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Archive through March 1, 2001

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Good then!

so u can duuooooiiit.


Im just laughing my head off listening to all the curse words ur hurling out there!!! my favourite is "JIVE A5S" lol... Are the 60's back or what?


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* Good then!
So, dood, what is a lobby of rocks, except, possibly, being Your living quarters?

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tell that rabbid rabi to stop sniffing around ur hairy 5-hole for a minute and stick ur noggin out of ur window and ull see what a lobby of rocks looks and feels like....

A jew trying to convince anyone that they haven't received at least one granular size rock to the head is paramount to saying Lmx is bright...


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* tell that rabbid rabi to stop sniffing around ur hairy 5-hole for a minute
Funny, You think anyone else should follow Your day-and-night dreams? And why Arabs get offended, when told about their wholesale addiction to anal matter? You're the doodiest example of it. Heh.
BTH, I heard the Emirates block pornsites and smut chat, - is it the reason You blow clowds here? Eh?

* A jew trying to convince anyone that they haven't received at least one granular size rock
Who was trying to convince who? You don't know, what You're typing about, as usual.

* ur window and ull see what a lobby of rocks looks and feels like....
Hm-m, looks like an AraFat-robbed Pal Arab village in binocs ... . "feels like"? - Ask them, dood, - it's Your native environment.
Or, what else is a lobby of rocks then?

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Bagel Girl is asking for some English lessons! but unfortunately i don't have the time, (and im sure she won't pay!!!LOL) Kim/informer would u explain to Bagel girl what a lobby of rocks is ???

While ur at it, ask her what """binocs""" is??? LOL

First it was Aus(c)hwitz and now it's the palestinians taking pot shots at the jew... so u tell me who's native invironment is death?

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having fun picking on the lady who regularly kicks
your stupid ass, idiot?
so are you assigned to stand there like a target,
quivering in fear, while she, once again, KICKS
lolololololol -_-

yo, DOOD, what a sack of shite you are....

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NETANYA, Israel, March 4 (AFP) -
An Arab worker was lynched by an enraged crowd in the Israeli coastal resort of Netanya on Sunday after a bomb blast killed four people including the suspected suicide attacker, police and witnesses said.

The attack, which left the man critically wounded in an Israeli hospital, drew swift condemnation from outgoing Public Security Minister Shlomo Ben Ami who urged Israelis not to become a "society of lynchers."

So far, one Israeli has been arrested, police said.

Witnesses said the crowd roughed up the man with their fists and iron bars in the market a block away from the scene of the attack in Netanya's commerical hub, leaving him bloodied and unconscious.

"About 30 Jews were chasing after the Arab, hitting him and kicking him all over his body. He let out one or two screams, but after that he couldn't say anything," said one witness who runs a fruit stall in the market, but like other witnesses refused to be identified.

"I saw a 60-year-old woman put her heel in his eye. Every Arab who enters the shouk (market) will be slaughtered," said a middle-aged man.

The victim worked in the market but it was not immediately clear if he was a Palestinian or member of Israel's one-million strong Arab minority as he was not carrying an identity card.

"The man was very seriously wounded in the head and has contusions over his entire body," said a hospital spokesman.

Ben Ami, who is also foreign minister in the outgoing government of Ehud Barak, warned against Israelis taking the law into their own hands.

"We must fight against terrorism without becoming terrorists ourselves," he told Israeli public radio. "I can understand people's range, but they must not lose control of themselves at any price."

Israeli Arabs -- the descendants of Palestinians who stayed in their homes following the creation of the Jewish state in 1948 -- frequently complain of institutional discrimination and harassment by the authorities.

Israeli Arabs make up close to 19 percent of Israel's 6.2 million people.

"It's an embarrassment to our people, but whoever did (the beating) did a service for the Arabs. It gives them ammunition to show that there are such people among us as well," said another market stall holder, Dudu Jerby.

In early October, Israeli police killed 13 Arabs as they demonstrated in support of the Palestinian uprising that exploded across the region more than five months ago

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This is Switzerland!!!!! DENY, DENY, DENY!

They didn't handle Idi Armin's funds either, I guess, or Marcos'!!!


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* Bagel Girl is asking for some English lessons! but unfortunately i don't have the time,
Unfortunately, You don't have the brains, dood.

* and now it's the palestinians taking pot shots
Every time. That might explain a total confusion in their (and Your) heads.

ask her what """binocs""" is???
Is another proof, that You are not an American.

* so u tell me who's native invironment is death?
Yours, dood, - we don't die for a stupid promise of a pair of virgin tits.

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Bagel Girl lol... read Chornys 12.38 !!!

and tell me who's native invironment is death...

80 year old ladies sticking their heels in innocent victims' eyes... lol..

mass hysteria not seen since Hitler and the Nazis.... (well maybe the tutsi's and hutu's)

ur blood thristy animals... sorry! but u are!

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Regular news:
"Massive Police car-helo hunt for a red Audi with four Arabs, which crashed a Police roadblock in Central Rehovot and was last seen, heading toward Tel Aviv-Ashdod Highway 4.
Three Pal Arabs in a car failed in attempted kidnapping of Israeli soldier in Jerusalem suburb of Kiryat Yovel.
A bomb had been defused on the road near Shchem ..."
And all that is on the rise.

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What an expression of the "righteous indignation". Heh. You both are funny bedfellows - united by hate against Jews.
But ...

* Bagel Girl lol... read Chornys 12.38 !!!
and tell me who's native invironment is death...

Yours, dood, Yours.
You feel totally free to blow non-combatants up (for a pair of tits in heaven, or for some other rubbish blown into your ears by crazy mullahs), but when you get kicked for it you, all of a sudden, remember various "human rights", "innocent victims", the UN ... , like any normally sick Arab provocateur.

* 80 year old ladies sticking their heels in innocent victims' eyes... lol..
I like that lol of Yours, You share the fun of it.
BTH, this "innocent" victim is in a police custody as an illegal alien. So, he gets kicked twice.

* mass hysteria not seen since Hitler and the Nazis....
No, dood, You cannot compare Gaza mosque "community" Friday voodoo to a reaction of ordinary folks of the town, that was bombed five times already, because of the proximity to yet another terrorists' paradise, called Shchem.

* ur blood thristy animals... sorry! but u are!
I'm glad, that You take peeks in the mirror sometimes. LOL.

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Pot Kettle Black!

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Hitler really did a number on u jews...

Kim would u listen to Bagel Girl... it's really sad! How does a whole race become like that?

Do u think it was Hitler? I do... bec. what else could it be? Murder is imbeded in there Psyche - what do u think?

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