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Archive through March 1, 2001

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I did not miss anything .You can use an online translator to read it or maybe Delenne can help you.

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Kim, well done!

Finally tear off those Liberal wishywashy statemetns for something that holds water:

"""you miss the point, because of you are emotionally involved. """

It must be said the same would have to apply to kissie.

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you, on the other hand, have no point to miss,
which is to say there's no point to _anything_ you
say here. -_-

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my mistake!

100% FAKE!

please dont post in languages we here cant read.

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* The deciding factor in any such conflict will still be how useful each side is to the GlobalPolitical Status Quo.
Driven by ver-r-ry big money interests. Yep.

* .Paradise Lost????:0))
Yeah ...:o))

* [...] but envoys said it would be after an Arab summit that
begins in Jordan on March 27.

Arafat is looking forward for it too.
Powell should have visited this ME mess either before, or quite a time after the "allied" air "presents".
Europe is eager to get on the Saddam money-making opportunity. But what may be the end of it?

* "Hans Blix is a detail. We are not dealing with a detail." he said.
Stupid - anyone is "a detail". Even his praised Europe.
Well, Russ. should keep Saddam on a tight leash, then.

* [...] criticized a reported
remark by Sharon calling Arafat a liar.

Isn't he one?:o)))

* Not much use to anyone who doesn't read Russian, [...]
I can ask for a translation.
Another K.-Alb. "ethnic cleansing" anyways.

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Allam, you miss the point, because......well we all know the answer to that, don't we.

In fact I would say that you have been quite emotional your self reasently.....
almost moving your concern for Palestinian Babies,etc.
But your reason for posting here has nothing to do with that of course!

Chorny, Dank je wel meneer.
L'menexe OK, I should try asking nicely:0)

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Chorny, the point was that I don't care if she is telling the truth or she's on mushrooms, it doesn't change my opinion about the Chechnia conflict. It's just one side.
But the thunderous denials from the other side are interesting.

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Belgrade investigates Milosevic for gold theft

Special report: Serbia

Nick Thorpe in Belgrade
Thursday March 1, 2001
The Guardian

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic began moving gold out of the country even before he lost the elections last autumn, according to allegations in the Serbian press.

The Belgrade prosecutor's office ordered the police to investigate the reports yesterday: the first legal move against Mr Milosevic

Speculation that Mr Milosevic, who is under police guard in the exclusive Dedinje district of the city, could be arrested within days has been rife.

On Friday his secretive former head of the interior ministry, Rade Markovic, was arrested and accused of ordering the murder of four members of the opposition Serbian Renewal Movement in October 1999.

Up to 12 former police officers have been arrested, and others are said to have fled across the border into Republika Srpska, the Serb-run statelet in Bosnia.

Officials are trying to dampen the public excitement surrounding the possible arrest of Mr Milosevic, insisting that the investigations must strictly follow the law.

The Yugoslav president, Vojislav Kostunic, the constitutional lawyer who defeated Mr Milosevic in elections on 26 September, has spoken out against "revolutionary justice".

"Milosevic will not be charged until all facts have been established," the deputy prime minister, Zarko Korac, told the newspaper Blic yesterday.

Mr Korac is one of the few ministers to support the former president's extradition to the Hague.

But an anonymous official told the news agency Beta yesterday that a deadline of March 10 had been set for Mr Milosevic's arrest.

The latest reports suggest that 173kg (380lb) of gold was taken out of Yugoslavia illegally between September 21 and November 2 last year, and that money from its sale was transferred to bank accounts in
Cyprus and Greece.

Yugoslavia has been under growing international pressure to arrest Mr Milosevic. But while the new authorities in Belgrade say he should be charged with any political murders and economic offences in his own
country, the international war crimes tribunal insists that he should be tried in the Hague for genocide.

Carla del Ponte, the tribunal's chief prosecutor, said yesterday: "I have heard too often that public opinion in Yugoslavia is not ready to accept international justice, or that the persons indicted by the tribunal would
become heroes if delivered to the Hague .

"I strongly reject these statement, which ... stand in blatant contradiction with the great many messages we keep receiving from members of the [ruling Yugoslav] DOS coalition, from government officials in Belgrade,
from Montenegro, from Vojvodina, local NGO's and groups of ordinary citizens.

Ms Del Ponte was in Sweden to press the EU, of which Sweden holds the rotating presidency, to make aid to Yugoslavia conditional on full its cooperation with the tribunal.

She also suggested March 31 as a deadline for the authorities in Belgrade to prove that they are willing to do so.

Nick Wood in Pristina adds : A Serb policeman was injured when heavy fighting, including artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire, broke out yesterday along a 25-mile stretch of the provinical border between
Kosovo and southern Serbia.

Earlier, Russian soldiers serving with the Nato-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, reported the discovery of an elderly Serb couple who had been beaten to death with an axe in their home, four miles inside the
Kosovan border.

The fighting on the boundary came less than 24 hours after Nato foreign ministers decided to draw back the three-mile buffer zone in Serbia which ethnic Albanian rebels have used to launch their attacks on
Yugoslav forces.

Guardian Unlimited ¿ Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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* [...] criticized a reported
remark by Sharon calling Arafat a liar.
Isn't he one?:o)))

Does it matter? I mean whether he is or isn't, it just isn't polite to run round saying those sorts of things. :0)))))))))))))))

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i've had a couple deletions of posts at USC,
including one yesterday.
nah, i was just offering feedback, i was not in
'attack mode'...
but i think the deletion was by IGOR or URN,
because i am so completely [expletive] SICK of how
they hate america! Toyman too!
perhaps not IGOR, but URN and Toyman engage in the
lamest cold-war era stereotyping, ancient cliches
which really mean nothing to me...
but i'll be driven from USC soon, from their
anti-yank attitude;
so WTF should i do instead?
attack Russia/Russians? why? screw that. i never
did such a thing.
...and yesterday i learned that it's okay for
NATO/the yanks/the states to be torn apart until
the cows come home...
but to comment on it, or question it, as an
american, you'll be deleted. -_-
is that not so, IGOR?
and with all due respect, comrade, if you post
something i cannot read, it must not be important
enough for me to read.


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""""and yesterday i learned that it's okay for
NATO/the yanks/the states to be torn apart until
the cows come home... """"

The cows come home???

oh jeez , i take back everything i said - do not post any threads refering to politics. plssssssssssssssssss....

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Who are you at USC L'Menexe?

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You Yanks have a hell of a lot to be ripped for L'menexe.Just look at all the stuff you do all over the world.With the computer and internet there are reems of materials on it.Go ahead and rip Russia if you have the material to do it with.

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* The latest reports suggest that 173kg (380lb) of gold [...]
About 170 of ordinary matchboxes.
And why Del P. is not so zealous about Saddam, Bin Laden?

* [...] it just isn't polite to run round saying those sorts of things.
Applicable for a polished diplomat, - not for a terrorist and a thief, that looks like a hashishnik "fresh" out of the Palestinian "Cabinet" smoking party.:o))

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