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Archive through June 22, 2000

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well I guess now I'm completely discredited.
So the same question goes out to you, were is your proof that it didn't happen. I've seen plenty of pictures of what the serbs had done just as you have, but you choose to ignore them. So basically what you are saying is that you were there and know for a fact that the serbs didn't commit any war crimes.

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I find it quite moronic when the sentiment of the extremist anti-American members of this board deny the wrong-doing of other militant parties. Does anyone remember what happened to Berlin in the following weeks of Russian occupation? What about the Japanese slaughter in Manchuria? Some historians argue that the atrocity generated during this event alone eclipsed the Holocaust. As I compose these words, I wish not to be mistaken as an American patriot and guardian of imperialism. I am only providing posts for the sake of objectivity...

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"What ever problems the Koreans had it was their problem, the US had no right to interfere. Since the US attacked North Korea..." Once again trying to re-write history. It was North Korea that attacked South Korea where US troops were still stationed from the end of WWII. Now if South Korea wanted to US to help defend against an invasion there is nothing wrong with it, plus the UN voted to defend South Korea so there was not just US troops but Belgins, Aussies, English and many others. Now I asked who is better off today and the response is a list of yeas not so good leaders in South Korea but the people in the south have , since the end of the fighting, have enjoyed a far higher rate of income and freedoms. Let me ask you this. Today would you rather live in North or South Korea? before you answer remember there is not much food in N. K. plus saying anything bad about the government lands you in jail. You can not own property. There is no freedom of the press and all the other fun things that come with communism, a failed ideology that has to build walls to keep people in rather than keep people out.

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Maybe get little out of hand (just for fun) but there is nothing like pissing off a close minded idiot. You couldn't have said it any better! To tell you all the truth I could really give a good God damn what the hell they do over there. I just wish they would quit giving my hard earned money to these defunct corrupt governments.

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I don't think US was evil back than. They just made an "evil" move to win the war. They had an easy and very cruel way of getting out of the conflict and they went for it. What I am saying that that particular move was very "nazi-like"; there is not anything wrong with trying to save your own military force, but when it comes to saving your force at the expence of civilians(women and children, remember?)..well it is just fuked up. I am sure I am not along on this.

As for blackailing with nukes..c'mon, man, you should know better than that. Or are you just playing naive? Don't you know that you don't have to say things like "we will nuke you, if you don't do what we want" in order to get the other party's attention? It isn't only US who does those tricks, it is every country who posesses nukes, but since Russia is not what it used to be, thus US enjoys being on the top and engages itself into blackmailing more and more often. It's like a fat kid who knows that the other fat strong kid has left the building, enjoys bullying around smaller kids. And that, my friend, is a stupid and dangerous practice. The USSR used to keep the world in a perfect (some say safer than now) balance, no matter how dangerous it seemed to some close-minded politicians.

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Dimitri, No I really want to know , I have not seen a specific post that says a certain situation in which the US has use the threat of a nuke strike (blackmail). OK name a situation where a nation was blackmailed because the US has nukes in which there wasn't a "we will nuke you threat"?

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"there is nothing wrong with saving your own military force but at the expence of civilians"

ok lets say the US didn't drop the bomb. An invasion would have taken place (lets not try to re-write history here because there would have been an invasion. Japan was preparing to be invaded and was training its civilians to fight, yes women and children. The battles to take Japan would have been very bloody , not to mention conventional bombing would have continued if the nukes were not dropped , leveling even more of Japan. What you say was an evil way to end the war probably shortned it by at least a year. The Japanese were finatical fighters, jumping off cliffs rather than surrender, flying there planes into ships. and torwards the end of the war building many small boats that they planned on loading with TNT and driving them into any invasion force killing the boat driver.

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As bad as the Japanese soldiers were in occupying territories I have also often wondered about dropping the nukes an civilian cities. Maybe drop it in close enough proximaty of the city not to kill everyone, and then maybe if they didn't capitulate take out something with less of a civilian population. I know the US was worried about a long drawn out confrontation with the enemy that just wouldn't give up, they would fight till they died. But those Japanese civilians probably were so busy building Sony radios that they were blind to the war itself. Didn't know what was comming...

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I think only those little slanty eye'd bastards the Chinese use the nuke threat. As for the US maybe just the threat of "grave consequences" have hinted nuclear a strike such as they used with sadam. I doubt they would have used nukes though.

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After reading these posts I vote to nuke Afghanistan in that it will save the world from these fundementalist Muslims.They all cried rape in Kosovo but nothing really was substantiated.Did you ever look at some of these ugly hideous cows that claimed rape,you would have to be out of your mind to even look at them let alone rape them.

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A lieutenant and a sergeant killed.

2 Russians Killed in Chechen Ambush

By YURI BAGROV, Associated Press Writer

NAZRAN, Russia (AP) - Two Russian servicemen were killed after they drove into a Chechen rebel ambush, military officials said Thursday.

A lieutenant from a paramilitary police detachment died while being evacuated by helicopter from the site of the ambush Wednesday near the town of Mesker-Yurt in the Urus-Martan region, the Interior Ministry said.

A sergeant was killed and two other soldiers were wounded in the roadside attack, the press service said. Troops searched the area but the attackers escaped, officials said.

It was another in the steady steam of hit-and-run attacks that mark the latest phase of the

Russian troops have occupied most of the rebellious region and rebels no longer mount
large-scale operations. But ambushes, remote-control mines and car bombs have inflicted
almost daily casualties on Russian forces.

Almost every night, Russian checkpoints and headquarters come under fire from small, fast-moving groups of rebels using rifles and grenade launchers.

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Gonzo how about Cuba in 61 or 62

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HERE YA GO, GONZO...I wonder what you're going to say next and who you're going to blame for this "false" info. Sorry for being sarcastic, but don't try to make an angel out of your country.

from Nisar Ahmad's article (posted 3-10-00)

Reprinted from The Frontier Post (Pakistan) March 04, 2000 SATURDAY ZIQA'AD 26, 1420

The Russians have made it clear that they will use nuclear weapons in their efforts to repel attacks carried out with nuclear or conventional weapons against their forces. In the previous such doctrine Russia had limited the use of its nuclear weapons to contingencies where their national sovereignty came under threat from foreign forces. With the introduction of the new doctrine, Russians have in fact responded in tone to the confrontational and aggressive NATO doctrine in place that emphasises the use of nuclear weapons in case its forces are overwhelmed by Russian army using conventional weapons. The rising partnership between Russia and China mirrors their views about geopolitical compulsions and common security threats and has greater significance as they both recognise the danger to world peace if the US continue disdaining the legitimate rights of other nations and supremacy of the UN. Russia has significantly increased it advanced weapons sale to China that reflects both countries' increasing anxiety about US global intentions. In December, leaders of both countries signed a communique, which dispensed a deep-toned endorsement of each other's views on domestic and international issues

Remember what I said - whoever has nukes will ALWAYS use it as a threat. So are you atill going to pretend the US never-ever threats with nukes?

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Yes but as far as sadam goes what was hinted if he used weapons of mass distruction there would be grave consequences. The same sort of mutually assured distruction that kept USSR and US ICBMs in there silos. That was not a case of blackmail. Because when you blackmail someone you force someone to do something in which they can't retaliate against you. So still waiting for someone to post a specific situation.

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What does this polarisation achieve?
"If you aren't with us you're against us".

Truth is that there are 40 odd years worth of atrosities that could be brought up on all sides. More if we go back to 1918!!

Like I said we heard you!! Now what the hell do we all do to get out of this mess? I just started work with the WHO and haven't met any imperialists yet. I have a wonderful Russian collegue working with me on the African Aids programme. We both decided we are sick of apologists on both sides and wish there was someone with the balls and the common sense to start solving these problems.
And working together- but I guess that's a woman thing.

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