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Archive through June 22, 2000

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Cuban missle crises

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yea, I kinda agree with that..maybe just showing the power of a nuke somewhere on the coutry side to minimize civilian casualties would have been a smarter, or less evil move.

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Without a doubt all sides have commited atrocities. I think we will probably have to wait a long time for that certain person with balls to straighten everything out... It's really to bad that we can't get along. It's human nature and that's hard to change.

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Cuba 61 62, very good. But once again we are taling about blackmail. THX said the US uses its nukes to blakmail the entire world.

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thx is a closeminded, blind, sexually deprived, un-educated loser. You are right though, the Cuba deal wasn't black mail...

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First of all who says the the battles would go deeply into metropolitan cities such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki were. Are you so sertain that there woulda been more casualties (civilian) if US didn't use the nukes and instead tried to win with conventional methods???? Pa-lease!

..yourself, maybe? That is unless you just simply couldn't have come up with a more "humanitarian" argument.

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did you read the article from the Pakistani paper that I posted for you in regards to US nuke threats? I am ancsious to hear your excuse on that. Just, please, refrain from saying something like"well, Russia started it first!" or anything like that. Deal?

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Igor,THX, Rape is about power, not sex!! And here as ever, the victim is on trial. Traces of semen and other physical evidence would have needed to be detected within 72 hours. If this woman was in a detention camp, there would hardly have been a friendly doctor around to check her out.
Given the hatred on all sides, the fact that women in detention centres were raped is hardly surprising. They were shooting young children for hells sake!!! And don't start telling me that's just the western media, I know people from the various sides of the conflict that witnessed these things.

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"It is a man's world"
By Patricia Kaas.

Hey, ya, Kim!

"..but without a woman it'd be NOTHING.."

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Kim just wondering why only Serbs are accused of these crimes.What about Bosnian Muslims and Croats.What about Albanians and Croats who were in SS commiting atrocities?

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just in case you've missed it..

from Nisar Ahmad's article (posted 3-10-00)

Reprinted from The Frontier Post (Pakistan) March 04, 2000 SATURDAY ZIQA'AD 26, 1420

The Russians have made it clear that they will use nuclear weapons in their efforts to repel attacks carried out with nuclear or conventional weapons against their forces. In the previous such doctrine Russia had limited the use of its nuclear weapons to contingencies where their national sovereignty came under threat from foreign forces. With the introduction of the new doctrine, Russians have in fact responded in tone to the confrontational and aggressive NATO doctrine in place that emphasises the use of nuclear weapons in case its forces are overwhelmed by Russian army using conventional weapons. The rising partnership between Russia and China mirrors their views about geopolitical compulsions and common security threats and has greater significance as they both recognise the danger to world peace if the US continue disdaining the legitimate rights of other nations and supremacy of the UN. Russia has significantly increased it advanced weapons sale to China that reflects both countries' increasing anxiety about US global intentions. In December, leaders of both countries signed a communique, which dispensed a deep-toned endorsement of each other's views on domestic and international issues """

_______ threats/blackmailings(whateve you wish to call it), ehh?

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Thanks for the compliment. As far as the tax issue goes, I think we can open a HUGE can of worms on both US policy in both domestic and foreign areas.

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OSLO (Reuters) - NATO-member Norway should cut its armed forces by a fifth and drop its fears of a massive Russian invasion, armed forces chief Sigurd Frisvold said Thursday.
He said tight budgets meant Norway should cut 4,000 of its 20,000 military personnel by 2005, halve the number of conscripts and shut military installations ranging from air bases to coastal defense posts.

"The recommended defense structure will mean radical changes in both war and peacetime organization," he wrote in a report outlining the structure of the military for the next 20 years.

Frisvold estimated defense budgets would stay at about $2.86 billion a year until 2021 despite the rising costs of high-tech equipment and salaries. The proposed staff cuts would mean annual savings of two billion crowns a year.

He proposed shifting away from Cold War planning under which Norway would mobilize thousands of troops to defend against a feared invasion of its Arctic north by neighboring Russia until help arrived from NATO allies.

Frisvold said Norway now needed more flexible armed forces able to react quickly, take part in international military operations, defend Norway against limited attacks and combat terrorism.

"Future conflicts in our area are expected to be more limited, both in terms of the forces involved and in their geographic extent," he said.

Norway has built its defenses around fears of a Soviet invasion since World War Two, when Norway was occupied by the Nazis. The Soviet Red Army helped oust Hitler's forces in 1945.

Frisvold said his proposals, to be discussed by politicians, reflected cost cuts and reforms by many other NATO nations."The armed forces have no choice. This is no wish list," he said


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Yes I am convinced of this, think about it on some nights there were more killed by conventional bombing or prety dam close. The numbers would have very much surpassed the numbers killed by two nuke strikes (remember Japan didn't surrender after the first one.) Imagine the air-raids like the one that leveled half of Toyko continueing on for another year. Many more japanese cities if not all of them would have been destroyed if the war didn't end at that point. You know how Curtis LeMay ran the bombing campaign. Planes would fly over japan drop leeflets of possible targets for bombing raids the next day and one target on that list if not a couple would be struck. Another example, look at Okanawa. One of the bloodyest fights ever for the USMC, there were cities and town on that island and yes the Japaneese did fight in them.

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As no-one in their right mind is going to use the darned things, isn't the arguement as to who threatens who a bit accademic. A kosovo/chechnia style military intervention is the most we can expect from Russia or the US. However in light of what has been happening in Yugoslavia, Irak, Africa and Chechnia, the nuclear/military big stick that was the UN's only muscle is no longer credible. Might as well disband it.

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