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Archive through March 11, 2000

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NO, Revor...., BUT YOURS' IS FINE..THANK YOU...hehehehehehe

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Well, it's me, who should thank you. You are too kind.

I've heard bad news about Mother Russia, thought True Russian is the right guy to speak for her...

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Poor Russia, her only true son is far away...

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By Mohammed Ibn Mohammed the IV ( - on Friday, March 10, 2000 - 05:19 pm:
Damn Russkies! Always ahead of everyone else. Looks like they were the first to clone a mammal in ... 1987! That's right 10 years before Dolly the sheep, there was Makhka the mouse. To give some credit to Scottish scientists, both experiments were done differently. Soviets used embrio DNA, Scots used DNA of a grown animal. Not that it makes any difference.

Well before the Dolly, various animals were cloned by genetically copying cells isolated from embryos. Technique used in Dolly case made cloning much more practical, since embrious are not always available (some species are extinct or never existed to produce an embrio). Scotts managed to genetically reprogram cells to function like those in an early embryo. Until then almost everyone had believed that this would be impossible.

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What Liberalism Is

Protestantism naturally begets toleration of error. Rejecting the principle of authority in religion, it has neither criterion nor definition of faith. On the principle that every individual or sect may interpret the deposit of revelation according to the dictates of private judgement, it gives birth to endless differences and contradictions. Impelled by the law of its own impotence, through lack of any decisive voice of authority in matters of faith, it is forced to recognize as valid and orthodox any belief that springs from the exercise of private judgement. Therefore does it finally arrive, by force of its own premises, at the conclusion that one creed is as good as another; it then seeks to shelter its inconsistency under the false plea of liberty of conscience. Belief is not imposed by a legitimately and divinely constituted authority, but springs directly and freely from the unrestricted exercise of the individual's reason or caprice upon the subject matter of Revelation. The individual or sect interprets as it pleases, rejecting or accepting what it chooses. This is popularly called liberty of conscience. Accepting this principle, Infidelity on the same plea rejects all revelation, and Protestantism, which handed over the premise, is powerless to protest against the conclusion; for it is clear that one, who under the plea of rational liberty has the right to repudiate any part of revelation that may displease him, can not logically quarrel with one, who on the same ground repudiates the whole. If one creed is as good as another on the plea of rational liberty, on the same plea no creed is as good as any. Taking the field with this fatal weapon of Rationalism, Infidelity has stormed and taken the very citadel of Protestantism helpless against the foe of its own making.

We find as a result amongst the people of this country (excepting Catholics of course) that authoritative and positive religion has met with utter disaster, and religious beliefs or unbelief's have come to be mere matters of opinion, wherein there are always essential differences, each one free to make or unmake his own creed or no creed.

Such is the mainspring of the heresy constantly dinned into our ears, flooding our current literature and our press. It is against this that we have to be perpetually vigilant. The more so as it insidiously attacks us on the grounds of a false charity and in the name of a false liberty. Nor does it appeal only to us on the ground of religious toleration.

The principle ramifies in many directions, striking root into our domestic, civil, and political life, whose vigor and health depend upon the nourishing and sustaining power of religion. For religion is the bond which unites us to God, the source and end of all good, and Infidelity, whether virtual as in Protestantism or explicit as in Agnosticism, severs the bond which binds men to God, and seeks to build human society on foundations of man's absolute independence. Hence we find Liberalism laying down as the basis of its propaganda the following principles:

1.The absolute sovereignty of the individual in his entire independence of God and God's authority. 2.The absolute sovereignty of society in its entire independence of everything which does not proceed from itself. 3.Absolute civil sovereignty in the implied right of the people to make their own laws in entire independence and utter disregard of any other criterion than the popular will expressed at the polls and in parliamentary majorities. 4.Absolute freedom of thought in politics, morals, or in religion. The unrestrained liberty of the press.

Such are the radical principles of Liberalism. In the assumption of the absolute sovereignty of the individual, that is, his entire independence of God, we find the common source of all the others. To express them all in one term in the order of ideas, they are RATIONALISM or the doctrine of the absolute sovereignty of human reason. Here human reason is made the measure and sum of truth. Hence we have individual, social and political Rationalism, the corrupt fountain head of liberal principles: absolute freedom of worship, the supremacy of the State, secular education repudiating any connection with religion, marriage sanctioned and legitimatized by the State alone, etc.; in one word, which synthesizes all, SECULARIZATION, which denies religion any active intervention in the concerns of public and of private life whether it orate or assassinate; whether it call itself Liberty or Government or the State or Humanity or Reason, or what not, its fundamental characteristic is an uncompromising opposition to the Church.

Liberalism is a world complete in itself; it has its maxims, its fashions, its art, its literature, its diplomacy, its laws, its conspiracies, its ambuscades. It is the world of Lucifer, disguised in our times under the name of Liberalism, in radical opposition and in perpetual warfare against that society composed of the Children of God, the Church of Jesus Christ.

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Quotes from the Popes, Scriptures, Ecumenical Councils, and Saints regarding Prostitants (uuhh, er... I mean Protistutes (uhh, I mean, well you know who I'm talking about)).


"Whosoever revolts, and continues not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God." (2 St. John 1:9)

"If anyone does not profess properly and truthfully all that has been handed down and taught publicly to the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of God, to the last detail in word and intention: let him be anathema." (First Lateran Council)

"If anyone does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all abominable heretics together with their impious writings, even to the single least portion, let such a person be condemned." (Pope St. Martin I)

"They have gone forth from us, but were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would surely have continued with us. Whosoever does not continue in the doctrine of Christ does not have God."
(1 St. John 2:19; 2 St. John 1:9)

St. Cyprian says: "Whoever withdraws and departs from the Church will be guilty, even though he has attained grace in the Church. That he will perish will be imputed to himself."

"Thou art a God who hatest all the workers of iniquity: Thou wilt destroy all who speak a lie." (Psalm 5:7)

St. Augustine says: "You heretics are all guilty and wicked by the crime of schism. From this most heinous sacrilege not one of you can say he is innocent."

"He who to support heresy distorts the Sacred Scriptures from their genuine and true meaning is guilty of the greatest injury to the Word of God, and against this crime we are warned by the Prince of the
Apostles: 'There are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest, as they also do other Scriptures, to their own destruction.' (2 St. Peter 3:16)" (Catechism of the Council of Trent)

St. Thomas Aquinas says: "The unbelief of heretics, who confess their belief in the Gospel and resist that faith by corrupting it, is a more grievous sin than that of the heathens, because the heathens have not accepted the faith in any way at all. Hence, the unbelief of heretics is the worst sin. Speaking absolutely, the unbelief of heretics is worse than that of pagans or Jews."

St. John Eudes says: "The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "These unfortunate people do not see that, in refusing to submit to the Church, they reduce themselves to believing in nothing. The so-called Reformers have revived ancient heresies, and have sought by false doctrines to destroy the faith of Jesus Christ, and, if possible, to bring all souls with themselves to eternal perdition."

"Protestantism is the Great Revolt against God." (Venerable Pope Pius IX)

"Heretics are Antichrists and adversaries of Christ." (7th Council of Carthage)

"Heretics are to be classed with thieves and murderers." (Pope Innocent IV)

"Hence, if you fear to leave this Catholic unity outside which there is no salvation, beware of the subtleties of heretics." (Venerable Pope Pius IX)

"Therefore, let the blind and foolish subtlety of heretical impiety be despised. Whosoever continues in heresy is unpardonable, nor can he ever attain forgiveness. They are falling into that blasphemy which shall never be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the Judgement to come." (Pope St. Leo the Great)

"Those who have been detected even by slight proof to have deviated from the doctrine of the Catholic religion out to fall under the classification of heretic and under the sentences operating against heretics. (Pope Innocent IV)

St. Augustine says: "If anyone holds to a single heresy, he is not a Catholic."

St. Edmund Campion says: "What is the use of fighting for many articles of the faith, and to perish for the doubting of a few? He believes no one article of faith who refuses to believe any single one."

"Against the First Commandment, all those sin who do not have faith. Such sinners are very numerous, for they include all who fall into heresy, all who reject what Holy Mother the Church proposes for our belief." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)

"Anyone who says 'I love God,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar." (Pope St. Gregory the Great)

"Those who turn aside unto deceits, the Lord shall number with the workers of iniquity. Thou art a God Who hatest all the workers of iniquity: Thou wilt destroy all who speak a lie." (Psalm 124:5; 5:7)

"A man who is a heretic is subverted and sins, being condemned by his own judgement."
(St. Titus 3:10-11)

St. Augustine says: "Heresies are embraced only by those who, had they persevered in the faith, would be lost by the irregularity of their lives."

St. Catherine of Sienna says: "What shows me that your life is badly governed? The poison of heresy! You have deserted the light and gone into darkness! I beg that you delay no more, nor kick against the prick of conscience which I know is perpetually tormenting you. Return, return, and do not wait for the rod of justice. For our faults do not pass unpunished, especially those committed against Holy Church."

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini says: "Many Protestants have almost the same practices as we, only they do not submit to the Holy Father and attach themselves to the true Ark of Salvation. They do not want to become Catholics and unite themselves under the banner of truth wherein alone there is true salvation. Of what avail is it, children, if Protestants lead naturally pure, honest lives, yet lack the Holy Ghost? They may well say: 'We do no harm; we lead good lives'; but, if they do not enter the true fold of Christ, all their protestations are in vain."

St. Peter Julian Eymard says: "People often say, 'It is better to be a good Protestant than a bad Catholic.' That is not true! That would mean that one could be saved without the true faith. No. A bad Catholic remains a child of the family, although a prodigal; and however great a sinner he may be he has a right to mercy. Through his faith, a bad Catholic is nearer to God than a Protestant, for he is a member of the household, whereas the heretic is not. And how hard to make him become one!"

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "How many are the infidels, heretics, and schismatics who do not enjoy the happiness of the true faith! The earth is full of them, and they are all lost!"

St. Augustine says: "Therefore, we are right in censuring, anathematizing, abhorring, and abominating the perversity of heart shown by heretics."

"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy, condemning all heretics under whatever names they may be known; for, while they have different faces, they are nevertheless bound to each other by their tails. Secular authorities shall be compelled to exterminate all heretics to the best of their ability, and if, from sufficient evidence, it is apparent that a bishop is negligent in cleansing his diocese of heretical wickedness, let him be deposed and another substituted who will confound heretical depravity. But if any of them by damnable obstinacy disapprove, from this very fact let them be regarded as heretics." (4th Lateran Council)

St. Teresa of Avila says: "I could go forth all by myself against miserable heretics!"

St. Therese of Lisieux says: "How happy I would have been to fight at the of the Crusades or, later on, against the heretics! I want to be a warrior, a martyr! Oh! Is it possible I must die in bed?"

St. Louis, King of France, says: "A Christian should argue with a blasphemer only by running his sword through his bowels as far as it will go."

St. John Chrysostom says: "When a person blasphemes, his mouth should instantly be shut. Strike him in the mouth! Crush it, so that he cannot speak!"

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Antonio take that crap and shove it deep were the sun don't Shine ! LOL.

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So besides assisting in the proliferation of nuclear weapons, murdering innocent civilians, dabbling in various underworld criminal activities, racketeering, laundering, stealing, nepotism, embezzlement, fraudulent conduct, terrorism, negating debts, plagiarizing currency, smuggling, and last but not least help to make the world a tad more of a hazardous place, what are you Rooskies up to?

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To Antonio,

Please! who gives a dam what your pagan catholic faith teaches!

The pagan catholic church has been built on the foundation of genocide, rape and terror.

It disgusts me that you godless catholic pagans even utter the name of Jesus.

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Protestantism is the Great Revolt against God." (Venerable Pope Pius IX)

Ha! ha! Protestantism is the revolt against a godless pagan institution that venerates a lascivious and corrupt Pope

Capiche Antonio the heathen

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FOAD, barufi the creep...
what we need is a demolition derby fight to the death w/bacon, FAKE american, FAKE russian, and antonio..
we could sell the pay-per-view rights; in getting those rights i guess we'd have to guarantee that they'd all die before the derby was over. sounds good to me.
it's 'capice', bacon, not 'capiche'.

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Gooooooooooooooooooooood Mornin'

See you have started out the day with your typical in-depth political views on today's most poignant issues. LOL.

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FOAD, FAKE american
"typical in-depth political views"

from the guy with multiple postings of some '80s dice clay joke.
gentlemen, start your engines...

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