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Archive through June 30, 2000

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Just trying to recall when I used vulgarity and obscenities as freely as you or Dimi or many others on this board. Both you and Dimi have used words such as cocksucker, prick, fuuck, etc., at will. You can search and search and you will never find such language being used by me. Further more, my postings are usually of a nature which, if you have a clean mind can interupt it as such, likewise if you have a dirty mind, which you might, after all you refer to my postings as porno, well that's your own doings. I'm sure you've heard the expression that he who lives in a glass house should be the last to throw stones. I suggest you and Dimi and whoever practice what you preach.

Now no Dunkin Donuts for you tomorrow.

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Well by your writing you almost sound intelligent, but the statements that spew out of your filthy, close-minded little brain make it clear you walk around with both eyes closed and both hands up your asss. So you would rather live in a country like Cuba than be free? Oh ya and by the way we/US do own the whole fuccking world and you can't have any.

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since my name was used by L'menexe WITHOUT my approval, I would like to contribute my 'two cents'. What I do not approve is that ongoing stuff you keep on posting about Allam, Becon, etc. I mean where is this going to??? They're gone, forgetaboutit. I don't care if there was any porn in your posts, I personally could care less. As long as people aren't crossing the border, it all good by me. Up untill recently I mostly saw you just trying to play games here, looking for fools to pick on. When you're serious though, a lot of times I agree with you posts completely. And today (the djuma thang) is the perfect example of it.

Unlike L'menexe, I do NOT and NEVER have thought that you were _a gross pig_ . But I was pretty annoyed with Bacon, Allam stuff.
As for credits, who did what, I think it is just plane childlish, L'menexe.

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your post is quite a departure from yr. off group
mail...i'm surprised. stunned, axually. your
alleged 'support' was why i decided to go ahead
and refer to you.

i have no interest in "who got rid of who" RIGHT
UP to the point where someone _repeatedly_ takes
credit for stuff they didnt do.

aint nothin childish about it.
too bad you think so.

and the idea that i've _ever_ been anywhere near
the purveyor of 'porno-garbage spew' a la ms. m.
is unworthy of a response.

read the archives.
i rest my case.
game over.

so much for corresponding w/you, then.
have fun.

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Come on you people, let's all get along here. I see bickering amongnst friends... This board is meant to discuss the current topic at hand, but how many of you would be here if everyone actually stuck to the subject? As I stated before humor and laughter make the world go around. What's up with the uptight and seriousness of you people. Personally I don't give a flying F. what you guys post, porn, cussing, name calling, childish games,political insight.Who the F. cares. It's just another way to break the monotany of a long day. If you all get serious I'm outa here. And what the hell would I do without my good friends Sir Glenlivet, Baron Balvennie, and THX. So kiss and make up...

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Yes, l-chan, I was supportive because I was getting tired of "Allam this..bacon that.." ongoing saga. The context didn't bother me as much as the fact that this was NON-stop action.

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 05:34 pm:
THX, nice spin but but I was mearly pointing out what you posted, the poison of its democratic values as said has created a better quality of life then other forms of government such as communism and dictatorships. "With the US empire taking over the entire world." I love it exagerations do add flair to your posts, like the "US regime" and the one I read a long time ago, I think was posted by somebody else "US occupied north America", "Flying Cowboys." Curious, what do you mean speading posion of its democratic values?

The better quality of life you refer to is not much better for those who are crushed under the iron boot of the US. Even in the US, the labors of the poor are exploited to feed the ruling class. Some democracy. In fact, democracy and communism really aren't that different from each other. And it was the U.S. and its English and German henchmen who financed and armed the Bolsheviks and rammed communism down the Russians' throats.

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 05:45 pm:
"The walls on the mexican border." Oh you mean the one that lets hundres of thousands of illgal allens in every year. "surrender all its weapons to the people." hey thats not a bad idea I could use an M1A1 tank as a lawnmower. Then again gas and insurace might be a bit pricey. Oh two quick points for argument, crime is down in the US for like the past 5 years plus prison sentances for sex offenders and murderers are being made even longer.

The Mexicans have been on this land long before the U.S. empire expanded here. It is the Americans who are the unlawful aliens. If the Mexicans are considered "illegal" per U.S. Code, then so what? To hell with U.S. Code!

As for your claim that crim is down in the U.S. for the last 5 years, you are only parroting the U.S. regime party line, but one only need to read the newspapers and police blotters for himself to see that the claims of the FBI (an illegal entity) do not wash.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 06:57 pm:
Well by your writing you almost sound intelligent, but the statements that spew out of your filthy, close-minded little brain make it clear you walk around with both eyes closed and both hands up your asss. So you would rather live in a country like Cuba than be free? Oh ya and by the way we/US do own the whole fuccking world and you can't have any

Cuba, oh yeah. If there is something wrong with Cuba then why did the U.S. regime hand over Elian Gonzalez to the Cuban regime? What hypocrisy!

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Man your a bleeding heart candy asss. And I could bet my life that you live here in the US as well.

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 05:45 pm:
"The walls on the mexican border." Oh you mean the one that lets hundres of thousands of illgal allens in every year.

And what is the Statue of Liberty supposed to stand for? "Give me your tired poor huddled masses.." or something like that. Just one more revelation of American phoniness and hypocrisy.

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By Gonzo ( - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:12 pm:
THX, lets see where to start. Do you know what carpet bombing is? It is when you fly B52's or some other large bomber side by side droping ungided free fall bombs at an enormous rate along a large strech of territory aka rolling thunder. Yugoslavia was not carpet bombed. However Iraq possitions in sothern Iraq were during the gulf war.

"What did Nanking have to do with the US that was between Filopinos and Japanese."

1st Nanking is in China

2nd Japan attacked thoes islands after peal harbor and at the time they were a US territory since the Spanish American war. so it did have to do with the US.

"Japans attack on Manchuria was supported by the US because the US was shipping scrap metal to Japan."

"US attacked Japan first-Flying Tigers."

So what are you saying the US supported Japans attack on Manchuria at the same time it was fighting the attack it was supporting.

Now about the Flying Tigers. You keep posting about how what business it of the US to get involved. What business was it of Japan to attack China in the first place. Plus if China wants to allow a few volinteer pilots to fly in there defence isn't that Chinas business and there right. The attack on Pearl Harbor had nothing to do with the flying tigers. Japan knew the only country that could oppose them in there expansonist ambitions in the Pacific was the US. The plan was to make one massive blow to the US pacific fleet. Of course it didn't work out since the US carriers were not at Pearl that day. Plus Japan didn't knock out Pearls dry docks that could fix ships. After the Attack Adm Yamato said, "I fear all we have accomplished today was to awaken a sleeping giant (or dragon)." In other words he feard a drawn out fight with the US. He new if Japan couldn't knock the US out of the war in a short time it would loose.

"The US wants all its citizens to dissarm."

There is not one law on the books forcing people who can legaly own guns to give them up. Not to mention the 2nd Admendment. Plus the Republicans control congress and most likly the next white house and part of there party platform is gun ownership and the rights of gun owners. So that statement is simply false.

"The US imposed it final solution on Japan instead of fighting against the Japanees milatary like real men."

OH so Iwo Jima, Okanawa, Guadal cannal, Midway, Coral Sea, Tinnian, Phillapeans, Pearl harbor, etc. didn't happen?

I didn't really get a straight answer about if you would have rather live in communist eastern europe or western europe after the war, which is fine. But I will answer your questions. I would rather bee a free man with all the hardships that entails because as a free man it is up to me to better myself and at the same time lessen such hardships. It is a lot better than being some cog in a machine in which the government tells me what job I can or can not have. When I can have a car. Where I can travel. Where I can live.Not allow me to express displeasure with my government.

Would I rather live on the small island and survive or the cruse ship that will sink.
So which one was the annology for communist eastern europe. The small island because the walls that forced people to stay or the cruse ship that will sink because communism proved to be a very flawed system of oppression. Oh wait you said luxury cruse ship. OK that couldn't mean eastern europe under communism unless you consider on being able to get three rolls of toliet paper a year a luxury. So between the two choices I would say the island , then again if I am going to be bored and alone forever on some crappy island I would choose the ship.

Yugoslavian cities were carpet bombed by the US/NATO aggressors, who bombed apartment buildings and maternity wards and hospitals and bridges etc. Cluster bombs have been found all over the place.

Nanking... oh yeah I was thinking about Bataan.
So what business did the U.S. have in interfering in a conflict between Japan and China?

So the U.S. was bullying Spain too eh? What business did the U.S. imperialists have in occupying the Philippines? The U.S. all throughout its history has been an aggressive imperialistic rapacious bully, and the whole world can see it. It is only the blind jingoistic blow-hard Americans who can't.

The Japanese no doubt recognized that the U.S. imperialists were plotting to invade Japan anyway, just as the U.S. has done to Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia etc. When the U.S. can't get permission from the locals or collaboration from the local opposition forces, it invades a country. No country on earth is safe from the U.S. menace. Everyone needs to prepare to repel a U.S. invasion, and all would be wise (as the Serbs and the Chinese et al) to consult with one another on a coordinated plan to vigorously resist U.S. megalomaniac aggression.

As for gun laws, there is no difference between the Republocrats and the Demicans. Both are fronts for the regime and all the "gun-laws" are designed to make it impossible for anyone except criminals and regime forces to have weapons.
The U.S.A. Constitution forbids the regime from infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Registrations and lisences etc. and restrictions on pistol grips, bayonet holders, high capacity magazines, full-auto capability etc. are all infringements against the people's right and a violation by the regime against the U.S.A. Constitution. This just goes to show that the U.S. regime can never be trusted to honor or abide by any of its agreements or contracts, as the Indians well know.

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 08:43 pm:
Man your a bleeding heart candy asss. And I could bet my life that you live here in the US as well.

That you exhibit such scorn toward men of heart proves your own heartlessness, which is to be expected of the U.S. regime ass-kissers.

Ah, unlike you, THX1138 no longer lives below the tunnels in the mental confinement of the brainwashed minions of the underground empire. But the sun would probably burn your eyes out; the truth is too much for caged animals like yourself to handle. You even believe that the U.S. created the land, as if the U.S. were God or something.

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Who is a rebel in Chechnya?

According to Webster's, a rebel is "opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler". A rebel in Chechnya is someone who stands up against the legal government of Chechnya. People like Gantamirov or Kadiyev are rebels. The legal government doesn't become "rebels" just because some Russian bigman invalidates an international treaty between the two countries, or because a news agency worker is too lazy to check the facts and rather copies ready-made propaganda.

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>>>walk around with both eyes closed and both hands up your asss.

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