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Archive through March 16, 2000

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Reuters, ÁÎÃÎÒÀ:  ïÿòíèöó â àýðîïîðòó Ýëüäîðàäî (Áîãîòà) àðåñòîâàíà æåíùèíà, êîòîðàÿ ïûòàëàñü ïðîâåñòè äâà êèëîãðàììà êîêàèíà, ïîëîæèâ èõ â íèæíåå áåëüå, èç-çà ÷åãî åå ãðóäü è çàäíèöà âûãëÿäåëè ñëèøêîì áîëüøèìè è èìåëè íååñòåñòâåííóþ ôîðìó.

Äà-äà, â ýòîì è ñåêðåò ïðèâëåêàòåëüíîñòè áîëüøèõ ãðóäåé è çàäíèö. Ñìîòðèøü, áûâàëî, íà òàêóþ æåíùèíó è äóìàåøü: Ýëüäîðàäî.

Äðóãîå äåëî - ãîëîâà æåíùèíû. Â èäåàëå îíà ñîâåðøåííî ïóñòàÿ -


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>>>The same day Russia mourned 84 of its paratroopers killed in fighting in Chechnya, Stepashin said that the conventional use of force that leveled the Chechen capital of Grozny and the Argun Gorge village of Komsomolskoye was working against the long-term resolution of the problem.

''The operations should continue in that heads of terrorist groups should either be liquidated or captured,'' said Stepashin, who preceded Vladimir Putin as prime minister. But he added: ''We must delineate people who suffered from the bandits from the bandits themselves.''

If this is not done, the conflict could become insoluble, to the sorrow of Russians and Chechens alike, Stepashin said in an interview before a speech at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.>>>

This is exactly what every other person with a slightest commonsense is keep saying. But I did not hear a similar sentiment from any of supporters of the Russian invasion. They must be either without a brain, or sadistic barbarians. Cheering for wantom destruction for no clear end-game in mind.

The only person who makes sense is Igor. From the beginning he said NUKE them. A clear solution advanced undiplomatically perhaps, but it is a solution.

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Torture back on the agenda

Izmir-Turkish Daily News
March 8, 2000

Human rights abuses have been on Turkey's agenda for years, but unfortunately it appears that no improvements have been made. Furthermore, torture is carried out everywhere in the country, which means that someone is always suffering this abuse. With the latest debate about torture which started after the unannounced visit by parliamentarian and member of the Parliamentary Human Rights
Commission, Sema Piskinsut, who found torture equipment in Kucukkoy Police Station in Istanbul, the issue has come under discussion once again and now the public has some hope that measures may be taken against torture.

The debate about torture and degrading treatment in custody shows that it is time to take serious steps to bring about changes for the better with regard to human rights in Turkey for her citizens who deserve neither this degrading treatment, nor to be kept out of the EU on
these grounds.

"The finding of torture equipment in Kucukkoy Police Station has just confirmed torture reports we receive about that particular police station which say that torture is routine and systematic there. That has now been confirmed by official findings too. I think that the torture figures in Turkey will not be able to continue at their
present level because of the reactions of human rights activists from around the world and pressure from the public in the country; but the
main thing for stopping the use of torture is the functioning of the judicial system which generally lets torturers free, despite lots of evidence," said Ercan Demir, chairman of the Izmir Branch of the
independent Human Rights Association (IHD). He explained that the country's torture record had decreased a little since 1995 because of
public pressure and the efforts of human rights organizations around the world.

Demir went on to say that although there had been some new attempts to lower the torture figures by some political parties and
parliamentarians, the most important measures must be made by the civil service and the state: "The main problem does not come from the
laws -- there are lots forbidding torture -- but the fact that the laws are not being enforced by officials and the police, and, generally, torturers are acquitted and set free by the judicial system, or no ruling on them is passed immediately, which makes the laws ineffective in stopping torture," he said, and pointed out that 90 percent of torturers were set free after going to court, despite strong evidence against them: "The torture figures can easily be lowered by more than 80 percent if the judicial system imprisoned
those people carrying it out. Another important thing is the behavior of the state: if the state accepts victims' statements about torture they have been subjected to and enforces the laws against torture, there will be an important decrease," Demir said.

Turan: "If in practice lawyers are being obstructed and attacked by the police, the Justice Ministry can not say they are working on new laws to stop torture..."

The chairman of the Izmir Bar Association, Cetin Turan, said that although the new attempts to publicize the use of torture, such as torture equipment being found in a police station in Istanbul by a member of parliament are important, this does not necessarily mean that the situation will change: "If in practice lawyers are being
obstructed and attacked by the police, the Justice Ministry can not say that they are working on new laws to stop torture because the main
problems are not happening just due to the laws. The main problem comes from the behavior of the state and the government. So, in the first place, the change must come from them," he said, and pointed out that if the state policy on torture changes, its use would decrease sharply in a short time.

Cetin also warned that everybody needs to be realistic because of the attitude of the judicial system and the behavior of the state regarding torture: "We can not say that the issue will be solved in the near future because torturers under investigation or in court are generally rewarded by the state and their posts raised even before a
verdict is reached -- and that makes for pressure on the judicial system," he said.

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Quotes from the
Bull of the Convocation of the Holy Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT under Pope Paul III

"Whilst we desired the commonwealth to be safe and protected against the arms and INSIDIOUS designs of the INFIDELS (MOHAMMEDANS), yet, because of our transgressions and the guilt of us all, indeed, because of the wrath of God hanging over us by reason of our sins, Rhodes has been lost, Hungary ravaged, war by land and sea intended and planned against Italy, and against Austria and Illyria, since the TURK, our GODLESS and RUTHLESS ENEMY, was never at rest and looked upon our mutual enmities and dissensions as his fitting opportunity to carry out his designs with success."

"In the meantime, the TURK, our CRUEL and EVERLASTING ENEMY, having attacked Italy with a powerful fleet, captured, sacked and ravaged several cities on the shores of Apulia and carried off as booty the inhabitants, while we, in the greatest fear and general danger, were occupied in fortifying our shores and in furnishing assistance to the nearest neighboring localities."

"Wherefore, beholding with the bitterest grief of our soul that the affairs of Christendom were becoming worse, Hungary oppressed by the TURKS, Germany endangered, and all other states overwhelmed with apprehension and grief, we resolved to wait no longer for the consent of any prince, but to look solely to the will of the Almighty God and to the good of the Christian commonwealth"

"...we may in the holy and ecumenical council, in a better and easier manner consider, and with the charity of all concurring to one end, ponder, discuss, execute and bring speedily and happily to the desired result whatever things pertain to the purity and truth of the Christian religion, to the restoration of what is good and the correction of bad morals, to the peace, unity and harmony of Christians among themselves, of the princes as well as of the people, and whatever is necessary to repulse those attacks of BARBARIANS (TURKS) and INFIDELS (MOHAMMEDANS) whereby they seek the overthrow of all Christendom."

FIRST SESSION of the Holy and Ecumenical COUNCIL OF TRENT celebrated under the sovereign pontiff, Paul III, on the thirteenth day of December in the year of the Lord 1545

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1545 was a good long while ago.
as such, its relevance to the year 2000 is, at best,

it's all in your mind, comrade.
all in your mind.

you'd be _much_ better off w/a pizza and a girlfriend.
good morning kisako

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My sides are still hurting from our bout with AllAmerican yesterday...tooooo funny. Haven't had that much fun since high school (girls attacking the school GEEK.)

Heres an example of one (true story). We used to hang out at the beach in the summer..well there was this real geeky kind of kid that used to also hang out with us. One day I was sitting on the wall trying out this new finger nail polish. When I spotted Jon (the geeky kid) sleeping on the beach ...sun tanning. Well a bell went off in my head..myself and a friend headed on down to Jon with the nail polish in hand. Confirming that he was sound aseep...I painted his toe nails a nice rosey red color. Throughout the rest of the day we laughed to no end watching him walk around without a day we were at the beach ...guess what...he still had the polish one had told him about was so funny watching this geek walking around not knowing why everyone was laughing... that night we were hanging out at the park when Jon showed up..he had sandles on and no nail polish. He told us that his father asked him if he was a ...sissy...(at the time HOMOs stayed in the closet) he said his father didn't believe that he had no idea how the polish got on his toes and voiced his concern to his mother that Jon might be a queer.

Jon went on to become a Snr Partner in the accounting firm of Arthur Anderson..Kimmy to this day he still brings it up with great laughter whenever I speak with him...SOMEDAY I'LL OWN UP TO MY PRANK....HA HA HA HA HA. I can be a little devil...brought my mischief ways on to the university.

Luv ya HM

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Looks like Pee Wee AllAmerican is in hiding from Kimmy and myself...or maybe he's experiencing withdrawels from a lack of any physical interactions with his partner ....Bacon... I go again...HA HA HA HA HA

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Me:>would be that Austria is part of the EU and Turkey isn't.

You:>>Double standards.<<

Do you mean the fact that Austria is part of the Club, therefore has to play by the rules of the club.....And Turkey is not part of the Club, and therefore has no obligation to play by rules it hasn't agreed to?

Me:>Despite close links to the EU, Turkey's Human
Rights record continues to hinder it becoming
part of the EU.<

Your quote:>>The debate about torture and degrading treatment in custody shows that it is time to take serious steps to bring about changes for the better with regard to human rights in Turkey for her citizens who deserve neither this degrading treatment, nor to be kept out
of the EU on these grounds.<

Isn't that what I said?

Me:>(That's one excuse given by the EU politicians,
You:>No excuse necessary. Turks are Asiatics, not Europeans.<

That was a tongue in cheek aside to the Anti-Human_rights-cynics on the board. I certainly don't think human-rights is the only issue preventing Turkey joining-probably far more cynical than that, I would have to check my facts on that one. However, race is rarely the issue, just another excuse

You: Austria did not willingly accept Fascism. That was forced on her by German Lutheran Nazis.
Ditto for Germany, so what?

Me:>In Germany it is a crime to deny the Holocaust took place,I believe.
You:>So much for the Freedom of Speech. Now we have the Jewish Inquisition.<

The point I was making is that,Fascism both in Germany and Austria is a very sensitive issue. But tell me, Is there anyone you don't hate, apart from other Catholics, that is?

And regarding your bloated self-sanctifying statement re my Atheism.
It is exactly this kind of Religious fanatic squabling that made me see organised religion for what it is:
An excuse to hate!!!

My soul is my own,hands off!!

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Well, having got that out in the open....

Hi guys, what's cooking?

Mary, you little fiend,HA,HA,HA,HA...

so ahum, Living Marxism has to pay up,huh.
"Freedom of speech" can be costly, especially when you ruin someone else's reputation.....
And no witnesses?????????? Strange!


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BTW, I used to be an Agnostic, but now I'm not so sure.........


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