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Archive through March 10, 2000

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ohaya, kisako!
wherever thou art...

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By will ? ( - on Thursday, March 9, 2000 - 07:03 pm:
I think we, as Canadians must deport all russians prostitutes here in Canada, so they can give the russian soliders some fun before they die...

Thanks Will.

Despite what Russians in Canada may think. they ARE monitored (like any other potential threat) by Canadian Intelligence Services, that share information with the Americans.

Personally I would like to deport these terrorists and drug pushers back to Russia.

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Even by pagan catholic standards you are so dumb its laughable.

The Crusades
The Inqusition
THe Holocaust

All instigated and practised in history by pagan catholic genocidal trash

Take my advice godless scum. Read the the BIBLE and become a CHRISTIAN. Stop worshipping the popery.

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A NaTIoN DefEnDs ItSelF frOM BaNdiTs aND TeRrOriSts, YoU aRe RiGhT. ThaT's Why MoSt ChecHenS aRe AgAnTs KhAttAb, BaSaEv, GaLAev, MaskHAdoV, etC. ThE wHoLE ChEChEn NatIOn fell inTo TrApS of "MUjAhiDeeN" wHo nEedeD a BaSe (aSidE frOM AfGhaNistAn) to PUsh DruGs, KidNap People, ExTort and PrInt FaKe mOney. "MUjaHiDeeN" didN't Care AboUt CommON ChEcheN foLKs. ThAt's WHy BandiTs Don'T lAy doWn thEir Arms aNd Use CivILIAns As HuMAn ShiELds aND bRAInwASH yOunG kiDs wiTH "HoLY JiHAD". ThEN thEy ThRow ThE kiDs on THe FrOnt LiNE anD HiDE beHinD thEIR baCKS.

ByE HavE fuN rEPLyiNg, I NeVer COMIng bACK thOUgh!

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WhO arE You TryING to foOL?
* A timely question. They fool themselves. Whipping up an "innocent-moslem-victim" hysteria. And it's enough to pervert the reality.

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The Gross Garbage Product of Surrey is great. Should be entered into the "derivatives" market. Hey, maybe it's managed by O. J. Bacon?
What was that line of that crazy Canadian import commodity about congratulations to the pigs' ancestors? Don't remember, but Bacon, I presume, was happy.

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Politics, politics. There are certain taboos, but what the hell. The move of accomodating of the "persecuted, slaughtered, raped, tortured, hashished, whatever" K.-Albs in the Western countries (which chose sqeamishly who to accomodate, BTH) might have played an important role in the refugee flow of Chechnya as means of achieving two aims with one move - international "attention" and a possibility to "get lost" in the "West". The Federals should thank those, that thought so, - less non-combatants in the way to "cry over by Human Rights Blind" et. al. in the course of action or later.

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Take my advice godless scum. Read the the BIBLE and evolve from Bacon to a CHRISTIAN. Stop worshipping the derivatives market.

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Hi, L'-san. The new Office pulldown addition is just great.

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He visits the board, but, as with a "good jackal" tradition, behaves as such.

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Thinking darling Gonzo surprised me with a word Srebrenitza - I thought, that by now all thinkers would part with using that as arg.

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Thinking darling Gonzo surprised me with a word Srebrenitza - I thought, that by now all thinkers would part with using that as arg.

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One question on this board was: What should the international community do in view of the war in Chechnya?
One suggestion: Halt or strongly reduce any economic co-operation with Russia, as long as the descruction of Chechnya by Russia continues. I would like to remind everyone on this board that the main reason for the Russian assault on Chechnya are the appartment bombings in Moscov, which Russia says have been committed by Chechnyan terrorists. This is completely unproven, but is a wonderful excuse for the new Russian Stalinists to continue the almost 200 year old attempt to destroy the Chechen population.
I suggest that western companies working in Russia should be penalised when they continue working in Russia. The news that Putin now wants to establish direct control (from Moscov) over Chechnya is extremely troublesome. This is of course also no lasting solution, Russia has tried varies means (including mass-deportation of the population and attempted genocide) for almost 2 centuries. It did not work and it will not work this time. Either independence or a autonomy-association with Russia is a lasting solution. And of course we need PEACE.

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The one, that by flaw happens to be not toughtful as Tolstoy.
I would like to remind everyone on this board that the main reason for the Russian assault on Chechnya are the appartment bombings in Moscov, which ...
* is, of course, bullsh.t, because the real beginning was the Chechen invasion of Dagestan.
then suddenly
Either independence or a autonomy-association with Russia is a lasting solution. And of course we need PEACE.
* Dio mio! Eight years of independence was not enough.

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