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Archive through March 1, 2001

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* u wouldn't know what a lobby of rocks is - u don't live in Israel. lol...
Exactly right, Dood, she wouldn't know, because a lobby of rocks is usually that, what remains of an otherwise "normal" lobby after "innocent" Pal Arab gunmen ask for a tank shell hit.

* Childhood - childhood - childhood...
is ur Pie hole getting wet and juicy?

You're a pedophile too?!
"Enigmatic" Arab, - anything - from homosexualism to pedophilia. LOL.

* Sad bastard!!!
Just a common-type MidEast idiot with "brains" between the legs and the head for a kafiya rest only.

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Another seven out of a total of 48 bodies found last week in the abandoned village of country houses, Zdorovye, a short way southeast of Grozny were identified March 3 and 4, this bringing the count to ten.

"According to preliminary data, one of the identified men is Khattab's so-called emir," Chechnya Prosecutor Vsevolod Chernov said. Besides, some of the bodies that were found and identified in the village were those of people, "who were couriers for the armed bandits." The investigation ascertained their names and time of death, he said. All of them had died of gunshot wounds.

Chernov specified that, according to the investigation data, the couriers and "Khattab's emir" had run into an ambush in that area of Grozny late last year. Whether they had been left wounded or their accomplices had finished them off would be revealed by further investigation, he said.

Relatives of the dead were refusing to participate in the identification work, possibly for "fear of inflicting a suspicion on their family" or else they "know something about how those people died," he claimed. The latter suggestion was additionally corroborated by the fact that the relatives of the identified men had never before advised the law enforcement bodies about their missing kinsmen, he said.

The investigators were "doing a large amount of work connected with the identification of the discovered bodies," he went on. Specifically, "the entire mass of earlier cases involving missing people is being looked through," and "the entire course of combat operations in Grozny during the last year is being analysed," he said.

The work would be persisted with till "the identification of the last of the discovered bodies," he assured. The investigation would establish the cause of each person's death. In this connection, the Prosecutor called on the media "not to rush their own versions of how those people died

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Maybe i didn't make myself clear to u... lol

see, u love war bec of ur childhood in Aus(c)hwitz, that's why ur hairy punetang gets all wet when u hear the rumbles of tanks and the lobby of rocks on ur huts...

better now...


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"""Because, noone needs them, as they are viewed as a destabilizing force for any Arab Govt., that may give them refuge. """"

Maybe they are but what about the Jew? not wanted anywhere! u've been prosecuted like worthless animals throughout history. Hitler almost eradicated ur smelly race. Britain, Russia and the U.S. wanted nothing to do with ur bad side-burn rabbis - THAT'S WHY THEY GAVE U PALESTINE!

u hairy numbskull.... lol...

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Don't waste your time on this degranged fanatical zionist animal. Deep down this nutcase knows how much she and her stinking herbraic kind are hated throughout Europe. Even on this board, with the exception of that castrated clot L'menexe, nobody likes her. Don't take her seriously just relax and laugh at her clownish antics.

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Hello, bona fide, how clinical. Obviously, You turn up here to vent You frustration after being beaten on the CNN MB.
Anyways, as a slimebag always looks for a match, I can offer You this Arab, fresh from the Emirates. LOL.

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* Maybe i didn't make myself clear to u... lol
What? You're a bigger pervert, than I thought?

* see, u love war [...]
Yep, You're definitely bigger. LOL.

* and the lobby of rocks on ur huts...
The MB laughs at You, and You still don't understand. Talk about ME stupidity. Heh.

* better now...
Wipe a monitor. LOL.

* Maybe they are [...]
They sure are. Heh.

* but what about the Jew?
Bright folks. You can be that too, if You lay off porn and start with school.

* not wanted anywhere!
Sure, the jihadier the country - the less Jews are wanted there. But, thank G-d, not all are psychotic-hysterical as you are. He-heh.

* u've been prosecuted like worthless animals throughout history.
Since then the World learned. You don't, as usual, stuck somewhere in the Medieval Ages, because, as a Persian saying goes, when Allah was handing out brains you sat in the outhouse. LOL.

If so , - don't whine, get lost, get a life and make yourselves useful by, at least, building lobbies of rocks, - still better, than destroying things. Remember, the productive activity turned an ape into a human being. LOL. So, evolve, dood, evolve.

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Konbanwa, Kisako!

i see the freaks are out!
listen, um, nobody here likes you, unless you wanna count shed-boy.
and nobody likes _him_, unless you wanna count your own sorry self.


keep rambling, you f*cking fool...and your FAKE AMERICAN routine continues to unravel...

hear what i say, DOOD?
daishki, k-san.

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No, Toyman didn't decide to move. The other forum/website was shutdown by its creator, KMA. Yeah, sometimes Network54 is slow. Just keep trying i guess.

Hi KIM! When are you going to send me your sexy pictures? I am waiting for them.

American - Last i checked Dimitri was doing your mother. Boo hoo.

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!Russian prosecutors have suggested that the bodies were those of civilians killed by rebel guerrillas who refused to join the fight against the federal troops.

The groups said prosecutors are reluctant to follow up on locals' reports that other such earth pits are being discovered regularly. !

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"Kim, I would have scuttled this Criminal Court joke, - it defies common sense."

Delenne, you know the Criminal court stufft wasn't aimed at you, I was wondering if Informer could think, I suspect he might have a brain somewhere about his person....
I could be wrong.

And how, for instance, they would "prosecute" Hezbollah? ;o))"
Exactly!!! - but these poeple are given some sort of bogus international legal status as "political prisoners"- Just because they hate enought to kill? "Prisoners of war" or criminals- where do you draw the line?. If anyone has an official definition,I would be interested to see it.

* We have
to stop it, and sit down and talk."
Did talks help, so far?

Did Killing each other? Perhaps it depends on who's doing the talking?
If only the American election scedule didn't determine the timeframe.....

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Urn ! When the mad cows come home from France......

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"Don't take her seriously just relax and laugh at
her clownish antics"

Mirror, mirror, on the wall......

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....Kisako, Kim...
plus Igor/URN
the long article you posted on USC yesterday, "for
americans", was really good, IGOR. [but for one
matter, which is a discussion for another time, if
and it was so much better than typical USC

yeah, sometimes i simply cant get to USC; a few
hours after that note, things were fine....wasnt
the first time it's happened.
morning, Mum!

it's always that way...the innocent/uninvolved,
stuck in the middle, tend to pay a price. as they
are now, in chechnya. -_-
what a dreary bastard you are, now and FOREVER.
and your suit still doesnt properly fit you.
and by the way, for all of your repetitive abuse
of Kisako, you FAILED to provide a SHRED of
information/'evidence' in regards to Kisako's
Zionist "master plan" as allegedly stated by her
somewhere here at DMS.
i believe this is my fourth challenge to you:
both you, and your buddy REAL ARAB FAKE AMERICAN
GROSS PIG FARIS HOMOUD, routinely betray your fear
and hatred of women == especially INTELLIGENT
women == not to mention your standard-grade
anti-semitic BULLSHITE.
and BACON is reduced to grade school taunts like
"nobody likes you"....nyah nyah nyah.
au contraire: nobody likes YOU.
all Kisako has to do is show up, and you two flee
in FEAR.
this is understood by all of us here; not just all
of us, but ANYBODY who visits here on the web.

best of days, mum!

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Afternoon L'menexe,

Yes Ruari and I watch Pokemon together(in French - Ash = Sasha).
Meouss(in French version) is this cat-like-pokemon-thing attached to Team rocket, who goes around looking for wars and things to hate....Remind you of anyone?
(We now get Sailor-moon in German as well- who needs Sky TV!!!).

Regards the innocent stuck in the middle - I think the East-Germans and the Chechs had the best approach.

Igor, could you possibly post your "post to American's" here as well, I'm trying very hard not to get sucked into the USC - Thanks

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