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Archive through March 12, 2000

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The battle for the tiny village of Komsomolskoye has entered seventh day. Initially the Generals said there were only 30 fighters left and the village will be 'liberated' in matter of 'hours'. Now it is almost 200 hours and Russian Army is saying there are now 1500 fighters. Maybe the Russian Army is seeing too many 'dushas'. Thousands of elite paratroopers are trying to retake the village without any success so far.

Just two weeks back the stupid Russian Generals were claiming decisive 'vicory' and the end of the campaign to boost morale of the Vodka Army and finally they can pack their bags and go back to the crime infested streets of Russia. But the gallant Mujahideen have struck a reminder that the bags can be packed but only the 'body bags'.

Time is nearing when the meat grinder will churn whatever Russian meat is left in Chechnya.

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by Rover:
"""You count a dead Chechen commander among your comrades"""

Dear Clown,
was that statement written to impress the stupid? If so, you succeeded. Yeap, I do count dead Chechen Commander/aka Muhammed ibn Muhammed/aka "me"/aka "NOT dumbfucked Turka/ aka my tezka among my comrades.
And yes I hear a lot of yapping from ya. But you don't come around 24/7 so I am not sure what you're trying to point out. Bored much?

another one by Rover:
"""you were about to send a dead Russian general to make a post office out of me"""

whattsamatter, Rover? Love to play, but don't like to be played? You, selfish, you..

a great one by Rover(I salute you for that Rov):
"""There is no way to go! """

Sure there is, guy. TRY TO EXPRESS YOU OWN POINT OF VIEW WITHOUT COMMENTING ON OTHERS ONLY(!). You'd be amased how quickly my attitude towards you will change. the by, per your "talk to me" comment, ehh..but yes, but of course..

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>>>By Antonio ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 02:47 pm:
Well it is a painful lesson to the SLA that the Jews are perfidious and will always hang out their friends to dry. Trust a Jew and you are screwed. They love you not, they only use. >>>>

I agree.

It must be hard for Jews to be different since Zionism is based on a claim of superiority of Jews over others, including a belief that other nations were created to serve Jews.

Isn't it ironic that Jews are complaining about German racism during the second world war to this date, yet they are more racist than Germans were during the height of Nazism.

The only comforting thing is there are some Jews who are shamed of this type of racism, and fighting hard against it.

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Good, Dimitri. Now add coherence and try to make sense in a couple of statements. I'm here to help you. Say "our love, will always be". By the way, 1 Red Plaza, isn't it the Lenin's address? How is he, still under taxidermists care or it's alive?

My point is you didn't hail your fatherland in long time. The time is now. Do you hear a victorious Russian artillery? Just checking.

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by Revor/Rover:
"""Good, Dimitri. Now add coherence and try to make sense in a couple of statements. I'm here to help you"""

Oy vhey..Revor, dear, you're here to help me? I was under the impression that you are here just because you enjoy to play..naughty, naughty Revor.. do you treat your friends and parents in the same manner? Just courious..

Revor said:
"""My point is you didn't hail your fatherland in long time""" you really want me to? On your knees, pal, and beg me! lololololol..

"""The time is now""" I said, beg me..

How's Lenin? I don't know..How's Range?

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here's a million dollar question for you:
If Chechnya was able to establish their independence, would they as an autonomous nation be able to survive in the current economic world?

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and one more:
your views on the conflict in general?

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Let's first fix a double vision. It's easy, forget Rover. Second, I'm on my knees waiting. Go Dimitri, you see - I'm helping you!

God, I love good deeds. My parents and friends send their best regards.

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Dimitri, just one kind statement hailing your fatherland. That's all it takes. Isn't that too much to ask from a Russian? You promised.

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since you're on your knees, here you go sweetheart:
I, Dimitri, hail my Fatherland. I also hear a
victorious artillery right to my left. For additional hailing you'd have to get down again. Just make sure your knees aren't sore.
Per my "double vision", wasn't it you who used to be Rover? Among other names, of course..If I'm wrong, I am quite certain that you wholesale loving soul can forgive me for that little mistake..

But I believe I asked you a question or two. Any answers?

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Zdorov, ti che ne spish?
Rabotaesh shtoli?

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By Khamzat Idigov - Chechen deputy commander ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 01:58 pm:

>>>Turk They can release a few more criminals from jails, and give them money, titles, etc. so that they can see it is to their advantage to be Russian puppets.

That's right Turk! What are YOU going to do about that?

Didn't you read the article I posted on SLA dogs. They sold themselves to Israel for short term gain, now a slaughter is waiting for them. Lucky ones running abroad to save their skins. Some others are converting to Islam, and joining to Hezbullah.

The same will happen in Chechnya. When Russians finally are defeated and leave, imagine the panic of these puppets.

What are you going to about them, put them back in jail?

Another thing about the morons like you, why do you insist on using Chechen names. Is that due to your real fathers being Chechen?

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You problably didn't see my question..let me repeat it again:
what are your views on the Chechnyan conflict?
Please let me know.

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Zdorov Svolochyga 🙂

da kakoi tyt son, ia cherez chas gylit' svalivaiu, noch' tol'ko nachinaetsa!! A poka s etim pidarkom Revorom zabavliaius'..kak dela v Moskve, bratan?

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That's good. Fatherland's good, capitalized. You are on your way. Artillery is bad, you need to get rid of it. My soul loves you in a very much retail fashion and you don't have to ask for forgiveness. True patriot's knees are never sore.
For "a million dollar question" I'd like first to see a digitally signed bank statement that you indeed have that kind of money, next I'd like to put them on escrow account and then I'll answer that "million".

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