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Archive through June 29, 2000

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yes, it will be over sonner than you thought, you blind-to-the-actuality creature..

..In Chechnya, the federal troops have eliminated over 120 rebels outside Serzhen-Yurt, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Valery Manilov said at a press conference in Moscow on Thursday.

He said a large rebel formation with approximately 250 members had operated in this area.

He also said that Arab mercenaries, among them field commander Khattab's nearest aides, constituted the nucleus of this rebel formation.

The operation outside Serzhen-Yurt continues, said Manilov.

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hm.."sword of justice"...ROFLing so hard...

and yes, I agree there's a number of people in RF who, for money, cooperate with the bandits.

Bandits usually tend to get along with bandits.

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By Dimitri ( - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:31 pm:
if I may..why are you constantly comparing Thx's analogies with eastern Europe??? I have read his messages verrry carefully and, as far as I can tell, he is not defending SOVIET style of living but rather DISAPPROVING the US/NATO style.

Hint: have you ever heard of people with views of communists/socialists who dissaprove of USSR style of socialism? Of course I could be easily wrong about THX..but I believe I am one of them.

It is typical of Americans to offer in their own defense the negative qualities of others. This is because when confronted with the facts of their own crimes, all they can resort to is saying things like "Well the U.S. has supermarkets and freeways and pretty girls in Newport Beach, so where would you rather live?" or "Well the Soviet Union has food shortages, internal passports, bad telephones and anti-immorality laws, so where would you rather live?"
There is a double intent of these Americans: 1) Deflect criticism of the U.S. and 2) maneuver the dissident into declaring that he would rather live in some place other than the U.S. so that the American can tell him to get out and go there.
These Americans think they own the land and the sea and the air. Worse, they think they created it. And now, with the U.S. Empire taking over the entire world, where can a person go? Everywhere the U.S. is spreading the poison of its democratic values.

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Thanks for your answer on Milosevic. Your lack of criticism toward him is very clear. If he is ok, everybody is ok.

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"Everywhere the U.S. is spreading the poison of its democratic values"

Yeah, through Mac donald's burgers and Coca Cola!

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By betterthanyou ( - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:36 pm:
Jumping on the bandwagon agian eh? The poor little albanians want KFOR out. It's seems that's probaly true for the mear fact that cannot exact their revenge on the serbs in the maner they would like. Another ungrateful people. The western powers save their asss and they turn around and say get the hell out. I wonder how any of them would be left if Nato never stepped in? But boy they sure were crying for help before. Oh please help us, we are being slaughtered and raped. Yugo would have a pure serbian counrty complete with albanian slaves. Hey bro from now on I'm right along with ya, the west should never again help another country when they are being attacked by a foriegn invader. Never lend another dime to impoverished countries. Let them kill each other, let them build weapons of mass destruction to wipe each other out. Fucck em all let them starve and die. In fact the US should build a wall around the entire north american continent and let niether people in nor out. Keep the riches to our own people. Keep the ideals of freedom and prosperity to ourselves, just because we enjoy freedom and saftey why should others have it too? And why the hell should we help them achieve it? When they come begging for help laugh at them and say "Hey we won our own independence, win your own, if you can't then you don't deserve freedom. Die like the weak nation that you are". What do you think of that thx

The Albanians have no cause for "revenge attacks" against Serbs, as the Serbs have committed no crimes against the Albanians. But the Albanians have committed many attrocities against the Serbs on Serbian land (Kosovo-Metohija). Therefore, the Serbs would be justified in expelling all the Albanians from Yugoslavia. The US/NATO/KFOR occupiers have only permitted and assisted the KLA in its brutal crimes against the Serbs, and that makes the US/NATO/KFOR guilty of crimes against humanity. The current tension and conflict between the US/NATO/KFOR occupiers and the KLA is basically a power struggle between victorious criminal factions who were once allied in a common criminal goal.

The US already builds walls. Check out the walls on the Mexican border. The US is well known for exploiting and plundering the resources of poor countries around the world and carrying off the loot to the US.

The US does not believe in the ideals of freedom and prosperity for anyone else except itself.
To achieve freedom and prosperity for itself it enslaves and robs everyone else. The US hardly enjoys freedom and safety though, as it is a police state with a massive crime problem. Those in the US who don't have guns are defenseless against the steady stream of registered sex-offenders and murderers released on parole from prisons.

The rest of the world has no need of the false help which the U.S. offers it, which always comes with deadly strings attached.

The proper course of action for the U.S. regime would be to disband itself, decommision its terrorist military and surrender all its weapons to the people.

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THX, nice spin but but I was mearly pointing out what you posted, the poison of its democratic values as said has created a better quality of life then other forms of government such as communism and dictatorships. "With the US empire taking over the entire world." I love it exagerations do add flair to your posts, like the "US regime" and the one I read a long time ago, I think was posted by somebody else "US occupied north America", "Flying Cowboys." Curious, what do you mean speading posion of its democratic values?

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Hypocrite Mufti Flees to Ossetia

The hypocrite Mufti Ahmad Qadirov, who was recently appointed ‘civil administrator’ of Chechnya, has fled the Islamic republic and is now hiding in the Russian Military base of Mozdok in North Ossetia (one of the republics of the North Caucasus).

Mujahideen sources confirm that Qadirov could no longer continue living in fear and isolation and had no option other than to flee the rage of the Chechen people and the swords of the Mujahideen.

Despite his cowardly escape, the Mujahideen have pledged that they will not rest until the hypocrite is killed for his crimes against the Muslims of Chechnya and his corrupt misuse of religious clauses for personal gain. Qadirov is also guilty of collaborating with an unbelieving enemy and supporting the enemy’s attempt to enforce their atheistic rule over a Muslim population.

On a similar note, the Mujahideen have ridiculed claims made by the Russian press that some Chechen leaders have ‘called on the Chechen people to lay down their arms’ and to support the members of the republic’s Russian-appointed administrators who, in addition to Qadirov, also include the hypocrites Ali Sultanov, Ibrahim Saidov and Salman Aduyev. A Mujahideen communiqué stated: “These men do not represent anyone but themselves and do not even command any groups. All Mujahideen commanders and soldiers are in agreement that the Jihad must continue until the departure of every Russian soldier from Chechnya."

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"The walls on the mexican border." Oh you mean the one that lets hundres of thousands of illgal allens in every year. "surrender all its weapons to the people." hey thats not a bad idea I could use an M1A1 tank as a lawnmower. Then again gas and insurace might be a bit pricey. Oh two quick points for argument, crime is down in the US for like the past 5 years plus prison sentances for sex offenders and murderers are being made even longer.

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now, who in the hell would belive articles from
It's just funny how one hypocrite copies and pastes articles written by another hypocrite anbout the so-called hypocrite.

You do deserve to shine shoes of Dr. Goebbels. Keep up the good work!

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From "Independent":


The Russian invasion of Chechnya last October curtailed but did not end kidnappings. According to one recent estimate, some 200 kidnap victims are still being held.

The kidnappings took place right across the north Caucasus and into southern Russia, but the victims usually ended up being held in a cellar in Chechnya itself.

At their height, almost all Chechen officials were involved to a greater or lesser degree in the kidnap business, which was one of the few sources of money in the republic.

Although the kidnapping of foreigners made the headlines, most of those who were seized were Chechens whose captors demanded small amounts of money. Other targets were young Russian soldiers, often kidnapped far from Chechnya. They might have no money, but the kidnappers would demand a ransom from the provinces from which they came.

Russian checkpoints on the borders of Chechnya have now disrupted the kidnap business, making it difficult, though not impossible, to move captives around. The Russians also switched off the mobile phone system in Chechnya last year, making it impossible for kidnappers to telephone to demand money.

Patrick Cockburn

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>>>Mujahideen sources confirm that..

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>>>Hey sircan'tgethard

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On the night of June 27-28 officers of the RF Interior Ministry Head Department for the Combating Organised Crime and their colleagues from the North Caucasus regional department liberated a Defence Ministry serviceman V. Brit, b. 1981. As spokesmen for the department's PR informed RIA Novosti, the serviceman who was kidnapped on June 12 in the Chechen hamlet of Khankala was liberated without any preliminary terms or ransom.

According to data from the Department for the Combating Organised Crime, on June 28 militia officers in Moscow running a complex of search operations arrested a 20-year-old unemployed person who was trying to sell 1.7 kilogrammes of explosive hexogen.

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