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Archive through March 2, 2000

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no biggie..
we're even-steven now, lol
..and yes, we did get med-evil on his ass..that was fun, man.

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Boyz'n'gals, the Nadaq's up, so gotta leave ya for an hour or two..have fun.

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Dear Gonzo,
In response my question would be did these military attaches have any say in target designation or involved at all with the maps used for target designation?
* I don't know as to the attaches' abilities and capabs, Gonzo. Remember, the blame was laid on CIA's maps. IMHO, it's BS, creators of which were ROFL themselves. The area is a darling of conflicts. US satellites, no doubt, were doing updates before Kosovo and registered all changes. Now, Shea declares "mass graves" and shows sat pics - with this technology they couldn't miss the Embassy. If stated otherwise, it would lead to the conclusion, that US sats are sh.t. BTH, the location of the Embassy could've been obtained from the Belgrade tourist map and from the phone book. Or are the US just that careless going in to war?
another point, why would the US hit the embassy on purpose?
* Why? Lots of speculations around. The fact remains. The plane, that hit it (to the extent of my knowledge:o)) came from US direct.
The air-forces involved didn't fight in the most prudent way in a military sence like the rule of not going below 15,000 feet led to less effective bombing.
* And all 'n all the NATO/US succeeded in taking out 13 tanks, the exact number of which being rubber decoys is still undisclosed by Corp. Clark. What were they bombing, if the alleged "cleansing" army's, so far, intact? Blackmailing Milo to get out of Kosovo under threat of bombing Serb civilian life support off.

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QQQ is a great (and profitable) way to track the NASDAQ


Oh crafty Jewess, Next time I drive to Paris on a beautiful day. I'll spare a thought for you and the other miserable wretches stuck behind a computer screen (I'm sure you're overworked and underpaid).

Ukrainian girl J'taime mon cheri!

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Its quite obvious why NATO bombed the Chinese embassy. The maps NATO used were made in China

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"""Ukrainian girl J'taime mon cheri!"""


it's either:
1)MA cheri
2)Ukrainian Girl is not a girl

I'd say, it's the second one..
oh, well, boys are just being Boyzzzzzzzzzz

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merci for the tip..

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Kisako, first off, very good post, you put forth some very strong arguments. Yes I herd the excuse was the CIA maps. As far as the direct bombing of the embassy. The building which the embassy was in or other words the address was targeted , which is what I think you mean by direct. The excuse was they thought the building was for something else (all this I think you know).I think it all comes down to a stupid, careless, misstake. The plane came from Missouri, it was a B-2. There based at Wittenberg AFB.

"13 Tanks" can't argue with that the restraints of having pilots fly so high while trying to pick out tanks proved to be a very tough task. Plus no doubt the Serbs were very good at hideing them , plus parking them in towns and places, pilots wouldn't bomb. Add in no forward observers, a tough job.

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By CanadianBacon ( - on Wednesday, March 1, 2000 - 05:38 pm:
Its quite obvious why NATO bombed the Chinese embassy. The maps NATO used were made in China

* Now I'll call You "darling", Bacon. It's the surest testimony that the US Govt. was idiotic to buy them. Signed and stamped. He.
I can attribute Your post to the good performance of salo in California.
Oh crafty Jewess ...
* I like it. Post some more, please.
I'll spare a thought for you and the other miserable wretches stuck behind a computer screen (I'm sure you're overworked and underpaid).
* And You'll do me a big favour. Pray for all those wearing pagers spending days and nights supporting the thing called the Net, getting sh.t from all sides and making it possible for You to call me Oh crafty Jewess ... I like it!

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Well time to sign off. Later

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Dear Gonzo,
the area, the Embassy building's located, was/is a quite large site. It just couldn't've been missed on any satmap or a spy report, 'cause Serbia is an open country (and was one during all the days). I just won't believe, there was not a single 007 around.

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Hostages testimony on this Muslim shite's atrocities

More than 50 people who were illegally kept by the Chechen gunmen, were released in the past 2 months thanks to the purposeful actions of the operational search groups of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), said General Aleksandr Zdanovich, Chief of the FSB assistance programmes department, at a press conference on Wednesday.

General Zdanovich reminded the journalists of a video footage showing how a hostage had his head chopped off. It has been established that this was done by the family of the Akhmadov brothers. The Akhmadovs had at one time created and headed a Wahhabite community in Urus-Martan. The General did not describe all the atrocities committed by the gunmen. "To put it briefly - they are real hangmen," he noted. "If they are put behind bars - and we are currently working on steps to detain them - I think that the court will have a lot of material proving their complicity in the atrocities," stressed Aleksandr Zdanovich.

Kirill Perchenko, 22, one of the hostages kept by the Akhmadovs, was freed a week ago. He described at the press conference what he had seen and experienced during the several months he had been keep kept in captivity.

Kirill Perchenko said that he was one of the "commercial prisoners" abducted for ransom money. He was kidnapped on August 19 last year in Moscow, where he was thrown into the body of a truck loaded with glass fibre and in this way taken to Grozny. There Kirill Perchenko lived for about a month in a house with what he described as "normal people." Then he was sold to Ramza Akhmadov in Urus-Martan. And that is where the young man "learned all the horrors of the war." The prisoners were kept in the mountains near the mouth of the Maly Martan River. They were regularly beaten up, starved and not allowed to sleep. The prisoners did all the physical work - they dug trenches, carried cargoes, and served their "masters." Kirill Perchenko named the prisoners who died in front of his eyes.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the foreign intelligence service Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhuchkov was beaten to death with sticks. The bandits beat him up daily for about a month, believing that he was a representative of the secret services, despite the fact that Andrei Zhuchkov had retired and was doing business. On December 3 he went into a coma and died on the following day. Andrei Zhuchkov was buried according to the Russian Orthodox rite, and the requiem service was said by Father Zakhari, a captive priest from Grozny. The gunmen considered the Orthodox ritual to be an amusement, and "laughed and made merry," said Kirill Perchenko.

Dmitry Bobryshev of the Emergencies Ministry who was kidnapped in Nazran died when he tried to resist one of the guards. Dmitry Bobryshev was executed publicly - in front of the eyes of the prisoners he had his head cut off by a two-handled saw.

The gunmen drove Aleksandr Ivanovich, a Russian resident of Grozny, to the mountains for doing hard physical work. He had his head cut off with a knife. It took the gunman only 20 seconds to do the job, and Kirill Perchenko had the impression that that was not the first time that the bandits were cutting live people's heads off.

The bandits constantly showed their sadistic inclinations. Kirill Perchenko said that an imprisoned woman was hit by heavy beech sticks 40 times just for having hung the gunmen's socks which she had washed to dry near the stove and the socks smelt of smoke. This is a very grave punishment which one can hardly bear, he said. Two people had their fingers cut off, joint by joint, which, in the opinion of the criminals, is a relatively "mild" punishment, while a "tough" punishment is when a finger is cut off across the bone. Such wounds are more painful and take longer to heal.

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How it is done
Taking over the Trepca mines: Plans and Propaganda
by Diana Johnstone (2-28-00) [emperors-clothes]

Comparison of two documents, a November 1999 International Crisis Group (ICG) paper on the Trepca mining complex, and a February 2000 article in the Toronto Star by ICG consultant Susan Blaustein, provides an exceptionally clear glimpse into the workings of the "international community".

The International Crisis Group is a high-level think tank supported by financier George Soros. It was set up in 1995, primarily to provide policy guidance to governments involved in the NATO-led reshaping of the Balkans. Its leading figures include top U.S. policy maker Morton Abramowitz, the eminence grise of NATO's new "humanitarian intervention" policy and sponsor of Kosovo Albanian separatists.

Last November 26, the ICG issued a paper on "Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth" which advised the United Nations Mission In Kosovo (UNMIK) to take over the Trepca mining complex from the Serbs as quickly as possible and explained how this should be done. The February article by the ICG journalist represents a vulgarization of the anti-Serb position designed to prepare public opinion for carrying out the ICG policy. There will no doubt be more.

The ICG Paper: Manipulative Ambiguities

Trepca is a conglomerate of some 40 mines and factories, mostly but not all in Kosovo, notably including Stari Trg, "one of the richest mines in Europe" and the richest in the Balkans, currently shut down, and the Zvecan smelter, located northwest of Mitrovica and still being operated by Serb management. The ICG calls on UNMIK, headed by Bernard Kouchner, to cut through legal disputes over the industry's ownership and take over management of Trepca itself.

On July 25, Kouchner issued a decree that "UNMIK shall administer movable or immovable property, including monetary accounts, and other property of, or registered in the name of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the Republic of Serbia or any of its organs, which is in the territory of Kosovo". The ICG paper concluded that "UNMIK and KFOR should implement a rapid and categorical takeover of the Trepca complex, including the immediate total shutdown of the environmentally hazardous facilities at Zvecan". What is really wrong with Zvecan is that it is run by Serbs and provides revenue to Yugoslavia.

But in the "game-plan of measures" recommended by the ICG, UNMIK is advised to instruct a "Zvecan environmental assessment team" to report on the status of the equipment and thereupon "advise as to what measures must be taken"... Environmental hazards are to be the pretext to shut down Zvecan and deprive the last Serbs in Kosovo of their livelihood. Meanwhile, "Stari Trg, one of the richest mines in Europe, must be potentially profitable again and should be a priority for donors interested in setting Kosovo on its feet".

The game-plan calls for a gradual start up of mining to reassure the "Kosovars", meaning ethnic Albanians, of their future. For although the ICG says that the "workforce and management of all Trepca facilities should be selected on a merit basis only", it adds that "no one with ties to the Belgrade regime should be considered" -- and it is habitual to identify all Serbs with "the Belgrade regime", even to ignore their existence other than as "agents of Milosevic".

This blatant takeover of valuable property in what is still nominally part of Serbia is of course justified as a necessary measure to reassure the oppressed Albanians. "The return to work of even a few hundred Kosovar miners would represent, for all Kosovars, the reclaiming of their patrimony".

The media event is easy to imagine. But if the ICG hostility toward the Serbs seems genuine, the love for the Albanians may be less than perfect. In the ICG's brief account of past ethnic clashes over Trepca management, underlying the habitual anti-Serb bias is the basic hypocrisy of dominant powers manipulating two peoples against each other. The ICG report notes that Trepca "has long stood for Kosovar Albanians as the symbol of Serbian oppression and of their own resistance", and recounts that after 1974, finally able to manage the Trepca facilities themselves, Kosovars "created thousands of jobs", but that "in 1981-82, a sort of `Trepca-gate' scandal -- in which Kosovar Albanian workers were accused of having stolen vast quantities of gold and silver -- was the pretext for firing many engineers and technicians". Whether the theft was real or merely a "pretext" is of no interest to the international community ... so long as the Serbs were in charge.

But afterwards? The report concludes that: "Simply handing Trepca over to the Kosovars is ruled out by the shortage of modern skills available locally, the need for internationally-verifiable standards to avoid corruption" as well as damage to the installations. And as for those "thousands of jobs" created by and for Kosovo Albanians, they are not on the international community agenda. "The social impact of the reduced work force would need to be balanced against the need for competitively based private investment", the ICG observes. Fortunately, the ICG finds that the young leadership of the "Kosovo Liberation Army" is "somewhat impatient" with the older Kosovo Albanian leadership group's interest in "a huge workforce" and prefers modernization that will require foreign investment capital. No wonder Washington chose to back the violent KLA.

The manipulative hypocrisy of the ICG policy designers is even more blatant concerning the Serbs. The ICG urges UNMIK to hurry up with the game plan for taking over the valuable mining complex _before_ Serbian elections so that a new government more to the West's liking cannot be accused of "losing Trepca". All Serbian leaders, including opposition leaders, the ICG observes, will have to protest when UNMIK takes over Trepca and the Zvecan smelter. "However they could exploit the argument that the `loss' was due to the pariah status of Milosevic himself, so that once again Serbia has lost assets due to his presence in office. So provided action were taken before any elections in Serbia it need not upset, and might contribute to, any strategy for unseating Milosevic." In short, the international community is going to take over Trepca whoever is in charge in Belgrade; better do it while Milosevic is there, so that the Western-backed "progressive, democratic" opposition can pretend it was the fault of Milosevic!

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"city in my head
heaven in my body
it's time for me
for me to go

city in my head
heaven in my body
into the sky
it rises now..."
--todd rundgren, 1973

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