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Archive through March 21, 2000

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That's Balalaika warming up! LOL.

Waiting for some nice attachments...but no Cut&Paste.


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So, the jurors decide on whose lawer's better. + a biased judge.
Why did it take the ITV three years to sue the LM? And on libel charges? Why not go at them the way debates go?
I reread the LM's article and, IMHO, found no libel.
What I, however, found are the names of the concrete persons tied to concrete facts and said persons' own words taken from various British newspaper sources and quoted. The author of the article was an expert witness of the Hague Tribunal (whatever my attitude towards it), which means, that said Tribunal was competent enough to invite him, if otherwise it's a jeopardy to the Tribunal's competence.
The court decision looks like an attack on a nonconformist analysis published.
Why? One of the reasons may be, that the "journalistic community" got scared by the fair possibility of becoming held accountable publicly as person. Started being afraid of the possibility of personal responsibility for BS published. And that breaks the "community" into real participants to it and exposes them.
The second reason is, that nothing of "importance" can be used against Serbs in view of the Kosovo "democracy" failure, KFOR impotence and fairly obvious K.-Albs' attempts to continue with violent land-hacking further on with NATO held as a universal fool.

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The Serb Army can't be held accountable. Who can be - are the armed gangs, that cropped up due foreign interference. Moslem militants harassed both Serbs and moslems unwilling to join up, Serb militants harassed Moslem ones and Moslem non-combatants to keep the first company. Noone can held both accountable in view of the bias towards Serbs. And, if anyone wants, - then it should be even. And, as always, it incurs accusations of internal interference though.

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Hi! L'-san. It's misty-cloudy.

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KIM A: The point of the Indonesian article was that Moslems like to take innocent hostages.I guess that is what makes them such brave fighters.

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"....with NATO held as universal fool".

if only they hadnt _insisted_ on such regard.

but, um, they did.

and another stack of dead people is added to the

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Now I know why you cut&Paste all the time, it's because you can't write English worth your life.

I'd love to answer you because under all the grammatical murder you might have a distorted view waiting to come out but can't possibly.

Take a tip from Igor and the likes - try to stay simple. Use a lot of short sentences with periods. Like this.

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You're just pissed off at muslims because they are kicking your armies' ass all over Chechnya. Take what is happening in Chechnya as an expensive military lesson.

So spare us your nonsense and go play somewhere else. LOL.

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How about the carpets?

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"More educated" Abu American Doctor of Trash-talking science speaking:
You're just pissed off at muslims because they are kicking your armies' ass all over Chechnya.
* If it were not for his "doctorate", he would've written You're just pissed off at fundie bandits because they are kicking the bucket all over Chechnya.

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The Serb army can't be held accountable?
Just following orders, I suppose.
(but from Whom?)

If it was not for the emotive term "Genocide",
Would you agree that those on all sides in the Bosnia conflict who commited crimes against civilians should be held accountable for what they did. Should ordinary people who had little or no say in the events taking place, have redress?

The question still stands...
If as you say it was armed gangs, should the people they harrassed have redress.
Can individuals be held responsable for their own actions, regardless of their ethnic origin.
If not, then what's to stop others. How can you
draw a line at which war is over and rule of law is re-established.


"So, the jurors decide on whose lawer's better."
That is almost correct. The jurors decide on the
basis of the evidence presented.

"+ a biased judge."

How do you know he was biased, apart from the fact
that Hume claims so. If Hume were able to prove bias, then he would be entitled to appeal.

Three years 'cause it takes that long in the British Justice system.

What in your view constitutes libel?
The title "The picture that fooled the world" in
itself implies that the person who took it deliberately set out to mislead.

Deichman may have been an expert witness at the tribunal, but so was the Guardian Reporter who was actually with the Marshall crew on that day. I posted his article above.

Even non-conformist analysis can be based on fact
See Noam Chomsky. Reporters may well be personally responsible for what they publish,not for how it
is mis-used by politicians.


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balalaika, you are pathetic. We still waiting to hear your reasons for supporting bandits in Chechnya.

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According to "True Chechen Sources" a small (only 600 or so) group of "mujahideen" took over the village of Komsomolskoye, sat there for a week, killed over a thousand of Russian soldiers, and without a single loss left it. So, I guess those are the bodies of longbeard-weaponweilding-greenfunnyhatwearing-hashishsmoking-innocent-civilians?

Just a nice picture

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When was the last time CNN reported anything about Chechnya? Heh.

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March 20 Today Russian press is busy discussing Vladimir Putin's trip to Grozny. It was known that Putin planned to visit Chechnya's capital for quite some time despite of the reported 300 Chechen rebels who may still been hiding in the city. However, nobody expected that Putin would choose to fly a Su-27UB fighter/trainer aircraft from a Russian Air Force base near Krasnodar. In November of last year Putin already made a 25-minute flight on a trainer version of Su-25 ground strike plane over Stavropol and Krasnodar regions as well as over northern Chechnya. This time Putin was riding in the trainee's seat of Su-27UB -- Russia's premier jet fighter/trainer -- with Maj. Gen. Alexander Kharchevsky at the main controls.

General Kharchevsky is the head of the 4th flight training center (CBPiPLS) from Lipetsk, where one of the most capable Russian Air Force units is based. Several years ago Kharchevsky visited the United States, where he flew a number of simulated combat missions on his Su-27 fighter against some of the best American pilots. Kharchevsky won all of the 26 missions flown. (It was after Kharchevsky's trip to the U.S. that several Western military aircraft manufacturers, including Lockheed and Saab, declined an offer by Sukhoi Design Bureau to conduct a public one-on-one close combat simulation at an international air show between any of the latest Western fighters and the Su-35 air-superiority fighter.)

During his flight to Grozny Putin had a chance to actually pilot the Su-27UB, which no doubt will be good publicity stunt for the acting President as well as for Sukhoi. Putin's flight was escorted by a second Su-27 fighter which carried a full combat load. Needless to say, Russian military took extraordinary precautions to ensure safety of Putin's aircraft, which was tracked at all times by several ground radars while flying through an air corridor cleared of any other aircraft. Interestingly enough, Russian military officials in Grozny expected Putin to arrive in a presidential airliner until the very last moment, when the pair of Su-27s landed at Grozny's "Severny" (Northern) airport.

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