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Archive through June 7, 2000

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This anti-missle shiled stuff is interesting but does anyone think a "rouge state" would lauch a rocket at the USA or Russia? What would they accomplish, yes they might take out L.A. or Moscow but due to the number of missles both Russia and the USA posses they would have doomed there whole country to total destruction. Lets say billions of dollars are used to build such a system , what would prevent a rouge nation from just putting a nuke in a contaniner on a contanier ship headed for a port in Russia or the USA. If anything billions of dollars should go to stopping the spread of such weapons. Because unlike WWII the use of a nuke today would end up causing more death then it would prevent.

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Antonio, you are a peace of work, you do keep this board interesting. Lets see the "U.S. invented communism and foisted it upon the Russians." Wow that means the US ran the world even before WWI , the US has been a hyper power longer than I thougth. OK I will byte so the U.S. created communism and a few billion dollars from one US senator caused the overthrow of the monarchy (otherwise known as a dictatorship) that has been around in Russia for hundreds of years. Plus this over throw took place with out the support of a good amount of the Russian people (because life was so great for the average Russian under the Czars). Then the US fought in Korea, Vietnam and thousands of other small places to stop the spread of communism...why would they do this. Oh I know , I have got it all figured out....

The US forces communism on Russia and along with the Jews (as Antonio pointed out) puts Hitler in office in Germany in order to control all of Europe under an Iron fist because the US planned on having Germany defeat all of Western Europe but the dam British spoil that plan by not being defeated so the US then turns Germany on Russia hoping the Russians would defeat them and have just one Iron fist over all of Europe. Just to make things "look good" the US sends in troops to fight in WWII , that way if Russia doesn't win the Americans would have troops in Europe to control things. After WWII a problem for the Americans begins to surface. The USA doesn't control some mines in Kosovo so the US then begins to tear down communism slowly , Korea, Vietnam (Ok that one didn't work out), but weaken Russia to a point where it could not respond to the US when it created tensions in Serbia (which never existed before) in a devilish plot to take control of a couple of mines in Kosovo which are valued at well above 20 million........

Ladies and Gents I give you the ultimate conspiracy theory.

Oh by the way it wasn't Yoko the US government broke up the Beetles.

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Antonio come on "St. John Salvi murdered in prison by US regime death squads". For anyone who desn't know what Antonio is talking about this John Salvi guy a couple years ago walks in to a womens clinic and kills two un-armed secretaries. The guy is convicted and senticed to life in prison even though John Salvi himself asks for the death penalty. After a while in the joint he strangled and killed himself. So in other words Antonio thinks "speaking the truth and acting on the truth" is the same as gunning down two ladies. Salvi was not convited of a "Hate crime" he was convicted of two murders.

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You hit the nail right on the head Antonio is a dumbass. I think I've found a new target! Maybe I'll start dropping in here a little more.

"Even now, speaking the truth is considered illegal by the outlaw criminal U.S. regime"
You a real bright Antonio, what is that Italian?

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Russia does need to be worried about nuclear attacks from rogue states - specifically the United (Rogue) States.

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Dimi: Please add ...

Oh heck, why not!

Abalaev/Aidamir - "minister of MVD"
Abdulkhadzhiev/"Big Aslanback" - Basaev's deputy
"Abdurakhman" - Wahhabi emir
Abdurazakov/ - field commander
Abzotov/ - "representative in Turkey"
Aiduriev/V - NEUTRALIZED May rebel leader
Akhmadov/Daud - "minister of industry", "brigadier general",
"chief of staff of the Shatoy front"
Akhmadov/Dzhambulat - son of Daud Akhmadov, field commander
Akhmadov/Ramzan - commander of "Jaamaat" sub-group
Akhmedov/Ilyas - "embassador to US"
Akmorzev/Arabi "Arbak" - DIED 05/20 field commander
Aldamov/Khirzi - "envoy in Tblisi"
Alikhadzhiev/Ruslan - ARRESTED 05/19 former Parliament speaker
Apiev/Movladi - CAPTURED 05/13 leader of Wahhabi Movement
Arsanov/Bilal - DETAINED 06/05 Arbi Baraev's brother
Arsanov/Vakha - "vice president"
Astamirov/Isa - KILLED 05/25 "brigadier general"
Atgeriev/Turpal-ali - "head of security"
Atsaeva/Aldy - "representative in Oman and Jordan"
Bakuev/Baudi(n) - "general"
Baraev/Arbi - Wahhabi chief commander
Basaev/Shamil - top commander
Basaev/Shirvani - field commander
Bataev/ - field commander
Batalov/Apti - CAPTURED 04/13 / RELEASED 06/02
"military chief of staff" and "brigadier general"
Bechaev/Seliam - "vice president of parliament"
Beloev/Alaudin -
Beriev/Khamzat - CAPTURED 03/24 Basaev's financier
Bezhaev/Felim - Maskhadov aide (Bechaev Seliam?)
Dolguev/H. - NEUTRALIZED May rebel leader
Dudaev/Lecha - KILLED retreating from Grozny, field commander
Dzhabaev/A KILLED in Kharsenoy 03/24 field commander
Dzhambaev/Ramzas KILLED/CAPTURED? 05/29
officer of Maskhadov's security service
Dzukaev/Anzor - ARRESTED 06/02 aide
Gadzhimagomedov/ - field commander
Ganatov/Badruddin - KILLED in Komsomolskoye 03/23 field commander,
"head of the administration of Leninsky Rayon of Grozny"
Gelaev/Ruslan - field commander
Gilaev/Khamzat - "general"
Gochaiev/Achmez - CAPTURED 04/15 leader of terrorist group
Guytuliev/Vakha - CAPTURED 06/06 field commander
Hakim/Abu - KILLED 05/25 Khattab's first deputy
Ibragimov/Gazi - terrorist
Idris - KILLED in Urus Martan, Khattab's deputy
Ismailiov/A - KILLED retreating from Grozny, field commander
Israpilov/H - KILLED retreating from Grozny, field commander
Kaiduriev/Vakha - CAPTURED 05/24 Ingush forest, field commander
Kaimov/Turpal-ali - "member of parliament"
Kasumov/Salautdin - CAPTURED 06/05 field commander of "presidential guards"
Kerimov/Akhmet - CAPTURED 06/05 commander of sniper unit
Khadzhiev/A - NEUTRALIZED May rebel leader
Khaikharoev/Magomed - CAPTURED 03/20 field commander
Khambiev/Mohammed - commander of "presidential guards"
Khamurzaev/Arbi - CAPTURED 04/17 Abdurakhman's deputy
Khamzatov/Movladi - CAPTURED 03/31 field commander
Khasuev/Aslanback - CAPTURED 04/14 notorious kidnapper
Khattab - mercenary commander
Khultygov/Ibragim - "minister of national security department"
Khumaidov/Salautdin - CAPUTRED 04/03 field commander
Lagomedov/Ramzan - CAPTURED 05/01 Gelaev's deputy
Magomedov/Baudin - field commander
Makhashev/Kazbek - "head of MVD"
Manev/Shamil - DEAD 06/05 Maskhadov's go-between
Maskhadov/Aslan - "president"
Matsalgov/Idris - CAPTURED - 03/31 senior commander
Mechiev/Lechi - junior commander
Morodov/Islanbek "Haji" - KILLED 05/26 "commander" Aslambek Hadjimuradov
Movsaev/Abu - DEAD 05/22 "head of State Defence Committee"
Movzashev/Movladi - CAPTURED 03/29
commandant of "southern (Shali) front"
Mudzhakhid/Abu - Khattab's deputy
Murtalaziev/Vakha - ARRESTED "chief military prosecutor" , "justice minister"
Muzarbekov/Beslan - "deputy foreign minister"
Raduev/Salman - CAPTURED 03/13 top commander
Ramazanov/Sirazhudin - "prime minister"
Saidaev/Mumadi - field commander
Saltakhanov/Saitkhasan - DETAINED 05/25 Arbi Baraev's aide
Shamaev/Kh.I. - Shariat commander
Shavaev/Lechi - CAPTURED 05/13 field commander
Shovbulatov/Musa (Shakbulatov) - KILLED 06/05 Basaev's deputy & financier
Talkhadov/I. - NEUTRALIZED May rebel leader
Temirbulatov/Salautdin CAPTURED 03/19 field commander
Timaev/Vakhid - CAPTURED 03/29
"minister for Sharia (Islamic Law) security"
Tovbulatov/ - "representative in Oman and Jordan"
Tumgaev/Ramzan - CAPTURED 05/12 Gelaev's deputy
Udugov/Movladi - propaganda minister
Umarov/Doku - KILLED in Galaity on 03/27
commandant of "south-eastern front"
Vaisgurov/Lom- Ali SURRENDERED 04/25
former head of "special security department"
Varaev/Mayrbek - CAPTURED 06/05 field commander
Yamaev/Dzhabrail - small field commander
Yukhigov/Abu - CAPTURED 04/22, field commander
Yukhigov/Apti - CAPTURED 04/22, field commander
Zakaev/Akhmed - "information minister"

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

mornin', mum!
twasnt yoko _or_ the US govt. what broke up the
beatles. were you serious? lennon's 'experiences'
w/the US govt. came after the beatles were kaput.
lost and silly man you'll forever be....
'comic books', also known as 'sequential art',
date back almost a millenium. at least.
for the purposes of that post i was indeed
referring to the more cliched/stereotypical use of
the phrase, suggesting that the _shwa_ you burden
us with on this page was on the same level.

and it _is_, too.

magic numbers, ancient books, evil organizations,
insidious plots, zzzzz.....

never mind that this is _not_ the subject of this

and you believe that the consumption of cannabis
could be _worse_ than your believing in magic
numbers? 'tis to laugh.

fortunately, only those closest to you, [if you
have such people in your lonely life] hear the
worst of your delusions, however well-intentioned
you imagine they are.

and that's _just_ what they are:

for that matter, for we on the board, you're not
posting out of 'well-intentions'; it's more like
'nyah nyah, you'll get yours'
HELL no.
not because _you_ say so.

have i given you enough [desperately needed]
attention yet, for today?

better make the most of it.

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Why Milosevic didn't accept western influence like everybody else?
* Why should he?
Why this influence is so bad while other eastern countries accepting it are going slightly better (I acknowledge slightly) and Yugoslavia refusing it is completely destroyed and banned.
* Acceptance under knife threat?
I don't question Nato's right to bomb yugoslavia but the sanity of Milo's choice to let his country being flatened.
* So NATO had the right to bomb a sovereign nation? Or exactly the nation that refuses to be bombed?
Why, when it became obvious he had not a chance to withstand in Kosovo, be he right or not,
didn't he withdrew his troops from there?

* Is it good for NATO to hold the whole nation hostage under bombing threat (since it proved shitty against the military - some 14 tanks, it seems, heh) to demand withdrawal? Does NATO have powers to rewrite borders?
It was only when 580 elites troops died in a single attacks on the hills near the albanian border, that he capitulated.
* Crap, see above, but is it legal to mess in a battle on the separatists side by bombing "elite" troops thus helping in rewriting borders of a nation which in no way attacked NATO? Is NATO already an offensive alliance?
Why there is a problem with him and him only while it's OK for the US and Germany with all the other east european states?
* Is it a drive for an OK standardization?
The west doesn't need the very Serbia as a strtegic platform to dominate the Balkan or Europe or the middle east or the Mediteranean sea or whatever because it has plenty countries in the area
which open there air bases to nato armies.

* What was it doing there in the first place, then?
As of economic influence, it's the same. I don't see serbia chalenging both germany and the US on this issue outside its boundaries.
* Why the mess then?
To make all these micro states servant of germany and/or the US. Maybe but servants to bring what?

* Heh.

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Well, hello Kissie,

How's things? Good to see you.

Mornin' L'menexe, sorry about the Pinball machines!Ha!
I think the beatles split, cause there weren't enough room for John n' Paul's collective headspace.

And Gonzo, try http://WWW and see what you come up with, invented by Americans grrr*smeggin*Blah


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ohaya, my queen of the world...


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Tuesday, June 6 10:34 PM SGT

NATO broke rules of war in Kosovo campaign: Amnesty
LONDON, June 6 (AFP) -
NATO broke the rules of war in its air campaign against Yugoslavia last year and the suspects must be brought to justice, human rights group Amnesty International said in a report Tuesday.

It picked out the strike on the headquarters of Serbian state radio and television in Belgrade on April 23, 1999, which left 16 civilians dead, as a war crime because it was "a deliberate attack on a civilian object."

Elsewhere, notably on three road and railway bridges, NATO commanders broke the rules of war by not suspending attacks once it had become clear they had hit civilians, Amnesty added.

"Civilian deaths could have been significantly reduced if NATO forces had fully adhered to the laws of war during Operation Allied Force."

Insufficient precautions were taken to minimise civilian casualties in other cases, it went on.

"No proper investigation appears to have been conducted by NATO or its member states into these incidents."

Amnesty urged NATO states to "bring to justice any of their nationals suspected of being responsible for serious violations under international humanitarian law."

It also called on other countries and the UN criminal tribunal on the former Yugoslavia to investigate such allegations.

"The victims of any such violation must receive redress."

The alliance has so far not given any estimated civilian casualty toll during its air campaign, which was aimed at forcing Yugoslav troops out of the troubled ethnic Albanian province of Kosovo.

The human rights group Human Rights Watch has given its own estimate of between 488 and 527 civilian deaths.

Amnesty called on NATO to update its rules of engagement and practice, notably by clarifying the command structure and decision-making processes on target selection.

It said the requirement that NATO planes fly at above 15,000 feet -- to minimise the risk of being shot down -- made it "virtually impossible" to properly assess targets.

Amnesty admitted that waging a coalition war was "a complex endeavour" and the judgments required of military planners and soldiers "particularly difficult."

"However," it added, "the most powerful military alliance in the world cannot afford but to set the highest standards of protection of civilians, according to international humanitarian law."

Amnesty, which has documented human rights violations in Kosovo, mainly by Serbian security forces and authorities, for 10 years, said it took no position on whether NATO's recourse to force was justified.

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Clinton will not be able to save Russia. Chechens have ability to crush Russian Army to oblivion. Countdown has begun

Chechen women commit suicide bomb attack
Reuters Jun 7 2000 12:15PM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Chechen rebel spokesman said on Wednesday two women had driven a truck loaded with explosives into a Russian military building in a Chechen village in a suicide attack.
Movladi Udugov told Reuters by telephone that the women, including the cousin of Arbi Barayev, a well-known rebel commander, had killed 17 Russian troops in the attack on the military commandant's headquarters in the village of Alkhan-Yurt, southwest of the capital Grozny.
The office of Russia's chief Chechnya spokesman, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, said it had no information about such an attack.
If confirmed, it would be the first attack of its kind reported in the province, where Russian forces have fought separatists for eight months but have failed to pacify them.
``The women deliberately went to their death in the name of Allah and the freedom of the Chechen people,'' said Udugov, speaking from an undisclosed location.
Udugov also said rebels had ambushed a Russian armored column in the Nozhay-Yurt district in the remote southeastern mountains which have seen heavy fighting and air strikes for a week. He said up to 30 Russians were killed in the attack.
He also denied Russian reports that Aslan Maskhadov, the pro-independence Chechen president, had been injured.
Both sides have tended to exaggerate enemy dead during the conflict, but Russia has reported several hundred of its troops killed since it first claimed to have all but destroyed organized Chechen resistance in March.

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