - and some of his closest associates have hinted that he may be on the brink of quitting politics forever. After the October incident, he told his friends several times that he'd made enough sacrifices in his battle with Milosevic.

Officially, at least, the SPO is insisting that all is well with Draskovic. "In spite of all that has happened to Draskovic, he is in very good shape and very much in the mood continue the political fight, " said his advisor, Predrag Simic.

Whether he can continue to lead his increasingly divided party from his bolt hole in Montenegro is questionable, but what's even clearer, though, is that the SPO have no one to replace him. During the last ten years of his controversial tenure as head of the party, anyone capable of succeeding him has left the party in protest at his stewardship.

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I would be very interested to know what led the Montenegrin Police to suspect Vladimir Jovanovic and the other men they accused of shooting Vuk Draskovic. If the alleged .32 Calibre gun was unlicensed, then how would the police have known that Jovanovic had it? On what basis was grounds given by a judge for a search warrant of Jovanovic's person or house?

It seems very convenient that the Montenegrin Police can't stop the Mafia drug trafficking or KLA sex-slave trafficking through Montenegro, but they are so astute that they can pick up the alleged shooters of Draskovic so quickly. Perhaps the Montenegro Police are such brilliant investigators that they could answer the question of who killed Arkan, and who killed JFK, and who was Jack the Ripper. Perhaps the Denver Police Dept. would grant green cards to and hire those Montenegrin sleuths to find out who killed Jon Benet Ramsey.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 03:55 am:
Well son I'll start off with the name, betterthanyou, this was chosen out of contempt for another when I first visited this board. He claimed he was a nazi and stated he beleived whole-heartedly in the nazi way of life including the persecution of others because of race, religion and nationality. Just as you... Now don't get me wrong I have my prejudices against others but I wouldn't kill them for it. It seems somehow you have chosen to ignore all the facts of these conflicts that the serbs have waged war against. I may have mentioned in jest the photo's which were taken of families slaughterd, children maimed and raped. So you are stating all the eye witness accounts in Bosnia were lies also, if you beleive this you are a dumbass. You seem to ignore the the photos of the war crimes as fakes and propoganda by some unknown entity. So who killed them and who raped them? Was it you? You will probably say it was a US laser guided bomb that spread her legs, raped her and then shot her in the head. Right? Well I doubt that very much. I doubt very much that you have carried a weapon in defense of another. It's easy for you to judge war when you have never been to war isn't it. I have seen what undiciplined third world soldiers do when they are alone. Now again don't get me wrong, because I'm not stating war crimes are not commited by western troops because it does happen. But it doesn't happen to the extend of a whole military force gone mad, trying to exterminate a whole race. So for your support of the serbs yes I call you a dumbass, you are no better than a Nazi sympathizer. Of course then again the holacaust was a hoax too, right? All filmed on the back lot of Universal Studios with rubber dummies. So you tell me why do you ignore the facts, is it jealousy? Igor you really think I'm overlooking the facts, I thjink it's the other way around... Open your minds and your ass will follow! Dipshiit...
P.S. I was thinking about changing my board name, what do you think Mary?

So you think that you are better than someone else because of what you believe and what they believe. You think that what you believe and the fact that you believe it makes you better than someone else who disagrees with what you believe. This would seem to be in contradiction with the oft-parroted pretenses of adherents of your beliefs that there is to be no discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sexual orientation etc. It would seem that your professions of pluralism and democracy and tolerance are so much hypocrisy and phoniness.
On the one hand, your belief system preaches equality, but then if that is the case then you are equal with Nazis and those who reject the claims of the Jews to have lost 6 million people to alleged genocide Nazis. But if you say that you are better than certain people who hold certain beliefs, then there could certainly be other people with certain beliefs who are better than you!

Your statement that you would not kill others who disagree with your prejudices is false on its face, because your use of the mouth, pen, and keyboard to insult and condemn others is a form of murder called character assasination, libel, slander, and detraction. And if you truly believe what you say, that those who disagree with you are such horrible people, then you are also a coward for not being willing to back up your words and go all the way and kill those people.

As for the alleged Serb war-crimes against the Kosovo Albanians, the facts have not been printed in the U.S. media, but they are obtainable throught the internet, and they show a pattern of lying and deception by the U.S. and its NATO allies. It is not difficult for them to lie with photographs or even video, for Hollywood is a master of special effects and has used such shows as J.A.G. and Soldier of Fortune and Rambo etc. to twist the truth and spread a blanket of U.S. propaganda lies all over the world. You yourself mentioned Universal Studios, but the U.S. spin-doctors and propaganda-meisters do not need rubber dummies when they can generate any image they want with computers and technology that was developed in conjunction with George Lucas (who wrote my part - THX1138)

None of the so-called Bosnia eyewitness accounts have been substantiated. There were no rape kits, no Barry Sheck or Johnny Cochrane investigations, but only various Muslims were taken at their word by the Western powers and their propaganda organs.

As for the alleged mass-graves in Kosovo, even the U.S. FBI has only found about 200 bodies. Where's the beef? There is no indication that any of those bodies were Albanians, nor whether they were killed by Serbs or by NATO bombs. It is quite clear that the US has no business interfering all over the world as if it were the Globocop. It is pure imperialistic arrogance on the part of the U.S. to think that it has some right to go stick its nose into Yugoslavia or Iraq or anywhere else. The pathetic thing about it is in how the U.S. tries to justify its actions by proclaiming itself some moral champion of humanitarianism and human rights defender. But as the destruction of Vietnam and the massacre of Korean civilias and the murder of a million and a half Iraqi children and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima's and Nagasaki's women and children and the US-allied Turkish destruction of 40000 Kurds and the brutal US sponsored puppet regimes in Haiti, Panama, Chile, El Salvador, etc. all demonstrate - the U.S. is a hypocritical cynical fraud regime of self-righteous murderers.

As for what undisciplined U.S. soldiers do when left alone, we see all the Amerasian children in Vietnam abandoned by their Yankee Doodle deadbeat dads. Wonder what the venereal disease rate is among U.S. soldiers in the Philippines, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia etc.

So what war have you been in? You say I have never seen war as if you know me so well. So tell me, what war were you in and what army did you fight for and for what purpose? Who were you defending?

Since you continue to offer insult to me, I can only assume you weren't fighting for the rights of people like me to speak freely.

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By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (June 21, 2000 11:37 a.m. EDT ) - Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, now indicted in connection with bloodletting in Kosovo, may face additional charges for his role in previous Balkan wars, the chief prosecutor of the U.N. war crimes tribunal said Wednesday.

The prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, also announced that Milosevic's archenemies in Kosovo - the former commanders of the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army, which fought Milosevic's forces until a year ago - are being investigated on suspicion of war crimes.

Milosevic is already indicted by the tribunal for his alleged role in atrocities during the Serb crackdown on Kosovo Albanians that ended a year ago. Del Ponte's denial that the tribunal might drop the indictment was a response to news reports that the United States is considering offering Milosevic safety guarantees in exchange for him stepping down.

"My investigators will continue their forensic work in Kosovo to gather additional evidence concerning the existing indictment of Slobodan Milosevic," Del Ponte told reporters. "We have no intention to withdraw this indictment.

It is unclear what kind of international pressure could be brought on the court, which answers to the United Nations, but Del Ponte's comments were an indication that the court itself was not aware of any kind of deal for Milosevic.

There is no indication in any case that Milosevic is contemplating a deal that would see him step down in exchange for safety guarantees. While facing international isolation, he has managed to consolidate his rule by outmaneuvering a split political opposition.

In her comments Wednesday, Del Ponte said the tribunal is "investigating the criminal responsibility of Milosevic for (wars in) Bosnia and Croatia."

Milosevic fomented Serb rebellions, first in Croatia and then in Bosnia, in response to decisions by the non-Serb majorities in those two republics to secede from Yugoslavia. Hundreds of thousands of people died in those two wars.

Her comments on the Kosovo Liberation Army, meanwhile, appeared calculated at least in part to dispel Serb criticism that the war crimes tribunal is biased against Serbs. Serbs have accounted for the majority of those indicted as a result of the Croatian, Bosnian and Kosovo wars, and no ethnic Albanian has been publicly indicted for the Kosovo conflict.

"We are investigating KLA activity during the conflict," Del Ponte said. "Our mandate is always to look at the highest responsibility in the chain of command, and that is also the case for the KLA."

Serbia has barred tribunal officials from entry since the end of the Kosovo bloodshed. Del Ponte urged Serb officials to allow them in so they can interview Serb victims and witnesses of atrocities in Kosovo who later fled the province. I WONDER IF THACI OR AGIM CEKU WILL FACE CHARGES SINCE THEY ARE LEADERS OF KLA.THEY SHOULD ADD IZOBEGOVIC TO THAT LIST TOO AS HE IS LEADER OF BOSNIA.

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As far as the U.S. using "the bomb" on Japan. It saved more lives then would have died in a full scale invasion of japan. If I was a G.I. who just got done in the battle against Hitler and was being told now I have to go fight in Japan I would say hell yea use the bomb.

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