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Archive through March 12, 2000

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But where have you seen "Civilized Russains" (why in capital letters?!) in Chechnya (or in any other Russian war, all of which rather resemble the tatar-mongol invasion in 13 century).

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Amazing that there was hardly anything as Islamic
terrorist or extremely religious group like Taliban in Afghanistan before the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Afghanis were living content life
and olny this Russian agression destroyed their country and people to led extremely hard life afterword.
But the tragedy is that the Russians leaders are not learning with their experiences rather they keep on destroying the people of weaker nations
in Bosnia and Kosov by supporting Bulgrade Regime.

What a brave nation Russia is fighting with the poorest and the weakest nations of the world.
I dont know for how long they will keep their bloody campaign further on. Bravo Russia, Bravo Viladimir Putin.

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Would you please provide your link to your posting of John Sweeney's article? Thank you.

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yes please here is the link.
I am leaving now. BR

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 The truth is coming out slowly

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What a hell. How hard is it after you surround someone, not to let them go. Just get enough troups. Make a ditches all around those villages (federals have manpower to do that) when bring tanks, artillery and bomb it whole day and night, make it flat, but do not let them out.
What a heck is going on there? Create a corridor to let whoever wants to give up or flee(civilian).

How hard is it to do?
O well, I guess i just do not understand this stuff.

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>>>Dumbfucked Turka, you are right. I am Chechen, that's why I use Chechen nicks. >>>

No Chechen will talk like you, you are a fuckene Russian bastard, who is shamed of his/her identity. You are worse than the worst of the dogs. You are nothing, nobody, insignificant fucke. I won't even let a person like you shine my shoes.

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>>>>By Antonio ( - on Sunday, March 12, 2000 - 02:56 am:

Not at all. I was in Nagorno Karabkh in the trenches with my Armenian and Russian friends kicking Azeri Turk butt outta town. >>>>

That's right Antonio. You are really brave, and top-class fighter, aren't you. You were in Nagorno Karabakh, in your dreams in the comfort of USA. You would be pissing in tour pants if you come face to face with Turks, just like your predecessors did before.

Will you ever learn not to play with fire! You and your nation are insignificant, just like flies, they can annoy, but can not do anything. One swoosh and they are gone.

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No need be upset Turk. No need to use bad language. You will have the sheer pleasure of seeing the decay and total demise of the genocidal Russian nation in the years to come.

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>>>By All American ( - on Sunday, March 12, 2000 - 05:00 am:

In addition I would like to say that this war speaks volumes on Russia and it's citizens. You would think in a nation, which only a short time ago controlled half of the world, there would be semblance of organized groups opposed or at least questioning the genocide.

Usually in civilized nations the masses have the capacity and intellect to stand up and solicit the actions of its representatives. To realize and uphold the differences between war and war crimes, between soldiers and civilians, between prisons and death camps, between interrogation and maiming. For if the masses don't stand and oppugn the authorities then a nation will cease to be one. >>>>>

Well said.

When I first joined this board, I had no negative feeling toward Russians, Jews, or Armenians. I was particularly optimistic of the people with Russian, Jewish or Armenian background living in Western countries, assuming that these people would be assimilated by the Western humanitarian values . For me it was going to be an experience in getting to know people from different backgrounds, discuss the issues in a civilised manner, and build goodwill against each other.

Within a matter of months, I found out that these people are not civilised, are not human in a sense we believe a human should act and feel, and they are out there to spread their venom.

I quickly learned how my ancestors felt about Russians and Armenians, an ungodly barbaric mob, ever trying to grab the land of other nations, causing all sort of death, and misery. And having pleasure when they inflict suffering in a sadistic way.

Now I know that there is only one language these people understand. Give them their own medicine. Never drop your guard, and be conned when they talk about peace and friendship.

History always reveals one thing; uncivilised mobs always disappear, and usually in the same manner they destroy other nations.

What would it be: Be civilised and join the other civilised nations, or condemn yourselves to never ending conflicts, war and misery. I don't hold my breath for the first choice!

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Wow, Turk:
It seems you gave up to bad language and bad debating. Man, why did you choose this path?
How do you know how Chechen speak? Can you group all chechen in one pile and say that any one else (who do not fit in this pile) is not a chechen?

Also, who are you to decide which nation is insignificant and which is not? Man your last to posting are very strange. O well, i guess it is your choice.


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O man, I posted without reading your last message.
Nice generalization. I guess you should agree with armenians who suffered all the genocide against turks in the begining of the century, who still think of turks as barbarians. (just using your logic).

Here is my 2C on all american statement.

I am sure america is civilized country as well as west and most muslims country (right?)(o.k. I include canada as well, i hope it is o.k. with Bacon) so if genocide is happening in chechnya and russian people have no morals to stop it, when what are your (our) civilized countries are doing about it?

How does it go? Do not throw stones in the class house?


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>>>By CanadianBacon ( - on Sunday, March 12, 2000 - 07:47 pm:

No need be upset Turk. No need to use bad language. You will have the sheer pleasure of seeing the decay and total demise of the genocidal Russian nation in the years to come. >>>

Thanks CB. I guess I should not be using bad language, but sometimes I am feeling that this is the only thing getting to them. All logical arguments, proofs, sources, etc. seem to be making no dent on this uncivilised mob.

I actually don't want to see suffering of ordinary Russians or Armenians for that matter. However it will be pure delight to see the people like Putin finally appearing in Courts, answering to the charges of War Crimes.

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