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Archive through March 1, 2000

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LMAO- I doubt that you're really laughing,it comes across more like Screaming.......

"Notice me, notice me...Come on abuse me, I want to feel that I mean something to you"

Kissie, there's a child in there somewhere, that wants you to scold it......


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Some crazy frustrated mental case Arab, undereducated in the US and missing his "education" days. The Dubai shopping fest should've kept him happy.
But, on the second thought, a good name describing the phenomenon - All American - loudmouthy, phony, "ugly", pompous, idiotic, giggling, ..., keep up good work for both.

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Thanks for the entertainment. Kissie have you asked your mother to ask her mother to ... LOL.

Kim you sound like a sweetheart mixed up with the wrong crowd. I mean a hangover in the middle of the week?!? Work??? Very Naughty girl! LOL.

Don't wanna sound like your Daddy but shouldn't you be doing something more constructive with your time ie) working the local street corner? LOL.

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You people really need a life. When I read the news I occasionally stop in and check this DMS board just for laughs. The thing that gets me is the same people have been on this thing for about two months, hour after hour day after day. I have heard of couch potatoes, but you people are computer potatoes. You all speak of nothing relevent except to demean each other with childhood insults. I feel sorry for you all and can only imagine what your poor muscular atrophied bodies look like after all those hours banging on the keyboard. There is life out there, get one. Losers.

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How Cute it's throwing a tantrum,

Did I upset you??

Don't worry I won't get mad at you.
I will continue to hold up a mirror to you, until you see yourself as we do.
Thats all the "scolding" you deserve.

PS don't you have anyone to go out with in the middle of the week - like I said, evening classes!!

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Maybe you should ask your mother to ask her mother what she would do if it weren't for the friendly neighborhood camel.
* My Mom came from there, where camels are nonexistent. She also asks, whether friendly neighbourhood camels are Your parents?

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Dear Better-than-you,

It is of course possible to have more than one window open at a time, this allows you to get on with other work and occationally chat on line in between. You may not have realised this.
(some of the people on-line are just that bit more interesting than people working along side you - I suppose you could just chat to the person next to you about so-and-so in marketing..........)

Next time you drop in, why don't you dicuss chechnia, instead of hurling childish abuse at people who are in fact enjoying themselves.
The internet is here to stay, get used to it.

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Dear Kim,
I am quite familiar with "multi-tasking". As I sit here and look at my desk top applications I have no less then 10 open. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself because what's life without laughter. Have all the fun you want. But to live your life through your computer is a sad life, hiding behind a computer screen is unhealthy socail human interaction. Maybe I should have mentioned names in my last statement. Those poor souls who live a false life through their keyboard pretending to be experts on world topics, cutting and pasting, pretending to be part of inept archaic groups (Nazi's, communists). But hey if you are having fun, the more power to ya. Have a nice day...

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"all american"..whatta dumbfuck..did I also say predictable..LMAO..LOL..LMAO..LOL..yappa-yap..LOL..

you kiss that semi-canadian ass, boy! Go for a hickie!How does it go? LMAO? LOL?

luv is in the air..

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As I sit here and look at my desk top applications I have no less then 10 open.
* In each own window, or in each own VM?

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Hi, Kim, Dimitry. Apologies to Kim - I haven't done it earlier.
Dimitry, has the stagecoach arrived?

Eminent Member
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G'day yal pro-Russian comrads and pro-Chechen morons. Somehow no one is yapping today about atrocities done by Russian Army after the tape was proved to be a fake. IN YOUR FACE PRO-CHECHENS 🙂
Anyway, nice to see yal here again full of energy and I'm looking forward to chat with you a while.

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Thank you for a most perceptive account of Russian terrorism and barbarity in Chechnya. Being a third rate bankrupt nation, Russia can ONLY pick on the weakest of the weak.

All American

You can count on my support against the crafty bagel queen kissie and her obsequious chum L'menexe.

Kissie - How do Jews eat their shish kabobs? I know the way you people kill the animal according to your kosher laws is unusually cruel. I believe you 'humanitarian' Jews let the animal bleed to death alive in its agony. You people make me sick.

BY the way Jewess, How are your hasidic friends in Tel Aviv doing? are they still offering low prices for the white Ukrainian and Russian women they trade like cattle ?

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You have that right "third rate bankrupt nation". The only reason the U.S upscaled the "supposed" Russian Military might was just to boost our defense spending. Other than that you are right, Russia has nothing but poor quality military equiptment only capable of destroying the weakest and smallest of countries. Happy Kim I commented on your beloved DMS board.

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Betterthanyou- (i see the point you are making with the name, but it feels strange addressing you as such)

"But to live your life through your computer is a sad life, hiding behind a computer screen is unhealthy socail human interaction."

Are you absolutely sure of that?

There seems to be some kind of backlash going on at the moment against the Internet.
What about people who through no fault of their own, can't go out and find social interaction.
People with disabilities- people who live in large unfriendly cities- people who are shy.
The internet could be seen as a safe environment in which to learn social interaction- giving people more confidence to talk to others in the real world.
+ the fact that posts come in here one at a time, means that you have to listen to those you disagree with- the abuse level at present is unfortunate though.

Just a thought,

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