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Archive through March 13, 2000

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* Moscow does not intend to negotiate with Chechen terrorists

US Secretary of the State Madeleine Albright has written an article in the Washington Post devoted to America's view on Russian anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya. Anatoly Potapov examines in the following piece that article.

In the article Madeleine Albright wrote about US policy towards Russia and argued that a halt to America's principles nor be in its interest. Russia is not opposed to criticism since it too criticizes other countries including America for wrong actions. Madeleine Albright failed to explain in her article on which issue America's criticism of Russia correspond with its interest. Madeleine Albright is against the bloodshed and cruelty of the Chechen war.

Many Western politicians have been speaking about the suffering of civilians in Chechnya and are appalled by what they regard as the disproportionate use of force by Russia against the rebels. In her article Madeleine Albright preferred the word war and that logically means that she regards one of the sides in the Chechen war as terrorists backed by foreign mercenaries. She is criticizing Russia for waging a war against terrorists and mercenaries and she claims that Russia can't consider the war its domestic affair.

Russia is defending its territorial integrity and protecting its other regions against aggression. Perhaps Madeleine Albright should take a second look at the 6th article of the Helsinki Final Act prohibiting members of the OSCE from interfering in the domestic affairs of other members. Madam secretary of state has called for continuing pressure on Russia aimed at forcing it to agree to a negotiated solution of the Chechen conflict. Madeleine Albright has also fallen prey to the popularity held but wrong opinion in the West that Russia promised at the Istanbul forum of OSCE to seek a political solution of the Chechen conflict. That's incorrect. Former Russian president Boris Yeltsin made it clear in Istanbul that Russia will not talk with terrorists and killers adding that they will either be liquidated or dealt with in the country's courts of law. Russia is maintaining contact with those Chechens having no business with the terrorists and cutthroats and who wants Chechnya to remain a part of Russia.

Madeleine Albright's threat to isolate Russia from the rest of the world amounts to blowing mere hot airs. The long procession of prominent world leaders and politicians visiting Russia and North Caucasus should dispel lingering doubts about Russia's important role on the international arena

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Come on, we're anxiously awaiting your most sophisticated response to Sir Igor. Or are you going to run away from him because his intellect surpasses yours.

Oh but I'm having fun today.

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by Bacon:
""""Do the Russians take the I.Q test before or after they've had their Vodka? """

hehehe..I DEFENITELY hear jealousy in your voice, guy..take you own recepie - TRY fucken HARDER.

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xxx, an IQ test for you - find Russia:

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By igor ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 05:42 pm:
* Moscow does not intend to negotiate with Chechen terrorists

One mans meat is another mans poison. God bless the Chechen rebels against Russian genocide and terrorism.

Oooh and God please let the bank(C)rupt Russian economy crumble, so I can continue shorting their rubble currency.


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We all like our bacon crispy. Will you kindly blow torch that dork. HA HA HA HA

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BTW, Bacon, if you stood in front of Svoloch, I believe you'd be the one on your knees
..but then again, you already knew it..

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what nation do you represent, guy?

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By Dimitri ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 05:55 pm:
BTW, Bacon, if you stood in front of Svoloch, I believe you'd be the one on your knees

Dimitri is a man who speaks from experience!

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Some other, Dimitri.

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By Dimitri ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 05:56 pm:
what nation do you represent, guy?

I believe he repesents: The Russian Vodka Drinkers of North America

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I thought so, brave guy..let me just ask you one thing:
Are you affraid to tell people about your nationality?

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Oh, yes, I am.

Noble Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2221

perhaps you're very right - I am the 6'2 pile of chicken •••• who's fierce enough to throw hooks at the opponent....on the Net.

when you're on your knees - you'd just be tall enough for....

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