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Archive through March 13, 2000

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KLA supplies 40% of heroin to Europe.

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By igor ( - on Sunday, March 12, 2000 - 10:33 pm:

As for you Canadian Salo you were neglected as a child that is why you seek approval of these other losers because you do not have any friends.Now fight back that lump in your throat and it is okay to cry,get some of that grief out.Your memories of abuse by all your step fathers must have been really tragic.Too bad your prostitute mother could not settle with one man but that is all that she knew coming from a broken home herself.Quit drinking because that shite makes you depressed and take the Prozac as prescribed .

I allow myself to smile at the degranged ramblings of an emanciated sad character like yourself.

The ONLY loser Igor is the pathetic genocidal Russian nation. A nation on its last legs, like a house of cards about to blow over. I am going to sit back, relax and watch your comrades in Russia struggle with grinding poverty and corrupt terrorist politicians. I am going savour the sheer pleasure of watching your inhuman nation decay, fragment and completely break up within my lifetime.

God bless ALL people who throughout history who have stood up against barbaric Russian creatures.

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Also I would like to say that the garage at my new home is bigger than your whole residence.Welfare my arse you MORON.

That is good Igor. You reqire a polatial area, large enough to accommodate your dogs, cats ducks, sheep, goat and the rest of your family

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LMAO - Good one Canadian.

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It doesn't take a genius to post articles copied from the Russian Information Service (if this is not true, then post the links to them).

Unfortunately for you, you have shown your uncivilised, barbaric nature by expressing delight, and suggesting even worse atrocities against Chechens in your previous posts.

You therefore have a credibility problem, just like the articles you copied and pasted.

On the other hand, I must admit this is a positive development on your behalf. You are kind of feeling to justify certain things happening in Chechnya, rather than displaying usual macho, ruthless, inhuman attitude as you did in the past.

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Here is an article about the crime problem in Russia.

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Here is another one on the Russian criminal activities.

Who was talking about not throwing stones if living in a glass house?

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>>>By igor ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 02:32 am:
KLA supplies 40% of heroin to Europe.


This is the sort of attitude I am talking about. You are posting about drug smugling in Kosova as if Muslims, or people defending the Chechens' right to independence are supporting it. On the other hand you are keeping a blind eye to the crime epidemic in Russia. Or if you can't ignore it you are passing the blame to other nationalities.

When will you demonstrate a principled attitude? Repeat after me: Criminals should be punished whereever and whoever they are!

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Theres something about that Igor that gives me the creeps. That guy is seriously sick.

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Hi All: Back from a long weekend on the continent.

UkrainianGirl, did you take care of those roots? HA HA HA.

Bacon, for the moment I must tend to other matters. I would however, like to have a dialog with you later.

AllAmerica, (TAXI, TAXI) you better duck.HA HA HA HA


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While on the continent I was at a high profile function. The group chatting next to mine included the wives of three presidents and PM Blair's wife and their all talking about how a penis is called in their country.

Mrs Blair says: "In England people call it a GENTLEMAN, because it stands up when women are entering."

The wife of Putin says: "In Russia we call it a PATRIOT, because you never know if it will hit you on the front or the backside."

The wife of Chirac says: "In France we call it a CURTAIN, because it goes down after the act."

Well Hillary Clinton says: "Thanks to my husband, in the USA we call it a RUMOR, because it goes from mouth to mouth.

Off for a bit...

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War criminal Putin is trying to emulate the goebellian tactics of propaganda by Raduyev's capture. Who will really know if he is Raduyev or Raduyev look alike bandit of Gantimorov.
The battle of Kosmolskoye was supposed to be over by Monday. What happened? Instead of giving the batle field situation at the village the Criminal Russian media is diverting the attention by claiming the capture of Raduyev.

Nice try by war criminal Putin. All these diversionary propoganda will not work and Russian Army will soon find out how 'dead' guerillas fight.

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Chechen Warlord Seized

MOSCOW, Mar 13, 2000 -- (Reuters) Acting President Vladimir Putin was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying on Monday that the military had seized a leading Chechen warlord, Salman Raduyev.

RIA news agency said Raduyev, one of Russia's most wanted men for his role in two Chechen wars, had been seized in a special operation on Saturday. Raduyev's staff said last month he had been killed in fighting and buried in an undisclosed location in Chechnya.

"This is one of the most odious bandit leaders," Interfax news agency quoted Putin as saying. "Now he is in prison, which is the right place for him. We would like to think that this is just the beginning," Putin added.

At the end of the previous Chechen war of 1994-1996 Raduyev led a dramatic raid into the neighboring region of Dagestan, taking thousands of hostages. He then retreated into Chechnya after a weeklong standoff with Russian troops.

Putin said he held Raduyev responsible for the death of many innocent civilians.

Last year Raduyev underwent major facial surgery for wounds incurred during the last war. At the time, he signed an agreement promising not to take revenge on doctors if his operation proved unsuccessful

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Given your trade it's just the type of humor I expected from you Hairy! LOL.

Good entrepreneur-ship skills on your behalf though... taking the weekend and hitting new slums across Europe looking for that competitive advantage you sorely lack on the pavements of London. I hear Belgiums love a hairy fat ass with their chocolate. LMAO.

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Posts: 2

Today the State-committee of Defence distributed a list of
persons, whom the ChRI's administration of justice accuses of war
crimes against the Chechen people and other Muslim people of the
Caucasus. On this list past and present Kremlin leaders and also
the men executing the genocide on the territory of Chechnya and
Dagestan are to be found.
The State-Committee of Defence appeals to all nations and to all
international organizations for help in arresting the criminals.
The list will be supplemented according to the material available
on the participation of various persons in war crimes and crimes
against humanity.

Boris Yeltsin, Pavel Grachov, Sergey Stepashin, Andrey Kozyrev,
Vladimir Putin, Ivan Rybkin, Anatoly Kulikov, Viktor Erin, Sergey
Shoygu, Sergey Shakhray, Emil Pain, Alexander Korzhakov,
Mikhail Barzukov, Oleg Lobov, Nikolay Koshman, Beslan
Gantamirov, Doku Zavgayev, Ivan Babichev, Vyacheslav
Tikhomirov, Anatoly Kvashin, Genadiy Troshev, Alexander
Kazantsev, Vladimir Shamanov, Pyotr Deynekin, Anatoly
Karmukov, Nikolay Patrushev, Vladimir Rushaylo, Igor Ivanov,
Igor Sergeyev, Umar Avturkhanov, Salambek Khadzhiyev, Sultan
Satuyev, Badrudi Dzamalkhanov, Musa Dzamalkhanov, Akhmad
Kadyrov, Sulim Yamadayev, Dzabrail Gakayev, Malik Saydulayev,
Pavel Maslov, Gennadiy Shpigun, Magomedali Magomedov, Said
Amirov, Boris Berezovsky, Anatoliy Romanov (Antonov), Vladimir
Bulgakov, Adam Deniyev, Ibragim Suleymenov, Amin Osmayev,
Akhmed Kelimatov, Konstantin Pulikovsky, Vyacheslav Mikhailov,
Vadim Timchenko, Sergey Yastrshembsky, Yuri Chayka, Sergey
Makarov, Vladimir Shumeyko

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