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Archive through March 23, 2000

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By Jake B. ( - on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 - 04:18 pm:

>By Gonzo ( - on Wednesday,
>>March 22, 2000 - 03:45 pm:
>>Dimitri, you know some people just don't get it
>>Israel has nothing to do with the Chechnya
>>conflict. this John B guys posts are simply the
>>silly, I hope he is just trying to stir things up and
>>doesn't really believe the stuff he posts.

>Another pea brained goy speaks!

>Israel has nothing to do with Chechnya?!!

>Israel provides MONEY, MEDICAL AID, FOOD >etc etc for Russians. Israel has an interest to >see how the money is spent.

It was the Jews Mr. Boorstein, who ruling the Soviet Union, have plundered Russia. And now the Jews are helping the Turks and the Azeris, and through them the Chechen terrorists.

>You Russians do what you want with your
>OWN money, do not squander money from
>Israel on your fruitless efforts. Russians would
>be the starving beasts of the world, if it were not
>for Israel and others helping them.

And Israel would get its fanny kicked by the Arabs were it not for all the billions of dollars annually it takes from the American taxpayer.

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By drake ( - on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 - 06:00 pm:

>Anyway, guys and girls did anyone watch tv last
>night or night before? On NBC (i think) they
>have shown "russian revolution". It covers
>current events (i think tonight would be next
>session) in russia. The show is called
>"Nightline" (?)
>Very interesting coverage of chechnya and
>today events in russa.

>So did anyone watched it???


Lately the U.S. media seems to be whipping up intolerant prejudicial anti-Russian hysteria and bigotry. When Americans refuse to look in the mirror and clean up their own house they start scapegoating the Russians and the Serbs and the Iraqis and the Iranians etc.

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up yours, jewish fascist shitehead.
is that "dispectful" enough for you?

gonna come kill me now?

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i never called anyone a 'jewish' anything before.
but, lololol, i wasnt expecting a death sentence.

and the fool thought 'bacon' was _bacon_.

the 'jewish' part wasnt the issue.
the FASCIST SHITEHEAD part is the issue.
and that's you all over, berstein.

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Russia Keeps Up Pressure On Latvia Over Veteran

MOSCOW, Mar 22, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia kept up its war of words with Latvia on Tuesday, saying it was urging international bodies to pressure the small Baltic state over its conviction of an elderly World War Two partisan.

Latvia sentenced 77-year-old Vasili Kononov to six years in jail for killing nine civilians in 1944, outraging the Russian authorities and Russian veterans' organizations.

Russia's Itar-Tass news agency quoted Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov as saying Moscow had approached the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international groups over the case.

"Such work should be carried on constantly. International influence on Latvia is beginning to have an effect and there has already been a reaction to this (from Latvia)," he said after a meeting with World War Two veterans.

But he was cautious on introducing economic sanctions against Latvia, which have been urged by some Russian politicians.

"We consider that for the time being it is necessary to use political methods," he said.

Russia has accused Latvia of punishing fighters against Nazi Germany while allowing Latvian veterans of the Waffen SS to hold parades. Latvia says it has the right to punish anyone who committed war crimes, no matter which side they fought on.

Russia has fiercely criticized Latvia many times since the collapse of the Soviet Union, alleging that it discriminates against its large Russian-speaking population. Latvia rejects the charge

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Hairy, Hairy, Hairy,

LOL. You have entirely too much time on your hands? Do you dream about me... think what I do in my spare time? Do you really want to know? I take little girls like you and play with their minds.

Safely back!!! in a Trojan HIV SYPHILIS TYPE OF WAY. LMAO

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 GREAT STUFF--Looks like Russia's economy will be booming

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Listen just because you are Jewish does not give you the right to be pissed off all the time.

The Holocaust is over. Let me say it again " THE HOLOCAUST IS OVER" Hitler is DEAD. There are no more Nazi's who want to put your bodies in furnaces and press the switch. There are no more Nazi's who want to shave your hair and pull out your teeth. There are no more NAZI doctors like Dr. Clauberg's work in gynecology whose main objective in Auschwitz was to develop a serum by which women could be sterilized by injection. Nor are there any Doctors like Mengeles who preferred Jewish twines for experiments.

There are also no "Krema" were the doctors developed a series of mechanical stretchers that automatically moved the bodies from the gas chamber in the Krema, without need for human contact.

There are no more Mustard Gas experiments, or Sulfanilamide experiments, or Phosphorous
Experiments on JEWS. It's all over now. OVER.

So drop your hatred for all NON-JEWS. Your hatred is sickening and there is no place for it in the 21 Century. Your kind is what breeds anti-Semitism - a s s hole. If you want to be angry go bang your head against that wall but don’t bring it here. And don’t think for a minute that anyone or anybody will stand by and let your kind continue the longest guilt trip in History of the Human race.

Don't answer this message because everything you spew out of your mouth is filled with an undercurrent of hatred I don't want to hear… like I said if you don't like it go BANG your head against that wall till it bleeds - and hopefully into a long Coma.

You make me wanna vomit all over your face! LOL

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Chain-smoking yellow fingers Dimitri is continually taken behind the intellectual woodshed and given beatings. LMAO!!

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Things to Ponder;

Why does Lmenexe have a porno style mustache?


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Abu American Gulf Desert Intestinal Gas-powered Tomcamel Force "pilot" heavy loaded with laser-guided shish kebab seeking Phoenix BS missiles is raising dust clouds again. Heh-heh!

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So drop your hatred for all NON-JEWS. Your hatred is sickening and there is no place for it in the 21Century. Your kind is what breeds anti-Semitism - a s s hole. If you want to be angry go bang your headagainst that wall but don?t bring it here. And don?t think for a minute that anyone or anybody will stand byand let your kind continue the longest guilt trip in History of the Human race.

huh! ALLAM. I think you're a mite confused..
Surely you should be directing your comments
at Berstein???
Or is Kissie an easier target?

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Hi! Kim.
No reason to take that jakeBS seriously, but, I admit, he does some damage this way. That so-called Berstein is, in fact, Adam R. - an earlier board "haunter" with quite opposite views, who claimed to be a bona fide Moslem. No religious fanatic, he claims to be as Berstein, would misspell from post to post the names of the books, he claimes to have taken those quotes from.

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Not little Adam R.,
johnny guy-apple pie.
I visualised him as having Red hair and
freckles. With a brother called Jim-Bob.
He seemed so vacuously naiv...
Oh well, you never can tell.

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kisako was/is an easier target the same way ms. mary was an easy target...
the FAKE has no cojones.
yeah, fantasize about me w/a mustache all you wish, homopsycho, but only in your fantasies.
and your 3:09 post is pure rubbish. not only is kisako not "pissed off all the time" [well, perhaps at you, FAKE], she's _never_ mentioned the holocaust. nor has she ever said she hated non-jews.{well, perhaps just you, FAKE}

but being truthful or factual isnt your concern, now is it, FAKE? and hey, you sure enjoyed writing about mengele and his pals, huh?

what a CREEP.

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