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Archive through June 28, 2000

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I believe that out of respect to you, I may have responded in a rash manner. However, the previous post which incited this response was slightly absent of elaboration. In saying this, I'm not attempting to chastize your capacity for intellect. You have proven this to be sufficient in your response to my post. I respect your viewpoints and I wish you would have added a couple more supportive statements to make things a bit clearer. I can see by your brief statements that you have a great ability to provide intellectually valuable comments. However, I wish you had extended the length of your passages. This request is guided exclusively towards you and I pray that Antonio doesn't respond in a way to lengthen his morbidly mundane passages. This would surely lead us all towards unprecidented levels of neurosis.

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more when it happens....

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A flame-thrower battalion of the Moscow military district has returned from Chechnya to the place of permanent stationing in Central Russian Kineshma, a spokesman for the United Grouping of federal forces told the Military News Agency.

The battalion has been staying in the turbulent republic stating from January 2000. The detachment is manned with contract soldiers and sergeants by nearly two-thirds, 80 troops have served in the battalion for 3-4 years.

Before being sent to the trouble spot the battalion trained mountain and wood warfare as well as street combat for about two months.

The spokesman highly praised the professional level of the Kineshma spitfire detachment. In February one of their platoons rebuffed a rebel breakthrough in the vicinity of Kalinovskaya. Back then 20 contract soldiers wiped out 76 guerrillas with the organised fire of Rys jet infantry flame-throwers.

The losses of the battalion during their stay in the area of operation made 1 killed and 5 wounded.

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Hey US! Hey NATO!

What happened with your diciples?!
Your loyal admiring fans!
Your loving adoring devotees!
Your faithful friends!
The people for whom you risked your lives and your credibility and tapped your treasuries and gave so much of your time and energies!
The sheep for whom you became the shepherd!
The ones who hailed your arrival with rose-petals!
The ones who blessed you and kissed your footprints!
The Albanians in Kosovo-Metohija!
Your people, your flock! What are they doing now?

They are cursing you and protesting your presence and ridding you out of their hearts!

Poor US. Poor NATO. It must hurt to be treated with such ingratitude by the very people you did so much for and on whose behalf you sacrificed your relations with another people, the Slavs.
You cast asunder the good will of the Russians, Ukrainians, and especially Serbs, for the sake of proving your love and devotion to the objects of your affection, those wonderful little Albanians in Kosovo.

Oh US... Oh NATO... There there....


Wednesday, 28 June, 2000, 18:22 GMT 19:22 UK
Now Kosovo Albanians want K-FOR out

There's been a second day of demonstrations in Kosovo by ethnic Albanians calling for the withdrawal from the province of the NATO-backed peacekeeping force, K-FOR.

The protests are the first anti-NATO demonstrations by Albanians since the arrival of the peacekeeping troops last year after the military campaign to drive out Serbian forces.

The protests follow the seizure of a big arms dump the peacekeepers say belonged to the now-disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army.

A BBC correspondent in Kosovo says NATO has been seen as the saviour of ethnic-Albanians, and such protests were -- until recently -- unthinkable.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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THX, lets see where to start. Do you know what carpet bombing is? It is when you fly B52's or some other large bomber side by side droping ungided free fall bombs at an enormous rate along a large strech of territory aka rolling thunder. Yugoslavia was not carpet bombed. However Iraq possitions in sothern Iraq were during the gulf war.

"What did Nanking have to do with the US that was between Filopinos and Japanese."

1st Nanking is in China

2nd Japan attacked thoes islands after peal harbor and at the time they were a US territory since the Spanish American war. so it did have to do with the US.

"Japans attack on Manchuria was supported by the US because the US was shipping scrap metal to Japan."

"US attacked Japan first-Flying Tigers."

So what are you saying the US supported Japans attack on Manchuria at the same time it was fighting the attack it was supporting.

Now about the Flying Tigers. You keep posting about how what business it of the US to get involved. What business was it of Japan to attack China in the first place. Plus if China wants to allow a few volinteer pilots to fly in there defence isn't that Chinas business and there right. The attack on Pearl Harbor had nothing to do with the flying tigers. Japan knew the only country that could oppose them in there expansonist ambitions in the Pacific was the US. The plan was to make one massive blow to the US pacific fleet. Of course it didn't work out since the US carriers were not at Pearl that day. Plus Japan didn't knock out Pearls dry docks that could fix ships. After the Attack Adm Yamato said, "I fear all we have accomplished today was to awaken a sleeping giant (or dragon)." In other words he feard a drawn out fight with the US. He new if Japan couldn't knock the US out of the war in a short time it would loose.

"The US wants all its citizens to dissarm."

There is not one law on the books forcing people who can legaly own guns to give them up. Not to mention the 2nd Admendment. Plus the Republicans control congress and most likly the next white house and part of there party platform is gun ownership and the rights of gun owners. So that statement is simply false.

"The US imposed it final solution on Japan instead of fighting against the Japanees milatary like real men."

OH so Iwo Jima, Okanawa, Guadal cannal, Midway, Coral Sea, Tinnian, Phillapeans, Pearl harbor, etc. didn't happen?

I didn't really get a straight answer about if you would have rather live in communist eastern europe or western europe after the war, which is fine. But I will answer your questions. I would rather bee a free man with all the hardships that entails because as a free man it is up to me to better myself and at the same time lessen such hardships. It is a lot better than being some cog in a machine in which the government tells me what job I can or can not have. When I can have a car. Where I can travel. Where I can live.Not allow me to express displeasure with my government.

Would I rather live on the small island and survive or the cruse ship that will sink.
So which one was the annology for communist eastern europe. The small island because the walls that forced people to stay or the cruse ship that will sink because communism proved to be a very flawed system of oppression. Oh wait you said luxury cruse ship. OK that couldn't mean eastern europe under communism unless you consider on being able to get three rolls of toliet paper a year a luxury. So between the two choices I would say the island , then again if I am going to be bored and alone forever on some crappy island I would choose the ship.

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Miracle in the making in Chechnya.

Vodka Army is bogged down in Chechnya and there is no way out except total surrender. Stupid Russian Generals are already balking down from military duty saying that war is over.

The recent ambushes have proved the futility of Russian Generals claim that all is well. The time has come to churn out the remnants of Vodka Army from the Chechnya Meat Grinder.

War has just started according to Mujahideen commnanders. For Vodka Army the war is over implying that they will surrender en masse. Wait and see the unfolding miracle in Chechnya in next few weeks and months.

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if I may..why are you constantly comparing Thx's analogies with eastern Europe??? I have read his messages verrry carefully and, as far as I can tell, he is not defending SOVIET style of living but rather DISAPPROVING the US/NATO style.

Hint: have you ever heard of people with views of communists/socialists who dissaprove of USSR style of socialism? Of course I could be easily wrong about THX..but I believe I am one of them.

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Jumping on the bandwagon agian eh? The poor little albanians want KFOR out. It's seems that's probaly true for the mear fact that cannot exact their revenge on the serbs in the maner they would like. Another ungrateful people. The western powers save their asss and they turn around and say get the hell out. I wonder how any of them would be left if Nato never stepped in? But boy they sure were crying for help before. Oh please help us, we are being slaughtered and raped. Yugo would have a pure serbian counrty complete with albanian slaves. Hey bro from now on I'm right along with ya, the west should never again help another country when they are being attacked by a foriegn invader. Never lend another dime to impoverished countries. Let them kill each other, let them build weapons of mass destruction to wipe each other out. Fucck em all let them starve and die. In fact the US should build a wall around the entire north american continent and let niether people in nor out. Keep the riches to our own people. Keep the ideals of freedom and prosperity to ourselves, just because we enjoy freedom and saftey why should others have it too? And why the hell should we help them achieve it? When they come begging for help laugh at them and say "Hey we won our own independence, win your own, if you can't then you don't deserve freedom. Die like the weak nation that you are". What do you think of that thx

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"""The small island because the walls that forced people to stay or the cruse ship that will sink because communism proved to be a very flawed system of oppression"""

No, Gonzo, NO. Communism didn't prove anything because communism is n o n existant system that only worked on paper. Well, at least so far. USSR were practicing socialism, promising communism in a very near future.

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Gonzo it is easy to say the last two paragraphs of your post because unlike Eastern Europe America did not lose almost all of it's work force not to mention all of it's industrial complex.You guys sat and made money from the war.America came out of the recession and profited immensly.Your loses were very minimal.Eastern Europe lost millions and millions of people.They were not compensated unlike Germany and Japan.Think about what I have said and do not feel so smug and high and mighty.

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Dimitri, yes maybe, but the orginal question was if he would have rather lived in easter europe or western europe after WWII. In other words would he rather have lived under the western system or soviet one. Of course if anyone choose not to answer any question possed by anyone on this board thats fine. I think he makes it priety clear that he dissaproves of the US style of living but then again it could be just US government actions. Anyway I'll take my football watching, double cheeseburgers, V8 ford and chevy, rock and roll music, bitching about the government, way of life in the west, where if you work hard you can succeed at anything.

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Betterthanyou I agree with your post.America should build a wall around itself and let other countries develop their own destinies.What ever will be will be.As Trudeau said we like certain aspects of American life but we do not want to be American.

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I completely agree with you and Betterthanyou.

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I don't disagree with on that. Everyone has their own wants and needs. What the hell would the world be like if we were all the same? Cultures need to retain their own identity, if it takes killing and raping one another to do it then hey, to each his own!

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Igor, I see the point you are trying to make. "The US profited from the war therefore it had the money to rebuild western Europe and Japan."
But you forgot some important factors, The Marshall plan was the vehicle behind rebuilding western Europe, that money was never paid back. Plus the Marshall plan was offered to countries in eastern europe. The USSR would not allow them to take the money. Thoes countries just became satalites of the USSR anyway.

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