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Archive through March 1, 2001

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* bagel, tell that rabbid Rabbi to stop forcing u to rub his thingy... no gennie is gonna come out!!!
It is clear, why you, dumb rather large headed brown Arab idiottas, never won a single war, - your brains are between your legs. LOL.

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Yep, really, tell me, dood, what else are You useful for, except breeding like a rabbit, sorry, an easter(n) bunny?

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go fack your camel again american paki,make sure you use the right hole this time

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 648 american paki and his family want you to watch this

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Konichiwa, Kisako, Kim!
bettergood, Igor.....

HOMOUD. we know this because he once wrote this
high-school level e-mail to Kim, and his name was
right on the mail. dumbass. that was when he was
playing some game about a car for Kim to
supposedly go pick up.
remember that, FAKE?

he has been well-traced. first to jordan and
currently the united arab emirates.

HE IS NOT AN AMERICAN, as he has repeatedly proven
here. most likely he had a couple years of college
in the states, bankrolled by his papa....majoring
in 'Beer'....
but his knowledge of america comes from papa's
satellite dish.

previous names for the FAKE are "all american" and
"stars and stripes". he has been banished from DMS
twice, but i just cant kill him _dead_ enough.

but, in closing...
he is a DISGRACE to his own kind,
just as he would be a DISGRACE as an american,

but he's NOT AMERICAN;
he's a FAKE. -_-


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Hi, L'-san,
looks like a busload of people, that had to tolerate for a stop one drunk crab, vomiting all round.

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Why do these women from Russia have such low self-esteem?
That is not blaming them, but the proportion of Russian women entering into prostitution seems very high.
(Mind you when you see the Russian lads in action over at the USC....)

If its pure desperation, then maybe Russia needs to spend more time looking inwards.
If its low self-esteem and naivity, maybe you need to do more than have a three day holiday for international women's week!

You guys boast of how beautiful Russian women are, start treating them as people not sexual objects- the example might spread!

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Kim i think they're spreading something else.

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The prostitution is a deplorable thing internationally. [Sigh] ...

* ... St Petersburg ... October, 1998 ...
If my memory doesn't fail me, it was the year of the catastrophic fall of the rouble.

* ... Belarus ... April, 1998 ...
Belarus is nothing in terms of economic prosperity.

* ... Moldova ... August, 1998 ...
A fairly backward country, with one or two years of war. Resembles Romania.

* Under international human rights law, states are responsible for protecting people against human rights abuses by private persons.
Does it apply to Israel only, or does is it applicable too to Romania, China, The Philippines, Fiji, , Keniya, the South Africa, Russia, Jordan, Syria Israel gets illegal aliens from on a regular basis as result of "economic prosperity" and "human rights abuses" absense?

* With respect to the deprivation of liberty, violence and enslavement to which women trafficked to Israel have been subjected, several provisions in international human rights instruments are relevant. Article 7 of the ICCPR, which Israel ratified in 1991, states that no one should be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Does it imply that torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are the official Israeli policies? Laughable.

* The Israeli government has failed to take adequate measures to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish human rights abuses committed against trafficked women.
The Israeli immigration laws are among the most lax in the world, - the fact, that those "amnesties" should have hailed in view of the "internationally acknowledged right of a human being to live where he/she wants" (tell it to the US or Canadian immigration authorities, when you are detained, and they may even buy you a pizza for free entertainment.).
The amazingly rapid development of the tiny Israel (for which the first ones should be genuinly thanked for laying the foundations) started recently around the eighties with the aero and space hi-tec industries, civil & defence electronics, microchip design and production, software engineering, and, yep, not many know it - the hi-tec metallurgy, - Israel rolls its own famous armour. The disparity of this fact and the lax laws (the more developed a country becomes the more restrictive immigration laws grow - it is universal) made it a lure for criminals of the trade. Noone immigrates from the US, Canada, the EU to Sudan, Indonesia, ... Russia, - the flow is directly the opposite, and Israel became either an immigration goal, or a jumpboard for other developed countries with hordes of the Philippinos, the Chinese, the Romanians, the Keniyans, the South Africans currently residing in Israel on a legal and illegal basis. We know it. But as soon as Israel adopts a strict, US-type, immigration procedure - it will be blamed for being "racist" (with the most of cheerleading coming from the Gulf, that is not "racist", of course;o)) on behalf of economic immigration seekers.
When a friend (he is not Jewish) of my friends arrived here from Russia he wasn't asked a question at the border control and wasn't even checked at the customs! They just stamped his passport and let him in. I imagine him standing in front of the US immigration answering endless "What is the purpose of Your stay in the US?", "Do You have enough money to facilitate Your stay in the US?", "Could You, please, provide proof of Your financial solvency to stay in the US?" etc., etc.. "No? By-y-y-e-e-e, the next plane is Yours, we will help You with Your luggage, if any, Sir, You're welcome to the Land of Freedom."
P.S. Freedom means the responsibility, - not the freedom to run away from it, as seen in the third-water countries.

* In general, trafficked women are effectively treated as criminals by the various Israeli agencies with whom they come in contact, rather than as victims of human rights abuses.
An illegal alien is illegal, but even here Israel makes a subtle distinction, based not on law, but on circumstances, - a person with expired, but legal travel documents is treated lax, compared to a person with forged ones.
Isn't the inability of the state to provide for an atmosphere of job places creation and development a human right abuse?

* ... are not protected as victims of trafficking but are likely to bear the penalties of their illegal presence in Israel by deportation.
What? Does this "amnesty" want us to naturalize all those illegals? Laughable.

* Periods of detention in police lock-ups with criminal detainees can last weeks and detention conditions are reportedly very poor.
Liars. Any Russian, Indian, Philippino et. al. criminal would consider it a summer house. Consider the fact, that our small-to-moderate non-dangerous and quiet criminals are let out to visit their families on shabes or on holidays, or on wedding ceremonies of their close ones for good behavoiur. Some of them return back to prison by themselves. Some "human right violations".
It does not apply to the Pal. jihad clowns - it's another story.

* There is no designated centre in Israel to house women awaiting deportation.
Not sure about it. There was something on TV about it, but I did not pay attention. See above.

* In 1998 132 women were deported. These figures represent an increase of nearly 100 per cent over the previous year.
Does it mean that, in the previous years we had some 66 deportation cases? Was economy in the previous years better?

* ... there is no attempt by the ministry prior to deportation to determine whether a trafficked woman will be at risk of human rights abuses upon return to her country of origin.
Given this, half of Mexico would be in the US, half of Algeria - in France, total of Albania - in Italy and further by now. It is not working, so the "amnesties" should spend more time eating.
Isn't it a problem of the people of the country of origin, anyways?

* In particular the Israeli government should:
Ask "amnesties" about the the wind direction;o) and tell them to spend more time eating.

P.S. Noone can be good for everybody.
P.S.S. Did Volk analyse that, what he posted prior to posting it?

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Bagel Girl ur such a hairy monkey. always feeling like u must defend that graveyard u call home.

Listen u dumb slag, why don't u ask urself why it is that u have a rampant prostitution problem in israel?

Maybe, and im just guessing here, but maybe it has something to do with the way u people look. Because afterall, it is an undisputed fact that the jew girl is just about the most UNATTRACTIVE of Gods creations (Right behind a Sloth) see picture attached.

The majority of u, like the Sloth, are Hairy, have big noses, take a shower only once a week because the rabby likes it that way, and to top it all off u only like it up the crack hole. I suspect ur lads would rather have Hizbollah anally rape them than to actually stick it to their "females" (And i use the term VERY losely.. )


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Madrub, You skirted the question, - is the occasion and opportunity of raping non-Moslem (and Moslem ones too, like in Algeria, Sudan, etc..) women a driving force of jihad? You know, Your environment promotes it - no girls to associate with at school, sexual pervertions of the Arab closed societies, family abuse, widespread homosexualism. Eh? So, comes a cry "Jihad!!!", and everyone immediately knows - "There are women to rape!" with the most madrubish ones blowing themselves up out of impatience for a couple of virgins. Eh?

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""""You skirted the question""""


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