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Archive through March 25, 2000

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Kim, there is not much on the web about it. Both countries, Russia and Latvia, apparently do not want to escalate this matter and others seem not interested. You may want to check the following links, the last one - Russian position on this matter.

Kononov's case is unique. Unlike Novics and Savenko he is not a KGB officer, he was not responsible for deportations and people disappearance. Instead of life in prison he's got a 6 years and I believe he will be quietly released within a year. Kononov accepts that those who died were civilians, but maintains that he did not ordered an execution in revenge. Kononov claimed that they died in the crossfire.

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so now that you've received a sound HAMMERING, you come peeping back w/"it was not my intention to upset anyone". boy, what a piece of work you are.
"why are you insistent to speak to other jewish women"?

you are (expletive) SICK, bernstein. SICK and SICK and SICK agin.

okay ladies, next time sew those yellow stars of david higher on your coats, so that i might see them more quickly, and therefore know better than to talk to you. wtf?

yeah yeah you've got a point, though. it's all i can do to keep them both pregnant at the same time.
wears me out, i tell ya.

dont bother replying, berstein. just go away.

that's an ORDER.

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To Help

Your arguments are weak and inconsequential. But to clear matters, undertand that there are several branches of Jewry such as the Orthodox, Reform, Liberal, Conservative, Sephardim, Ashkanazim, Zionist, etc., but they all use The Talmud in their synagogues, just as all different branches of Christians use the same Bible. The Talmud is made up of 63 books in 524 chapters and is often printed in 18 large volumes. It was written by Rabbis between the years 200AD and 500AD. It basically contains all the Jewish laws in their relationships between each other, and also in relationship of the Jews towards the Gentiles.

The nazis were the most sickening dispicable goy ever on earth and for you to associate the Talmud with them is low, even by goy standards.
Again, I am NOT the one saying we are the chosen people, this is how it is written.

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Sure, an ultra "Jew" Abd who lives in Bradley, CA, speaks like a character in the Nazi propaganda movies, insists that anti-semitic fake "Law (or Code) of Jews" is compiled from Talmud and borrows statements from the Radio Islam.

Well, that's apparently is not enough. This ultra-Jew not only uses a computer, but does it on Sabbaths. Wow.

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A lecture by Professor Taner Akcam, a scholar born in Turkey, but now living in Germany, was delivered in the Alex and Marie Manoogian
School on the grounds of St. John's Armenian Church's Veteran's Hall in Southfield, Michigan in front of a standing room only crowd of
interested people of all ages on March 10, 2000.

This lecture was a finale of his two month stay doing research at the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan Dearborn, at the invitation of well known history Professor, Armenian commentator, and head of the Center, Dr. Dennis R. Papazian.

Professor Akcam had been invited by Dr. Papazian as a Scholar in Residence to study at the Armenian Research Center. Akcam accepted in part to study and perfect his use of the English language, and also to further research events of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-16 and earlier, making use of the vast and sometimes rare resources of the Center and its over $1,000,000 worth of books, articles,
magazines, archives, tapes, and computer equipment. As part of this stay, Professor Akcam was involved in a two part series of events to
highlight his work, that was ably coordinated and hosted by Dr. Papazian.

Professor Akcam, has recently gained attention by his scholarly work on the Armenian Genocide in the Turkish language, in which he supports the truths of factual events that have been researched by Genocide historians like Dr. Vahakn Dadrian and others. His courage
has so impressed intellectuals and artists, that the connection and contact between Professor Akcam and Dr. Dadrian has been made by
Dutch film producer and director Dorothee Forma into a compelling video named "Wall of Silence."

In the first event of Professor Akcam's public program presented by the Center, the film "Wall of Silence" was shown to another highly
interested, standing room only audience at the Alex and Marie Manoogian School Hall. That event which was moderated ably by community leader Edgar Hagopian, featured the showing of the film, and a brief introduction speech by Professor Akcam.

There followed speeches defining the debate of Genocide denial and acceptance, and its world political significance, by community leaders and experts Dr. Dennis R. Papazian, head of the Armenian Research Center, Mitch Kehetian editorial page editor of the MaComb Daily newspaper, and Edmond Azadian, ADL. These informative speeches were followed by a very lively question and answer session in which
the attendees participated enthusiastically.

Given the success and interest caused by the event and showing of the film, Professor Akcam's lecture, entitled "The Genocide of the
Armenians and Turkish Denial", was anxiously awaited and very well attended by the greater Detroit Armenian community. This lecture was
hosted Dr. Dennis Papazian, who gave a very insightful opening statement on the life of Professor Akcam, the story behind his invitation to come and do research at the Center, and the problems and significance of the courageous historical stance taken by Professor Akcam.

It was to a tremendous ovation that Professor Tanner Akcam took the speakers stand, and the crowd then quietly awaited what they felt could be something historic. The lecture did not disappoint. The crowd heard of the strongly researched hypothesis of reasons for the
decision to commit genocide by the Ottoman government, and the even more complex, pain induced reasons for the denial of the present day
Turkish government. Professor Akcam lectured on the "myths" of the heroic founding of the present Kemalist state which are presented by
the government both to the world and its subjects. He also spoke on the unique, terrible, trauma caused by any acceptance of the true
facts of the part the genocide of the Armenians truly played in Turkish history. He explained that the acceptance of the Genocide of Turks is in part feared for the trauma it will cause, and for the exploding of the heroic myth of Turkish nationalism.

Akcam believes denial will further haunt the consciousness of the state and only through acceptance of the truth, will Turkey emerge as
a country with a democratic future able to stand with other great nations. He explained that he spoke as a Turkish patriot, a historian, and a man dedicated to truth. He apologized for the past, expressed recognition of the pain of survivors, and hope for increased dialogue between Turks and Armenians for the future.

Following the lecture, there was a half hour or so question and answer period with Professor Akcam, and the results were no less interesting. The assembly was eager to ask questions and Professor Akcam's answers opened a new door for the future solution of this question which has become so newsworthy in the last few years.

"Knowing the reality of Turkey I look for small steps of progress," he explained. "This lecture and my work is a small step which I hope
we can build on."

He explained that Armenians and Turks need to take advantage of two important facts; that contact with the West has educated European
Turks to think for themselves, and the youth in Turkey desires change and truth. He explained that Turkish youth have no knowledge one way
or another about the Genocide.

"The young people in Turkey don't care about the Genocide," he said. "Because they don't know about it. They are looking for truth
and change. Increased dialogue is a opportunity to educate them."

Professor Akcam thanked Dr. Papazian for inviting him to come to the Armenian Research Center to study and praised its collection of
materials, mentioning that it greatly exceeded his expectations.

Professor Papazian's colorful and informative introduction included the facts that Professor Akcam has spent time in a Turkish prison as a political prisoner, escaped by digging a tunnel, started and continued his higher education in Germany at Hanover University, where in preparing a doctoral thesis in Sociology about Turkish nationalism, he came across the books of Dr. Dadrian about the Genocide. He then became obsessed with the truth about it, and the
part it played in the founding of the new Turkish state and the part denial plays in it's oppressive closed minded present.

Professor Akcam, following his highly successful lecture series in Detroit, will attend the Workshop of Turkish Historians in Chicago, and from there will conclude his North American research trip with visits to Montreal, Boston, and New York.

* * *

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Antonio, you can just post a link

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To Antonio

Catholic goy, Genocide is the destruction of 6 million Jews. Understand that.

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To Antonio

Understand that there are strong military and economic ties between Turkey and the great state of Israel. I don't see what business it is of yours about how Turkey conducts its affairs.

Who cares about armenians anyway. They don't have much of a reputation in the world, outside Armenia.

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Hey, you from Bradley, tape a bomb to your ass, go outside and, with Whoever Akbar, just blow yourself. Leave a message blaming Russians and Armenians for this.

It's better than eventually become a moving target at Camp Roberts.

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LMAO - asks what beatings? The vagabond still doesn't know what beating! LOL.

The Beatings you dumbass, the beatings behind the woodshed, the Intellectual beatings behind the woodshed. Now do you remember? LMAO.

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Igor?????? meant Dimitri. LMAO.

Igor what about the carpets?

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Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable with the notion of India and Pakistan having nuclear weapons? Obviously not, because President Clinton is visiting the subcontinent to address the same feelings.

India and Pakistan - Pakistan and India ?!?! how in the world did these two countries get the BOMB? Don't you realize that it's now only a matter of time. That's all it is. These two people hold grudges like anything, they despise each other. In the meantime they have the perfect excuse in Kashmir to flex their muscle. It's actually entirely the British fault for creating a geographical wasteland into a region, which was supposed to keep both nations busy with each other. The damn Limies did not figure that both of these nations would somehow in the future get nuclear capability and threaten life, as we know it. Now we, with American tax payers money I may add, are left to clean the mess left behind by the damn limies while they drink their afternoon Tea.

Why don't you all thank the US for its attempt at diffusing the situation. Why don't all thank the US for what it has done for the human race. why don't you thank the US for winning the Second WW. Why don't you thank the US for kicking the Russians out of Cuba in '69. Why don't you thank the US for stopping the genocide in Yugoslavia. Why don't you thank the US for destroying The Butcher of BAGHDAD. Why don't you thank the US for averting wars in the Far East. Why don't you thank the US for crippling Communism and the darkness it brought with it? Why don't you thank the US for the Internet. Just thank us.

Yeah all you hypocrites... you live and enjoy the freedom that we provide only to question the manner it has been provided to you. You drink your cappuccinos and shun the US while your actual existence depends on us. You bite the hand that feeds only to whimper at our every wish.

Let you wait until a Psycho in a Sari pushes the button, then we will see who you all come a run'n to !

Adios Chumps.

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Bernstein are you are you a little worried now that everyone knows who and where you are.I noticed you toned down your rhetoric.Remember to sleep with one eye open.Lots of Russians and Armenians in your neighbourhood.

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That is an "interesting" posting. Are you just trying to provoke bunch of people out there?
Anyway, what does USA has to do with this site topic? stop provoking people.

jake b:
i cannot and do not want to change your opinion, but please stop your mumbling about jews. This has nothing to do with russia and chechnya. you give all jews a bad name, stop being such a pots.


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gozno and everyone else:
Did you watch "Nightline" yester.? They interviewed Putin and bunch of people.
Any comments on it?


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