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Archive through March 19, 2000

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Line ups during soviet communist days were as common as American pie - eeeeeerrrrrrrrr- really bad Vodka. Lol.

Dont fool yourself you MORON.

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Yay!: Ah! - but THIS faerie tale comes complete with illustrations!

I think I know what is the real reason for "Chechen Sources". It is for suckers, er.. supporters of bandits in Chechnya. The news put them in a nice mood, mood-for-donations as it is known in Chechnya.

Yay, those pictures are 1) from 1994-1996 war 2) unrelated. Enjoy and don't forget to donate money!

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Turk (or do you prefer "dumbfucked Turka", since I noticed everyone calls you that?), how come I didn't see you near Georgian embassy in Australia on 17th? Bandits in Chechnya were counting on you and you let them down! Shame on you.

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Boris & Natasha, I see you learned a lot about Russia by watching "Rocky & Bullwinkle" cartoons. That's almost qualifies you for an embassador.

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its called revisionism!!


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indeed, mum

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ITN libel case: special report

Julia Hartley-Brewer
Wednesday March 15, 2000

The credibility of television news
reporting was in the dock, Britain's libel
laws were under the spotlight and the
truth about the atrocities of the
Bosnian conflict was in question in
Britain's first big libel trial of the

On one side, the might of Independent
Television News, which provides the
news for three of Britain's terrestrial
television channels and boasts millions
of viewers.

On the other, LM, an independent
magazine with a monthly circulation of
just 10,000 run as "a shoestring
operation" and which had once - in its
previous incarnation as Living Marxism
- been the mouthpiece of the
Revolutionary Communist party and
was now, to all intents and purposes, a
one man band.

The stakes were high for both sides.
For ITN, the reputation of the company
in Britain and worldwide, and those of
two reporters, Penny Marshall, for ITV,
and Channel 4's Ian Williams. For LM,
the stakes were even higher. Losing
the libel trial meant almost certain
bankruptcy for the magazine, its editor
Mick Hume, and Helene Guldberg,
co-publisher of the magazine.

The case rested on an eight-page
translation of an article by an obscure
German journalist, Thomas Deichmann,
published in 1997 about his investigation
into a few seconds of footage from a
news report about the Bosnian conflict
that was by then already almost five
years old.

The single image that touched the
consciences of millions of viewers
around the world was that of Fikret
Alic, an emaciated Bosnian Muslim
man standing shirtless behind a
barbed wire fence in a Serb-run camp
at Trnopolje, in northern Bosnia.
Although just a brief moment in ITN's
lengthy reports broadcast on August 6
1992, the emotive image of Alic was
taken as evidence of Serb atrocities
that the western powers had been
waiting for. It quickly zoomed around
the world, prompting numerous
headlines comparing the camps in
Bosnia with the those of the Holocaust.

Awards and accolades followed and the international outcry at those few
seconds of footage was widely held to
have been responsible for hastening
western military involvement in the
conflict and changing the course of the

It was not until much later, in January
1997, that LM first questioned the
pictures of Alic, with a press release
about an article in its February issue
headlined The Picture That Fooled the
World. In it, Deichmann claimed there
was no barbed wire around Trnopolje,
which was a collection centre for
refugees and not a prison, and that
the barbed wire was in fact around the
ITN news crews who were filming from
a small enclosure next to the camp.

The ITN reporters, he argued, had
deliberately misrepresented the camp
and, when the world's media inevitably
interpreted the pictures as evidence of
Serb-run concentra tion camps, they
failed to correct that impression.

ITN's immediate demands that the
allegations be withdrawn, an apology
issued and the issue pulped, were
ignored. Instead, LM held press
conferences to further pro mote the
article - prompting ITN to issue writs
for libel.

Meanwhile, both the PR firm Two-Ten
Communications (a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Press Association),
which had distributed the press
release, and the Financial Times,
which published an article based on
the claims, had apologised to ITN.

LM called ITN's actions a "crude
gagging order" and succeeded in
turning the dispute into a freedom of
speech debate by wheeling in the sup-
port of some 150 journalists, authors,
comedians and lawyers, including Fay
Weldon, William Boyd, Doris Lessing,
Auberon Waugh, Harold Evans and
George Walden.

Meanwhile, the magazine set up the
Off The Fence fund, which raised more
than £70,000 towards the legal costs
through comedy nights, rallies and
donations. Supporters of LM also
began a campaign against ITN,
picketing its offices, making phone
calls to Ms Marshall and calling on
Bafta and the Royal Television Society to withdraw their awards for the broadcasts.

In turn, ITN accused LM of using the
article as a publicity stunt to draw
attention to the relaunch of the
magazine under its new title.
But the dispute went much wider than
the article, editorial and press release
complained of, with ITN accusing LM
of supporting the Serbs in the Bosnian

Accusations also flew around that LM
had been desperate to be sued to gain
the notoriety and credibility, but LM
insists it had little option but to defend

Conspiracy theories aboun- ded,
including claims that LM was the tool
of the Serbs, who wanted to discredit
the ITN footage - evidence still being
used against Bosnian Serbs accused
of war crimes.

Had the tapes not been used in this
way, after ITN agreed to send the
unbroadcast footage to the Hague,
Deichmann (an expert witness for the
defence of Bosnian Serb Dusko Tadic
at the war crimes tribunal in the Hague
in 1994) might never have written his

Outside the court the debate raged over
the rights and wrongs of a mighty
media organisation using its vast
resources to silence criticism and
"destroy" - in Hume's words - a tiny
independent magazine.

But inside court 14, the judge, Mr Justice Morland, insisted in the pre-trial hearing that this was not to be a debate about the
"journalism of attachment" or the rights
or wrongs of British libel law, but
a look at the facts.

ITN put forward all seven of the
award-winning team which visited the
camps, and the ITN executives who
sent them there. But LM's subpoenaed
star witnesses, including BBC foreign
affairs editor John Simpson, found
their evidence ruled out as hearsay,
leaving just Hume and Deichmann
because, Hume explained, LM "could
not afford to bring witnesses across
London let alone from Bosnia".

In the end it was Idriz Merdzanic, a
Bosnian Muslim doctor interned at
Trnopolje, who was the star witness.
He had appeared in the original ITN
broadcasts and his terrified eyes
spoke volumes.

The testimony of this slight, dignified
figure in the witness box, given through
an interpreter, made clear what previous
and current war crimes tribunals at the
Hague have already heard, that Trnopolje
was a camp where Muslims were undoubtedly
imprisoned, and that many were
beaten, tortured, raped and killed by
their Serb guards.

ITN insisted that it would not back
down without an apology from LM.
Legal action was, according to ITN
chief executive Stewart Purvis, "the
only way of nailing the lie once and for

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You say;
"Terms such as "hell" and "the devil" are no more than superstition to me. There is nothing in the "spew" you have posted on this board that would convince me otherwise. It has been through being exposed to different cultures and beliefs as a child that I came to this conclusion. I learned from people who are wiser and more tolerant then you. What strikes me is that although I could get on with all of them, their religion was a barrier to them getting on with each other. I respect personal conviction, but not the bully tactics you are employing here. "

I am not one to use cut and paste to make a point but this was truly an exceptional peace of writing. Well done ars!

By any chance was your father a Diplomat hence your quote on being exposed to different cultures early on... Is he retired now?

It’s a real shame that a girl like you is an atheist? If I may, I ask you to press your chin down against your upper chest. Look down at your well rounded and firm breasts ... touch them if you will … look down at your thighs … caress them if you will… and ask yourself "how in the name of

did those two beautiful creations get where they are now without the help and imagination of a most Wise Being"?.

Now do you see the light 😉

Always most happy to help.

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"Poison in the well of history"


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"I am not one to use cut and paste to make a point but this was truly an exceptional peace of writing." -

I am, and I thought so.
So kiss my "Ars"!

"Look down at your well rounded and firm breasts ... touch them if you will ? look down at your thighs ? caress them if you will?"

Yep, thats about your level-
Woman have to flat on their backs and gagged for
you to cope with them- You probably have a hardon now.........Arshole


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Sorry, did I say arshole, I meant Sleeseball

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I am sure Im not the first one to say this to you but you are a Prude. There is nothing worse in this world than a Feminist Prude.

I feel sorry for your colleagues...more so for your employers who should terminate your status at their firm pronto because you are a Sexual Harassment lawsuit waiting to EXPLODE!

And that's not including the stench of rot emanating from your unshaven armpits.


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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 #21:49:36 The site is open again. Shows hostages being tortured.

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Ya can dish it out, but ya can't take it,huh!

You can't even touch me in rationality,so ya thought you'd reduce me to my composite body-parts.
It don't work on the internet, sucka.
I've been called alot of things, but never a prude. In fact men who aren't scared of my intellect, quite appreciate my outspokeness.
The others ain't worth bothering with.

Grow up you little twerp!
Kim ;o)

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