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Archive through March 13, 2000

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Turk, Just for you to know that things posted by Svoloch are not simply copied and pasted ( btw i am still puzzled at your " It doesn't take a genius to post articles copied from the Russian Information Service (if this is not true, then post the links to them)" - if this is not true then how can he post anything... anyway
As i was saying, I am originally from Novorossiysk living in CYPRUS, as u probably should know Novorossiysk is one of the largest ports in Russia, and its sooooooo CLOSE to Checnia, well the son of my dad's friend was kidnapped by Chechens, and was asked for $2 mil. ransom. How can a guy who barely makes 400$ a month payout such an amount? Btw he was kidnapped about 5-6 months ago, and his family haven't seen him since
Besides what criminal activities in Russia should point out here. Is there any country that doesn;t have a single Police DPT? After all if its not for criminals then many of functional bodies would be just eliminated.. Quite a wishful thinking isn;t it?
Btw i never knew that Turkish people were so so aginst Russians, in fact may be its just my imagination or lack of knowledge on this matter, but i thought that Turkish economy was in some way blooming from the amount invested by Russian people, who either came to Turkey for trading, shopping, trourism activities, etc.
I know its irrelevant to the subjectof Chechnya but am quite surprised at your attitude.
By the way I don;t think any one can judge Russia, Russian people, Russian mentality, just by reading the press and watching some TV. In fact, correct me if I am wrong, but human mind is like a filter, we seem to remeber the things we like/suit us better and discard the information that would somehow argue with our beliefs/already made up point of view.
I just want to know how many of you who curse and blame Russia for all possible and impossible sins, have actually been to Russia, have been mistreated by Russians? In fact I know many young Chechens who find company of Russians quite OK not to say at times better than company of their own fellow Chechens, and most of them do not support the Chechen "leaders". In fact one of my friends is married to Chechen guy and nobody seem to have any problem with that either.

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There once was a time when AllAmerican the towel headed HOMO NY city taxi driver had a maddening passion for baked beans. He loved them but, unfortunately, they had always had a very embarrassing and somewhat lively reaction on him.

Then one day AllAmerican met a guy named Turk in AllAmerican's gay bar and they fell in love. When it became apparent that they would marry AllAmerican thought to himself, "Turk is such a sweets, he would never go for this carrying on during our sexual encounters." So AllAmerican made the supreme sacrifice and gave up beans.

Some months later, AllAmerican's pink taxi broke down on the way home. Since he lived in the outskirts of the city he called Turk and told him that he would be late because he had to take the subway home. On his way he passed a small diner and the odor of baked beans was more than AllAmerican could stand.

Since he still had someways to walk, AllAmerican figured that he would walk off any ill effects by the time he reached home and sex with Turk. So, AllAmerican went into the diner and before he knew it, he had consumed three large orders of baked beans.

All the way home AllAmerican putt-putted. And upon arriving home he felt sure he could control any urges he had to fart. Turk seemed excited to see AllAmerican and exclaimed delightedly, "My darlink he man, towel headed Taxi driver, I have a surprise for dinner tonight." Turk then blindfolded AllAmerican and led him to his chair at the table.

Turk seated himself and just as he was about to remove AllAmerican's blindfold, the telephone rang. Turk made AllAmerican promise not to take off the blinfold until he returned. Turk then went to answer the phone.

The baked beans AllAmerican had consumed were still affecting him and the pressure was becoming almost inbearable, so while his love Turk was out of the room AllAmerican seized upon the opportunity, shifted his weight to one leg and let it go. It was not only loud, but it smelled like a fertilizer truck running over a skunk inside of Bacon's house.

AllAmerican took his napkin and fanned the air around him. Then he shifted to the other cheek and ripped three more, which reminded him of the dumpster at the fish and chips stand that he, Turk, Bacon, Abdullah & "B" picks through. Keeping his ear tuned to Turks conversation in the other room, he continued farting for ten more minutes.

When Turks phone farwells to Australia signaled the end to his freedom, AllAmerican fanned the air a few more times with his napkin, placed it on his lap and folded his hands upon it, smiling contentedly to himself.

AllAmerican was the picture of innocence when his darlink Turk returned. Apologizing for taking so long, Turk asked AllAmerican if he peeked, and AllAmerican assured him that he had not.

At this point, Turk removed the blindfold, and was AllAmerican surprised!!! There was AllAmerican's family, several of AllAmericans fellow towel headed HOMO taxi drivers, UkrainianGirl, Ayatollah Assaholla, I bin Sheepfarker, flowergirls Bacon, Abdullah, "B" all seating around the table to celebrate the engagement announcement of AllAmerican and Turk.

Not to worry Bacon, surely another HOMO will show up for you.

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Truth comes out ever so slowly

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Quite the VERY Untalented Hooker you are.

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what's the going price on facials these days? For An ArAb that is! LMAO

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ask your beloved TURK ha ha ha ha

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Am most apologetic for causing your sphincter to bend all out of shape. LOL.

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To All American

Try not to encouragr hairy. I admit she provides welcome comic relief from time to time. However, she really needs to get on her bike and get a job. Society can not take care of these bottom feeders forever.

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AllAmerican idiot, keeping it humorous is one thing and acceptable to most. Quite obvious that you don't understand satirical postings. Hence, your most modest intellectual level causes you to revert to vulgarity which most of distain.

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By igor ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 11:07 am:
Truth comes out ever so slowly

Truth from serbs!!! the white savages of Europe! Please.......

Mind you, I did love the way we taught them some 'manners'

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By Hairy Mary ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 11:46 am:
AllAmerican idiot, keeping it humorous is one thing and acceptable to most. Quite obvious that you don't understand satirical postings. Hence, your most modest intellectual level causes you to revert to vulgarity which most of distain.

Dear Hairy Mary,

Philosophy, wit and sophistication aren't exactly your hallmarks either!

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Hairy - I think its time for you to throw in the towel. You simply cannot compete.

OK I will give you another chance.. But you better make it good. LOL.

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I blame the likes of you for allowing trash such as this to linger like vagabonds in cities like London. Don't you think you should do something about it. LOL.

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Father BACON and Sister Bacon were crossing the Sahara desert on a camel. On the third day out the camel suddenly dropped dead without warning. After dusting themselves off, Sister and Father Bacon surveyed their situation. After a long period of silence, Father Bacon said "my Sister, this looks pretty grim."

"I know father," said Sister Bacon.

"In fact I don't know if we can survive more than a day or two."

"I agree," said Sister bacon.

"Sister, since we are unlikely to make it out of here alive, would you do something for me?"

"Anything Father Bacon."

"I have never seen a women's breasts and I was wondering if I might see yours."

"Well under the circumstances, I don't see that it would do any harm."

Sister Bacon opened her habit and Father Bacon enjoyed the sight of her shapely breasts commenting frequently on their beauty, "Sister Bacon, would you mind if I touched them?"

She consented and he fondled them for several minutes. "Father Bacon, could I ask you something of you?"

"Yes, my dear Sister Bacon?"

"I have never seen a man's penis. Could I see yours?"

" I suppose that would be ok," father Bacon replied while picking up his robe.

"Oh father, "that is so tiny, may I touch it?"

Father Bacon consented and after a few minutes of fondling, Father Bacon was sporting an erection.

"My dear Sister Bacon, do you know that if I insert my penis in the right place, it can give life?"

"Is that true Father Bacon?"

"Why yes it is."


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Off to Kensington and home. Him wonder if I'll be seeing the likes of Bacon, AllAmerican or Turk picking through the trash barrels on the way. Poor lowlifes that they are, I feel good today, signed a most lucrative contract. Hope I see them, I'll toss them all a couple of quid.

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