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Archive through March 1, 2001

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Honorable Member
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* that kid Shelvet shlevelt pa (lol) was not shot in a playground!!!
"Palestinian snipers shot 10-month-old Shalhevet Tehiya Pass in the head as she was in her mother Uriya's arms and moderately wounded her father Yitzhak, 24, in the legs [...]" - JP.
"Pass, his wife and baby daughter were in a playground in front of their house when the gunfire erupted. Eyewitnesses and army commanders said it was carefully aimed and not a random spray of bullets." - AP.

* His [...]
The kid was she, not he.
So much for Your being "informed".

* [...] dad was responsible for shooting a palestinian kid last week.
Two weeks ago ... , last year ... , never ... .
With Your clinal history of lying and lying, and lying, yapping Tizballah, You'd better provide a source. No Radio Jihad,, Al Tiz and similar garbage fills are accepted.

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* Delenne:
What does "tiz" means?

Arab guy Tizballah's occupation, source of thoughts, disasters, aspirations and, generally, his thinking apparatus, i.e. his head.

* You seem to love it for the number of times your mouth spitting it out.
Wrong guess.

* Thanks.
No, thanks. Timeo danaos et dona ferentes.

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* JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said Monday [...]
Very good.
Minutes after the attack, IDF tanks fired at a building in the Abu Sneneh neighborhood on the hill opposite which was identified as the source of the sniper fire. An intense exchange of gunfire followed. The shooting resumed later last night

* Delenne:
you forgot to mention that the Army, Navy and AF seiged Dade County, [...]

It would have been done, no problem, if there had been a comparatively equal mob of stone-throwers.

* Is that what you are implying Delenne??
The riot of Los Angeles. Is that what you are not implying?

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Topic starter  

Nice going, madame!

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...since you failed so _miserably_ with your
stupid threats of attacking me in boston, you've
returned to your FUKT UP 'bagel/auschwitz' spiel.
how boring.
not to mention IRRELEVANT -_-
so bear that in mind, mr. sasto manicotti, some
PUNK wants to be your 'special friend', as his
previous 'special friend' abandoned him.
what a fool.

hear what i say, puta pince cabron?
Konichiwa, Kisako!
Mornin', mum!


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* By A L L A M E R I C A N ( -

Eh? With all CAPITALIZED. Heh.
There is a good Oriental saying "No matter how loud you cry "SUGAR!!!" - you won't feel sweet in the mouth".
And Tizballah cries ... and cries ... , and cries ... , and cries (same as with the "IDF test", I guess;o))) ... .
What lures him in to the land of infidels?
The association of the green card and the green colours of jihad?
Even I hear Allah bellowing to him to stay home and kick sand (the bucket is preferred), and stressing he is morally and mentally unstable for the former (which is enough for the latter, though;o))

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Hi, L'-san.

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Hi, K-san!

...been meaning to drop you a line
from my opera address!

i'll let you know,
just reflecting on a comment from last week...


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"We will take this war to all of Macedonia," says Arban Aliu, [...]
"Kosovo inspired us a great deal," Aliu said. "We can do the same thing here."

Without nato to bomb out theyr enemies, they will go nowere... No worries

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* Without nato to bomb out theyr enemies, they will go nowere... No worries
I was thinking the NATO might wish to produce some collateral damage. Eh?

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Bagel girl is going beserk! she's started sniffing her own "kosher" panties. In the begining the little jew fanatic hooked (pun intended) L'menexe by mailing him the "used" stuff

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Posts: 152

* a roughy Hizbollah doing ...
tizballah on the Queer Jihad site.

Look who's THE Queer, you ABU Delenne

ABU Delenne!!


How appropriate!

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Posts: 572

Ah-h-h! Heh.
Sure, Porky Bacon got fried black on the CNN MB and limped here, the only place, where he can talk about his dear panties freely, to sizzle his frustration out.
Does anyone notice a funny pattern here - all morono-barbarians, that were ever present on-board, advertized this or that sexual perversity - Tizballah staunchily yaps away about anal matter, whenever seizes an opportunity, Porky - yaps about sniffing panties (does he keep a wardrobe full of them? Shall I send him a pair of mine to shut him up?;o) Porky, leave an address, - Your hints became too transparent already. I don't envy Your secretary;o)).
And what do we have instead of normal opponents? Do we face just a bunch of homosexuals, voyeurists and fetishists?

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Konbanwa, K-san!

...apparently FARIS HOMOUD, your 'special friend',
showed you how to 'huff', eh?

you've steadily deteriorated in front of us all;
been going on for months now.

man, inhalants are bad for you!

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