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Archive through March 15, 2000

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KIMMY LUV, top of the day to you: Notice pip sweak AllAmerican has not dared to refute my posting yesterday as relates to his dispicable mannerism. Now that his hero Bacon won't be around for a while he'll probably park his pink cab in the garage and put his enema bag under his pillow.

Any rate Montreal sounds great..I have a ton of frequent flyer miles...a suggestion..come stay with me for several days..we'll be a bit naughty.. then we can fly off to New York via the concorde..stay at the Helsmly.. little shopping on 5th ave...then off to Montreal. If ok with you I can book us today.. the flight is on me.

Let me know luv

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>>"Whereas EU-member Austria is expected
to live up to Western democratic ideals,
a different yardstick is applied to
Turkey -- a country plagued with a host
of problems including separatist strife,
Islamic fundamentalism, and a state-controlled economy."<<

Antonio, I guess the most important difference would be that Austria is part of the EU and Turkey isn't.
Despite close links to the EU, Turkey's Human Rights record continues to hinder it becoming part of the EU.
(That's one excuse given by the EU politicians, anyway.;0).

Furthermore Austria's Fascist History is more poignent in West European consciousness, than Turkish history is.
In Germany it is a crime to deny the Holocaust took place,I believe.

Just one question:
"Are you trying to convert us to Catholisism?"
If so, I feel even more firmly entrenched in my Atheist beliefs!


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Good day to you L'MENEXE darlikn

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Pristine? - Original, unspoilt and clean......
.......Well, I just got out of the Shower, I guess.

Add: Intelligent, self-aware, independent, determined, bitchy , stubborn, free of external restraint and you might be getting close....I'm just not your kinda woman, sweety....

Re the company: I'm just a sucker for a great sense of humour...- you're just not my kinda man..


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Sounds wonderful, but I'm afraid I have an appointment with my acupuncturist...
I'll see you later on,hopefully
Luv ya, too

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Did you know that AllAmerican receives daily acupuncturist's treatment.. One big one..twice daily.. you know where...HA HA to you when you get back. With Bacon gone wonder who's going to handle insertion duties for AllAmerican... Maybe TURK...Oh but I'm cracking myself up today..need's been a tough morning..great therapy...

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Maybe this can help explain why AllAmerican stutters...HA HA HA HA.. Chalk another one up for HM
...That poor pip squeek...hear he's moving to know it's nicknamed Bean Town...better get out your gas mask L'MENEXE.

But I'm on a roll today...HA HA HA HA

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"Did you know that AllAmerican receives daily acupuncturist's treatment."

Def.:needle d!ck

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Some pictures of Putin from his recent book. Enjoy

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May I expand on that....he's also known as "Needledick the ant ffarker in HOMO land." HA HA HA HA HA. We best be careful he may get a rise out of our posting....Could he be a spinoff from PEE WEE HERMAN..Ohhhh..but my side aches....HA HA HA HA ..can't stop laughing

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Hairy gets shot down again.

Kim is thinking you would have to dish out 1 million bucks up front on top of the Concorde tickets and Hotel Reservations for her to have to look at your Hairy bullet-riddled Ass! LOL.

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Just prior and in preparation to the Gulf War, the United States Government employed some of the biggest war games ever assembled. In order that the troops be the most prepared, every little detail was deployed including using target practices that resembled Iraqi soldiers. When war was ending and Iraqi forces were in massive retreat, many of the Allied troops were confused as they could only see the backsides of the army. As a direct result of this the term “Friendly Fire” was coined. Under extreme pressure on the Pentagon and the Military Brass the problem had to be resolved. So as top urgent classified info One HAIRY MARY was flown out to fort-worth Texas Military compound and made to run away from the soldiers as to get them most accustomed to what most resembles an Iraqi soldier’s ass.

This technique proved invaluable on the battlefield and would later be added into standard Boot camp training manifest under Chapter 11 Titled “HAIRY’s BULLET RIDDLED ASS Syndrome

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How do you know what Kim is thinking? EAT YOUR HEART OUT.... DWEEB.

Alas..I should show more compassion for you..what with your mate Bacon not around for the forthnight your going to have to amuse yourself...
get out your tweezers and magnifing glas..HA HA HA HA..Needledick...

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all american,

don't be so bitter, dumbass..that American Jew aid thang musta upset ya a bit..he. Here's what you do - LMAO and LOL me to death..that'll give you complete sssssatisfaction..

c'mon, boy, let the barking begin..

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Truth is coming out. War Criminal Putin bombed his OWN people

Two weeks out from his day of reckoning the man who would be the next President of the great Russian Republic, Vladimir Putin, is putting his best foot forward.
In an interview published in Kommersant newspaper at the weekend, headlined "The Iron Putin" - he again pushed the impression of himself as the "strong" and “moral” leader who would lead Russia to a new, brighter future.
And as he did so he pushed a line he appears increasingly inclined towards – blaming the messenger.
Referring to the Radio Liberty Journalist Andrei Babitsky - who was arguably the first to report Russian atrocities against civilians in Chechnya - Putin launched a broadside.
"What Babitsky did was more dangerous than shooting from a machine gun," he said.
"The first [Chechen] war was lost because of the moral condition of society. Society did not understand the ideals that our soldiers were fighting for," he said. "Babitsky and others like him tried to bring that back. He worked directly for the enemy."
Also at the weekend he made another remark that reinforces the impression that journalists in general are on the would-be-Russian-President’s list of least favourite people.
After meeting with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the latest in a series of world leaders who have made the trip to Moscow, he described a slogan which supposedly decorated a Chechen terrorist camp: "Allah is above us, the creeps are below us".
Later he remarked - "The creeps are all of you" - pointing to a throne room full of journalists and officials in one of the Tsars' palaces.
If Putin is angered by reporters and journalists then perhaps it is appropriate in light of the latest news to emerge concerning the apartment bombings which sparked the Russian offensive in Chechnya.
It is often said that a week is a long time in politics. Two weeks is twice as long and the latest news is just the sort of news that could do some damage to the seemingly impervious election campaign of the former cold war spy.
In a published yesterday in the Observer Newspaper it was revealed that two FSB (the replacement for the KGB) agents were caught red-handed by police with a bomb under an apartment building in Ryazan.
The bomb was defused by bomb squad officer Yuri Tkachenko who confirmed in the Observer report that it was of the same construction as the bombs which blew up several apartment buildings early last year, killing hundreds of ordinary Russian citizens.
These bombings were the trigger which justified and sparked the offensive against the “bandits and terrorists” of Chechnya upon which Vladimir Putin has contructed his bid to become Russian President.
“The third bomb did not go off because the bombers were caught red-handed,” The Observer reports today.
“They were Russian, not Chechen, and when they were arrested by local police they flashed identity cards from the FSB - the new styling for the KGB, the secret police Putin headed before he became Russia's acting President. Two days later the FSB announced that the third bomb had only been 'a training exercise'.”
Suspicions that the bombings were the work of Russian security as opposed to Chechen rebels have been widespread ever since the bombings took place for a variety of reasons, not the least that the Chechen’s have always vehemently denied any involvement in the attacks.
Among the reasons the apartment bombings have always looked fishy:
- that they were targeted at ordinary working class Russian civilians rather than an apparently military target;
- that no evidence has ever been produced to link them to the Chechen rebels;
- that the bombings stopped so suddenly, and have never since been repeated – even though the Chechens have since been far more comprehensively pushed into a corner;
- that the bombings were so incredibly convenient as far as Vladimir Putin’s election campaign was concerned.
That said, the difference between suspicions, and what we have now, actual evidence of security service involvement in the bombings is very important.
Should this news be widely reported inside Russia over the next two weeks then there is a chance it could affect the outcome in the upcoming election.
After all, while the Russian public might be inclined to turn a blind eye to the totalitarian tendencies of a great moral leader. The same tendencies in light of such a monstrous piece of deceit as the organised killing of his own public can appear ever so much more alarming

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