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Archive through March 11, 2000

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It was nice knowing you all, but since I am dead - I must depart for Eternal Paradise to meet my seven wives Allah promised me. I also want to see my friends mujahideen there, wonder if their body parts grew back. Yeah, they played with Russians mines and bombs. I told them not to. Oh well.

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muslims are people who's way too extreme and that religion shouldn't be allowed.. I know that it's not a democratic thing but if that religion doesn't stop to exist wars will always exist! Just look at the muslim countries, they are all ran by dictators and are very hostile. Those muslim countries can also be blamed for teh existence of terrorists on earth. In other words blame all the wars on muslims.

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By Khamzat Idigov - dead Chechen deputy commander ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 04:26 pm: They pretty much destroyed Ottaman Empire and created bunch of Slavic Countries in Europe. So, not much.

I thought that Ataturk destroyed Ottomans. Russia is the only country with an unpredictable past.
Slavic countries are so young, is that so? What happened after the great creation?

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"Makhka the mouse", is that you?

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To L'menexe

Thank you for your response. (I will ignore the puerile nature of your churlish name calling)

I will endeavour to clarify some pertinant points:

you hide behind voltaire; peeking out long enough to launch your attacks on kisako, me, ms. mary, igor, etc.
(antonio's on his own here; he's a sadder case than you)

There is nothing particularily complex here. I 'attack' the above simply because they attack me! read their posts and see for yourself.

leave kisako (kissie) alone, bacon. every time you attack her, i'll jump right in. _every_ time.
she certainly hasnt ever asked me to do so. she is far from a "helpless female"...and her jewishness is irrelevant to the fact that she's very smart, and has her own mind about these matters (as well she might, if you knew what i knew), and while she may have at first, she aint gonna take no sh*t from you. NOR SHOULD SHE.
and THIS is the part that upsets you, not her being jewish.

Kissie - This particular person is a special case. First of all I am NOT upset by the fact that she is smart. As I genuinely don't think she is smart! I'll concede that she has a sharp mind and she is EXTREMELY devious. I believe what she lacks in intellect and a well rounded education. She more than compensates in ruthless cunning.

Point number 2, I have noticed everytime a pro- chechen board member expresses a credible bona fide, reasonable argument that Kissie finds difficult to counter - she slaps it down with a cheap wisecrack remark. Crafty Kissie also has a remarkable talent for placing microscopic perpectives into a macrscopic perspective. Thus diluting the validity of the main argument, however good it may be. This is sheer ruthless craftiness on her part.

You ask me to LEAVE HER ALONE? fair enough. But everytime she 'misbehaves' this way, I will respond, and my response may not necessarily be to your liking.

Last but not least, any profits I make will go to Chechen widows and orphans.

I leave you with a quote from a rather famous Jew.

"Money is made when there is blood in the street"


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balalaika ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 12:11 pm:

Latest news - Russians got screwed up with their attempt to capture Chechen leaders in Argun gorge, and had to admit that Chechens managed to penetrate the mainland Chechnya, right at the back of the Vodka Army.

The Russians have scored a pyrric victory. A nation is not destroyed quickly with bombs, but psychologically, slowly, and systematically. The Chechens must keep the pressure on the Russians. This must a war of attrition on their part. Russia must lose crediblilty with he world community. Economic capital must flow out of this 'house of cards' nation.

If the Russians inflict genocide and terorism upon an innocent people, this is the price they must pay.

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but even as you seethe, contemporary money-making mr. bacon, have you ever asked yourself why you cling to ancient precepts as you do? (and the dumbass "protocols" pamphlet doesnt count. it was written at the end of the 19th century, and it was a SCAM).

What are these protocols you mention?

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Protocols of Elders of Zion

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this" TARGET="_top">

this is for you Antonio,what do you think?

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sorry" TARGET="_top">

sorry Antonio this one

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Russian Aircraft Bombard Mutinous Russian Units Near Duba Yurt !

Russian forces are now locked in fierce combat amongst themselves for the second time in as many weeks. Mujahideen
sources confirm that Russian ground forces stationed within the area of Duba Yurt (a village at the entrance of Shatoi) have
refused to execute their orders of attacking Mujahideen positions in the mountains. In a scene reminiscent of their mutinous
stance in Grozny, Russian soldiers are fearing for their lives and are not willing to engage the Mujahideen in combat.

The Russian High Command responded to this mutiny by launching an aerial bombardment of the mutinous Russian soldiers. By
the Grace of Allah who puts His enemies against each other, the mutinous soldiers refused to give in under this pressure and
fired back at the attacking aircraft using AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) weapons. Mujahideen sources confirm that significant
losses were sustained by the enemy; although no specific count could be confirmed at this time, several Russian soldiers and a
serious amount of equipment were destroyed as a result of this “brotherly love.”

Last week Russian soldiers also clashed with each other when forces loyal to the Acting President “Putinists” fought a bitter
battle against forces loyal to Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov “Zyuganovists.” During the battle, both sides used tanks
and heavy artillery and at one point, helicopters and fighter bombers, against each other. All praise be to Allah!

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by Revor:
"""So, what's happened to Russians since?"""

???Your posts used to be a bit smarter..stop being so bitter, or I'll send my "suvorov" and make an "ismail" outta ya..

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To the moron who posted

The Russian High Command responded to this mutiny by launching an aerial bombardment of the mutinous Russian soldiers. By
the Grace of Allah who puts His enemies against each other, the mutinous soldiers refused to give in under this pressure and
fired back at the attacking aircraft using AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) weapons. Mujahideen sources confirm that significant
losses were sustained by the enemy; although no specific count could be confirmed at this time, several Russian soldiers and a
serious amount of equipment were destroyed as a result of this “brotherly love.”


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revor the mondashka - is that YOU?

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