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Archive through March 10, 2000

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yes russians lost around 80 troops, at the same time bandits lost over 500. you do the math.

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kisako got the wrong basaev, his brother I think, here's the "famous" one.

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By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 11:26 am:

>Antonio, "I would have ordered the Americans
>put on trial for war crimes then executed them."

>So to you patroling a border is now a war crime.

The U.S. soldiers were infiltrating Serbian territory, which is why they were captured. They were engaging in acts of aggression against the Serbs.

>The Hauge is going to need more judges but
> then again you would just "put them on trial
>then execute them".

The Hague should have no power unless it were bestowed by God. Who does the U.S./NATO think they are? men, that they arrogate to themselves the right to judge others?! Judge not, lest ye be judged O NATO criminals!

> So I guess you wouldn't need real judges since
>it would just be a show trial.

As if the Hague judges aren't kangaroos.

By Gonzo ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 11:39 am:

>Antonio, OK so according to you of all the
>Albaninan houses in Kosovo that were
>destroyed, half were destroyed by NATO bombs
>and the other half were burned down by the
>Albanaians themselves. Wow.

That is not a surprising fact. In Nagorno Karabakh the Mohammedan Turks burned all their houses to prevent Armenians from using them for shelter or deriving benefit of the goods within. The fact that all the metal roofs were intact (although all warped and disfigured from partial melting) and not damaged from any shelling, shows that the Turks burned the houses, for once a village was captured, Armenians preserved the houses for themselves. The same goes for the Albanians: When they decided to flee from NATO bombardment, they figured that the Serbs would move in afterwards unless NATO invaded (which Bill Clinton said over and over NATO would not send ground forces to Kosovo), and so the Albanians burned their own homes so as to prevent the Serbs from deriving any benefit from them.

>Just so we can all get a good picture of where
>you stand. Sebrenicha (sp) is the Serbs
>slaughter of hundreds there during the Bosnian
>conflict a lie.

The Mohammedans in Srebrenica were murdered by their own militias, just like the Chechen civilians by the Wahhabites, because they refused to take up arms against the Serbs. There were also Mohammedan forces that were killed in battle by Serb freedom fighters.

It is a well known fact that Mohammedans rape their own women; indeed Mohammedanism is built on a foundation of rape, pillage, and murder. Naturally, the Mohammedan women who are raped by their own brothers and cousins will claim that the Serbs did it. Mohammedans are well-known liars. And Americans are well-known gullible patsies for the Mohammedans.

So where is the evidence of any rape against Mohamedan women by Serbs? Where are the semen samples? Where are the DNA tests? Where is Barry Sheck? You have no evidence whatsoever - only unsubstantiated accusations by Mohammedan bandits and their whores.

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Ah the truth comes out slowly

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Dont you think PUTIN is the right person to be
on wanted by INTERPOL list.

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wellwisher You Are So Funny I forgot To LaUGH. When Putin is the "Right Person" foR WANTED list by INTERPOL, HE WILL BE THERE. RIght Now There are ChEchEn Terrorists. so SHUT your mouth.

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wellwisher your link was So Funny. FirST of ALL maNY of PicTureS there ARE frOM LasT War. ThE rest ARe dEAD reBELS, as iT was proven by WoRLD paPeRs (i.e. picTuReS Showed By German Tv N22). Funny How Elite TrOOps Are the Same TEEN boYs that Were SHoWn on cheCHEn WebSite a moNth Ago. Also, inteREStIng 20 Years Old "MercEnery". He is juST a badly TraiNeD conScrIPt. PluS coUpLe of Pictures of ELiTe forces Of verY YouNg boys in CivILiaNs cLOTHs. WhO arE You TryING to foOL?

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uangry russian dont be so angry. This is true
so think on it and condemn Putin for his atrocities against Chechen nation and young
russian soldiers.

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LaTELy ChEcHen TerroRisTs StaRteD ComParIng ThEmSelVes To RUSSiAn (RUSSIAN!) HeroEs GenEraLs/ComManDers/RuLerS/ComMon FoLks/LegeNds AnD/or RuSsiaN (RUSSIAN!) heRoic acTioNs/baTTLes. I don'T Know AbOuT you, But I thINK It's wAY too FUNny.

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wellwisher YoU aRe nOT GeTTinG anY fuNNIer. WhAt LIES yoU sPeAk of Are TrUe? Go Sleep YouRsELf, TomOrrOW is ANoThER dAy, AnoTHer BUncH of DeAd ChechEn BanDitS. Can't wAit To ReaD abOUt GeLaEv'S dEatH.

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wellwisher BeTtEr YeT gO TrAin YouRselF for Holy Shitty JiHAd, MuSLimS All oVeR ThE WOrLD neEd YOUR hELp.

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I CaN'T sToP LaUGhing. ThoSe PoOr RussIAn TeeNAgers Boys wEre sHoWn on ChEchEn WEbSite A MoNth Ago As "CoNsCriPts" But TodAy ThEy WerE UPDATED To "SPeCiAl EliTE foRceS". I ceRtainLY fEEL soRRY for tHem bUt tHe LiEs ArE toO fUNny. DID CHECHEN BANDITS TRAINED THEM FOR THE LAST MONTH TO MAKE THEM "SPECIAL ELITE FORCES" FROM "CONSCRIPS"?

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Uangry why in the hell you are so angry against
a nation marely defending themselve.

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