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Archive through March 20, 2000

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Noble Member
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How do you know he is from U.A.E? Is there a site where you can check IP #s?

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I see Lmenexe is cheerleading again! Listen up everyone we are about to witness greatness with POM POMS. Lmao.


Not sure about UAE but it sounds better than originating from a

" N A Z I "


Nice guy you are!

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Igor, (no offence) it's kind of tricky and it doesn't involve sites. And I wouldn't want to explain it away with that "menacing" Molson-cork-sniffing-wannabe-"american" clowning around.
P.S. I'll keep it mind.

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Ok thanks anyway.

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You N A Z I

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boy you're _really_ out of control now, ain'tcha?

gettin yo behind whupped over and over will wear a body down.
ain't that right, FAKE?

look in the mirror yo own danged self
if you wanna see a NA=
no, wait.
callin' you 'nazi' is too cliche.

why give you that much attention? yeesh, what a pig for attention.

but them in the know
know you're a

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I think you already know this, but anyway here it goes. You can safely check for the originating server IP using the following sites: - US & Canada; - Asia & Pacific; - Europe (when type use the flag -L and next an IP).

If you want the search done with a little more precision (though it's not that safe - you are informing a targeted server about a route to you) then you can use a trace routing routine that comes with every OS. In Windows (I assume you are a Windows user) go to the Commend Window and type tracert and IP, like


for instance.

There is more effective, though effectiveness comes with price.

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Take care Tony, that man has blood on his hands

Evidence shows secret police were behind 'terrorist' bomb

John Sweeney
Sunday March 12, 2000
The Observer

The photograph below of a detonator pre-set to explode a bomb calls into question Russian leader Vladimir Putin's line - endorsed by Tony Blair during his visit to Russia yesterday - that Chechen terrorists were responsible for the explosions that killed more than 200 Russians last year.

Two bombs went off in Moscow, but a third bomb planted in Ryazan, 100 miles south, was defused by bomb squad officer Yuri Tkachenko who said: 'It was a live bomb.' It was made of the same explosive, Hexagen, and planted in a similar target - a working-class block of flats.

The third bomb did not go off because the bombers were caught red-handed. They were Russian, not Chechen, and when they were arrested by local police they flashed identity cards from the FSB - the new styling for the KGB, the secret police Putin headed before he became Russia's acting President. Two days later the FSB announced that the third bomb had only been 'a training exercise'.

The Kremlin's evidence that Chechen terrorists bombed Moscow is extremely thin. After the bomb outrages, secret police in the FSB handed out Photofit pictures of unnamed Chechens. No suspects were arrested and no convincing explanation was given to the public.

The third bomb was found in the basement of the flats on the night of 22 September at around 9pm. Tkachenko said: 'It was a live bomb. I was in a combat situation.' He tested the three sugar sacks in the basement with his MO-2 portable gas analyser, and got a positive reading for Hexagen, the explosive used in the Moscow bombs.

The timer of the detonator was set for 5.30am, which would have killed many of the 250 tenants of the 13-storey block of flats. The sacks were taken out of the basement at around 1.30 am and driven away by the FSB. But the secret police forgot to take away the detonator, which was left in the hands of the bomb squad. They photographed it the next day.

The bombers were discovered by the people they meant to kill. Vladimir Vasiliev, an engineer com ing home for the night, noticed three strangers acting suspiciously by the basement of his block of flats at 14/16 Novosyolov Street, literally New Settlers Street.

Vasiliev noticed that the number plate at the front of the car had been covered up with a piece of paper, on it '62', the Ryazan regional code. At the back of the car the plate had the Moscow regional code.

Vasiliev, puzzled, decided to call the police. 'As we were waiting for the lift, one of the young guys got out of the car and the girl asked: "Have you done everything?" '

Vasiliev observed the three in the car: 'They were Russian, absolutely, not Asiatic. The girl was a blonde.'

The local police arrested two men that night, according to Boris Kagarlitsky, a member of the Russian Institute of Comparative Politics. 'FSB officers were caught red-handed while planting the bomb. They were arrested by the police and they tried to save themselves by showing FSB identity cards.'

Then, when the headquarters of the FSB in Moscow intervened, the two men were quietly let go.

Police Inspector Andrei Chernyshev was the first to enter the basement. He said: 'It was about 10 in the evening. There were some strangers who were seen leaving the basement. We were told about the men who came out from the basement and left with the car with a licence number which was covered with paper. I went down to the basement.

'This block of flats had a very deep basement which was completely covered with water. We could see sacks of sugar and in them some electronic device, a few wires and a clock. We were shocked.

'We ran out of the basement and I stayed on watch by the entrance and my officers went to evacuate the people.'

The following day, on 24 September, the FSB in Moscow announced that there had never been a bomb, only a training exercise. Vasiliev said: 'I heard the official version on the radio, when the press secretary of the FSB announced it was a training exercise. It felt extremely unpleasant.'

© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000

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hi, everybody.
I am not satisfied with this war at all. It's a mistake , we should start with making our order in Kazakstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan ,etc., we should teach the monkey Baltic republics , Poland, and others how to respect Russia.Instead of res-establishing our lost power , we had been jammed in a small ,dirty and usless republic Chechnya, Who khew anything about these wild people before this war? About this republic!! NOBODY!!!
We made the heroes from these people!!! People all over the world respect brave chechens and hate russians!!! This is the main loss in this war! Who will count the real losses, young russian soldires. Putin is very stupid person or he is very clever enemy of Russia. We should leave the chechens alone only, one thing we should do : to separate this republic from us, very strong economic, moral, phisical blocade, and soon their leaders and hungry people would start to ask us return back.
yesterday I read in this message board that someone was very proud of the succeses of russian army in chechnya and was going to drink for that. What kind of succeses??! 85 russian paratroopers killed at one day by 15 chechens children and women?? Who are these rebels? There were less than 1 million of population in Chechenya before the first war. Almost the whole men's population were killed or jailed , who left?? Only women and kids.
I don't understand whom we are still fighting there ? Ghosts?? or between ourselves?? basayev and hattab are escaping all the time without any problems , sometimes I am beginning to beleive that they are our FSB agents or obviosly connected with them.Who can beleive that powerful FSB-KGB cannot catch or kill these half educated klowns in its own territory ? KGB who assessinated the enemies of the Soviet people in other countries, remember Leon Trotsky, Stepan Bandera, Penkovsky etc.
Only one thing we can do now to stop the partisan war there , we need to use there nuclear weapon to kill everobody there .

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Hello confused Petya from San Francisco. You forgot to mention your nationality, and I doubt you are Russkiy. Russian perhaps, but not Russkiy. I don't have time to answer to your confused post right now, but I will tomorrow.

85 russian paratroopers killed at one day by 15 chechens children and women?

You are very confused. Lay off of the margaritas.

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"but them in the know
know you're a


I don't think that's english, Maybe its HIP HOP?

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Hi Kissie,

"You know perfectly, that this sorry
insitution has no affiliation to the respected
International Court" - Fine, but they just put two more on trial today- The jurisdiction may be questionable, but what about the testemony given there?

Aren't we confusing the issue though, quite some months ago now, we were discussing the extent to which Western Media is deliberately distorting the truth about Nato conflicts. The example given was the LM article. If they (Marshall&co) had deliberately distorted those images, then the credibility of the entire Western news coverage was in question.
It seems that there was no truth in the allegations. So we can't speak of deliberate distortion, just bias on the basis of the background of the journalists concerned. The same happens in Russia, Serbia and any other country you care to mention. News is reported from the point of view of the observer.(they can't do anything else)

However one positive thing that came out of the ITN/LM controversy is that (particularly British)
news agencies have become far more careful to present both sides(see articles above).


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Dear Petyalent child,

"we need to use there nuclear weapon to kill everobody"

Sweetheart, do you remember Chernobyl??
Well, the radio-active fallout reached right across Europe to the Scottish Highlands-
Where farmers are to this day not allowed to sell
their sheep for human consumption.
I hear you live in San Francisco.... that's nice for you.


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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 272

Good morning, L'menexe,

Glad to hear we aren't sinking!!
That new software sounds great.
...send those buggers to Coventry..
(British expression!)


Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

ohaya, kisako!
the greetings of a sunny morning, 0749, for you!
boy i hope you liked that site.....appeared to be a wealth of imagery within, yes?
y para usted...
buenos dias, kim!
it did appear i could _still_ become administrator of this page; very kind of mr. s. to keep me under consideration.
something for you to bear in mind, eh, FAKE?
oh, and ps for you FAKE:
i realize that, with you posting from the UAE, english isnt your first language, so i really cant be bothered by your inability to comprehend 'dialect mode'.

i know i know, if you didnt see it on daddy's satellite dish, you're out of luck....what a shame.
wishing the best of days to my lady friends, i remain........

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