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Archive through June 22, 2000

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Have escaped!!
Please bring Dimi,The hells angels, kissie's tank and large kitchen implement!!
Serious payback time, are you up for a punch-up,
Ms Hairy-Spice??????


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Good morning all,
Back in town. Well I'm getting some nasty hits on my comments. I guess that is what I was attempting to do. Stir things up here a bit, this board was damn boring with cut and pastes from current news headlines. Come on guys originality makes it fun. Now even though the name implies "better than you" it is not my intention to sound like an egotistical pricck (even though I am a frigen stud).I guess I just like to read, analize, weigh all the facts before I jump on the underdogs band wagon. Quit looking through a tunnel dummies!

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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - A Bosnian Muslim woman, testifying in a landmark wartime rape trial, said Tuesday she was assaulted almost every night by drunk Serb soldiers who did ``whatever they wanted'' to her.
The woman, identified as Witness No. 105 and the last victim to testify in the rape trial, said one man bit her neck until she was covered with blood.
``It felt like the worst prison,'' the woman, who was detained with her two children, told a U.N. tribunal for Yugoslav war crimes. ``I wished I was dead.
Prosecutors wound up their case against three Bosnian Serb paramilitary fighters - Dragoljub Kunarac, Radomir Kovac and Zoran Vukovic - accused of systematically assaulting Muslim women in ``rape camps'' in the southeastern Bosnian city of Foca at the outset of the 1992-95 war.
The defendants have pleaded innocent to charges of rape, torture and enslavement. Each count carries a maximum life sentence.
Prosecutors will have an opportunity to rebut the defense presentation before the trial concludes, most likely by the end of the year.
The Bosnian Muslim woman said she was taken to the ``rape camp'' after her husband was taken away and murdered. She said endured the horrors between July 3, 1992, and Aug. 12, 1992.
Held with her children, 7 and 12, she was among scores of women detained at a Foca high school and sports hall after their villages were set afire by paramilitary gangs.
``In the beginning I was taken out almost every evening,'' said the woman, testifying from behind shuttered glass.

``During the last 10 days it was the worst,'' she said. ``I don't think I spent a single night with my children.''

American prosecutor Peggy Kuo asked how her children handled the traumatic events.

``Every time I came back, they asked: 'Where did you go, Mom?''' the witness said.

``What did you tell them?'' Kuo asked.

``I told them I was taken out for interrogation - plain interrogation,'' the woman said.

The witness said she was raped at private apartments by Serb soldiers from Bosnia, Montenegro and Yugoslavia.

``They were dirty. They drank. ... They would do whatever they wanted,'' she said. She said she was later taken with a group of victims to a house in the Muslim quarter to be gang-raped.

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Sorry Igor, I missed that earlier, I'm wonderful this late afternoon, how about yourself?


Ps. still haven't worked out exactly what kissie used this thing for in her kitchen, but its pretty darn lethal, I can tell ya. MARY!!!DUCK!!!GOTYA!!

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Lets get back to the topic of this board,k?

Militants are manifestly avoiding clashes with federal forces and this tendency is increasingly asserting itself, escalating "practically into the impotence syndrome", said Colonel General Valery Manilov, deputy chief of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces, speaking at a news conference in the Russian Information Centre.

He said that last week federal forces in Chechnya, acting to plan, engaged in special operations, carried out reconnaissance and search missions, and "dealt pinpoint air and artillery strikes at militant bases, destroying more than 20 militants".

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Peace is coming to the mountain areas in Chechnya. Years of independence resulted in more than dilapidated houses, the absence of electricity and ordinary medical care, ragged clothes and closed schools. Russian frontier guards have got hold of a paper in which former leaders of the Itum-Kale district asked the authorities to help people who lived in extreme poverty. Messages of this kind remained unanswered. The assistance came with the arrival Russian servicemen, though the militants did all they could to intimidate mountain residents. According to the head of the administration of town of Veduchi Ahmed Magomadov, the people are now living under the protection of the border guards.

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"typical canned responce from U.S. apologists"

"Typical"-because it is true.

"U.S. apologists"-I never apologised, nor has the U.S.

"we saved lives by murduring them"-Invasion of Japan would have caused close to a million casualties. Plus Japan didn't surrender after the first bomb was dropped.

Finally, who started the war ,uh Japan. Remember Pearl Harbor.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 01:21 pm:
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - A Bosnian Muslim woman, testifying in a landmark wartime rape trial, said Tuesday she was assaulted almost every night by drunk Serb soldiers who did ``whatever they wanted'' to her.
The woman, identified as Witness No. 105 and the last victim to testify in the rape trial, said one man bit her neck until she was covered with blood.

Is there any substantiation to Witness No. 105's alleged statements? There has been no proof presented that this was the statement of an actual person. That is why secret charges and secret witnesses are not valid evidence. For all we know, Carla Del Ponte authored the fictitious story of Witness No. 105. What is the woman's name? Where is her picture? Was her presence in the alleged crime scene corroborated by other witnesses or established by legal, business or any other kind of documention. Let's see the bitemarks on her neck! Were semen samples collected from her body and clothes? Were they tested by Barry Sheck and Cellmark Labs? Was she impregnated? Did she have an abortion?

It is obvious that the US is employing double standards with respect to its unlawful, illegal, and pretended prosecution of Serbs.

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Ok dumbass were is your subtantiation that this didn't happen? Were you there or are you just jumping on the "oh poor serb bandwagon". You never answered the question about the pictures, what were they dummies?

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 03:30 pm:
"typical canned responce from U.S. apologists"

"Typical"-because it is true.

"U.S. apologists"-I never apologised, nor has the U.S.

"we saved lives by murduring them"-Invasion of Japan would have caused close to a million casualties. Plus Japan didn't surrender after the first bomb was dropped.

Finally, who started the war ,uh Japan. Remember Pearl Harbor.

The US is already discredited. Its President is a perjurer and adulterer. Its army is an aggressive murderous instrument of imperialism and conquest. It is amazing that the apologists for the US would, in claiming themselves to be speaking the truth, inadvertantly admit that there is a such thing as absolute truth, since the US is a preacher of moral relativism and pluralism, which admit of no absolute truth. The hypocrisy of the US regime and its disciples is transparent for all to see through.

It is astounding that the US and its minions justify its nuclear terrorism against the women and children of Japan by saying that an invasion of Japan would have forced them to murder a million women and children. Why would the US have had to invade Japan at all? Did Japanese women and children fly the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor? Were American women and children used as human shields in Pearl Harbor, or was not Pearl Harbor, as a military base, a legitimate military target? Did the Japanese break any Geneva Convention rule by bombing Pearl Harbor? Were not the battleships and destroyers and cruisers in Pearl Harbor armed to the teeth by able-bodied US soldiers? Did the Japanese pilots bomb women and children in Honolulu or San Francisco? Why would the Japanese army retreat from the battlefields to fight a guerilla war in Japanese cities? Would the Japanese Navy have also put its ships in Japanese rivers? The supporters of the US regime do a lot of complaining against and condemning of the Russians for storming Grozny (when the war was started by the Chechens), yet they then turn around and suggest that if not for the nuclear bombs they would have stormed Japanese cities! What hypocrisy! What disingenuous lies!

The US and its supporters seem unable to do anything but prove their utter bestiality and barbarity and propensity for double-talk.

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Posts: 2221 that all you can say? So many issues about WWII, Korea, Japan were brought up by you, and answered greately in detail by THX and all you can say "uh, they started it'???? Can't do better than one-liner? I don't blame you - you just can't handle someone who knows so much about all the stuff you attemted to talk about. To me your responce, shows nothing but a lack of knowledge about issues that you naively brought up, hoping that people whould buy your "USA all the way" pride. Why do you think no one likes US residents now? To much arrogance among ordinary people like you who swallow all they are being told by the government.

If you are an intellegent person, as you claim to be, you would do much better than what we've just witnessed. Do not respond to me, respond to the person who cornered you.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 03:59 pm:
Ok dumbass were is your subtantiation that this didn't happen? Were you there or are you just jumping on the "oh poor serb bandwagon". You never answered the question about the pictures, what were they dummies?

Your insults only serve to discredit you further and strip away whatever believability you might have had. First of all, the burden of proof is on the Prosecution. Neither you nor the US or NATO or UN have proven that any crimes were committed, nor provided any evidence to substantiate that any crimes which may have been committed were committed by Serbs.

I do not know what pictures you are refering to. If there have been any substantiated pictures introduced into evidence at any lawful trial. We have all of course, been assaulted with phoney satellite images of farm fields and other topographical features which NATO claimed were "mass graves" and we were all just expected to believe it. Hollywood shows films in the theatres and television with actresses and actors having sex all the time; are these sex scenes all real? Where is the court transcripts of the cross-examination of Witness No. 105 by the Serb POWs legal counsel? Where is the transcripts of the evidentiary hearing?

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fuckin'sick to death of hearing exuses for Pentagon inceasing expences. Peace-program, shield program, our children to sleep safe..yap-yap..B U L L.

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Dimitri, I will respond to you as well as thx. But come on were talking about WWII here. THX would like us the believe that Japan was such a peace loving country at the time and evil America came in and wiped off the face of the earth. WWII was an all out war. The projected number of casualties for the invasion of japan would have been about a million, not just Japanese women and children that included US troops Japanese troops , civilians, because yes kids WWII was not a clean cut war where armies stood on a field by themseles , civilians did get in the way. By the way THX did you ever here of the rape of Nanking (sp.)

The question was why would the U.S. have to invade Japan at all. Simple because they didn't surrender up till that point. After 4 years of war what was the US to do, say ok were done and let Japan re-arm with the same government in place that started the war that took so many lives?

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"fly B-2 bombers at 60,000 feet and carpet bomb"
THX name one time that has happened?

"the US uses its nukes to blackmail the entire world"

Really, when has the US said "do this or we will nuke you?"

A couple of other questions.

After WWII who was more free and where would you prefer to live ,eastern europe or western europe?

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