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Archive through March 10, 2000

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all I was saying to John is that is very typical for generals to say one thing(politics are involved) and for soldiers to say another..

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To HohlytskoeSalo:

BaconSheet are you still here. Why don't you go to suck your fathers' diiick? Listen you shite, you pice me off, bitch. •••• you, moron. You are poor motherfucker will lick my ass.

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thank you, need for Kissie to do all the dirty work herself - you're doing it yourself..someone said "thickheaded Russians"..chief, with YOUR brick/head we can brake Kremlin wall...come to Moscow, we'll give it a shot.
You make me ROFL, guy..

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O my children
Why cannot you just get along

How about ice cream for everyone? Whould not it solve a problem,

All Mighty

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Hey Bacon
Leave Jews out of it.
They are my first children

Plus, they have nothing to do with this war.

All mighty

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yo, BACON:
and here you went, heck, over a day w/o going into the 'attack kisako' routine...messin' w/some others in the meantime...
oh, but alas....

"we all know what your real agenda is"

who's "we", paleface?

the degree to which you _just_ _dont_ _get_ _it_ would be frightening,
were your words to mean a godDAMN thing.
but they dont.

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plz ignore

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plz ignore

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is this it?

plz ignore

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Dimitri, very true about Generals.

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The goal here is not 'propaganda'. The Russian conscripts are suffering from dangerously low morale and this is a fact. Face it! The thing that amazes me is the way the Generals predict victory "in a matter of days" and how "everything is under control," while the soldiers, civilians and journalists have conflicting reports. Are you trying to tell me that this is all 'propaganda'--even what the soldiers themselves are saying?? Think again before making ignorant and unqualifed remarks.

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All quiet on the Chechen front. According to Western media at least. But here what's really going on --- Khattab's & Basaev's bands were pretty much annihilated yesterday, now Russians are looking through about 900 dead bodies trying to see if Basaev, Khattab & Maskhadov are there. As for Gelaev, who demanded(!) that he was allowed to escape to southern region of Chechnya, well, he is still in Komsomol'skoe. Alive, unfortunately, but not going anywhere fast.

Babitsky, who obviously was too stupid to count his blessing (for staying alive), didn't shut up as he should of. Now he is charged with counterfeiting the documents and participating in military groups. No one should worry how much jail time he gets, all is needed is couple of days --- the inmates will take care of him.

Stayed turned for more news!

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Looks like Babitsky wasn't charged after all. On the bright side, Gelaev is seriously wounded and should demand to be carried out of Komsomol'skoe into the mountains.

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I feel bad for ya..still naive.Politics is the key word when it comes to please don't blabber about unfairness here..Pentagon does it, EVERYONE does it.
Better yet, talk to Gonzo about it, maybe he'll find a better way to explain it to you. I'm affraid I can't be patient enough to explain my point over and over again.

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The Russian conscripts are suffering from dangerously low morale ...
* An Army painted like that wouldn't do much of what has been done already.

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