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Archive through June 4, 2000

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Eminent Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 46 Everyone should read this before they demonize the Serbs and make your own conclusions.Who are they real bastards

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At the Sarajavo battle, the Bosnian Serbs fell back to prepared positions giving the impression that the Muslim forces had them on the run. Indeed, at the time, some Western media reported an outstanding success had been achieved, the Serbs had been routed, and went on to speculate that this offensive, by a well-equipped Muslim army, could be a turning point in the war in favor of the Bosnian Muslim Government. According to Bosnian Serb intelligence, the man who planned and executed the Muslim offensive was former US Army General John Galvin, recently retired and now advising the Bosnian Muslim Government in Sarajevo. Last year he was in charge of the US Army’s famous military academy, West Point. Sadly for the Muslims they fell into a classic military ploy. The Bosnian Serbs enticed them into a large valley by retreating rapidly as the Muslim Special Forces pressed home their attack. When the valley was full of Muslim troops the Bosnian Serbs opened up from the surrounding hills with heavy artillery, mortars and machine guns. According to one quietly spoken Bosnian Serb colonel it was horrific, he said: "It was a slaughter. Even though I know they had come to slaughter us, I cannot be joyful at so many deaths which could have been avoided if only we had been allowed to remain united in Yugoslavia. In past times we lived together in peace, all of us, Serbs, Croats, and Muslims. The Americans and Germans broke up Yugoslavia, for what? Now they prolong the war, setting the Croats and Muslims together against us, planning the war for them, arming them and importing mujahedin into my country. If he wants to manipulate land, tell President Clinton to go back to Arkansas. I asked the colonel how many Bosnian Muslim troops had been killed in the May offensive. He said: "There were two divisions, not one.

It is difficult to judge how many died eventually, as the Muslim Government imposed a curfew on Sarajevo on the excuse that Serb snipers were in action, but this was to prevent people from finding out what had happened. They set up field hospitals but I think they could not cope with all the casualties and many must have died of wounds. What I do know is that the Bosnian Muslims lost many thousands of their Special Forces who were spearheading the attack. In that one valley there must have been more than 10,000 Bosnian Muslim troops killed, and those were their best men." He went on to say: "You know, even after such a defeat, the Muslim politicians still wanted more blood to be shed. They gave orders immediately for the Muslim units in the enclaves to launch attacks from Srebrenica, Gorazde, Tuzla and Bihac. From Srebrenica they launched three attacks in early June in which 12 Serbs were killed and many house burnt. They made another two attacks from Srebrenica and Zepa using 640 troops. The villages were not expecting the attack and many Serbs were killed.

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I red this long article. As I had only that to do!
But it didn't explain me why they don't like Milosevic. What Milosevic has done bad to them.
Why the US and even Germany should feel the need of ethnicaly cleansing against the serbian population?
Especialy the US. For Germany you can argue that neonazi trend. But for the US? Let alone other European states.
Why Milosevic didn't accept western influence like everybody else?
Why this influence is so bad while other eastern countries accepting it are going slightly better (I acknowledge slightly) and Yugoslavia refusing it is completely destroyed and banned.
I don't question Nato's right to bomb yugoslavia but the sanity of Milo's choice to let his country being flatened.
Why after being defeated in Bosnia Herzegovina, he stubbornly held against the same enemies in Kosovo? Why, when it became obvious he had not a chance to withstand in Kosovo, be he right or not,
didn't he withdrew his troops from there? It was only when 580 elites troops died in a single attacks on the hills near the albanian border, that he capitulated. If he had done it three days before he would have spare these lifes.

Why there is a problem with him and him only while it's OK for the US and Germany with all the other east european states?
The west doesn't need the very Serbia as a strtegic platform to dominate the Balkan or Europe or the middle east or the Mediteranean sea or whatever because it has plenty countries in the area
which open there air bases to nato armies.
As of economic influence, it's the same. I don't see serbia chalenging both germany and the US on this issue outside its boundaries.
To make all these micro states servant of germany and/or the US. Maybe but servants to bring what?

Reputable Member
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The Chechnya war is entering its 10th month, with no end in sight. The army and police have flattened towns and villages, summarily executed large numbers of civilians, beaten and tortured hundreds of men in arbitrary detention, raped men and women, and looted and torched homes.

Reputable Member
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The West’s failure to appropriately respond to violations in Chechnya raises serious questions. If Russia can get away with a brutal war this easily, how bad do things have to get before the international community is willing to do something? Or is the lesson that a country as powerful as Russia can murder, torture, detain, rape its own citizens and bomb, burn and loot their homes at will?

Estimable Member
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Posts: 240

By Turk ( - on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 11:35 pm:
>The Chechnya war is entering its 10th month,
>with no end in sight.

Come on Rooskies! Hurry up and finish off those Mohammedan bandits!!! Send in attack dogs into the forests to sniff out those Chechen terrorists!!

> The army and police have flattened towns and
>villages, summarily executed large numbers of >civilians, beaten and tortured hundreds of men
>in arbitrary detention, raped men and women, and
>looted and torched homes.

The charges of rape are false, but the rest of it marks a good start for the Russians. Now all that remains is to finish off the rest of the Mohammedan Infidels.

By Turk ( - on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 11:37 pm:
>The West’s failure to appropriately respond to
>violations in Chechnya raises serious questions.

Yes. The West has failed to provide military and economic assistance to help the Russians eliminate the Chechen human-rights violators. The West should send in infrared night vision and other high technology military assistance to the Russian army. The West should also provide troops under Russian command to hunt down the Mohammedan terrorists and eliminate them.

>If Russia can get away with a brutal war this
>easily, how bad do things have to get before the
>international community is willing to do

The West should definitely come to the assistance of the Russians and help them annihilate the Mohammedan brutes.

> Or is the lesson that a country as powerful as
>Russia can murder, torture, detain, rape its own
>citizens and bomb, burn and loot their homes at

Russia is not guilty of murder, torture, detaining, or rape of anyone, let alone its own citizens. Russia also is not guilty of burning or looting any homes of its citizens. The Mohammedan Chechen terrorists are guilty of murder, torture, kidnapping, rape, and blowing up apartment buildings. Furthermore the Chechen people as a people are guilty of treason, insurrection, and rebellion against Russia, and therefore the Chechens are not worthy of life. The Chechens are also Mohammedan Infidels, which means they do not deserve to live and forfeit their lives. The Russians are carrying out the sentence of Almighty God on the Chechens and all Mohammmedan Satan-worshippers.

Right on Rooskies!!!!
Kick that Mohammedan Bandit butt!!!!!
Yeeeeeeeee haaaawwwww!!!!!!

Estimable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 240

By FredLeDingue ( - on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 08:16 pm:
>I red this long article. As I had only that to
>But it didn't explain me why they don't like
>Milosevic. What Milosevic has done bad to them.

The U.S./U.N./NATO hates Milosevic because he won't kiss their Illuminati/Masonic ass.
So much for West's sermons on rights of self-determination and national sovereignty.

>Why the US and even Germany should feel the need
>of ethnicaly cleansing against the serbian

The U.S. and Germany are trying to terrorize the Serbs into submission. The U.S. and Germany are state sponsors of terrorism. The U.S. State Dept. should put the U.S. regime at the top of the list of nations that sponsor terrorism.

>Especialy the US. For Germany you can argue that
>neonazi trend. But for the US? Let alone other
>European states.

The U.S. was the inventer of national socialism and communism, for those -isms are in essence, identical to democracy, which is mob-rule. The U.S. and the Jews installed Adolf Hitler and the Brown-Shirts into power. It was George Bush'es grandfather, U.S. Senator Prescott (Pappy) Sheldon Bush, who through the Wall Street firm of Berriman Brothers, gave Adolf Hitler 5 billion dollars, which is how the so-called German economic miracle was financed. In the same way, the U.S. had also financed and armed the Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin, whose father was a Turk and mother was a Jew.

>Why Milosevic didn't accept western influence
>like everybody else?

Why should he? Who does the west think they are that they can ram western democtatorship down everyone else's throat. Right on Slobo!!!!!!

>Why this influence is so bad while other eastern
>countries accepting it are going slightly better
>(I acknowledge slightly) and Yugoslavia refusing
>it is completely destroyed and banned.

This just goes to prove that the U.S. regime will reward (temporarily) acquiescence to its will, and blockade and attack all those who resist its imperialism.

>I don't question Nato's right to bomb yugoslavia
>but the sanity of Milo's choice to let his
>country being flatened.

The U.S./NATO had no right to bomb Yugoslavia, and the U.S. aggression against Yugoslavia is a massive war crime. Dirty hypocrite Americans!!!!
Typical Americans who blame the victim - like questioning the sanity of a defenseless woman who chooses to resist a rapist and gets beat up by her attacker for refusing to submit to being raped. The United States of America - the Great Rapist and the Great Satan.

>Why after being defeated in Bosnia Herzegovina,
>he stubbornly held against the same enemies in

"Even to the death, fight for truth, and the Lord your God will battle for you." (Ecclesiasticus 4:28) Slobodan Milosevic is truly a global hero for resisting the onslaught of the U.S./British/German/NATO aggressors. Even after losing ground to the evil criminal attackers, Slobodan Milosevic has not thrown in the towel, as the Americans would do if they suffered a few casualties, as Vietnam and Somolia have demonstrated.

> Why, when it became obvious he had not a chance
>to withstand in Kosovo, be he right or not,
>didn't he withdrew his troops from there?

According to U.S. Code, you forfeit your rights if you do not assert them. Slobodan Milosevic in keeping Yugolslav troops in Kosovo was asserting Yugoslavian sovereignty over Kosovo. The U.S./NATO had no right to take Kosovo, because the Yugoslavs did not relinquish authority over their territory. The presence of the illegal U.S./NATO occupation troops in Kosovo is one more proof amongst many others that the U.S.A. is a lawless bandit regime and the world's premeir rogue state.

> It was only when 580 elites troops died in a
>single attacks on the hills near the albanian
>border, that he capitulated.

It was only after the U.S./NATO warplanes bombed maternity wards, apartment buildings, populated bridges, hospitals, television stations, civilian factories, and electric power stations etc. in Serbia that Slobodan Milosevic made the strategic decision to surrender Kosovo to the U.S./NATO land-grabbers to make it more politically difficult for the U.S./NATO murderers to perpetrate a total annihilation and genocide of Serbia.

The U.S. regime and anyone else who approves of its actions deserves death.

> If he had done it three days before he would
>have spare these lifes.

As if the Americans care about Serb lives.

>Why there is a problem with him and him only
>while it's OK for the US and Germany with all
>the other east european states?

Because of their ignorance of western motives and their cowardice and fear, as well as their sucumbing to imported western vices, all those other east European states were taken over fairly easily by the New World Order.

That Yugoslavia refused to capitulate to U.S./NATO tyranny and economic and military aggression is a ray of hope for the human spirit.
May God bless Slobodan Milosevic and make him invincible against the U.S./Illuminati/Jewish conspiracy.

> The west doesn't need the very Serbia as a
>strtegic platform to dominate the Balkan or
>Europe or the middle east or the Mediteranean
>sea or whatever because it has plenty countries
>in the area which open there air bases to nato

The U.S. wants to ruin the Danube as a commerceway and use the Balkans as an oil pipeline route as well as force all the people in the world to accept the Mark of the Beast (which symbolizes the number 666) on their right hands and foreheads.

>As of economic influence, it's the same. I don't
>see serbia chalenging both germany and the US on
>this issue outside its boundaries.

By the power of God, the 6000 strong army of Judas Maccabeus wiped out the million-man Selucid Greek Pagan army. By the power of God, a 4000-man Armenian army defeated the 30,000 man Azerbaijani Turk army in Nagorno Karabakh. May God be with Slobodan Milosevic and the Serbs, have mercy on them, forgive them their sins, bless them, and smash the U.S./NATO/KLA forces and destroy the U.S./U.N. regime.

>To make all these micro states servant of
>germany and/or the US. Maybe but servants to
>bring what?

The New World Order.

Go Serbs!!!!*
Go Serbs!!!!*
Go Serbs!!!!*

Kick that U.S./NATO butt!!!!

Right on Radovan (Karadzic)!!!!!
Kick their cans, Arkan (Raznatovic)!!!!!
Run 'em down, Radko (Milodic)!!!!
Slam 'em down, Slobodon (Milosevic)!!!!!

Yeeee haaaaa!!!!!!
Kick that Mohammedan KLA butt outta Kosovo!!!!

Eminent Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 20

Fred the reason the west does not like Milo is because he said no.Their interest in the area is strategic in that it gives them the gateway to the Caspian Sea and the oil.Kosovo was the the next part.Economically it is very valuable in that they have the Trepeka mines in Kosovo.I have posted about the mines.You can find the stories at and emperors The article discusses some of the reasons for carving up Serbia and was financed and planned by Germany and USA.I would say that they meddled in Serbia's affairs and were trying to do the same in Central Asia.However now Putin is in the picture and the army is no longer in check and will not permit this disintegration to happen in Russia.Russia will reply firmly to aggression against it.Serbis was too weak and the parasite Yeltsin was an American asskisser and a traitor.he was gbought off with IMF loans.I might add that for some reason the gov't wants to shut down

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Posts: 14

Well I am low on HASHISH so I came here to read posts and get HIGH. Saves lotsa hashish you know. And why do I see? Belly dancing dumbFUCKED turka spitting idiot comments. No Kurds to kill down under? My pet mice came back and brought me some secret news. Clinton was in Russia when he was dodging his army duty. Yep. I bet he is commie spy. Putin was talking about something today, in my head. Better than listening to Half-bright. Turka bring me some more hashish. Great. Anyway. As I was saying, Chechens are ahh.. Lechi Maskhadov told his little brother Aslan Maskhadov to stop the resistance. Then he realised that Aslan doesn't have control over Chechnya so he told him to goFUCK himself. Good Russian spy. Clinton is. Looking for Russian girl, err, looking at the films KGB took of him and Russian girls. Wants to share ABM technology with Russia. Spy. Good. Turka get back in your box! Inhale. Good Antonio right. Mohammedins must murder Mecca's monkeys. And then be annihilated. Annihi.. inhale.

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