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Archive through March 14, 2000

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All American,

>>>How can you discuss the war in Chechnya without talking about Russia????

Apparently, the Khokma considers Chechnya independent from russia.

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All American,

>>>How can you discuss the war in Chechnya without talking about Russia????

Apparently, that Khokma considers Chechnya independent from russia.

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"Has it gotten any better with the Russians? They've taken away our male relatives, we don't know where they went. Our property was looted. They say we are free. But this is not peace."

Zina Menkailova, resident of Sholkovskaya, Chechnya, a village Russian troops "liberated" last fall, rejecting Russian assertions that the town is better off

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Some priests are saying that acquiring an Individual Taxpayer Number (ITN) constitutes a sin, and unless believers repent, they would be denied Holy Communion.
* The whole post of this author is the most childish BS arg, - following the article I gathered that, for instance, the US whole will be denied Holy Communion on the basis of their Social Security Number system. Heh.

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It is big news in Russia, but the media in the U.S. have all but ignored an apparerent effort by the Clinton administration to prevent a 13-year-old Russian girl from telling a tale of Chechen terrorism at a U.S. press conference.
Alla Geifman was kidnapped on her way home from school last May. She was held and
tortured by Chechen forces until December, when she was rescued by agencies of the
Russian Interior Ministry. The Free Congress Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based
think tank, has been trying to arrange a press conference in the U.S. with the girl and her
father. At least 1,000 other Russians have also been kidnapped for ransom in an effort by
Chechnya to finance the conflict with Russia. Many of the victims have been children of
businessmen, as well as journalists.

The American media and the American government really choose to take sides in this
issue and show that this is all the Russians' fault. They decide not to let anyone know
about how the Chechens are wreaking horrible abuses on the Russians as well. I'm not
saying that the Russians aren't doing horrible things, but what I think people need to
know is that neither side is innocent in this whole situation," said McFarland. hortly after Geifman was kidnapped, a ransom note was sent to her parents asking for
the equivalent of $5 million. The package included two fingers from her left hand.

Giefman and her father want to come to the United States to tell their story, but their
visa application was stamped "rejected." News of the denial created immediate
controversy in the Russian press. It just so happened that it was that exact same day that the Associated Press reported
that in the State Department's annual report on human rights, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright has asked Russia to launch 'full and open investigations into credible
reports of massacres and other human rights violations in Chechnya.' So we wondered if
there was a reason that the State Department might not want this 13-year-old girl
coming up here in the United States to mess up their foreign policy plans," said

U.S. Consul General in Moscow Laura Clerici said the visa application process was not
over, and that Geifman's application was not rejected completely -- only pending a
personal interview at the Embassy.

"We know that for envoys of the Chechen bandits, Washington gives visas without any
delays or interviews," McFarland explained.

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"We know that for envoys of the Chechen bandits, Washington gives visas without any delays or interviews," McFarland explained.
* That should be the Canadian Bacon special.
The US authorities, so far, haven't any comments on how the US Embassy in Azerbajan can issue the US "entries" to the representatives of the Columbian-style Itchkeria Cartel "Govt." no quest asked.

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Kissako -

I see no other nation in the world that has profited from our governments' shady actions. So as a Jew you should be defending those United States actions not attacking them. 😉

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Another day at DMS.
Hi Mary, Dimi, Kissie, L'menexe...missed you too.

All american is still laughing his arse off, I see.
Tell me,does he stick his head up his arse to do that, or is that just where his head normally is?????????????????????

Have a wonderful day/night whatever,
I have some sun bathing to do
CU all later.(or elsewhere at link)

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By All American ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 09:42 am:
Kissako -
I see no other nation in the world that has profited from our governments' shady actions. So as a Jew you should be defending those United States actions not attacking them. 😉

* I'm not an Egyptian.

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Hi! Kim.

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that igor should seek medical treatment at once.
I'm glad Ukraine will soon be free of Russian garbage like him

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Exactly you are a Jew! LOL.

Egypt is the second largest recipient of US AID.

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AllAmerican (TAXI,TAXI)

Thru your vulgar postings, it's becomeing ever more evident of the life that you live (exist) and that your intelligence is surpassed only by your ignorance. Are we to assume that you hail from the gutter and just don't understand any other form of expressionism?

Although most of us find BACON's diatribes to be annoying and distasteful, I must give him credit, at least he does not display the vicious vulgarity that you have have become synomous with.

We are all aware of your passion for baked beans and that you fart at the dinner table. You give us reason to believe that you also use your vulgar mannerism in front of your family at the dinner table? If so, someone should knock you about that empty head of yours.

Sympathetic, lonesome little twerp that you are, "GET YOUR HEAD OUT YOUR ASS and GET A GRIP ON REALITY, IT's A BIG WORLD OUT THERE." If not for yourself, then do it for your dear mother, you must change, you can't continue going through life as a complete DORK loser. Someday, if you become man enough to have children and they ask...gee Dad what do you do? "I'm a loser DORK with feet," is the best that you'll be able to reply.

Now we know that you have 16 years of education (been all the way up to the 8th grade twice) maybe you might want to consider going through those formatable and/or educational years over again.

We all wish you well in your endevors.


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By All American ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 11:01 am:
Exactly you are a Jew! LOL.
Egypt is the second largest recipient of US AID.

* First largest. Heh.

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ms. mary:
couldna said it better meself.
nice going.

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