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Archive through March 17, 2000

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The U.S. government has been – and likely continues to be – well aware of the heroin trade coming through Kosovo, as well as the KLA connection. Just two years before the war, the Clinton administration wanted national security waivers for 14 countries – including Yugoslavia – in order to send arms and stem drug trafficking. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency reported in 1998 that ethnic Albanian organizations in Kosovo are “second only to Turkish gangs as the predominant heroin smugglers along the Balkan route.”

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Watch how many junkies come out of the Nato peacekeepers after they return home.Any odds?

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By Kim Arx ( - on Thursday, March 16, 2000 - 07:59 am:


>Me:>would be that Austria is part of the EU and
>Turkey isn't.

>You:>>Double standards.Do you mean the fact that Austria is part of the
>Club, therefore has to play by the rules of the
>club.....And Turkey is not part of the Club, and
>therefore has no obligation to play by rules it
>hasn't agreed to?

No. I was refering to the fact that the U.S. and Britain want the Turkish entity to be admitted to the club without being obligated to play by the rules it would have to agree to playing by. By the standards the U.S. supposedly holds ("Our American Values"), the Turks should be treated as a pariah and sponsor of terrorism. The Turks make Saddam Hussein look like an angel by contrast.

>Me:>Despite close links to the EU, Turkey's
>Human Rights record continues to hinder it
>becoming part of the EU.Your quote:>>The debate about torture and
>degrading treatment in custody shows that it is
>time to take serious steps to bring about
>changes for the better with regard to human
>rights in Turkey for her citizens who deserve
>neither this degrading treatment, nor to be kept
>out of the EU on these grounds.Isn't that what I said?

That was not my quote. I merely posted the article from the Turkish Daily News to show from the Turks' own publications that the Turks are a gruesome murderous race of cold-blooded snakes. My posting of the article does not constitute agreement with its conclusions, opinions, views, interpretations, or recommendations, but was merely posted for the facts to be made evident. Those who believe that posting of an article constitutes complete agreement with it are people who are usually shallow thinkers and unable to read between the lines. (I am not trying here to refer to you, I am just making a tangential comment).

>Me:>(That's one excuse given by the EU
>politicians, anyway.;0).

>You:>No excuse necessary. Turks are Asiatics,
>not Europeans.That was a tongue in cheek aside to the
>Anti-Human_rights-cynics on the board.
> I certainly don't think human-rights is the only
>issue preventing Turkey joining-probably far
>more cynical than that, I would have to check
>my facts on that one. However, race is rarely
>the issue, just another excuse

The best reason for keeping the Turks out is that they are a race of rapists, pedophiles and cutthroat murderers. Anyone who is truly concerned about human rights would call for the death penalty for all the Turks.

>You: Austria did not willingly accept Fascism.
>That was forced on her by German Lutheran

>Ditto for Germany, so what?

Germany is like the SLA and Austria is like Patty Hearst. The former was the big criminal, and the second committed criminal acts only after being brutalized into submission. Thus, Germany has far greater culpability. But since it was the Jews and the Illuminati who brought the Brown Shirts and Hitler to power.

>Me:>In Germany it is a crime to deny the
>Holocaust took place,I believe.
>You:>So much for the Freedom of Speech.
>Now we have the Jewish Inquisition.The point I was making is that,Fascism both in
>Germany and Austria is a very sensitive issue.
>But tell me, Is there anyone you don't hate,
>apart from other Catholics, that is?

I do not hate my enemies. Christian Charity towards the enemies of the Church consists of desiring and working for their conversion and salvation of their souls through preaching, praying, and fasting etc. Hatred would consist of desiring their eternal damnation and refusing to preach to them the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But charity toward one's enemies does not mean denying the fact that they are enemies. Were I a man filled with hatred I would act as some others on this board do who only spew foul language. The mouth speaks what fills the heart.

>And regarding your bloated self-sanctifying
>statement re my Atheism.

No man can sanctify himself. It is from God that we can obtain remission of our sins and sanctifying grace.

Re: Atheism - Atheism

>It is exactly this kind of Religious fanatic
>squabling that made me see organised religion
>for what it is:

>An excuse to hate!!!

Those who hate do not usually look for an excuse. But as they are overcome by the power of the devil, they are also easy prey for false ideologies and false religions. There is only one true religion from God, and that is Roman Catholicism.

Behind your words I hear someone who has been wounded by the harsh judgements of others, no doubt who were members of the organized religion you used to be a member of.
Through the Catholic Church you are provided with the means to go directly to God and by Him you will be loved, as long as you keep His commandments. In contrast, the devil demands that you slavishly follow him, but he does not love you, but hates you because you were created in the image of God, Whom the devil fiercely hates, and so he also wants the destruction of your soul. How can you refuse the One Who really does care about your soul and desires your salvation? How can you prefer the one who wants to crush you?

>My soul is my own,hands off!!

God has given to everyone free will. God is the lover of souls, and He will not force you to choose Him. The devil is the rapist, and takes by force all those souls which do not belong to God.

By Kim Arx ( - on Thursday, March 16, 2000 - 08:44 am:


>BTW, I used to be an Agnostic, but now I'm not
>so sure.........

How sad. A child with no home, wandering in the fearful cold cruel world, with only other lost souls for companionship.... Agnosticism



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Ol'buddy ol'Pal!

"Watch how many junkies come out of the Nato peacekeepers after they return home.Any odds? "

You got NATO on the ropes now...that good dope flowing through KOSOVO will spell the doom for NATO & its members as we speak. and make Russia the greatest nation in the world!

You are going to win! and being a betting man - noway would I go straight up let alone give you any odds on that? LOL.

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Since we have already established your political viewpoints, im now interested in hearing your opinion on aborigines burial sights against kangaroo breeding grounds.

Don't think either one has abused and maltreated the Jew in the past? Although I am wondering about the Kangaroo! LOL.

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ohaya, kisako!
the greetings of the lousy, rainy 0558 for you!
....and 'nailed clown' sums it up nicely. well
what'll it be this morning, FAKE? the sub-diceman
routine? your clumsy attempts at 'darkiesprecht'?
the rare moment when you couch your miserable slop
in 'articulate' language?
oh, the world can hardly wait...heh...FAKE.

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"By khokhma ( - on Thursday, March 16, 2000 - 02:23 pm:
Yesterday Basaev lost his second plane, in less than a month! Maybe he should start thinking of digging a tunnel to Georgia instead."


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By Antonio ( - on Friday, March 17, 2000 - 02:37 am:
I do not hate my enemies.
The best reason for keeping the Turks out is that they are a race of rapists, pedophiles and cutthroat murderers. Anyone who is truly concerned about human rights would call for the death penalty for all the Turks.

So you don't hate your enemies! If it was up to you, you would kill unborn Turks just like your barbarian ancestors did during 1910s.

Christian Charity towards the enemies of the Church consists of desiring and working for their conversion and salvation of their souls through preaching, praying, and fasting etc.

After killing all Turks that is, Antonio will pray for the salvation of Turkish souls.

You are damned Antonio, you hate Turks so much, yet there are 65 Million of them next to your insignificant country, and you can't do no •••• about it except whining day in and day out.

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By Antonio ( - on Friday, March 17, 2000 - 02:37 am:

How sad. A child with no home, wandering in the fearful cold cruel world, with only other lost souls for companionship....

Is this guy a joke or what! After spewing all the hate, he is suddenly becoming a sensitive caring person. Real spooky! Who wants to be comforted by Antonio the murderer?

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New additions to INTERPOL list

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TURK Antonio is not preaching hate,he is ststing facts

The best reason for keeping the Turks out is that they are a race of rapists, pedophiles and cutthroat murderers. Anyone who is truly concerned about human rights would call for the death penalty for all the Turks.

So you don't hate your enemies! If it was up to you, you would kill unborn Turks just like your barbarian ancestors did during 1910s.

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Igor...the west media blah blah blah...the west goverments blah blah blah. You just don't get it. there is not some big conspiracy to try to punish Russia over its actions in Chechnya. It is just lip-service. In other words the western governments want to appear concerned over the deaths of non-com civilians at the same time not wanting to support the Chechen fighters. Why would they want to supprt them? There is nothing to gain from it. You won't see any type of major embargos or financial restricitons inforced against Russia over Chechnya so go on and fight your little war, take care of bussiness and stop bitching about approval from the west. Western oppinions about what is happening in Chechenya won't ammount to anything except for some statements from some guys who want to look like the care . Just like Russia during Kosovo... a lot of talk no action. Don't worry about it.

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by all american:
"""Cause Im sick of trying to decipher your crap. """

Another words you are tired of sticking you Big Brown nose into my business..hehe..I know you are..wonthcha ask me if I care, dumbass. Sick of me, ehh? Goody..that'll shut your stupid ass for a bit.

wipe that nose, boy.

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Hey whats this. The Russian government is not going to allow the Russian media print or broadcast quotes from Chechen leaders. First you loose freedom of the the press then other freedoms will soon follow. Anyway it looks like this board is dieing will the last one on it turn out the light.

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Gonzo what I am saying is that the Western media in Kosovo LIED about everything that was reported and the cracks in Nato are appearing because in Europe the people know the TRUTH about Kosovo.

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