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Archive through March 16, 2000

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..not that much smarter though..otherwise they wouldn't have invaded Dagestan, which brought living hell on'em. But certain improvements are in order - they don't kill their babies anymore, they do it with everyone else's.

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Actually, it looked like this:
Just prior and in preparation to the Gulf War, the United States Government employed some of the biggest war games ever assembled. In order that the troops be the most prepared, every little detail was deployed including using target practices that resembled Iraqi soldiers. When war was ending and Iraqi forces were in massive retreat, many of the Allied troops were confused as they could only see the Kuwaiti and UAE backsides protruding off every hole. As a direct result of this the term Friendly Fire was coined. Under extreme pressure on the Pentagon and the Military Brass the problem had to be resolved. So as top urgent classified info One All American was flown out to fort-worth Texas Military compound and made to run away from the soldiers as to get them most accustomed to what most resembles a UAE-Kuwaiti customary butt.
This technique proved invaluable on the battlefield and would later be added into standard Boot camp training manifest under Chapter 11 Titled "Fat One".

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Good link by Khokhma, thanks. Something, that supports my previous observations.

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Just the imagination I was looking for. LOL

well done, you have once again proved One Jew is capable of learning something after all (cut & paste - but well done nonetheless).

Think from now on Im going to copywrite my posts. 😉 So most of you should be returning to their CAGES. LMAO.

OOooooooooohhhh just got a picture of Hairy the yard Ape bullet-riddled ass in jail. 🙁

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by all american:

hey Brown Nose. Got you nose jammed again? Whose ass did you croll into this time?

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all american,
hey, Brown Nose, don't worry about responding - we all know whose ass you luv the most..

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So is this Chechnya thing over yet?

US occupied North America

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it's gettin' there..

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Well time to stir things up...

10 Things that make the USA the greatest Nation on Earth.

10. Football (American style)

9. Put a man on the moon.

8. Bill of Rights

7. Chevy Berracuda, Pontiac GTO

6. 4.2% unemployment (France 11%)

5. Even a peanut farmer and actor can become Pres.

4. 24 hr everything

3. Seperation of church and state.

2. one word "Baywatch" OK another "Dukes of Hazard"

1. Invented Rock and Roll.

Thank you goodnight.

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I dogs

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By Kim Arx ( - on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 - 06:32 am:

>>"Whereas EU-member Austria is expected
to live up to Western democratic ideals,
a different yardstick is applied to
Turkey -- a country plagued with a host
of problems including separatist strife,
Islamic fundamentalism, and a state-controlled economy."Antonio, I guess the most important difference
>would be that Austria is part of the EU and
>Turkey isn't.

Double standards.

>Despite close links to the EU, Turkey's Human
>Rights record continues to hinder it becoming
>part of the EU.

>(That's one excuse given by the EU politicians,

No excuse necessary. Turks are Asiatics, not Europeans.

>Furthermore Austria's Fascist History is more
>poignent in West European consciousness,
>than Turkish history is.

Austria did not willingly accept Fascism. That was forced on her by German Lutheran Nazis.

>In Germany it is a crime to deny the Holocaust
>took place,I believe.

So much for the Freedom of Speech. Now we have the Jewish Inquisition.

>Just one question:
>"Are you trying to convert us to Catholisism?"

A true Catholic is always trying to save souls, which would otherwise go on to the natural destiny of eternal damnation except for his prayers, works and self-sacrifice for the sake of their salvation.

>If so, I feel even more firmly entrenched in my
>Atheist beliefs!

You are correct about that. Atheism does indeed hold its adherents down in the trenches (or the pits of Hell), whereas Catholics are caught up in the clouds to Heaven.



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It is great to be Turkish. It gives me a terrific feeling to see how Turks make upset this Armenian dog Antonio. It is so funny that a worm like Antonio can not get over the pain in his ass. My grandparents obviously did a great job on him. And the same guy talks about kicking Turkish butts in a war. What a joke!

Antonio, I don't like you, but even I can't sit and watch you suffer so much. Yes it's funny, but at the end of the day you are just another human being with a twisted mind. Why aren't you trying psycho-therapy. I heard that it's free for people on welfare.

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>>>By igor ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 11:59 pm:

Pavel Felgenhauer, a military analyst, said sarcastically: "If they nuked Chechnya, then they could win." But as he said, without going that far, Russia will never be victorious.>>>

I thought you would love the idea. Somethings never change.

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