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Archive through March 12, 2000

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Da tak, sedne rano preshols vstat' blea seichas v aeroport pizdoshit', u xolodno blin.
Blea etot Turk zaebal bybnit' chyrka vonuchae, obosri ti evo shtob on blea past' zatknyl.
Kyda gylat' to sobralse? v kabak navernoe...nadeus s devchonkami 🙂

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Dimitri, time is passing by and, with my deepest regrets, I'm forced to inform you that, due to insufficient funds, your request for a reply to a million dollar question is denied. Again, I'm sorry, but American business is business.

Let's now go back to bashing Russia, isn't that fun or what?

Meantime, feeling your pain, the charity might be in order. Is that really true that Russia can survive in the current economic world? Well, then anyone can. That's all I have to say for free. Take care.

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damn, if we aint beat this into the ground and back again.
i dont get your point w/the "microscopic-macroscopic" bit as it applies to this matter.
"sheer ruthless craftiness" is a phrase you use because kisako is a jewish woman. as if her responses were inherently _evil_ for that reason. that's silly. what does that have to do with the turning of a phrase?

you would use different terminology if you were objecting to the snappy retort of someone else.

my interpretation of your future responses to what you call her 'misbehavior' would therefore be a matter of your terminology.
[now, wouldnt it? -_-]

choose well.
igor was correct re: 'the protocols...' a pretty notorious item. buncha crap. been kickin' around for a century.

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leaving me so quickly? But why? that monthly feeling down the stomach? What about your Million? What about Chechnya? Don't you care? Isn't it why you're here?

Oh, how naive of me...shame on you..but I'll have some more questions for you, we'll see how you'll find your way out of one would pay a million dollars to such..ehhhm..inexpensive offence.

you "million dollar guy"..

you'll get better in a few..

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on the final note - take care of those knees for me - you'll have plenty of use for'em..

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The Great Con Trick
by David Icke

AIDS: The Great Con Trick HIV does NOT cause Aids. HIV does not cause anything. A staggering statement given the hype and acceptance by the scientific establishment and, through them, the public that the HIV virus is the only cause of Aids. HIV is a weak virus and does not dismantle the immune system. Nor is Aids passed on sexually. There are two main types of virus. Using the aeroplane analogy, you could call one of these virus strains a "pilot" virus. It can change the nature of a cell and steer it into disease. This usually happens very quickly after the virus takes hold. Then there is the "passenger" virus which lives off the cell, goes along for the ride, but never affects the cell to the extent that it causes disease.

HIV is a passenger virus!

So how on earth did it become the big bogy man virus of the world? The person who announced that HIV caused Aids was an American, Doctor Robert Gallo. He has since been accused of professional misconduct, his test has been exposed as fraudulent, and two of his laboratory executives have been convicted of criminal offences. Tens of millions of people are tested for HIV antibodies every year and Dr Gallo, who patented his "test", gets a royalty for every one. Luc Montagnier, Gallo's partner in the HIV-causes-Aids theory, has since admitted in 1989: "HIV is not capable of causing the destruction of the immune system which is seen in people with Aids". Nearly 500 scientists across the world agree with him. So does Dr Robert E Wilner, author of the book 'The Deadly Deception. The Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause Aids'.

Dr Wilner even injected himself with the HIV virus on a television chat show in Spain to support his claims. Other doctors and authors come to the same conclusions, among them Peter Duesberg PhD and John Yiamouyiannis PhD, in their book, 'Aids: The Good News Is That HIV Doesn't Cause It. The Bad News Is "Recreational Drugs" And Medical Treatments Like AZT Do'. That's a long title, but it sums up the situation. People are dying of Aids because of the treatments used to "treat" Aids! It works like this. Now it is accepted by the establishment and the people that HIV causes Aids, the system has built this myth into its whole diagnosis and "treatment". You go to the doctor and you are told your HIV test was positive(positive only for the HIV antibodies, by the way, they don't actually test for the virus itself). Because of the propaganda, many people already begin to die emotionally and mentally when they are told they are HIV positive. They have been conditioned to believe that death is inevitable.

The fear of death leads them to accept, often demand, the hyped-up "treatments" which are supposed to stop Aids occurring. (They don't.) The most famous is AZT, produced by the Wellcome organisation, owned, wait for it, by the Rockefellers, one of the key manipulating families in the New World Order.

AZT was developed as an anti-cancer drug to be used in chemotherapy, but it was found to be too toxic even for that! AZT's effect in the "treatment" of cancer was to kill cells - simple as that - not just to kill cancer cells , but to kill cells, cancerous and healthy. The question, and this is accepted even by the medical establishment, was: would AZT kill the cancer cells before it had killed so many healthy cells that it killed the body? This is the drug used to "treat" HIV. What is its effect?

It destroys the immune system, so CAUSING Aids. People are dying from the treatment, not the HIV.Aids is simply the breakdown of the immune system, for which there are endless causes, none of them passed on through sex. That's another con which has made a fortune for condom manufacturers and created enormous fear around the expression of our sexuality and the release and expansion of our creative force.

What has happened since the Great Aids Con is that now anyone who dies from a diminished immune system is said to have died of the all encompassing term, Aids. It is even built into the diagnosis. If you are HIV positive and you die of tuberculosis, pneumonia, or 25 other unrelated diseases now connected by the con men to "Aids", you are diagnosed as dying of Aids. If you are not HIV positive and you die of one of those diseases you are diagnosed as dying of that disease, not Aids. This manipulates the figures every day to indicate that only HIV positives die of Aids.

This is a lie.

Many people who die from Aids are not HIV positive and the reason that the figures for Aids deaths have not soared as predicted is that the overwhelming majority of people diagnosed HIV positive have never developed Aids. Why?

Because HIV has nothing whatsoever to do with Aids.

Anything that breaks down the immune system causes Aids and that includes so-called recreational drugs. The vast majority of Aids deaths in the United States involve homosexuals and this perpetuates the myth that it has something to do with sex. But homosexuals in the US are among the biggest users of drugs which genuine doctors have linked to Aids. Prostitutes who take drugs often get Aids, prostitutes who do not take drugs invariably do not get Aids. The rise in the Aids figures in the United States corresponds perfectly with the increase in the use of drugs - most of which are made available to people on the streets by elements within the US Government, including Bill Clinton and George Bush. In Africa, the breakdown of the immune system, now known as Aids, is caused by ill health - lack of good food, clean water and the general effects of poverty. Haemophiliacs do not die from HIV-infected blood, they die, as they did before the Aids scam, from a quirk in their own immune system. Their immune system locks into foreign proteins in the infused blood and on rare occasions it can become confused during this process and attack itself. Their immune system, in effect, commits suicide. HIV is irrelevant to that. Yet how many people today who have been diagnosed HIV positive are having their lives blighted by the fear that the symptoms of Aids will start any moment?

AZT is the killer. There is not a single case of AZT reversing the symptoms of Aids. How can it? It's causing them, for goodness sake. The Aids industry is now worth billions of pounds a year and makes an unimaginable fortune for the drug industry controlled by the Rockefellers and the rest of the Global Elite. For more detailed information, I strongly recommend, 'Aids: The Good News Is HIV Doesn't Cause It. The Bad News Is "Recreational Drugs" And Medical Treatments Like AZT Do' It is published by Health Action Press, 6439 Taggart Road, Delaware, Ohio, 43015

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Chechnya was to be on the agenda, but the emphasis during the visit on cooperation rather than confrontation.

"I believe we and the European Union should never forget that a closer partnership between the European Union and Russia is in the interest of all our people and in the interests of the continent we share," Blair said before his departure on Friday.

"The way to conduct ethical foreign policy in these circumstances is to complain about abuses that occur and make sure action is taken," he told BBC television. "But it is still right that Britain has a strong relationship with Russia."

The West has criticised the war in Chechnya, but leaders, led by the Clinton administration in the United States, have been careful not to alienate Putin, drawing criticism from U.S. Republicans and human rights groups.

Blair's meetings with Putin come just two weeks before an election when the former KGB spy, who has built his popularity on militarist rhetoric and tough conduct of the war, is expected to be confirmed as Russia's president for the next four years.

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By CanadianBacon ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 06:23 am:

>>St. Therese of Lisieux says: "How happy I >>would have been to fight at the of the
>>Crusades or, later on, against the heretics! I
>>want to be a warrior, a martyr! Oh! Is it possible
>>I must die in bed?"

>Yeah! Antonio,

>He sure got his sorry ass whopped by the

Not at all. I was in Nagorno Karabkh in the trenches with my Armenian and Russian friends kicking Azeri Turk butt outta town.

>At least he got his wish about not dying in bed!

>I love reading about the Crusades, how you
>sorry catholics got a good beating!

Better to die fighting for the truth than live a lie as the English do. Rather than fighting the Mohammedans as the Catholic Crusaders did, the English are in bed with the Mohammedans.

> I love reading about the lesson Henry VIII
>taught you pagan pope worshippers!

Henry VIII and Bloody Bess (Elizabeth I) waged a brutal campaign of genocide against faithful Roman Catholics in England. Henry and Elizabeth murdered millions. What kind of lesson were you supposing that Henry VIII taught? Charity? The false church that Henry VIII founded, the Church of England (the Anglican Church, which later spawned the Episcopalian Church and the Methodist Church), has female priests and female bishops and performs homosexual marriages. What kind of lesson is that? Purity and chastity?

Roman Catholics do not worship the Pope. The Pope is only the Vicar (Representative) of Christ, not Christ Himself. The Pope is the successor of St. Peter, the first Catholic Bishop of Rome, who is the "Rock" upon which the Roman Catholic Church is being built by Jesus Christ. (see the Gospel of St. Matthew 16:18)

Anglicans however, are heretic Protestants who are destined to eternal damnation in Hell.

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By igor ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 06:45 pm:


this is for you Antonio,what
>do you think?

Shto dumayu? nichevo. Shto uznayu? tvoi website zibil.

By igor ( - on Saturday, March 11, 2000 - 06:47 pm:


sorry Antonio this one

More Pagan Illuminati/Masonic garbage.
I could go into disproving all the blatant lies in this website, but I don't have the time, so it is sufficient to say that the promoters of that site are infernal liars.

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How the Russian Army Lost the War in Chechnya

Contrary to what the pot-bellied generals and Moscow politicians are proclaiming, the Russian army lost the war in Chechnya.

The war was lost not in Grozny, not in the mountains of southern Chechnya, but in a couple of muddy fields far from the fighting where the Russian army allowed itself to be filmed while burying its dead enemies.

These sickening pictures are by now familiar to millions. For a week, a ghoulish controversy has raged in Russia over who filmed those pictures and what they actually showed. Frankly, it does not matter a damn.

For the sake of argument, let us accept the official Russian version that the Chechen men thrown into that common grave were killed in battle and not executed after being tortured in a friendly “filtration” camp.

As far as branding the campaign a victory or a defeat for the Russian army, what matters is not how those men died but how they were buried. For the simple reason that in any civilisation respect must be shown to the dead. Once that respect is lost, then respect for human life is also lost.

The pictures showed the usual platoon of incompetent Vanya’s and Volodya’s detailed to perform one of the most unpleasant tasks of any war without even a pair of gloves.

The Russian army presumably cannot afford to hand out body bags for dead Chechen guerrillas. Soldiers therefore have to tie the arms and legs of the corpses to make them easier to carry. Of course barbed wire is horrible, but if it is the only thing the Russian army can afford… And why be shocked that rather than carry a body, the soldiers tied a dead guerrilla to a truck by the legs to drag it across a muddy field? Or that they kicked a decomposing corpse off the back of their armoured personnel carrier rather than lift it onto non-existent stretchers? Any soldier who managed to bury so many old corpses without getting totally drunk first and without even tying a handkerchief across his face to keep out the stench definitely ought to be made a Hero of Russia.

No, what is odd in all this is that they allowed themselves to be filmed. These perfectly ordinary and very typical soldiers clearly could not see anything wrong in what they were doing. All of them had lost obviously their moral compass.

The rest at:

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Anglicans however, are heretic Protestants who are destined to eternal damnation in Hell

Is that so!! I'm off to hell am I?

Well lets not hope I go there, as theres a good chance I'll be surrounded by hoards of dumbass catholic pagans!!

By the way dumbass. From what I've read there is no such thing as 'Mohamadism' Their religon is called Islam and the followers are moslem. I doubt if an untutored oaf like you would know that.

I reiterate again, READ the BIBLE and become a CHRISTIAN. Long Live the Church of England. The first, last and only line of defence against pagan catholic heresy.

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Roman Catholics do not worship the Pope. The Pope is only the Vicar (Representative) of Christ, not Christ Himself.

REALLY!! So Jesus told the pope to represent him on earth!!

PLEASE tell that to the birds!!!(i.e other dumbass catholics)

By the way have you read the book:

Sex Lives of the Popes
Nigel Cawthorne

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It's a relief to finally read a well-written and coherent message… a rare sight on this board.

In addition I would like to say that this war speaks volumes on Russia and it's citizens. You would think in a nation, which only a short time ago controlled half of the world, there would be semblance of organized groups opposed or at least questioning the genocide.

Usually in civilized nations the masses have the capacity and intellect to stand up and solicit the actions of its representatives. To realize and uphold the differences between war and war crimes, between soldiers and civilians, between prisons and death camps, between interrogation and maiming. For if the masses don't stand and oppugn the authorities then a nation will cease to be one.

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All American,

>>> In addition I would like to say that this war speaks volumes on Russia and it's citizens.

I agree. The other day I came across a recent opinion pool that claimed as many as 65% of Russians were still in favor of continuing the bloody war, while only 29% were against. I wonder how they can be so willing to continue the massacre, despite the numerous setbacks for the Vodka Army as well. I could not help concluding that ordinary Russians are simply blood-thirsty, and not only their politicians that came to power together with Putin.

>>> You would think in a nation, which only a short time ago controlled half of the world, there would be semblance of organized groups opposed or at least questioning the genocide.

In fact, Russia appears to have no tradition of tolerating minority views, which were oppressed, demonized (just look what they think about the poor Babitsky case), torture them, or at least send them to prison, or to Siberian exile.

>>>> Usually in civilized nations the masses have the capacity and intellect to stand up and solicit the actions of its representatives. To realize and uphold the differences between war and war crimes, between soldiers and civilians, between prisons and death camps, between interrogation and maiming. For if the masses don't stand and oppugn the authorities then a nation will cease to be one.

If you recognize that Russia is NOT a civilized nation (as will be demonstrated by its forthcoming expulsion from the Council of Europe), then there is no contradiction. All these demands are simply too stringent to essentially barbaric Russian mentality.

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Barbaric nation...

Here are exact figures from a recent opinion poll among Russians about their attitude to Chechen war:

Question: what is the right solution to the Chechen conflict?

64.7% - in favor of military operation 'until the complete victory over terrorists' if any, I should add...;
28.3% - in favor of suspending the military operation, and starting negotiations;
2.3% - in favor of other solutions;

Original (in Russian) is below:

64,7 % ðîññèÿí - çà âîåííîå ðåøåíèå êîíôëèêòà â ×å÷íå

Æèòåëè Ðîññèè ïîääåðæèâàþò äåéñòâèÿ ôåäåðàëüíûõ ñèë ïî óíè÷òîæåíèþ ÷å÷åíñêèõ áàíäôîðìèðîâàíèé è íå ñêëîííû äóìàòü, ÷òî íà Êàâêàçå ìîæåò ðàçãîðåòüñÿ áîëüøàÿ âîéíà. Ýòî ïîêàçàë îïðîñ íåçàâèñèìîãî èññëåäîâàòåëüñêîãî öåíòðà ÐÎÌÈÐ. Ñîãëàñíî îïðîñó, 64,7% ðîññèéñêèõ ãðàæäàí óáåæäåíû, ÷òî ñàìûì ïðàâèëüíûì ðåøåíèåì êîíôëèêòà â ×å÷íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðîäîëæåíèå âîåííûõ äåéñòâèé äî ïîëíîé ïîáåäû íàä òåððîðèñòàìè. Òîëüêî 28,3 % ðåñïîíäåíòîâ âûñòóïàþò çà ïðåêðàùåíèå âîåííûõ äåéñòâèé è ïåðåõîä ê ìèðíûì ïåðåãîâîðàì. Äðóãèå âàðèàíòû ðåøåíèÿ êîíôëèêòà âèäÿò 2,3 % îïðîøåííûõ. Çàòðóäíèëèñü ñ îòâåòîì 4,7 % ãðàæäàí. ÐÎÌÈÐ ïðîâîäèë îïðîñ ïî âñåðîññèéñêîé ðåïðåçåíòàòèâíîé âûáîðêå ñ ó÷àñòèåì 1500 ÷åëîâåê. //ÈÒÀÐ-ÒÀÑÑ

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