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Archive through March 24, 2000

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So when are the Jews going to apologize for murdering Jesus Christ?

When are the Jews going to apologize for opening the gates of Spain to the Mohammedan Moors, Berbers and Saracens?

When are the Jews going to apologize for directing and financing the Turkish massacres of the Armenians in 1915-16?

When are the Jews going to apologize for spreading homosexual perversion all over the world?

When are the Jews going to apologize for all their acts of anti-Catholic persecution?

When are the Jews going to apologize for their curses in their Synagogues against Jesus Christ?

When are the Jews going to apologize for the Talmud, which permits child molestation?

When are the Jews going to apologize for their support for Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin?

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When will the Jews apologize for their silence and inaction when the forces of Hafez al Assad invaded East Beirut and decimated the Christian government of Maj. Gen. Michel Aoun?

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When will the Jews apologize for inventing the hoax of their "Holocaust"?

When will the Jews apologize for ignoring the 6 million Roman Catholics murdered by Hitler?

When will the Jews apogize for denying the Armenian Holocaust and for supporting the Turkish Nazis?

When will the Jews apologize for supporting Azerbaijani aggression against the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh?

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Ben is a practicing Jew. His family was saved by Pius XII and the wonderful priests who ran an underground railroad in Northern Italy in 1945. Ben quotes such people as Einstein, Meihr and
the Rabbi of Rome, who converted to Catholicism and took the name Eugenio,
in defense of the pre-concilliar Church. Pius XII's name was Eugenio Pacelli.

Ben himself is considering converting to traditional Roman Catholicism, but he is troubled by what is going on in the papacy. Loyalty is a very big issue with Ben. One other point that Ben made was that though his silence, Pius XII was able to run the underground railroad operation right under Hitler's nose.

"This new pope [John Paul II]," says Ben, "plays to the Liberal grandstand. He engages his mouth before his brain is in gear."

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Leading Russian Liberal Says Putin Is No Democrat

MOSCOW, Mar 23, 2000 -- (Reuters) Grigory Yavlinsky, the leading liberal candidate in Russia's upcoming presidential election, said on Wednesday that front-runner Acting President Vladimir Putin was a "secret Communist" and a danger to democracy.

Yavlinsky, leader of the liberal Yabloko party, lags way behind Putin in a new opinion poll, which indicated a possible first-round victory in Sunday's election for the former KGB spy. Yavlinsky was predicted to get around 5 percent of the vote.

"Yes, I think Putin is dangerous for Russia's democracy. That's why I'm a candidate," Yavlinsky told a news conference, adding he welcomed the decision of outsider Yevgeny Savostyanov to drop out of the race in his favor.

Yavlinsky said Savostyanov's decision, announced on Tuesday, was the first significant step towards building a "broad social democratic right-wing coalition" which could act as Russia's democratic voice.

He said Putin was indistinguishable from the number two in the race for president, Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, who polls indicate could win about 25 percent of the vote.

"There's no difference between Zyuganov and Putin. Zyuganov simply likes a red flag and Putin doesn't care about that," Yavlinsky said.

Yavlinsky pointed at Putin's past as a KGB spy and his prosecution of the bloody war in Chechnya to support his point of view. But Putin has shrugged off similar criticism and has pledged to uphold democracy if elected.

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According to Armenian tradition, it is St. Gregory the "Illuminator" who is credited with establishing the Armenian Christian Church. There are 2 Armenian Churches: the Apostolic Church to which 90% of the Armenian people belong and the Catholic Church, to which about 5% of all Armenians belong, and which is in union with Rome. The Armenian Apostolic Church still remains separate.

Relations between these Churches are uneasy. The much larger Apostolic Church (about 6 million members) is headed by its Catholicos in the ancient monastery-city of Echmiadzin in Armenia. Armenian Catholics (about 500,000) were forced to move outside Armenia and headquartered in Lebanon (about 150,000 live there), religious center is Bzommar, Armenian Catholic Monastery.

It was the Apostolic Catholicos Karekin I, however, who invited the Pope to visit Armenia. Armenian Catholics complain for being excluded from the preparations.

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ThreeLeg Ibn Muhammed

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Bwahahaha, I always wondered what had happened to Shamil Basaev's foot!

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you're an effing pain.

"Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin?"

Who is the odd one out here?
Any guesses.

Try Birthdates, nationality, occupation??????????
No, still no idea!!
Try reading your history books.


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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 128

Dear Help,

thanks for the Latvia.

You wouldn't happen to have any sources to
hand would you? I have searched, but can't find any.
I would be much obliged.

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Posts: 128

"ZENIT: And what about the signing of the Concordant with the Third Reich?

FR. BLET: What else could have been done to protect the Church in Germany? Refusing to sign the Concordant with the
Nazis would have meant abandoning Catholics into the hands of the new (political) power and there would have been no possible line of defense."

I don't believe the Jews, the Marxists,the Romanies , the physically and mentally handicapped, the Slav or Russian populations, the non-jews with jewish great-grandparents, etc, were
given that option, Antonio. Pius must have been a great negotiator.(appeassor?)


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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

yo berstein, fascist that you are...
if you had any 'guts'
you'd tangle with antonio;
zionist fanatic
vs. rabid catholic....

but you geniuses fail to realize:
peel the top layer
from you two (and mr. bacon)
and you're all EXACTLY THE SAME

impotent p*ssers into the wind
accomplishing NOTHING.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

ps> tony boy,
it wasnt the jews who crucified christ.
twas the romans.
crucifixion was standard means of execution for
those sentenced to death, and "joshua ben joseph"
was _yet another_ individual alleged to be "the

all this 'magical' stuff attributed to JC came
later, when the new testament was written.

godDAMN this stuff is BORING -_-

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Posts: 272

Hiya Mary-Sweety,

"Limo can pick us up at the airport in Munchen. I usually stop in Erding at the original Erding Brewery,
which has been converted into a gasthaus, for a delightful meal in a most colorful and unique
Bavarian setting.


Can't wait, M'am

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