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Archive through March 11, 2000

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thanks for proving my point don't even have the mental capacity to understand the repercussions of your gibberish.

"leave kisako (kissie) alone, bacon. every time you attack her, i'll jump right in. _every_ time"

sounds like protection? LMAO

"i cant speak for anyone here; kisako would bonk me on the head would i appear to be "speaking for" her. i dont _own_ her; i might _revel_ in her, _celebrate_ her, for reasons i've stated more than once to you, but she "belongs" to no one here...perhaps anywhere... "

revel in her, celebrate her, she belongs to no one - perhaps anywhere.... hahahhahahahahhahahahh. I think this goes beyond admiration and more into psycho stalking retarded stuff.
Personally I think her mutilated sphincter belongs to the neighborhood Arabs. LOL.

Oh yeah and "and what it comes down to for me is three words:
or we'll be doing this again."

That doesn't sound like protecting does it lsorekneeslmenexe? you Handicap

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All American,

>>> Everyone talks trash on these boards L' sore knees, but everyone also has his political views except for you. You simply linger on these boards without ever expressing you views on Chechnia - which is why the board is for - or on other Political/Economic topics. And why is that? Its because you are weak and afraid to post your views. You do not posses the mental endurance to create, analyze and defend them. So you therefore justify your feeble existence on these boards by pretending to "protect" certain posters but shudder at the prospects of actually doing so.

I agree with you. I had the same question for l'whatever, and still continue to wonder about the emptiness of his postings, which are often limited to just 'good morning, k-san'.

Latest news - Russians got screwed up with their attempt to capture Chechen leaders in Argun gorge, and had to admit that Chechens managed to penetrate the mainland Chechnya, right at the back of the Vodka Army.

(alas, only in Russian)

I would not be surprised if Chechen rebels will do the same trick in Komsomolskoe (btw, the dumb Russian general Troshev promised to end their assault 'in 3-4 hours', since that the rebels have kept the village for more than 3 days).

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she knows what i meant....i realize "figurative language" is beyond a HOMOPSYCHOFAKE such as yourself...FOAD.
nah, why bother, who cares what you say.

but maybe, just _maybe_, mr bacon will reconfigure his approach,just a little, making YOU the rump buddy of the FAKE.

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Yes I was killed today, but it won't stop me from coming here and spread some propaganda in the name of Allah. Stupid Gelaev got me killed in Komsomolskoe.

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Is it a coincidence that out of "so called" civilised world, Israel is the only country openly supporting and encouraging Russia in this violance against Chechen Nation.

Actually all countries except Afghanistan support and encourage Russia. Every country that sent humanitarian aid or didn't punish Russia in some way, supports Russia.

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>>>Mr Putin ruled out recognising any form of Chechen independence, saying it needed leaders who wanted to stay within Russia.

>>>Turk They can release a few more criminals from jails, and give them money, titles, etc. so that they can see it is to their advantage to be Russian puppets.

That's right Turk! What are YOU going to do about that?

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Why PUTIN is doing all these?
Why Chechnya is being attacked and destroyed?
Putin and all of his suporters has to pay for all of these crimes.

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Once upon a time there was a castle by the name of "Ismail". Turks lived there. Everyone was happy and everyone believed that castle was invinsible. It had tall walls and deep ravines (12 meters wide & 4 meters deep) around it. Then Turkland was encouraged by France & England to attack Russia. Turks weren't very smart, plus they thought that Caucasus Mountains were pretty neat, and they wanted them. Lo and behold, Turks attacked Russia. Battles were faught, and it was not long before Russians were in front of Ismail Castle. By that time in the castle were 35,000 soldiers Turks in the castle. And Russians had only 31,000 soldiers. Turks laughed very hard because they felt safe behind the tall walls and deep ravines. The end.

Just kidding. Then a little known Russian commander Suvorov was appointed to lead the seige. Suvorov came, looked at the castle and said, "Heh!". Few days later Russians attacked. Russians tried to surprise Turks, but weren't able to. Turks knew Russian plans and were fully ready when Russians attacked. It was a taugh battle, every street, every house had to be faught for. Still, Russians took the invinsible Ismail Castle.

So, what was the score you ask?

Turks Russians
Before battle: 35,000 31,000
Killed in battle: 26,000 4,000
Wounded: ?,??? 9,000
Captured: 9,000 0

Yeah, in other words, Russians won.

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By Turk ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 07:33 am:

>No real rivals exist for Hezbollah within southern
>Lebanon. Its armed faction consists of 300
>seasoned guerillas, with another 2,000 on
>standby, according to Jane’s Information
>Group. It is armed with anti-tank and
>surface-to-air missiles, mortars, towed guns and
>recoilless rifles. The SLA, which currently
>numbers some 3,000 troops, will be too
>dispersed to be an effective force. Many of the
>SLA officers will reportedly be given asylum in
>Israel, Cyprus or France and enlisted men are
>reportedly converting to Islam and defecting.

"...reportedly converting to Islam..."? And who reported that they were converting to Mohammedanism? Is there a list of names of SLA soldiers who have converted to Mohammedanism? "reportedly"? Yeah, if a lie is reported in the news then whatever is alleged happened "reportedly".

Well it is a painful lesson to the SLA that the Jews are perfidious and will always hang out their friends to dry. Trust a Jew and you are screwed. They love you not, they only use.

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you asked for it, so to speak.

no, i mean BY POPULAR DEMAND -

"L'menexe waxes CHECHNYA."

my partcipation on this page, as it is on the yugo page, has always been more of a philosophical matter than a political matter.
and, like on the yugo page, i came in with a few notions that i was obliged to discard.

which hasnt changed my core beliefs that:
(cue lights)

*war is fukt up
*in a war, many people do many things which are utterly fukt up.
*military officers who think nothing of sending teenage boys to their death are fukt up.
civilians being bombed in their homes is fukt up.
little girls getting fingers cut off is fukt up. beheadings of innocent men is fukt up.
*religious fanatics and "holy wars" _inclusive_, are fukt up. _seriously_, wicked way fukt up.

and, above all......
thus it has been/thus it shall be:

(house lights up)
(cue applause)
is that enough, mr. balalaika sir?

i follow the exchanges and try to learn as i go.
and i have dim regard for the intolerant.
and/or the pointlessly obscene.

ask dimitri, he'll tell yiz, i'm the bloomin' wizard of oz...

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By Khamzat Idigov - Chechen deputy commander ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 02:18 pm: TODAY'S HISTORY LESSON IS ABOUT ISMAIL CASTLE.
....Yeah, in other words, Russians won.

So, what's happened to Russians since?

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>By Turk ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 06:54 am:
Your only interest is to see Russians destroy Chechen freedom fighters, and that is because they are Muslim.

Ever heard of Adigea? small republic in Cacausus, comprised of mostly Muslims? Why cruel coldhearted Russians never initiated anything agaist those?

And Bacon talking about baby freezing in winter, ever saw a hospital with babies just being delivered, and pregnant women having the nightmare of their lives being captured by those freedom Chechen fighters?

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HA!!! talking bout Cyprus?
Who invaded Famagusta? Must be those russians.
The most beautiful city in Cyprus has been turned into ruins and by whom? Fellow turks
There is a striking resemblance

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>>>So, what's happened to Russians since?

They pretty much destroyed Ottaman Empire and created bunch of Slavic Countries in Europe. So, not much.

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