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Archive through March 1, 2001

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Search this site 'Saddam spies' arrested

Special report: Iraq

John Hooper in Berlin
Friday March 2, 2001
The Guardian

Two Iraqis suspected of spying were last night being held in a
German jail after reportedly being caught near the United State's
army headquarters in Europe.

Their arrests raised fears that Baghdad might be planning to
make good on Saddam Hussein's threat earlier this week to
retaliate against US and British air strikes which killed two
civilians on February 16.

German police and intelligence officers are hunting for other
members of a spy ring which is thought to have been cracked.

The two Iraqis were picked up by police on the orders of
Germany's chief prosecutor, Kay Nehm. A brief statement from
his office said that one of the suspected agents was detained on
Sunday and the other on Tuesday.

"They are suspected of carrying out missions for an Iraqi
intelligence service in a number of German towns since the
beginning of 2001," a statement said.

A federal judge ordered the two men to be held on "urgent
suspicion" of espionage.

A spokesman for the federal prosecutors would not comment on
a television report that the Iraqis had been held in the
south-western university town of Heidelberg, which houses the
headquarters of the US army in Europe.

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* An international legal net began closing on Slobodan Milosevic yesterday after it was confirmed that £730,000 of gold was shipped from a state-run mine in Serbia [...]
I guess, confiscating Trepca mines was a measure to prevent Kostunica (or anyone else, for that matter) from stealing Serbian gold. ;o))))))
P.S. Poor Milo, - Marcos would have laughed at him.;o)

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Afternoon, Mum !

no, pour moi, not 'personally aggrieved', but i
do feel worn down sometimes...

[konichiwa, kisako! 1302]

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By Bagel Girl...

""""Fun to hear that from one, who, actually, is the product of the systems, that, to say the least, don't promote diversity of opinions. He-heh. """


Try again - u can duoooo uiiittttttttttt?!???!?


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* khhhhwhaaaaaaaaatt?
Order extra classes, dood. LOL.

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Hey, Kim, L'-san.
Do federal persecutors exist?;o)

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Swiss Refiner Denies Yugoslav Gold Was Milosevic's

ZURICH, Mar 2, 2001 -- (Reuters) A Swiss metals trading and refining company denied on Friday that Yugoslav gold it processed last year was linked to former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

Geneva-based MKS Finance SA, whose refinery handles hundreds of tons of precious metals for various clients each year, said in a statement it followed strict rules on identifying the origins of metals it accepts for processing.

"MKS Finance SA was actively involved in the investigation conducted in Switzerland to assess the exact origin of the gold deliveries made to Switzerland by a Yugoslavian metallurgical complex producing gold as a by-product," it said.

These checks "did not establish any link between the gold that has transited through the MKS refinery and Milosevic or any individuals or companies related to Milosevic", it added.

Geneva investigators and Swiss federal authorities have lifted a freeze on funds involved in the case, it said.

On Wednesday the Belgrade district prosecutor's office said it was following up Yugoslav press reports that Milosevic sent gold to Switzerland and deposited the proceeds from its sale in the accounts of companies in Greece and Cyprus.

Swiss officials have said they have found no indications to date that cash from the sale of 173 kilograms (380 pounds) of Yugoslav gold had gone to Milosevic as he was toppled from power last autumn.

The sales would have been in violation of an international trade embargo if the proceeds had gone to any of hundreds of blacklisted bank accounts belonging to Milosevic, his family, aides or state companies.

Swiss customs have confirmed the arrival of four shipments of unrefined gold from Yugoslavia's Bor mines -- one of 42 kilograms on September 21, another 42 kilograms on September 22, 59 kilograms on October 27 and 30 kilograms on November 2.

The gold was refined in the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino and sold on the open market.

Milosevic lost elections in September, but clung to power until he was forced from office by popular revolts in October.

A customs spokesman said this week the volumes of gold were small and "from a customs viewpoint the shipments were entirely in order".

The shipments were worth some 1.8 million Swiss francs ($1.1 million). Imports from the Republic of Yugoslavia in the year 2000 were 14.9 million francs and exports were 111.7 million, according to official data

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* Geneva investigators and Swiss federal authorities have lifted a freeze on funds involved in the case, [...]
Looks like the zoo calmed down ... for some time, at least, till a new Milo scarecrow is shown to whip a new scare fever up in the cages.;o)

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got your mail; arigato!
pix to peek at later.
that was a pretty cool sentence
which FAKE ARAB was lacking the skill to read.
i like such sentences...heh.
'federal per-secutors'?
lolol....were they professionals?
dont try this at home, kids...-_-
and i dont give a flying f*ck what those psycho
Taliban creeps say. how much more confirmation did
you need, to know they are COMPLETE SCUM?


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Maybe u should try "dude" next time... lol.

Bagel Girl is that rabbid rabbi sniffing around ur hairy pie whole again?

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* Maybe u should try "dude" next time...
Maybe You should grow up, dood.
Aren't You tired of getting caught with Your pants down each and every time? Well, unless You feel like it, in view of Your unhealthy obsession with anal matter.
Visit on it, together with Informer, if You feel lonely doing it alone. LOL.
P.S. How're Your jihadniks doing fighting Buddah?

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"""dood""", listen up... I'll give u a hint - ur Pie Hole isn't what u think it is... LMAO...

Maybe it's time to get out of the quarantine u call home (lol), shave ur armpits and give a heads up to the next lobby of rocks aimed at ur huts, and travel the world. maybe take a bus ride with milimeter lmx OR visit anus(c)hwitz or something. and anytime u get homesick u can always get a quick fix-me-up by visiting Compton in SouthCentral L.A. - there u will find many Bagels and mollies running around firing off their Uzis.... (Ahhhhh, Home sweet home)!!!

remember to pack a good dosage of shaving cream. LATHER ME UP BABY!!!


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yeah i know, i screwed up the bastard's name earlier:
but yo,

quit drinking that kerosene, okay PUNK?

it makes you have hallucinations about places you
aint never been to, like Compton.

papa let you in the house, huh?
that way you can watch that satellite dish and

dream on, DOOD -_-

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You made my day, dood, especially that lobby of rocks of Yours ...

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