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Archive through March 10, 2000

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so-called "tolstoy" is a "hit'n'run case"..

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My sincerest thanks to 'Tolstoy'

You have placed into perpective a true account of the situation in Chechnya. Terrorism and genocide against Chechnya is really about oil and an incompetant man wanting to become president of the third world bankrupt nation of Russia.

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To Kissie

Dear crafty little Jewess,

We all know what your real agenda is! you're not fooling anybody!

By the way I reiterate again, Russians hate Jews, read about the history of Russia sometimes!

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Stupid Bacon Special
A comparative table of events.
Ah, why am I providing a CDI link to You? You've no guts to look into it, generating an awful GGP instead.

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"""By the way I reiterate again, Russians hate Jews, read about the history of Russia sometimes!"""

First off this is bunch of never applied to Russians only. Secondly they seem to get along with Israelis just fine..
THIRD - talk about Chechnya, Bacon, and not about Russia-Israel relations.

You some provoker, pal..why do you think neither one of your "supporters"(exept for allamerican) NEVER replies to you? think hard now..NO ONE likes provokers.

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Isn't it ironic how the generals say one thing and the soldiers say the complete opposite?

While the generals were predicting a quick victory, this is what a soldier had to say:

"They'll have to keep on bombing it for a lot longer before we can get a foot in," said Yevgeny. "In any case, the war won't be over for a long time.

"We'll have to fight for years here because the Chechens keep reappearing in villages we've already taken," he said gloomily.

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Have you ever leaned anything about politics, John?
Reason being for asking - you sound naive..unless your goal here is propaganda.

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Kisako, I was just currious how he would spin that one.

Dimitri, it is funny how someone would view the situation in a place like Chechnya and the try to link it to a global conspiracy of Russians and Jews trying to wipe out the whole muslim world. Quite an imaganation he has.

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just watch Bacon, here, giving you thumbs up for your "hohest" and "brave" statements..might want to prepare your butt for the kissing process follow-up..

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Dimitri, I don't know, Johns post does in a way bring up the point the Russians are in a gurrilla type war situation in which they are targets 24/7 (not hard to spot with the uniforms and such) and the Chechens can choose to fight where and when they want to, plus blend in with the population. It is sort of a Vietnam situation, with one side willing to take there time and wait things out while the other wants things over as soon as possible.

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Stupid Bacon Special
A comparative table of events.
Ah, why am I providing a CDI link to You? You've no guts to look into it, generating an awful GGP instead.

Dear Jewess,

Please try out your mind games and child psychology on other more 'impressionable' members of this board.

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Surely you can do better than that!

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Gonz..LOL..soooo true, man!
I wonder what they would say about me(half-Russki, and partially Jew)..whatta evilish combo..

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Bacon, You prove exceptionally dumb by calling a US-based Center for Defence Info research on a Chechen conflict timing as my "mind game". Dates are hard to pass by. You've been given a link in my previous post.

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sure I can, but there's no was JUST enough.

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