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Archive through March 1, 2001

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I only delete that ••••••• mr sub.Not any meterial .Post away L'menexe

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nah man, that's not what i'm saying.
i have no desire to 'rip' russia.
why are you thinking i'd want to?

nor would i dispute much of your position.

but USC isnt very kind to americans...
and, y'know, you guys are getting into it, laying
it on thick.

earlier i'd used 2 other names there, but lately
i'm L'menexe...i visit every day but i dont post
often. and the new place looks nice, but i dont
think i'll join.

really, how much does it matter? who's gonna miss


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At least you can respond in a civilized manner unlike some of the jerks on there.Most of them do not debate just spew so it's not surprising they get the same back.I promise I will never insult you as I have never done that here either I believe.

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Its about this emotional/us versus you approach to politics, L'menexe.
I'm sure there are equal realms of shite about every nation.
The USC inhabitants claim to be open to reasonable arguement, and they can manage it up to a point.
I have seen several people appear there with reasonable counter-arguements, and they are treated well for a while,but eventually the old guard USC-ers revert to their normal tactics of attacking the person and the National/political background of the person they are discussing with, rather than dealing with issues they find difficult to face.
Any westerner however, had just better take it on the chin and stop whining. Right Chorny? - You have a lot of Anger there!

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KIM: The golden rule of thumb at USC is deny, deny, deny. Then deflect the problem by pointing to shortcoming of the West. Of course, by doing so, the Rooskies and Serbs have every confidence that their problems will just go away. I believe this to be a practice learned from their respective governments. Sure the West has plenty of faults and problems, but they pale in comparison to those confronting Russia. So they just keep on hammering away at our system, our government, our lifestyle, all which I accept with reservation. For every bull crap posting based on speculation, distortions and assumptions I counter with concrete, honest and direct postings of the shortfalls in Russia. Hence, I am labeled as being anti-Russian, intolerant, unsympathetic and wish ill will upon Russia. Which could not be farther from the truth. But when they start ridiculing the Western person, i.e., fat, drunks, criminals, lazy, stupid, ugly, contemptable, perverts, blah, blah blah, well that's where I draw a line in the sand and see RED. For these elements are not exclusive to the West. If anything your more apt to find an over abundence of these traits in Russia. But of course that dosen't count. Try telling that to the forum owner or that sniveling child URN who gives all appearences of needing psychological help.

Anyways, I was initially posting to L'Menexe until I started thinking about the above posts. Guess I got carried away.

L'MENEXE, my hats off to you. I was under the false impression that you, somehow, were anti-west. But that's not the case and I withdraw the, shall we say, my less than flattering postings directed at you.

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Informer even the westerners criticize you for your baiting and lack of debating skills so what are you talking about .You are the one that starts the crap and then can't handle it.

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No score for this post March 2 2001, 12:43 PM

Nothing has been discovered to prove the claims of Anna Politkovskaya, a reporter for Novaya Gazeta, that there is a filtration camp in Vedeno district, Chechnya, Prosecutor of Chechnya Vsevolod Chernov told Interfax on Friday after personally visiting the positions of the 45th Air-Borne regiment near Khatuni on Thursday.

"We found nothing resembling what the journalist described," he said.

"The inspection, in addition to representatives of the prosecutor, involved presidential envoy for human rights in Chechnya Vladimir Kalamanov, deputy presidential envoy to the southern federal district Nikolai Britvin and representatives of the federal command, so one cannot say that our inspection was not objective," Chernov said

Chechen Republic prosecutor Vsevolod Chernov has announced that press reports concerning a "filtration camp" being run by a paratrooper regiment have not been confirmed.

The prosecutor said that he and special presidential human rights envoy Vladimir Kalamanov and the republic's security secretary Rudnik Dudayev had yesterday investigated the claims of Novaya Gazetta (New Paper) journalist Anna Politkovskaya at the paratrooper base. They did not discover a filtration camp or any dug-out prisons. They also did not manage to discover those people who Politkovskaya alleged were being held there.

Nevertheless, Chernov said that checks would continue to be carried out to ensure that federal troops were obeying the law.

Politkovskaya achieved notoriety for her unverified and scandalous accusations in relation to the armed forces, as well as for publicly branding Russian officers as "pigs". She works for the tabloid Novaya Gazetta, which is not known for its particular veracity

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* You are the one that starts the crap and then can't handle it. ...
and slides down to the well-familiar traditional anal sex subject. LOL.

* So they just keep on hammering away at our system, our government, our lifestyle, all which I accept with reservation.
Fun to hear that from one, who, actually, is the product of the systems, that, to say the least, don't promote diversity of opinions. He-heh.

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Chorny, debating skills, surely you jest. That's URN talk. I find it best at USC to just post and let you guys respond with denials, vulgarities and deflections. To include charges that all postings which point out Russian shortcomings are anti-Russian, racist, hatefull and provocative. Debating there is fruitless when your dealing in an enviornment of denial and shear contempt for the west. Western logic and explinations just dosen't penetrate the skull. My Russian born grandfather had a saying which went something like, if you keep on senselessly kicking a rock you'll only end up with worn out shoes. Hence, discretions is the better part of valor. HEY! Maybe that's why URN buys so many shoes with big buckles.

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Delenne, good to see they let you out for the day. Just remember to be back on time, (don't want to lose any privileges.)

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* Delenne, good to see they let you out for the day. Just remember to be back on time,

Commendable, dear, commendable, - a progress of producing BS without anal sex subject. He-heh.

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so, cap, have you quit pretending as to who
'informer' is? [or isnt -_-]

you might just wanna keep your hat on. i have no
personal dispute w/IGOR.
and what is it you call 'whining', mum??
the point being is that everything posted here
means very little in the overall scheme of things.

i'm not 'pro-west';

i'm anti-STUPIDITY.

which certain people revel in, both at USC and DMS.
less so at DMS, though the REAL ARAB/FAKE AMERICAN
has personally cornered the market on DMS stupidity.


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* I find it best at USC to just post and let you guys respond with denials, vulgarities and deflections.

Woah, I recognize Mssr. Informer's staple qualities.

* My Russian born grandfather had a saying ...
that, most probably, went like - "and why, the hell, am I, an Arab, here, in the ME?!"

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I meant "whining" ironically, L'menexe.
ie. when the West-bashing for the sake of it reaches screaming lunatic pitch!

I find it interesting that people like you and I are able to take the criticism of our own countries, without feeling personally aggrieved. In fact we both are very much critical of our own countries. Others don't seem to seperate themselves as individuals from their national identity.

Why is that?

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irm trail of Serbian gold

Pressure mounts on Slobodan Milosevic over his role in export from mine

Special report: Serbia

Peter Capella in Geneva
Friday March 2, 2001
The Guardian

An international legal net began closing on Slobodan Milosevic yesterday after it was confirmed that £730,000 of gold was shipped from a state-run mine in Serbia to
Switzerland as the former Yugoslav leader was being toppled last year.

The Swiss authorities said that import-export companies based in Greece and Cyprus exported 173kg of unrefined gold bars from the state-run Bor mines between
September 21 and November 2 last year. The gold was sold to a Swiss firm for resale on the open market.

Earlier press reports had prompted Serbian prosecutors to take their first direct legal steps against Mr Milosevic on Wednesday by ordering a police inquiry into allegations
that he had profited from the gold transaction.

Othmar Wyss, the head of trade sanctions at the Swiss economics ministry, admitted yesterday that it was unusual that the gold sale was not made by the Yugoslav
central bank, which effectively owns the mine. "We are investigating if the Swiss company violated sanctions," he said.

The gold was checked by Swiss customs when it arrived, in Zürich in four shipments, on regular Swissair flights, and was taken to a reprocessing plant in southern

Mr Wyss said the exports were not illegal and the gold deal would only have fallen foul of an embargo in force in western Europe at the time if the proceeds were paid to
Yugoslav state-run enterprises, including the central bank, Mr Milosevic or about 600 Serbs on a European blacklist.

No formal link has been established with the former Yugoslav regime but there are strong suspicions that Mr Milosevic and his associates used Cyprus as a base for
millions siphoned from their country's economy.

About a hundred bank accounts were frozen in Switzerland last spring under the Europe-wide embargo, although none were in Mr Milosevic's name, Swiss officials said.

Greece has rejected claims that funds from the sale allegedly linked to Mr Milosevic were deposited in the country. "As far as Greece is concerned, I want to categorically
refute this," foreign ministry spokesman Panagiotis Beglitis said. "All the investigations do not indicate this."

Bank accounts of people connected with the Milosevic regime containing "a very low amount of money" have already been frozen, Mr Beglitis said.

As legal moves against Mr Milosevic in Serbia gathered steam, an associate said he would ignore any summons to appear for questioning.

"Milosevic told me personally that he'll never answer to any court subpoena," Sinisa Vucinic, an official of the Yugoslav neo-communist party led by Mr Milosevic's wife,
Mirjana Markovic, said.

Dozens of diehard supporters near Mr Milosevic's house in Belgrade yesterday, vowing to protect the ex-president.

"We will protect our supreme commander and hero with all available means," Mr Vucinic said. "From Kosovo alone, 50,000 rifles and heavy weapons were transferred and
distributed to citizens."

The investigation ordered by the Belgrade prosecutor's office could lead to charges ranging from corruption to war crimes, but the new democratic Yugoslav government has
refused to hand Mr Milosevic to the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, claiming that the court is biased.

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