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Archive through March 23, 2000

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Thanks for your reply, I would ask that you re-read that joke. You will clearly see that it does not serve for you to be the brunt of the joke but rather it serves for you to have one up on Jake B. You are slapping him in the face by visiting with his wife while he's at work and he dosen't even have a clue.

I had sensed that you were tiring, like the rest of us, with Jake B's offkey and, what he considered to be insulting posting. So turned things around on him a bit.

Caution to him...if he wants to continue his antics...well he's barking up the wrong tree here.

Your appology gratefully accepted. Shake on that.


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How are you today? Hope things are well?

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Like one you said before it's all in the name of fun. But some like Jake B. I think are serious, the B. stands for bitch. I'd like to make him choke on some pigs feet, followed by pork rhinds, washed down with Holly Water. Sorry about the comments, sometimes I like to over do it...

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Jake that appology wasn't directed at you, the rest was...

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By betterthanyou ( - on Thursday, March 23, 2000 - 04:07 pm:
Come on Igor Russia can't even wipe out poorly armed rebels. Besides who do you think is funding their campain in Chechnya?

Who is funding the war?Any links or is this your humble opinion?

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Come on Igor Russia can't even wipe out poorly armed rebels. Besides who do you think is funding their campain in Chechnya?
* It's not a question of Chechen gangs wiped or not wiped.
But, really, who do You think is funding the campaign?

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Where do you think US aid to Russia goes? Do you see it helping the average citizen of Russia. It's certainly not doing anything for the economy!

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Kissie I do not know who is funding war.Was the last post to me or to Betterthanyou?

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Hi mask,

How's your donkey?

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"no, one less 'ladylike' should come a'runnin".

Eh, thanks, I think.....


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Never heard of it, Kim.

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Where do you think US aid to Russia goes? Do you see it helping the average citizen of Russia. It's certainly not doing anything for the economy!

* What aid first? And in what sums? Darling, the whole "aid" won't be enough to cover the war expences.

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it was to the Better.

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everything's peachy..too much work, so I am not being involved too much nowadays..but trying..he.

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...apparently you talk through it.
Whilst grabbing yourself on a large open castle,
Whilst your company runs with itself.......
So our hard of hearing Russian Friend.
Mary, more please, we're wetting ourselves here.

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