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Macedonian army fights border rebels

Special report: Kosovo

Nick Wood in Debelde
Tuesday February 27, 2001
The Guardian

Fears of war erupting between ethnic Albanian rebels and the Macedonian army increased yesterday after sustained clashes on the frontier between Macedonia and

For two hours gunfire, the crack of light artillery and the dull thud of grenade launchers in and around the village of Tanusevc, just inside the Macedonian border, could be

It is the first sustained period of fighting in the region and follows six weeks of mounting tension in which one Albanian has been killed.

It was unclear what sparked the fighting but a member of the Albanian guerrilla group, who spoke to the Guardian half a mile from the village, claimed Macedonian forces
fired the first shots.

"If they enter the village, it will turn into a graveyard for them," he warned. "It's going to explode everywhere."

The emergence of the rebel group, which calls itself the National Liberation Army, along the border with Kosovo has caused huge international concern. The Macedonian
government claims it is being supported from within Kosovo.

Shortly after he had finished speaking, a shot landed 10 metres from where he was standing. He was dressed in camouflage fatigues and wore a red badge embroidered
with the words Ushtaria Climatare Kombetare, whose initials, UCK, are the same in Albanianas those of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

The rebel fighter acknowledged that the group had the same structure as the KLA. He also said they had built a network across Macedonia, from Tetevo in the west to
Skopje, the capital.

More than three hundred women and children have left the village over fears of an outbreak in fighting.

Macedonia's population is estimated to be between 25% and 35% ethnic Albanian.

The government coalition includes the country's leading Albanian party. Diplomats are concerned that an escalation in fighting could lead to conflict elsewhere in the

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How the heroes of Russia turned into the tormentors of Chechnya

Anna Politkovskaya is one of Russia's most respected journalists, writing for the Moscow paper Novaya Gazeta. Last week she travelled deep into
Chechnya to investigate reports of torture, rape and detention camps run by the Russian army. If there were any doubts about the veracity of the
shocking stories she heard, they vanished when she was herself detained by Russian troops. The journalist had turned victim. Yesterday an inquiry was
launched as 30 bodies were found in a mass grave outside Grozny...
Special report: crisis in Chechnya

Anna Politkovskaya
Tuesday February 27, 2001
The Guardian

It all began when 90 families living in several villages in the Vedeno district of southern Chechnya brought their collective complaint to our editorial office. The text was
unprecedented: several hundred people were asking to be helped to to move out of Chechnya to any place in Russia, as soon as possible.

The reasons: constant hunger, unbearable cold, total isolation from the outside world, lack of medical care - and a special complaint about brutal punitive raids on their
villages by the federal forces stationed on the outskirts of the village of Khottuni.

The facts were as fantastic as they were glaring. So they had to be verified on the spot. The visit began on February 18. I heard dozens of harrowing accounts from people
who had been exposed to torture and maltreatment by Russian troops: stories so horrific that one's hand refused to jot them down.

And then I experienced at first hand events in which I myself was the victim.

It is as if pictures had come to life to confirm the accounts I had heard. Now the person to whom they shouted: "Stop! Get a move on!" was myself. And an official of the
FSB - the successor to the KGB - a first lieutenant of tender age, whispered dirty insults in my ear: "You are one of them... You should be shot..."

One of the first accounts of torture was given to me by Rozita, from the village of Tovzeni. She can barely move her lips, her eyes have a vacuous expression, and she still
walks with difficulty. Her feet and kidneys ache.

A month ago Rozita was brought to what she called a filtration camp for "sheltering militants". It was a real concentration camp, run on a commercial basis, on the
outskirts of the village of Khottuni, in the Vedeno district, where the Russian 45th Airborne Regiment and 119th Paratroop Regiment are stationed.

Rozita is no longer young. She has many children and several grandchildren. The youngest of them is three and previously spoke no Russian, but having seen how her
grandmother was detained, now constantly shouts: "Lie down on the floor."

Rozita was arrested in her home at dawn when everybody was asleep. They took her completely by surprise and they did not let her to pack her things properly. She was
thrown into a pit in the grounds of the camp outside Khottuni.

"Did they push you? Did they kick you?"

"Yes, that's the usual thing."

Rozita spent 12 days in the pit. The soldier who guarded it took pity on her one night and threw her a piece of rug.

"I curled up on it. The soldier is a human being after all," she said.

The pit was shallow - 1.20 metres (4ft) - and arranged so that the occupant seemed to be in cold mountain air in winter, with no roof overhead, but was unable to stand up
because of massive logs across the top which could not be dislodged with the head. So she spent 12 days squatting or sitting on the piece of rug.

Rozita never learned whom she had "sheltered". No charges were ever brought against her, although she was interrogated three times.

Officers young enough to be her sons introduced themselves as FSB people. They put "children's mittens" on her. That means that she had one end of a live wire attached
to the fingers of one hand and the other end to the fingers of the other hand. And the wires were slung across the back of her neck.


"Yes, I screamed something terrible," she said. "It hurt a lot when they turned on the current. But I didn't scream otherwise. I was afraid to provoke them. The FSB people
said: 'You aren't dancing well enough. Let's add some more voltage.' And so they did." And Rozita screamed louder and louder.

"Why did they torture you? Did you know?" "No. They didn't ask any specific questions".

Meanwhile the officers told Rozita's relatives through go-betweens that they had better raise money for a ransom. They were told to hurry up because Rozita was not
enduring her stay in the pit very well and she might not last too long. After a while the money was brought and Rozita, filthy and unkempt, shuffled toward the regimental
checkpoint and her freedom.

So, who is granny Rozita from Tovzeni? A militant? If not, why was she detained? If so, why was she released?

The commander of the 45th Regiment is an attractive-looking, strong-willed man. A colonel who has seen action in Afghanistan and Chechnya. He curses the war, thinks
aloud about his children, who are growing up without a father and, if he had his way, would like to end the Chechen war at once. He has had enough.

He is taking me on a guided tour of the grounds of the regiment's garrison in Khottuni, where Rozita was held. Eventually we come to the most essential place. He shows
me the pits into which Chechens are thrown after the mopping up operations. He is considerate and he holds my elbow lest I fall into a six-metre hole in the ground.

The pit looks exactly as it was described by the numerous people who have been in it. It measures three by three metres. There is a stench coming from the pit, despite
the winter frost. The Chechens are meant to urinate and defecate in the pit. And they spend day and night standing. They have a choice of sitting down.

The commander appears to be very uneasy about what is happening, and he tells me some surprising things. One day a general flew in to inspect the regiment. He saw
the detained Chechens standing in the field and ordered them to be kept in the pits, originally dug for dumping rubbish in. The colonel sounds sincere when he says: "But
we put only the rebels there. Not ordinary people."

Then there is the account of Isa, who lives in Selmentauzen, also in the Vedeno area of southern Chechnya. He was brought to the camp in early February. They stubbed
out cigarettes on his body, they pulled out his nails, and beat him over the kidneys with Pepsi Cola bottles filled with water. Then they threw him down into a pit called the
"bathtub". It was filled with water. After throwing in the Chechens, they threw in smoke sticks. Isa survived. Not all did.

Isa shared the pit with five other men. The junior officers who interrogated them told them that they had nice butts, and raped them. And they added as an excuse: "Your
women wouldn't let us •••• them."

These Chechens now say they will spend the rest of their lives taking revenge for "nice butts".

Isa never quite recovered from the shock. Like Rozita, he was later released for a ransom raised by his whole village.

Experiences like those of Isa and Rozita show that the Chechen war has reversed the roles of victims and tormentors. The declared target of the "counter-terrorist
operation" - rampant hostage-taking, slavery and ransoms - is now the business engaged in by the military.

Two minutes after I said goodbye to the commander, I was detained. First they made me stand in the middle of a rutted field for more than an hour. Then an armoured
vehicle with armed fighters led by a first lieutenant arrived. Their identities were unknown. They seized me, pushed me with their rifle butts, and took me away.

"Your papers are false, you are one of them [the Chechen rebels]," I was told. Then followed interrogations for hours on end. Young officers reminded me pointedly that they
were from the FSB and that they took their orders only from President Putin himself. They made it clear to me that freedom was over.

I omit the most disgusting details of the interrogations, because they are utterly obscene. But it is these details - and my tormentors couldn't have imagined it - that
provided the key proof that everything the Chechens had earlier told me about tortures and man-handling was true.

From time to time the zealous young officers were joined by a senior officer, a lieutenant-colonel with a swarthy face and dark, stupid, bulging eyes. Every now and then he
sent the youngsters out of the tent, switched on what he thought to be romantic music and hinted that if I behaved right I could count on a "favourable outcome".


In the intervals between his appearances, the "youngsters" did a competent job touching upon the most sensitive spots: looking at the pictures of my children they did not
forget to tell me what they would do to them. It lasted more than three hours.

Eventually the lieutenant-colonel, who tried to arouse my sympathy by saying that he was spilling his blood for nothing, looked at his watch and said: "Let's go, I'll shoot
you." He took me out of the tent. It was pitch dark.

We walked a short distance and then the colonel said: "Ready or not, here I come." Suddenly there was a terrible racket, screeching and flames. The lieutenant-colonel
seemed to be gratified that I had bent down from horror. It turned out that he had brought me right up to the Grad mortar at the time it was fired.

"Come on." Before long, we came to another flight of steps. "This is a bathhouse. Take off your clothes." When he realised I was not going to oblige, he grew very angry.
He kept saying: "A lieutenant-colonel wants you with all his heart and you, wretched bitch."

And he added: "Remember? Ready or not, here I come."

Another officer, who said he was from the FSB, barged into the bathhouse. The lieutenant-colonel drew the line: "She doesn't want to take a bath".

The FSB man put the bottles on the table and said: "Then I'll take her." We circled for a long time through the darkness. Finally he again ordered me to climb down the
stairs. It was the bunker which was to become my refuge until I was released in the afternoon of February 22.

On the wall was a poster: "119th Paratroop Regiment". The captions underneath informed you that 18 of its servicemen were holders of the title Hero of Russia.

I demanded to be charged. Or that I should be sent to jail, where my relatives could visit me. "No way! You are one of the bandits! If you worked for us, you would get
everything. But you came here to look at the pits. You are a bitch ..."

The nightmare ended with a flight out of Chechnya to Mozdok, in southern Russia, and from there back to Moscow. On the way back, all the isolated stories I had heard,
all the episodes of my trip, clicked into one whole. That's when I drew thefinal conclusion.

All this is happening in our country, here, now. Under the existing constitution. Under a "strong-willed" president who is its guarantor. With the prosecutor general's office
still functioning. With human rights activists, both government and independent, working to ensure people's rights.

And still, despite all that, there are the pits, the "children's mittens", the "dancing", "ready or not, here I come". And nobody will dare to say that I have not seen it or heard
it or touched it. I have experienced it myself.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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Kim as far as Im concerned i can only actually read about a sentence and a half of ur two faced Liberal garbage before i get physically sick. so spare me ur Euro trash.

the two situations differ completely. You seem to think the two are interrelated, if so, then u are sadly being manipulated by the Jew and his media.

There are clear differneces between the two, and im not gonna waist anybodys time in pointing out those differences since I actually give some credit to the posters (well maybe not lmx) on this board.

America will never forget about Saddam and u can be sure of that. We also know who is infringing on the rights of who in Palestine. We chose to act on one, but not on the other - this is the sad truth.

Maybe if u Europeans could have some guts u might be able to actually control a situation, instead of runnig to All-America for help everytime someone wets himself. U can start by putting a F*CKING STOP on the ur beef exports.

what a JOKE!

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KIM: Drooling over Kim, surely you jest. 1 she's a nurse's aid 2. she's irish, 3. she's ugly inside. You on the other hand, 1. take hormone injections for your mood swings, 2. have gravity as your biggest enemy, 3. exchange e-mails with L'pew.
Boy, talking about being surrounded. Glad I'm over here.

Speaking of L'pew has he gone on another "BIG TIME" bus trip?

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Such nice people you both are, and so interesting.
Go back to whatever you were doing, you wankers!

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if this is the pseudo-informer cubicle boy using
Ultra Gay's password, then DIE SCREAMING real
soon, okay?
if it's the genuine alleged 'capt america', what a
slimebag sleaze you turned out to be.
hear what i say, blood?

i read what the other USC folk have to say about

and kim! he repeated the entire 'menopause
medication' routine on somebody else at USC a day
or two ago.

such a paucity of imagination is to be expected
from him.
i really dont have to say anything to the likes of
you. you are not believed or taken seriously here.
back to your shed, CREEP -_-
best of, mum!

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Allam, you don't seem to have been paying much attention recently...."the two are not related"???

Are we speaking here of Iraq and the Palestinians?
(Or Russia and Israel?)
Your Waist is anathema, but please humour us with the explaination, it would be interesting to watch you trying to come up with a reasonable arguement for a change.

With regards to America and Sadam, well Mr Bush seems to have been doing quite a bit of running to others for help this week.Britain, Syria, France, Russia,Jordan......
Result: complete policy change!

The US and Canada stopped British beef inports in the mid 1990's!!! Unfortunately, they introduced the same new regulations on Animal feed that created the problems in the UK.(When Thatcher thought she was saving money, by reducing the temperature that bonemeal was supposed to be heated to to prevent cross-infection). In fact the idea came from the US. Good luck!

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Hi,Kim, L'-san.
* "We are absolutely determined to continue," said Inad's director. "Israel wants us to stop. So we must go on."
Funny idiocy on part of Reeves and that theatre director, - if Israel wanted to stop that - there wouldn't be that theatre to talk about in the first place.
We harvest the "fruits" of unbridled leftism. Seems, this generation of reporters (and not only them) suffers of it whole, - fruits of the "flower-child" education, desire to see, what one wants to see, and putting heads into sand. No wonder, Heider came as shock.

* I think we all reached a point of agreement that neither side are angels.
Anywhere, anytime.
"Popular uprising" of the angels had had also been a "human" rights violations saga, hadn't it?;o))

* The emergence of the rebel group, which calls itself the National Liberation Army,
"Innocent" and "opressed", and "robbed" Albanian "palestinians".;o) Aren't they "liberated" yet? What was that the NATO had been doing out there?
Seriously, those are the groups, that made armed thuggery their profession - Pal Arab mobs, Hezbollah mob, Indonesian mobs, Columbian mobs, Chechniya mobs, etc.. Any cause would do for a "political" basis.
I wonder, if orangutan protection is one on the list of Indonesian "causes" ;o) besides driving away the Chinese et. al., because they are enterprising and wealthy, or that recent clash - same grounds, though.

* Anna Politkovskaya
I linked Rus. channels too and watched the "show" from all angles, Kim. Interesting, she made a big bungle, - the elite regiment's operational task is a long-range recon only, - they don't hold villages, screen the populace, or something of the sort, - it is the MVD task. My overall impression was that, she was doing some "contractual" job.

I see, Informer gathered some strength to lay off pornography for a while and showed up. Some Doc Tibbi. :o))))))))

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KIAnna Politkovskaya M is a renowned journalist?.Please make sure you post her retraction tomorrow when it is available in English.Funny but the mass grave of over 2oo is now at 16.She is from the Babitsky school of journalism.,

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Greetings of the sunrise, L'menexe!
And thanks for the MP3, that took me back a bit...
Who says punk is dead! spluttering, maybe.....

"She is from the Babitsky school of journalism.,"

Any of those reporting on Isreali civil rights abuses?

And she sounded soooo sincere...... but of course it is a "personal" point of view(withan alteria motive?undue influence-Who knows!) It only goes to show, the lengths people will go to "get you on their side"- in the end you are "Verarscht"( as theGermans say.) and they got their 15 mins.
The deciding factor in any such conflict will still be how useful each side is to the GlobalPolitical Status Quo.

Kisako, there's a book about that (rebelling angels) isn't there?.....Paradise Lost????:0))

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REUTERS Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2001

Iraq Calls Powell's Position 'Rubbish' And 'Stupid'

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iraq Tuesday called Secretary of State
Colin Powell's moves to ease sanctions against Baghdad "rubbish" and
"stupid," but ended two days of talks with the United Nations on a
conciliatory note.

While castigating Powell and dismissing the chief U.N. arms inspector
as "a detail," Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf said his
team would come to New York for another round of talks within weeks.
He gave no date, but envoys said it would be after an Arab summit that
begins in Jordan on March 27.

"We will come back with feedback," al-Sahaf said, adding that the
dialogue was not an end in itself but a channel to "find a way out, to find
a solution."

Expectations were low that the talks, which began on Monday, would
yield concrete results. But some U.N. Security Council diplomats have
said they would deem them positive if Iraq considered the talks the
beginning of a dialogue rather than a one-shot session.

The problem, according to U.N. officials, was that until key members of
a divided Security Council reached a common position,
Secretary-General Kofi Annan had little to offer in his talks with al-Sahaf.
The United States is in the midst of reviewing its policies toward Iraq.

"There is a long way to go. This is just a start," one senior U.N. official
said. A council diplomat said Iraq wanted to have its say before
Washington's new policies were set.

Annan, who will brief the Security Council Wednesday, was hopeful his
discussions, the first with a high-level Iraqi delegation in years, would
be able "to move forward."

Al-Sahaf spent most of the time explaining Iraq's position during the
decade-old sanctions, imposed after Baghdad's troops invaded Kuwait
in August 1990. But he said solutions could be reached "if there is a
collective willingness."

But he scoffed at Powell's proposals to allow more civilian goods to
reach Baghdad's 23 million people but tighten control on military
hardware, calling them "rubbish from a propagandist, not from a foreign


He contended Iraq had met U.N. requirements to rid itself of forbidden
arms but the "sanctions are still there, still in place." Now, he said, "we
are hearing stupid statements from the foreign minister of the United
States of America, talking about clever sanctions, as if all of what has
been done since 1990 is stupid."

The Iraqi minister also called Hans Blix, the chief U.N. arms inspector
and a respected former director of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, "a detail," and refused to talk to him while he was in New York.

"Hans Blix is a detail. We are not dealing with a detail." he said.

A key condition for lifting the embargoes is allowing arms inspectors to
check on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq has refused to let the weapons experts back into the country since
December 1998. They left on the eve of a U.S.-British bombing raid
intended to punish Baghdad for what Washington and London called its
failure to cooperate with weapons searches.

Monday, al-Sahaf ruled out allowing U.N. weapons inspectors to return
to Iraq even if the sanctions are scrapped. If they did, he said, they had
to visit all countries in the region and "first Israel because they have
atomic arsenals and all other arsenals."

"There will be no return for any inspectors to Iraq -- even if the sanctions
are totally lifted," al-Sahaf said.

Al-Sahaf also shrugged off a deal between Washington and Damascus
to put Iraq oil exports to Syria under U.N control, saying that Iraq was
not pumping oil there.

Industry sources say a pipeline between Iraq and Syria has been
pumping about 100,000 barrels of Iraqi oil a day since November,
bypassing the U.N. system and putting revenues straight into
Baghdad's pocket.

With criticism mounting against sanctions in the Arab world and beyond,
the Bush administration is attempting to make sanctions more focused
and prevent Iraq from rebuilding its nuclear, ballistic missile, chemical
and biological arsenal.

Powell said Washington aimed to form a consensus around a modified
package of sanctions against Iraq in time for an Arab summit on March

In Brussels, Belgium, Tuesday, Powell saw the French and British
foreign ministers, Hubert Vedrine and Robin Cook, in an effort to get the
three Western permanent council members on the same wavelength on
Iraq. At the moment, France sides with Russia and China in wanting
most sanctions suspended immediately.

Powell also called Annan Tuesday about his talks with the Iraqi
delegation, U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard said.

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Reuters Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2001

Sharon Vows to Restore Security for Israelis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon vowed
Tuesday to restore security for Israelis after three Israeli motorists were
wounded near Jerusalem and scattered firefights flared in the West
Bank and Gaza.

Israeli shelling killed a 50-year-old Palestinian man during an exchange
with gunmen in the West Bank town of Al-Bireh, Palestinian medical and
civil defense sources said.

"(Naim) Badarin arrived at the hospital looking like a pile of flesh
because he was hit directly by a shell inside his house," Dr. Hosni Atari,
director of Ramallah Hospital, told Reuters.

An Israeli army spokesman said a tank had launched one shell at a
building he said was being used for cover by gunmen during heavy
exchanges of fire in the area of Al-Bireh. He said the tank crew had
seen one wounded man.

Israeli soldiers also shot and critically wounded a 13-year-old
Palestinian boy in Gaza Strip during clashes, medical sources said.

At least 334 Palestinians, 61 Israelis and 13 Israeli Arabs have been
killed since last September in a Palestinian uprising against Israeli
occupation after the two sides failed to clinch a peace accord.

Sharon vowed to restore security for Israelis and repeated his demand
that Palestinian President Yasser Arafat speak out publicly as a
condition for negotiations.

The day's violence broke out as Israel and the Palestinians rejected
U.S. criticism of their actions during the uprising and traded charges of

Sharon said the shooting of the three motorists showed there was no
security for Israelis and vowed: "The central goal is to return security to
Israeli citizens and this we will do."

He told Jewish leaders: "The government that I will lead will conduct
negotiations with the Palestinians but not under fire and not under
terrorism and violence.

"I'll be ready to meet with Arafat when it is quiet. First of all and most
important of all it must be quiet," he said.

Sharon conveyed his conditions to Arafat this week through Secretary of
State Colin Powell, who held talks first with the Israeli leader and then
with the Palestinian president.


Sharon worked on forming a unity government Tuesday, but there was
no clear sign what the result would be.

"There will be a united government," he told Jewish leaders after the
center-left Labor Party voted Monday night to join a broad-based
coalition with his right-wing Likud Party.

"The government is forming. I think this thing is important for bringing
unity to the nation and security to the citizens of Israel, and to achieve
peace to which everyone is committed," Sharon said.

Monday night's vote by Labour's Central Committee after a stormy
debate paved the way for the hawkish Likud leader to finalize coalition
details with right-wing and religious allies and take office by an
end-of-March deadline.

Responding to unusually forthright U.S. criticism in the State
Department's annual human rights report, Israel rejected charges that its
forces sometimes used excessive force in tackling the five-month-old

"Israel has reacted in a proportionate, measured and responsible
fashion to the systematic, ongoing attacks by Palestinian militia and
members of the Palestinian Authority," the Israeli Foreign Ministry said
in a statement.

Separately, a Palestinian spokesman rejected criticism in the U.S.
report of attacks by Palestinian security forces on Israeli soldiers and
Jewish settlers living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on lands
captured in the 1967 Middle East War.

Under international law, the Jewish settlements are illegal. Palestinians
seek to establish an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza.

Ahmed Abdel Rahman, a senior aide to Arafat, said: "The settlers who
are living in the occupied territories are an accessory to the Israeli
army. If they were civilians they should be in Israel, not in the occupied

Sharon told Jewish leaders Tuesday that Israel should absorb one
million foreign Jews in the next decade and most of world Jewry by the
year 2020.

Hundreds of Palestinians mourned a 15-year-old boy killed on Monday
during a stone-throwing demonstration near Qalandia refugee camp
near Ramallah in the West Bank. Palestinian witnesses said Israeli
troops shot him.

A Palestinian leader accused Israel of being behind a call by Jewish
settler leaders this week for eliminating Arafat, and criticized a reported
remark by Sharon calling Arafat a liar.

"The Israeli government in fact is at the forefront of this hostile
campaign," Yasser Abed Rabbo, minister of culture and information in
the Palestinian Authority, said in a letter to the senior U.S. diplomat in

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U.N. Population Division:
{ }

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"Mrs.Politkovskaya lies..."
Even Gusinsky's NTV admit it.... Western press quickly publish first Politkovskaya's report. What's about her own, NTV's, other journalists refutation?


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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 548
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Not much use to anyone who doesn't read Russian, shall I start posting text in Dutch??

Chorny, you miss the point, because of you are emotionally involved.

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