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Archive through June 28, 2000

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Oh my God jakes back, where the hell have you been you pork eatin, little boy lovin, sword swollowing little pricck?

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NATO Should Take Accusations of Lawbreaking Seriously

Foreign Affairs Opinion (Published) Keywords: NATO
Published: 06/19/00 Author: Frederick Bonnart
Posted on 06/19/2000 18:43:00 PDT by Miss Antiwar
Paris, Tuesday, June 20, 2000

NATO Should Take Accusations of Lawbreaking Seriously
By Frederick Bonnart International Herald Tribune

BRUSSELS - Hard on the heels of the dismissal by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of war crimes charges against NATO, a report by Amnesty International accuses NATO of violating the laws of war. A more comprehensive document making similar charges was issued in February by Human Rights Watch.
NATO's current secretary-general, George Robertson, has rejected the accusations as ''baseless and ill-founded.'' Neither of the two reports requests legal action against the organization, and no response from the tribunal is expected.

However, both make strong recommendations for action by NATO itself. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want an internal investigation into rules of engagement, the use of certain types of weapons, and aspects of military doctrine. They call on member states to proceed against individuals held to be responsible for serious violations of humanitarian law.

NATO should take heed of these recommendations.

The aim of the NATO intervention was to ensure the acceptance of the Rambouillet conditions by President Slobodan Milosevic. It was not supposed to be a war againstthe Serbian people. But, since Mr. Milosevic had armed force under his command, warlike operations had to be carried out by allied forces.

That created a special situation in which particular attention needed to be paid to the avoidance of collateral civilian casualties and property damage. According to the reports, not only was this condition inadequately observed, even the normal rules of war were breached by NATO, the military commanders and individual military personnel.

The reports cite incidents in which civilian casualties were caused by careless target selection, use of area weapons or incorrect timing. These cases were often the result of inadequate reconnaissance, high-altitude bombing, failure to give effective prior warning to civilians or ignorance of the possible collateral effects of new weapons.

The airmen attacking theGrdelica bridge in broad daylight realized too late that they had hit a train. But, since the bridge had not been destroyed, the attack was renewed; the train was hit a second time, and most of the civilian casualties were then caused. The need to carry out orders has been a frequent defense in war crimes trials, but it is not normally acceptable.

Cluster bombs are highly effective against military personnel on the ground or collections of aircraft on airfields. They caused a large number of civilian casualties during the campaign, and also thereafter.

A radio and television building in Belgrade was attacked by NATO aircraft. Transmission was interrupted for three hours, and 16 civilians were killed. Countering enemy propaganda in a war is legitimate, but it is questionable whether the violent means employed are justifiable in this situation.

NATO action was intended to prevent the Yugoslav armed forces from carrying out their campaign of ethnic cleansing. When the allied action was evidently failing to achieve this objective, attacks switched to the civilian infrastructure.

The Danube bridges were destroyed, power stations, oil depots and heating plants were blown up, water supply was interrupted. Bombing raids on Belgrade drove civilians into shelters night after night. The purpose of these attacks was to induce the Serbian population to exert pressure on its government to accept the allied conditions.

The allies could have engaged Yugoslav forces on the ground. The cost in allied lives and resources would have been vastly greater. (No allied lives were lost due to enemy action in the air campaign.) Allied leaders were not prepared to face such cost.

The humanitarian crisis was stopped, and most of the displaced people were able to return to their homes. But, although local expulsions and revolting brutality had occurred earlier, the mass ejection of Albanian Kosovars from the province, together with wholesale murder, torture and rape, occurred after the NATO attacks began. It is therefore debatable whether the allied action, with the self-imposed limits on allied casualties, should ever have been undertaken.

An investigation into these various accusations and a determination of the degree of responsibility of different individuals should certainly take place if the alliance wishesto remain on the moral high ground that is the present rea-son for its existence.

The writer is editorial director of NATO's Nations, an independent military journal. He contributed this comment to the International Herald Tribune.

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I would like to comment on the last post.If US and NATO disregard and deny the reports then what is the big fuucking deal when they make the accusations about Russians in Chechnya?

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Martin Luther, the Father and Founder of Protestantism writing about the Jews:
"What are we to do with this rejected, damned people of the Jews?...I will give my honest advice. First, their synagogues or schools are to be set on fire and whatever will not burn, is to be covered and heaped over with earth, so that never again shall one find stone or cinder of them left. Secondly, their houses are likewise to be broken down and destroyed, for they do exactly the same in them as they also do in their schools. Therefore they may perhaps be allowed a roof or a stable over them, as the Gypsies are,
in order that they may know they are not the lords in our country as they boast to be... Thirdly, all their Prayer Books and Talmuds are
to be taken away from them, in which such idolatry, lies, curses and blasphemies are taught. Fourthly, their Rabbis are to be forbidden under pain of capital punishment to teach any more... Fifthly, the Jews are to be entirely denied legal protection when using the roads in the country, for they have no business to be in the country...
Sixthly, usury is to be forbidden them, and all their cash and their treasures of silver and gold are to be taken away from them and to be put aside to be preserved. And for this reason, all that they have (as was said above), they have stolen and robbed from us through their usury."

In his work, "About the Jews and Their Lies", edition 1543, Martin Luther addresses himself to the princes in these words: "Burn their synagogues. Forbid them all that I have mentioned
above. Force them to work and treat them with every kind of severity, as Moses did in the desert and slew three thousand.... If that is no use, we must drive them away like mad dogs, in order that we may not be partakers of their abominable blasphemy and of all their vices, and in order that we may not deserve the anger of God
and be damned with them. I have done my duty. Let everyone see how he does his. I am excused."

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This member of the War Party lite seeks to confuse the issue by downplaying the horrors caused by the War to Destroy Yugoslavia. Never once does he mention

1) It is now safer for a Albanian to live in unoccupied Yugoslavia dominated by Slobo the mad dog tyrant than it is to be a Albanian living in the KLA/Kfor occupation zone. Since the KLA/Kfor took over, nearly 400 Albanians have been murdered in are under their control. Presidet Clinton has written a letter to Congress that Kfor has operational control over the KLA/KPC. Therefore, Kfor (and by chain of command, President Clinton and other polictical leaders) are responsible for allowing the murder of those 400 Albanians. At Nuremberg and Tokyo, leaders were found guilty and hung for allowing chaos inside occupation zones.

2) He completely ignores the serious issue posed by the ICJ court case whose second part will be heard on July 5th. In this Yugoslavia is suing War Making states for the Crime of Aggression. Judges at the ICJ have already written some statements which appear to condem the War Making States. When the ICJ rules, the War Making States can be liable to pay Yugoslavia some $200 billion in reparations

3) He also fails to mention that the bombs appear to have killed 5 times as many civilains as soldiers . A clear case of disporportionality.

4) He also fails to mention that the Forensic Experts found that NATO bombs killed about 30% of the victims found, NATO's KLA proxies killed about 30% of the rest, about 25% of the victimes found were KLA fighters. About 5% of victims appear to be Yugoslav loyalist combatants. Less than 10% of the victims examined by the forsenic experts could have been the victims of Yugoslav oppression. A total of 85% of the victims died as a result of NATO/KLA action.

These are now the salient facts of the case, First, that he War to Destroy caused more harm than good and Second that the entire premise of the War (ie: genocide etc) was false. So, don't read the above pro-War Party revisionism lite and believe that this guy is anything but anti-Peace.

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Former Prime Minister Chernomyrdin in Kremlin Money Laundering Scandal Says Report

MOSCOW, Jun 27, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Swiss prosecutors investigating a Kremlin money laundering scandal have set former Russian prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin as one of their prime targets, a report said on Monday.

The Novaya Gazeta newspaper quoted an undisclosed Swiss police official as saying that Chernomyrdin may have received millions of dollars from a company linked to Mabetex, which was rewarded with lucrative deals to refurbish the Kremlin and other government buildings.

Chernomyrdin, currently a deputy in the State Duma lower house of parliament, also serves as board chairman of Russia's natural gas giant Gazprom.

A company linked to Mabetex "really did transfer funds to him exceeding tens to millions of dollars," the undisclosed Swiss police source told the newspaper.

"In order to file charges of money laundering against him in Switzerland, we need some cooperation from Russian prosecutors.

The source said that charges on Tuesday will also be filed in Geneva against former President Boris Yeltsin's influential daughter Tatyana Dyachenko.

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just shut up.

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IGOR..Read with great interest your posting on the captives. I find it absolutly tragic how little respect for life (especialy for whites) these lowlife Muslim criminals have. Whether it be Chechnya, Afganistan, remember the PLO or the Middle East. Also let us not forget all the plane hijackings when the hijackers, hiding behind masks, tortured, killed innocent people and blew up planes, or when these same cowards blew up business establishments in major city centers, causing severe injuries if not death to again, innocent passerbys. All in the name of ALLAH and the Jihad? Bull sh'ite, that's just an excuse. It's in their blood.

Their all farcan animals and deserve to be treated, if not today, than someday in a manner in which they understand. Maybe by the families of those that these lowly, gutless Muslim cowards tortured and/or killed in captivity.

The medical term for this escapes me, but believe it or not, it has something to do with sexual gratification. Like little boys hanging or setting a cat on fire. Trust me on that.

Igor, in closing, ask yourself, are these spineless cowards the modern day version of former nazi prison guards? You know my answer to that.

ps: maybe these cowards hide behind masks because their as ugly as Stinky Bernstein and Queen Brownstains ALLAM.

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I would like to call for a constructive debate between Bernstein and Antonio. Would this be of interest to you guys?

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ALLAM's sister GONORRHEA said the family is concerned that he's spending days with his head stuck in the sand mumbling HAIRY MARY, HAIRY MARY, HAIRY MARY all day long.

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Hi Mary I think the term for them is sadists.My puppy chewed a porcupine yesterday quills and all.I had to take him to the vet to get them removed.Turns out that there is a pack of wolves nearby so I will be more careful when I go in the forest and better prepared.

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Federal Secret Services (FSB) conducted an operation in Chechnya with a view to destroying a strong militant group. According to General Aleksandr Zdanovich, head of the department of FSB assistance programmes, special forces of the federal security service and main intelligence department of the General Staff received information on the location of a large group of Arab mercenaries near the populated area of Benoi Tsa- Vedeno. The location immediately came under fire. During yesterday's mopping up operation there, the federals found 60 killed militants, including 55 Arab mercenaries. The operation is still under way, said the General. The federal secret services, involved in it, suffer no losses

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Troshov the Trash says that war is over. It is quite the contrary and is just beginning.

Fighting Rages in Chechnya

Jun 28 2000 9:09AM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Helicopter gunships strafed guerrillas fighting Russian troops in the forests of rebel Chechnya Wednesday in a battle that has cost 12 Russian lives, the Kremlin said.

Chechen guerrillas, who have been resisting Russian forces from mountain hideouts, said Russian losses were much higher.

General Viktor Kazantsev, former Russian commander in Chechnya and now President Vladimir Putin's emissary for southern Russia, said up to 200 rebels were encircled.

Rebel spokesman Movladi Udugov denied any guerrillas were trapped. He said Russian officials were trying to cover up a ''catastrophe'' in which 97 Russians had been killed. He had earlier put Russian losses at 32.

``Rebels have returned to base after fighting a 12-hour-long engagement... but massive air and rocket strikes continue to pound the area,'' Udugov said.

That statement was denied by a Kremlin spokesman, who said a clash with about 200 rebels near the village of Serzhen-Yurt, south of the ruined regional capital Grozny, was raging for the third day and the insurgents had sustained 60 losses. He gave no reason for not reporting the clash earlier.

Itar-Tass news agency, reporting from Grozny, quoted a soldier as saying: ``It's hot there, and there are many losses on both sides.'' It said its correspondent had been unable to reach the battle.

Both sides said fighting was taking place in a wooded area, dividing the foothills of the southern mountains from northern lowlands. The territory has long been held by Russian troops.

After nine months of war and repeated Russian claims that the conflict was all but over the separatist region remains volatile. Each side habitually exaggerate the other's losses.


``I heard Kazantsev said there was some kind of an encirclement, I can officially say this is a complete lie,'' Udugov said by telephone.

``The Russians are trying to cover up a catastrophe: we destroyed one of their elite special forces units,'' he said.

A spokesman from the office of Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the Kremlin aide who comments on Chechnya, dismissed Udugov's statement.

``The accurate information is this: the area was being combed, and east of Serzhen-Yurt they found a group of 150-200 people. Initial information says they are Arab mercenaries.

``They lost 60, it could be more,'' said the spokesman, who asked not to be named. ``Russia has lost 12 servicemen and 16 are wounded.''

As recently as Sunday, Russia's military commander in Chechnya, Gennady Troshev, said the war in Chechnya was all but over and the use of artillery and air strikes would be drastically scaled back.

After talks with top Russian officials in Moscow on Saturday, Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini said he believed that Russia had implemented a ``de facto cease-fire'' in the region on its southern flank.

Official Russian figures put its total losses at more than 2,300 since troops repelled an incursion by Chechen rebels into a neighboring region last August, ahead of the full-scale Chechen military campaign.

The conflict has caused an exodus of refugees from the region and talk by Russian officials of a return home has been undermined by rebel hit-and-run attacks in Russian-held Chechnya. Russia says it controls nearly all territory apart from rebel bases in the mountainous south.

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>>>By Djuma Namangani ( - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 10:26 am:

A spokesman from the office of Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the Kremlin aide who comments on Chechnya, dismissed Udugov's statement.

``The accurate information is this: the area was being combed, and east of Serzhen-Yurt they found a group of 150-200 people. Initial information says they are Arab mercenaries.

``They lost 60, it could be more,'' said the spokesman, who asked not to be named. ``Russia has lost 12 servicemen and 16 are wounded.'' >>>

Well, since Russians lie about their losses 1-to-5, I say their loss must be more than 60. Another sad day for poor Russians... Unfortunately they will keep suffering similar losses as long as they continue to cause suffering in Chechnia by invading Chechens' country. What goes around, comes around. A very basic lesson of life.

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