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Archive through March 22, 2000

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French Envoy Angers Armenians With Interview On 1915 Massacre

YEREVAN, Mar 21, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Armenian nationalists called Tuesday for the expulsion of the French ambassador after he gave an interview saying modern Turkey should not be pilloried for a massacre of Armenians in 1915.

Four nationalist groups called on Armenia's foreign ministry "to declare the French ambassador Michel Legras persona non grata immediately, and to recall the Armenian ambassador to Paris."

In a statement in the Yerevan press, the nationalists also demanded that France officially apologize over the matter.

The nationalists were angered by an interview Legras gave to the Armenian newspaper Azg on March 11 in which he referred to the Turkish massacre of Armenians in 1915, a theme of lasting bitterness in Armenia.

The envoy was quoted in Armenian as saying: "Responsibility for past crimes should not be laid at the door of contemporary Turkey, or of those who were not yet born at the time these crimes were committed."

In Yerevan, the Armenian foreign ministry rejected the call for the French ambassador's expulsion, saying the four nationalist groups did not represent Armenian public opinion.

A foreign ministry spokesman said the authorities here had "discussed the matter with the French ambassador and were satisfied with the explanation he had given them."

The French embassy declined comment.

Armenia maintains that up to 1.3 million of its people were massacred in 1915, while Turkey says the figure was around 300,000.

Turkey also rejects claims of genocide and says thousands of Turks also died in what was internal fighting during the last years of the Ottoman Empire.

Last month the French Senate (upper house) said it would not discuss a controversial bill in which France was set to acknowledge that the 1915 massacre was indeed genocide.

The bill, passed by the lower house, the National Assembly, in 1998, remained shelved because of sharp Turkish reaction.

The Senate's agenda committee ruled that the House was not authorized to debate a motion passing judgment on a period of history.

Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit had warned that adoption of the bill, which states that "France publicly acknowledges the Armenian genocide of 1915," would damage Turko-French relations. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse

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Protestant Praises Pope Pius XII

Britain's wartime Ambassador to the Vatican, Francis Osborne:

"So far from being a cool (which, I suppose, implies cold-blooded and inhumane) diplomatist, Pius XII was the most warmly humane, kind,
generous, sympathetic (and incidentally saintly) character that it has been my privilege to meet in the course of a long life."

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By Igor ( - on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 - 08:56 pm:

>French Envoy Angers Armenians With Interview
>On 1915 Massacre

>YEREVAN, Mar 21, 2000 -- (Agence France
>Presse) Armenian nationalists called Tuesday
>for the expulsion of the French ambassador
>after he gave an interview saying modern
>Turkey should not be pilloried for a massacre of
>Armenians in 1915.

Todays Turks share in the blood-guilt of their ancestors because they assist their ancestors crimes by continuing the denial and cover-up. Furthermore, they profit from their ancestors crimes by receiving stolen property - the land, the houses, the gold, the artifacts plundered from the ancient Armenian churches, etc.

>Four nationalist groups called on Armenia's
>foreign ministry "to declare the French
>ambassador Michel Legras persona non grata
>immediately, and to recall the Armenian
>ambassador to Paris."

France's ambassador also shares in the blood-guilt of the Turks. He should be put on trial and executed.

>In a statement in the Yerevan press, the
>nationalists also demanded that France officially
>apologize over the matter.

If France does not comply, then France is also guilty for aiding and abetting the crime of Genocide.

>The nationalists were angered by an interview
>Legras gave to the Armenian newspaper Azg
>on March 11 in which he referred to the Turkish
>massacre of Armenians in 1915, a theme of
>lasting bitterness in Armenia.

So France is now the public relations firm for the Turks.

>The envoy was quoted in Armenian as saying:
>"Responsibility for past crimes should not be
>laid at the door of contemporary Turkey, or of
>those who were not yet born at the time these
>crimes were committed."

Is Legras and France offering to take the punishment for the Turks instead! If not, then they should shut their damned mouths.

>In Yerevan, the Armenian foreign ministry
>rejected the call for the French ambassador's >expulsion, saying the four nationalist groups did
>not represent Armenian public opinion.

The goups referred to as the "four nationalist groups" are not mentioned by name, but likely candidates include the ARF Dashnaktsootyoon (Revolutionary Federalists), Paruir Hayrikyan's AIM, the Ramgavars (democrats), and the Hunchaks (socialist democrats). The Armenian foreign ministry would be correct in saying that the four nationalist groups do not represent Armenian public opinion, for the basic reason that none of those groups in themselves represents a simple majority. Collectively, however, they may represent at least a simple, if not overwhelming, majority.

Regardless, the particular view in this matter advanced by the 4 unnamed nationalist groups is a sound view and the Armenian regime could only fail to have the same view if it were in fact opposed to the will of the people and committing treason against the country. The position of the Armenian foreign ministry is reminiscent of Ashot Bleyan's and Levon Ter-Petrosian's sellout to the Turks.

>A foreign ministry spokesman said the
>authorities here had "discussed the matter with
>the French ambassador and were satisfied with
>the explanation he had given them."

If it sound's like a sellout, smells like a sellout....

>The French embassy declined comment.

Like they haven't spouted off enough already.

>Armenia maintains that up to 1.3 million of its
>people were massacred in 1915, while Turkey
>says the figure was around 300,000.

This is not true. Armenia maintains that at least 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks in 1915-16, and possibly as much as 2 million.

>Turkey also rejects claims of genocide and says
>thousands of Turks also died in what was
>internal fighting during the last years of the
>Ottoman Empire.

What the Turks say is not important.

>Last month the French Senate (upper house)
>said it would not discuss a controversial bill in
>which France was set to acknowledge that the
>1915 massacre was indeed genocide.

So the French are the Turks' stooges, eh?

>The bill, passed by the lower house, the
>National Assembly, in 1998, remained shelved
>because of sharp Turkish reaction.

Gutless coward French.

>The Senate's agenda committee ruled that the
>House was not authorized to debate a motion
>passing judgment on a period of history.

Oh! But let anyone call the alleged Jewish Holocaust a hoax and there will be hell to pay! How many countries even have a "Jewish Holocaust" Memorial Week?!!!

>Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit had
>warned that adoption of the bill, which states
>that "France publicly acknowledges the
>Armenian genocide of 1915," would damage
>Turko-French relations. ((c) 2000 Agence
>France Presse

Just what kind of relations is Turkish Gang Chief Effluent ItchyFeet having in Paris anyway?

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After all the Anti-Russian propaganda in the Western press regarding corruption in Russia, the truth finally blows up in the faces of the U.S. and Western European regimes. Today on ITN World News Dhaljit Dhaliwal reported the scandal in the Los Angeles Police Department Rampart Division.

Now the whole world knows that the police forces in the U.S. as elsewhere in the West are Nazi goons who routinely engage in drug trafficking, rape and murder. "To Protect and to Serve." But who are they serving? The Satan-worshipping Illuminati/Masonic regime. Whoever pays their wages is the one they serve.

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With the exception of Jews like my brother Kim and sister kissie -YOU ARE ALL BEASTS

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

But even amongst beasts, the dirtiest animals are Russians. Especially the filthy Russians now emigrating to the Pure and sacred land of Israel. These dirty pig eating Russians have bought nothing but filth, squalor and crime to Israel.The Red Sea at Eilat is NOW full of dirty Russian prostitutes, selling themselves. Israel is holy land NOT Bangkok! Why are Russian girls bought up to be prostitutes?

Observant Jews are not permitted to cook on the Sabbath, so we eat cholent, a heavy stew cooked on Friday night. But the filthy Russian animals are not only EATING ON THE SABBATH, but they are eating pig flesh!

Shabbat is celebrated from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday, and no work may be done on this day. But do the filthy Russians in Israel care? No it is business as usual for them! and for Russians, business means crime and prostitution.

We have warned the filthy Palestinians, now we are warning the filthier Russians. You will reform your dirty animal ways or ELSE. The mighty state of Israel donates much money to hungry Russians. We will NOT let you come to Israel and we will no longer feed your starving nation. Understood.

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To Antonio

Your filthy Pope has not apologized for crimes against Jews and the holocaust. His half hearted attempt is not acceptable.

Jews will NEVER forget, how silent the dirty Catholic church stood as innocent Jews were massacred.

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You are a very sick piece of shite Bernstein.You should be ---- and pissed on you lowest of lows.

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In Russland waren seit jeher die Nächte kalt, die Menschen roh, die Suppentöpfe voller Wasser und die Wassergläser voller Wodka. Seit Menschengedenken litt das russische Volk unter bösen Zaren, menschenverachtenden Kommunisten, verschimmeltem Brot und gepanschtem Alkohol. Menschen wurden wie Hunde behandelt, Hunde wie Schweine und Schweine wie Würste.

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"The judicial system sucks then."

First the media now the legal system,
no wonder LM are so popular.
At least we have one! (sheaism?)

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Oh look what just crawled in!!

Antonio... meet Jake Berstein our resident Zionist fanatic.

Jake... meet Antonio a one man crusade against the Turks , the Jews, the protestants and anyone else who doesn't agree with him.

You two should have a lot to talk about!!


PS Jake that's MS Arx.

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The greetings of the 0512 for you!
new job assignment; gotta leave somewhere near 0530. thanx much for your note. glad you liked that link....hoped you would
oh GAWD, bernstein is back.
and still an IDIOT, i might add.
morning, kim!

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HI YA KIMMY BABES; and Dimi & Lemexe & Igor& Kissie, etc:

Got back from Thailand yesterday. "Conference". LOOOOOOng, tirerrrrring trip. Although everything was upscale and first class travel, it was just too hectic all business with little time to enjoy sights or just plain relax.

At any rate, I trust you and yours are well. Notice some good postings on this board. Also, noted some of the brain dead have risen up to post their moronic logic.

Hope to have the next edition of the CAMEL NUTS GAZZETTE out soon. Anyone of you guys have any items you wish the editors to expand on or look into? LET ME KNOW

Must leave for a few. Look forward to hearing from you.


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Hungry russian soldier gets desparate, and kills himself

Âî Âëàäèìèðñêîé îáëàñòè â îäíîé èç âîèíñêèõ ÷àñòåé çàñòðåëèëñÿ âîåííîñëóæàùèé. Ñîëäàò îõðàíÿë ïðîäîâîëüñòâåííûé ñêëàä
Ñðåäà, 22 ìàðòà 2000 ãîäà, 15:05

 5 óòðà åãî õâàòèëèñü. Ñîëäàò çàêðûëñÿ èçíóòðè, è êîãäà ïîìåùåíèå ïîïûòàëèñü îòêðûòü, òàì ðàçäàëèñü àâòîìàòíûå î÷åðåäè. Íà ìåñòî ïðîèñøåñòâèÿ ïðèåõàëè ñîòðóäíèêè ÔÑÁ, âîåííîå êîìàíäîâàíèå ÷àñòè, ïñèõîëîã. Ïîçæå ïðèâåçëè è ìàòü ñîëäàòà. Îäíàêî ïåðåãîâîðû íè ê ÷åìó íå ïðèâåëè - îí ïîêîí÷èë ñ ñîáîé. Íàïîñëåäîê, êñòàòè, âñêðûë íåñêîëüêî áàíêîâ òóøåíêè è ñãóùåííîãî ìîëîêà. Ó ñëåäñòâèÿ ïîêà íåò íèêàêèõ âåðñèé ñëó÷èâøåãîñÿ.

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Cut&paste, sorry AllAm.,

Íàïîñëåäîê, êñòàòè, âñêðûë íåñêîëüêî áàíêîâ
òóøåíêè è ñãóùåííîãî ìîëîêà

translation: I ordered Pizza with pepperami, chillis and extra cheese, all I get is f@cking
Shish Kebab.

(Sick I know, but in pain text!)


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